The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 21, 1929, Image 4

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At Your Service
The Hantortum uve wotks oi wai-
la Walla will send a wagon over to
Athena and Weston twice every week,
Tuesdays and Fridays. Send your
work to a . :
Master Cleaner and Dyer
All work guaranteed
Phone orders to Athena Hotel
Post Building, Athena, Phone 682 '
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
V ' : . : .
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
-fail pounds
Press Paragraphs
J. F. Huffman is driving a new
Star "Six" sedan.' '
French Criglar was in town Sat
urday from Freewate'r.
Miss Hilda Larson of Weston, was
shopping in Athena, Wednesday.
Clarence Barney is making repairs
to Henry Barrett's combine harves
ter.' '-
On account of inclement weather,
the Helix community picnic has been
postponed. . .,
The summer home colony at Bing
ham Springs is taking up its resi
dence there.
" Born June 14,1929, to Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Piersol of . Meacham,
a daughter. '
Miss Myrtle DeFreece was in Ath
ena Tuesday evening from Walla
Walla, visiting relatives.
Virginia Eager was operated on
this morning by Dr. Gowan of Wal
la Walla for removal of tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey have
returned to Athena after spending
several months at-Lewiston, Idaho.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow was a luncheon
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hartmen in Pendleton, Wed
nesday. Mrs. Laurence Mclntyre and little
sons have gone to Wilbur, Washing
ton, for a visit with Mrs. Mclntyre's
Mr. and Mrs. Truelove, who came
to Athena to attend the funeral of
Brooks Anderson, have returned to
their home.
Esther Berlin and Betty Eager re
turned home Sunday from a visit to
relatives and , friends at Dayton,
J. E. Jones, rural mail carrier, is
taking a vacation and during his ab
sence Ray Jones is carrying the mail
out of Athena.
Mrs. Joseph DeFreece came down
from Wilbur, Washington, and visit
ed her son, Frank DeFreece at his
home in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mc
Donald at their summer home at
Bingham Springs.
Mechanics have been assembling
and tuning up a couple of new In
ternational Harvesters for Rogers &
Goodman this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Willaby and
two daughters came over from Free-
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your lace
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and me.'
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
; Phone 583.
Sk r 1
Small Sweet Pickles, Gallon $1.90
Sweet Mixed Pickles, Gallon :...........;. 1.80
Yolo Brand Sweet Pickles, Gallon......... 1.25
Wilsons Sweet Gherkins, Small Jar 35c
Sandwich Pickles
Jar 25c
The Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Alice Eager, Prop.
Saturday and Sunday
Janet Gay nor
Charles Farrell
, "The Street Angel" for Two Nights
Why do they call her the Street
Angel? Come and SEE !
News, Comedy and Sports Reel Admission 10-25-35c
(Aviator Style)
25c $1.00
Good looks are matched
by long life hi these ex
clusive Swim-Kaps which
are designed to flatter
the face and shaped to
keep the hair absolutely
dry. Sold only at your '
Rexall Store.
riMcFadden's Pharmacy!
water Sunday, and spent the day with
Mrs. Minnie Willaby.
Wanted Man with good 2-ton
truck wants grain hauling job. Ad
dress, Herbert R. Hawley, Bay City,
Oregon. ' .- '
Mrs. Edith Lumsden has returned
from her eastern trip, and is a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Wood, west of Athena.
Mrs. Ruth Chandler came up from
Portland Wednesday and is visiting
for a few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sims Dickenson.
Newt Hodgen is in Athena this
week from Pendleton, driving one of
the delivery trucks for the Athena
Standard Oil company station.
E. 0. Lee and family motored to
Dayton, Washington, Saturday where
they attended the funeral of Mrs.
Stott, sisterinlaw of Mrs. Lee. ,
Doris Street, Athena school pupil,
has been ill at Pendleton for sev
eral weeks. Recently she was oper
ated on for removal of tonsils.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Rogers ayd
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris spent Sun
day on the Umatilla river. A picnic
dinner was enjoyed by the quartet.
