The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 24, 1929, Image 2

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    ' tK"i a kiss
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year JJ'n
One copy, six months 2
One copy, three months "
Athena, Oregon, May 24, 1929
Father Abraham Wise
in Departing From Ur
The diggers, comments the Montreal
Star, have uncovered the city of Ur,
the place Father Abraham left be
cause lie felt the need of expansion.
Ur, It appears, had a luxurious civ
ilization and the women wore hair
nets. The hair nets may have had
something to do with Abraham's mov
ing on to wider fields. To a man with
the pioneer spirit hair nets for wom
en must have looked like tliC last word
In superfluous expenditure, especially
If, os was the custom among the pa
triarchs, he had a number of-wives
all of whom wouTd want hair nets.
At all events Abraham decided to
get out of the hair net district and so
he embarked on the great adventure
which persists to this day. It may be
news to Abraham that ten of the
tribes that posterity numberless as
the sands of the desert were lost,
even more completely lost than the
city of Ur, which has Just been un
earthed after C,000 yeiirs In the grave,
but the other ten tribes found them
selves on their feet wherever they
fetched up and are now among the
soiidest citizenry of the world. Abra
ham will be glad to hear this. Ha
made no mistake in leaving Ur, the
hair net city. In vain was the hair
net spread In the sight of the victim.
Abraham was too wise to be taken In
that snare. He took himself and his
daughters and his wives and his maid
servants out of the reach of tempta
tion. Ills sons, having families of
their own, shared Abraham's dislike
of hair nets and needed no arguments
to emigrate.
In the light of history, we repeat,
thnt Abraham made no mistake In
leaving Ur. And even If he did, to Ur
Is human, to forgive divine. Washing
ton Post
Roman Bridges Excite
Wonder of Engineers
Among the notable bridge-building
achievements of history are those con
structed In the days of the Roman
empire, snys a writer In the Detroit
News. Some of them still are In use,
to the amazement of engineers, while
others stand In broken majesty, the
results of earthquukes or of purposed
human destruction, for the delight
and wonder of all beholders.
The two bridges, which lead from
the Forum side of ltome to the Island
In the Tiber and on to the Trastevere,
or St. Peter's side, were built In the
Second century, B. C. They have
been, used very much more than the
Applan Way viaduct. They havo stood
there against frequent floods and con
stant usngo these 2,000 years and they
bid fair to keep on standing. The fine
bridge across the Tiber, north of
Rome, built to carry the Flatnlnlon
way northward. Is nnother good ex
nmplo of n bridge more than 2,000
years old, which has seen steady and
hard use and still appears as good as
Narrowing Cull
The gulf of California, the narrow
arm of the sea Just south of our south
western border, seems to be gradually
disappearing from the tnnp. Recent
surveys show thut the peninsula of
Lower California Is widening and that
the gulf Is growing more BhaUow each
flie phenomenon was first aoted
more than 200 years ago by the Jesu
it priests who were the earliest colo
nisers of the peninsula. About thirty
years ago a scientifically Inclined In
habitant planted n number of palm
trees about ten feet from the shore
of the sea. Ilia trees nre now more
than one hundred yards Inland. Twon
ty years ago there was considerable
crossing the gulf, but now navigation
with large boats is somewhat dangerous.
Recollections -
An absent-minded man called upon
his equally absent-minded doctor, and
they spent a pleasant evening togeth
er, playing chess and exchanging po
litical views.
Finally came the boor of parting,
and the visitor exclaimed:
"You know, doctor, I cams here spe
cially for something. OU, yes, now I
recall It Our maid has fainted and
we want you to see hor right away."
'That reminds me, replied the doc
tor. "Your wife wanted you on the
telephone a while ago. The maid has
passed away."
Medieval Car of Book
Censure not the pupil who writes In
his book that no one Is to purloin It,
under various fears: he Is only doing
what the medieval monk did before
him. Men of religious orders were
for centuries not only the custodians
but Indeed the creators of books and
libraries and the Uenedlctlne order
laid down many rules for the care of
Its books and manuscripts. "Wash I
lest touch of dirty finger on my spot
less pages linger," Is literal trans
lation of one. Another, "May who
ever steals or alienates this manu
script, or scratches out Its title, be
anathema. Amen." Detroit News, ..