Louis Keen returned Saturday
from Portland where ho attended
Masonic grand lodge as a delegate
from Dolph Lodge, No. 80, A. F. &
A. M.
Ethel Geissel returned to Portland
Tuesday morning, after spending
two weks visiting relatives and
friends in Athena, Milton and Walla
Mrs. Ira Scott, formerly of Helix,
has been seriously ill with scarlet
fever in a hospital at Colfax, Wash.
Children in the Scott family also had
the fever.
A a reward for passing out of
the eighth grade of the Athena pub
lic school, Roy Burke has made his
daughter Dorothy a present of a fine
wrist watch.
Mr. and Mrs. Clason Adams have
arrived from Palo Alto, California,
and will make an extended visit with
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts, parents
of Mrs. Adams.
A calliope wending through Ath
ena streets Wednesday, attracted at
tention of the kids with the result
that in a short time a procession of
youngsters joined the parade.
, R. Alexander, well known Pendle
ton man, who has been ill with a
serious cold, is much better and is
now able to be out. Mr. Alexander
has been confined to his home.
The A. A. Mclntyre family have
moved into their town residence from
the farm northwest of Athena, and
are now pleasantly situated in their
new home on Sosth Third street.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Zerba, west
if Athena next Tuesday afternoon at
which time sewing will be done for
the Children's Home at Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Choate of La
Grande visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Chester McCollbugh one day this
week. Mrs. Choate and Mr. Mc
Collough are brother and sister.
Elmer Merritt has introduced a
novel method in keeping the yard on
his premises mowed. He has a 24
year old mare from the Henry Bar
rett ranch which keeps the grass
nipped off nicely.
Mrs. Bert Ramsay was returned to
her home in AViena Thursday eve
ning of last week, and is rapidly re
covering health after undergoing a
surgical operation by the Drs. Cow
an, at Walla Walla.
Employes of the Eickhoff Farm
Products company who are engaged
in raising the present crop of beans
in the Athena-Weston district enjoy
ed a dance at Weston, last Saturday
night Fletcher's orchestra furnish
ed the niufeic.
Bryce Baker transacted business jn
Pendleton, yesterday. :
James Cresswell is quite ill and is
suffering with plurisy.
Mrs. H. A. Barrett has been con
fined to her home several days by ill
ness. 'r v ' . .
Mrs. Arthur Douglas and daughter
Marjorie were Pendleton visitors
Tuesday. ' '
Ernest F. Koepke is . down from
Seattle looking after his farming in
terests in this county.
Services will be held at the Chris
tian church Sunday morning, Wilber
Torgerson, delivering the sermon. '
Fred Radtke, Jr., has been suffer
ing with an infected wisdom tooth,
and was finally forced to have the
painful offender extracted.
Miss Sadie Pambrun is in Yakima,
visiting her sister, Mrs. Percy Wil
son, and is taking lessons in a beauty
parlor while in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wood motor
ed to Walla Walla Wednesday, where
they were called by the serious ill
ness of Mr. Wood' mother.'
Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor
stars in in "Seventh Heaven," will be
seen tomorrow and Sunday nights at
the Standard Theatre in "Street
Angel." "
Mrs. Turman who has been a house
guest at the home of her son Fred
Kershaw, is visiting in Walla Walla,
and will return to her home in Kel
so, shortly. .
E. A. Dudley and Mrs. Victor Mc
Donald were in Athena Tuesday from
Bingham Springs. Mr. Dudley re
ports rain and more rain in the moun
tains, with little sunshine to dry off
the foliage between showers.
Mrs. C. L. McFadden arrived home
Saturday from her visit in Portland
and Corvallis. Masters Billy and
Raymond McFadden remained at the
Corvallis home of their grandmother,
for an indefinite visit.
Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor
will be seen at the Standard Theatre
tomorrow and Sunday nights in
Frank Borzage's "Street Angel,1" the
silent version of one of Fox' finest
productions of the year.
." Orel Michener has recovered from
his attack of mumps and this week
has been operating the city delivery
truck in the absence of Orel McPher
rin, who has been at Walla Walla,
during his wife's illness.
Zada, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs.
Frank Snider of Weston, was united
in marriage Sunday to Mr. Aldric
Wendler. The wedding ceremony took
place at Walla Walla, where, the
young people .will reside.
Ned Payne and Valve Payne of
Olympia, Wash., and Mrs. J. D. Clark
and daughters Elizabeth and Mary, of
Salem, visited at the Sims Dickenson
home, Saturday. The party were on
a motor trip to Eastern Oregon.
The crew which is rebuilding the
Preston-Shaffer electric light and
power system in Athena, have aboul
completed work in the down town
section, and are now doing construc
tion work in the residence districts.
: Miss Dorothy Berlin, who gradu
ated Monday at Whitman .college,
will teach Latin and French and
coach girls' basketball at Roslyn,
Washington, high school this year.
Miss Berlin graduated with the de
gree 3. S. in Sociology and Educa
tion. ... ' :. ,
Athena friends will regret to learn
that Mrs. Wood has suffered a para
lytic stroke recently at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Alf Johnson, in
Walla Walla. Her condition is re
ported serious, and because of her
advanced age, little hope is held for
her recovery.
i. "v. m firvk. tm ra ii F r
In Ladies Rayon Bloo mers
and in French PantiesS!
I., ..!
igular sizes r $1:19
ge sizes' - 1.29
Assorted Colors of Pink, Orchid, Green, Rose and !
; ' Peach. ; These are heavy Rayon, ex- 1
V I ceptionally well made jj
. Phone Your Order To 152
A t h e n a Be pa rt m e ri t St o re
' Kilgore's Cafe has been redecorated
and presents a very attractive ap
pearance A color scheme of orange
and black and ivory has been used,
Crisp cretonne' hangings in the same
shades are most effective. Mr. and
Mrs. Eilgore are genial hosts and are
prepared to serve large and small
Clair and Monta ' Montgomery
motored to Portland Tuesday night
to meet their grandmoher, Mrs. Em
ma Montgomery who arrived there
from Woodland, California. The trio
made the trip to Athena Wednesday.
Mrs. Montgomery will visit at the
Hiteman home for a time, and will
be accompanied home by Clair and
Lois Montgomery who will visit
friends and relatives in Oakland be
fore returning here. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. William Quinley.and
daughter Geraldine from Oakland,
California visited at the home of
Mrs. Jane Harden., last week and the
fore part of this week. They were
accompanied on their visit by Mrs.
Martha Akien of Fresno, California.
Mrs. Quinley and Mrs. Akien sisters,
are , cousins of Mrs, Harden. Mrs.
Akien, who , is 80 .years old, and Mrs.
Quinley were united with Mrs. Har
den again after 52 years, and a most
enjoyable time was had visiting. The
party motored home Monday. ;" ...
Card of Thanks
We desire to express through the
columns of the Athena Press our
gratitude and thanks to all friends
who have assisted us in our hour of
loss and bereavement in the death of
our beloved son and " brother.
1 8oo conversations at once
through a cable less than 3 inches thick
The earth beneath our great cities is so crowded
with pipes, cables, etc., that any further additions,
create serious engineering problems. Yet the num
ber of telephone calls that must flash underground
is steadily increasing. , . ?
The challenge to the scientific minds of the Bell
System was to find a way for more conversations in
existing conduits. Today, by many improvements, H
cables of 1800 pairs of wires have been perfected.
Eighteen hundred conversations at once 600 more
than before can pulse through them.
There is no standing still in the Bell System. Bet-
ter and better service at the lowest cost is the goal.
The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company
Omt Pdky - On System - Unhtrud Strvkt
J. A. MURRAY, Manager
mm m m IS
' .... A i
Dining Room
Prices Right V
Just Received Come and See Them
Walnut and Mahogany
Upholstered Rockers .
New and Latest in "Window Shades. ;
N. A. MILLER, Furniture and Undertaking
$1,000 Eatcli
ACTUALLY, if you were willing to
pay $1,000 apiece for tires, ybii
couldn't get anything better than Good
year Double Eagles. K
Here s why: Goodyear builds them
without a cost limitation of any kind
puts into them the finest of workman
ship and materials that money can buy.
On top of this fact, Goodyear enjoys
lowest costs through bwMmg MIL
LIONS MORE tires than any other
company, So you get these "$1,00Q
tires" for surprisingly little more than
standard tirp prices. . ? ; 1
? - -
Supertwist Cord Tires
Athena, Oregon