Keep Ideals Hlgli
A famous artist strictly resolved not
to look at silly or funny pictures, sim
ply because, when he himself wished
to paint all these funny pictures
crossed Ms thoughts, and consequent
ly they were Interwoven In his work.
Hence he made It a rule to look only
nt great masterpieces. By doing this
he ever kept his mind full of great
conceptions, and thus he found It
much easier to paint great pictures
himself. If people would only make It
a rule to observe only that which Is
great and good, they would find It
much easier to live a great and pure
Foistl Ivory
Mammoth Ivory, sometimes called
fossil Ivory, comes from Siberia. The
tusks, longer and more curved than
those of the elephant, are found In the
frown mud of the "tundras" or frozen
marshes of the northeastern Siberian
One muiiimoth tusk found In Siberia
was VI feet 7 Inches long and weighed
185 pounds. Ordinary fossil Ivory real
izes from $75 to $100 per hundred
Or Try a Kitte
Prospective Tenant This apart
ment, like I In others you showed mo.
Is too small. Not room enough to
swing n cat In.
I'ed l'p Agent -Ah! Then whj not
Unit xniin! oilier umu fluent? Boston
- ' ri
(Great Artist's Pipes
Prized as Art Relics
j One does not often hear of smoker's
.pipes being ranked high among art rel
ics. The date of the Introduction of
'tobacco precludes them from boasting
of remote antiquity of origin, though
your smoker who makes the coloring
of a pipe a solemn ritual may have
very pronounced views on Its artistic
claims. Nor is his point of view Ig
nored by the One arts authorities, for,
adjacent to a rich collection of snnff
boxes, there may be seen at the muse
um of decorative arts, In the Louvre,
a number of well-seasoned pipes,
most of which must have belonged to
hearty smokers. Perhaps the most
noteworthy are a couple of briars
which belonged to the painter Corot
It Is said that he smoked these pipes
while painting several of his greatest
works, and If so, they have a legiti
mate claim to distinction. Pipes at
tributed to Illustrious men are not un
commonly met with elsewhere in Par
is, usually In cafes which were fre
quented by the great, but they are
sometimes of doubtful authenticity.
Verlnlne, for Instance, would appear
to have left a pine in almost every
cafe he frequented, and,, these were
many. From the Continental Edition
of the London Dully Mall.
Pleasure-and Profit
in Scorpion Hunting
One of the most peculiar bunting ex
peditions on record Is that which takes
place at more or less regular Inter
vals In the town of Mardlne, In Asia
Minor. The town is surrounded by an
cient walls built to nrotect It from In-
! vaders, and hidden In various places
In these walls are hordes oi scorpi
ons which often become a menace to
the population. In order to keep down
the number of these pests, said to be
death-dealing, a bonus is offered by
the municipality and regular hunts
are organized. The hunts take place
at night when the hunters, armed with
lanterns, poke around the walls and
dislodge the scorpions. The next day
they carry them to the town officials
and collect the money due them as a
reward. It frequently happens that
they must wait upon the pleasure of
that official, when they while away the
time by making their ferocious cap
tlves engage in combat Bets nre made
on the results, and It often happens
that members of the waiting party
have lost their money before they re
ceive It
Razor and Hot Water
The bureau of standards says that
there Is no real basis for the state
ment that hot water will Injure the
steel from which a razor blade Is
made. In general, razors are very
bard and It Is possible that Id some
cases the continued application of
boiling water should exert a slight
tempering effect, thereby slightly soft
ening the blade; In general It Is be
lieved that the influence of hot water
applications would merely "season"
hardened steel without any material
change In hardness.
Rose Champioa
Tyler, Texas, claims to lead the
world In rose growing.
Seventy-five carloads of rose plants,
numbering 25,(KK) roses to the car,
were shipped during the present sea
son to various parts of the United
Most of the roses are grown under
contract and yield the growers about
20 cents apiece. It Is estimated that
the yield for the present season will
be 1250,000.
Athena Garage
V rtue the Great Bulwark
It l vlmiH iiituie which can render
us Kiipcrioi to fortune; we quit her
siiinilniil find ihe combat Is no long
er I'lpml Kurt une mocks us; she
turu ux mi iici wheel ; she raises and
nhiiM' in- hi iiei pleasure, but her
io ei Is founded on our weakness.
This In an old nxiied evil, but It Is
not iiiruriilile; there Is nothing a firm
nml devilled mind cannot accomplish.
- I'd ru rt li
the Spikes That Mean
A firm rocklike structure, built on a concrete
foundation, of Lumber, the Lasting Material.
That is an investment that will LAST thru the years.
What ever form of structure you have in mind,
let us help you. Over many years we have
had the practical experience that will help YOU.
Free plan service
Big vigorous Collins Chicks from high producing pure-bred
flocks. Selected for rapid growth and high vitality. Collins chicks
grow faster, mature quicker and develop into better layers than the
ordinary chicks. Production is what counts. We guarantee 100 per
cent of live, vigorous chicks sent prepaid, by parcel post or express.
S. C. White Leghorns, 15c each; Rocks and Reds and all heavy
breeds, 18c. We also do custom hatching. Send or bring ns your
chicken or turkey eggs.
C. F. COLLINS, Proprietor, Freewater, Oregon
On the Road to Truth
All opinions, properly so called, are
stages on the road to truth. It does
not follow that a man will travel any
further; but If he has really considered
the world and drawn a conclusion, he
has traveled as far. This does not
apply to formulae got by rote, which
are stages on the road to nowhere but
second childhood and the grave. To
have a catchword In your mouth is
not the same thing as to hold an
opinion; still less Is It the same thing
ns to have made one for yourself.
There are too many of these catch
words In the world for people to rap
out upon you like an oath and by
way of argument They have a cur
rency as Intellectual counters; and
many respectable people pay their
way with nothing else. Robert Louis
Algerian Grasshoppers
Some Algerian grasshoppers, Just
arrived at the London zoo, have beat
en all records for tbe genius of leap
ing. They seem to have sacrificed ev
erything for this as, though the body
Is barely an inch long, the hind legs
are fully three Inches.
The newcomers are confined In a
glass case, two feet high, yet, when
first put in, their horny heads were
continually tapping on the roof.
Unlike other grasshoppers, they nre
carnivorous, feeding on raw meat and
dead Insects; and Instead of living
amongst grass they haunt damp caves.
This species has never before been
seen at the menagerie.
Health Hint
: Life insurance companies find it
-pays to spend millions in campaigns
lof health education. U pays also foi
the individual to educate himself In
the rules and practices of personal
A ttorney s- A t- La w
Main .Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Bell & Gray
Phone 552
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
y We Handle Genuine K
Goods-No Substitutes.
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena. Ore.
Going to Paint?
. Then use .. .
Acme Quality Paint
and you'll get satisfaction.
it s tne best protection
, you can give your house.
It is made from the high
est quality materials.
It does not powder, flake off
vf cracK.
. It forms a tough, durable film
that wears and looks well for the
longest time.
Its colors are dear, bright and
It costs less by the job than any
other paint made.
The full color card shows 48
handsome shades.
put up full measure always.
Select Your Wall Paper
From Our Slock
A Mercantile Trust
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena. Phone 582
"Pink's Place"
Is the Place to get Your
Old Winter
replaced with new
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively 1 '
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your , face
, shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker, and me.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
, Phone 583.
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Why suffer with
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
help you
Foot Correctionist
22 W. Main St. Walla Walla
The Gun Man
I make a specialty of
or anything that you might have
to paint.
CALL me for an estimate
J. P. McCarroll
404 Bellevue
Phone S017 Collect
Walla Walla, Wash.
Twin City Cleaners
e firm that does your work as you want it done, at t
Lowest Prices
Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris
' Phone 583
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month....lOc per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates -
First 100 KWH used per month...... 10c per KWH
Next 200 7c per KWH
Next 300 6c per KWH
Next 400 : 5c per KWH
Next 1000 .4c per KWH
Excess over 2000 3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company
sr Til ii myt wr m n arm m t 1 w. & IT"".! W w .1 w w s'i srU 5Tl Bf"",T. W -.1 srt m
Announces that it has com-pieted the . organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity, Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information