The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 17, 1929, Image 4

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    THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, MAY 17, 1929 ; 1
MHi "fall pound. :
Imwaj ?ure and &
Press Paragraphs
Bell & Gray
Phone 552
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
Foley's Honey and Tar
wres colds, prevents pneumonia.
Miss Frederica Kershaw spent the
week-end in Walla Walla. :
Mrs. Ralph Hassell of Pendleton
visited Athena friends Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. .Forrest Zerba were
is Walla Walla Monday on business.
R. B. McEwen spent several days
this week in Salem where he trans
acted business. ' '
Miss Hilda Dickenson spent the
week-end in Walla Walla as n guest
of Miss Myrtle DeFreece.
Several Athena people motored to
Walla Walla Saturday night to at
tend the midnight matinee.
Mrs. H. A. Barrett and daughters,
Lucille, Genevieve and Beverely were
Walla Walla visitors Tuesday.
Miss Virgie Russell left .for Cal
gary, Canada, Sunday, where she will
have employment for the summer.
Inspect the
Herman Hoffman
to mm
, 70.35
. 70.31
, 80.11
. hi. (ft
Reduced fares all part of eait; liberal (top
overt. Fine trains; modern equipment;
splendid iervtcej scenic route. Short tide
trips enables you to visit
Information and Booklets oa request
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athna, Oregon
Assorted Jams and Jellies
35c per pint
Jellies in 1-2 pint glasses. 20c
Assorted Cookies 35c per lb.
The Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Alice Eager, Prop.
Linve Home
the Spikes That Mean
A firm rocklike structure, built on a concrete
foundation, of Lumber, the Lasting Material.
That is an investment that will LAST thru the years.
1IT hat ever form of structure you have in mind,
" let us help you. Over many years we have
had the practical experience that will help YOU.
Free plan service
Mrs. A. A. Kimball who has been
undergoing a course of treatment in
Pendleton has returned to Athena.
Kenneth Miller who has been visiting
at the home of his brother M. I.
Miller has left for Endicott, Wash
ington. Judge and Mrs. McBride of Salem
were dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts Tuesday
Mrs. Mollie Worthington and Mrs.
Vaughn are making their hom-3 in
the Vaughn cottage on jerrerson
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is spending
the week at Nampa, Idaho, where
she is visiting at the home of her
daughter Mrs. Horace Belnap.
Mrs. Elmer Storie of fendieton is
conducting a class in auction bridge
in Athena. There are ten members
of the class who will later study con
tract bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson, Mrs.
Minnie Willaby and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank DeFreece were in Milton Sun
day to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Minnie Cockburn.
Friends of Mrs. Dallas Smith,
(Thelma McEwen) will be sorry to
hear of the serious illness of her
little daughter Patricia Ann, who is
suffering with an attack of diph
Miss Genevieve Rogers was -up
from Pendleton to spend the week-end
at the home of her parents, Mr and
Mrs. E. C. Rogers. Miss Rogers ia
employed as a stenographer at Ham-
ley and Co.
Rev. and Mrs. Dow and Mr. ar,d
Mrs. Clarence Zerba will lwe Mon
day for Roseburg, where they will
attend the Baptist Stata convention.
They will make the trip by motor and
plan to return home Saturday
Colonel Raley was host at dinner
at Hotel Pendleton Wednesday eve
ning in honor of Judge and Mrs. Mc
Bride and Judge and Mrs. Bean of
Salem. Covers were laid for twenty
four guests. Mr. and Mrs. Homer I.
Watts motored to Pendleton for the
The Crabill home was a scene of a
dinner party Sunday when Mr. and
Mrs. Crabill had as their guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray O'Harra and son Wil
lard, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crabill of
Pendleton, Mr. Sidney Crabill of He
lix, Mr. and Mrs. Orel McPherrin and
son Donald and Mrs. Janet Sleeman.
A group of Athena High school
students motored -to Milton Monday
where they were guests at the "Mac
Hi" Class day observance. Letters
won by members- of the various
teams were presented. Stunts ar
ranged by the Senior class were
clever and made up an interesting
The fields and highways about Ath
ena are teeming with China pheasant
families. Last week the highway
crew while burning weeds, found a
nest full of young birds and a hen,
which they carefully carried across
the road and out of danger. The
next day in passing, the men. dis
covered the young birds pitifully
caught in the "hot stuff" with which
the road had been mended, and the
whole of the little family was dead.
A group of Athena ladies motored
to Pendleton Saturday to attend a
tea for the benefit of St. Anthony's
hospital at the library club room.
About one hundred and fifty guests
called during the afternoon and en
joyed the charmingly arranged pro
gram. Iris, lilacs and tulips were
used in profusion and the beautifully
appointed tea table was centered with
yellow tulips and green tapers. Mrs.
M. L. Watts was among those who
presided at the urns during the after'
F. B.. Radtke left this morning on
a fishing trip to Bend.
Mrs. B. B. . Richards is confined at
her home with influenza.) 1. .;
Mrs. Deare Dudley and Miss Alberta
Charlton were Walla Walla visitors
Arden Gray who has been quite m
for five weeks with a gland affection
is improving. -
Miss Mary Bond of Pendleton spent
the week-end at the home ; of ;. her
cousin Betty Jane Eager. u
The nicnic planned by the Study
club to have been held Friday of this j
week has been postponed. i'
Mrs. George Gerking and Mrs.
Laurence Pinkerton left by motor for
Spokane Tuesday, morning.
The Methodist Ladies society will
meet at the home of Mrs. Ethel Mon
tague, Wednesday, May 22.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen of
Adams visited Athena friends en
route to Walla Walla Saturday.
Little Bobby Zerba was operated
upon Wednesday for the removal of
his tonsils at a Walla Walla hospital.
Garth Pinkerton who was ill sever
al weeks ago with a gland affection is
suffering with a recurrence of the
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns and
family and Mrs. M. M.-Johns left Fri
day for Portland and Vancouver mak
ing the trip by motor.
Mrs. Chase Garfield and daughters
June and Gloria, and Mrs. C. M.
Eager and daughter Virginia were
Tuesday visitors in Walla Walla.
The condition of "Mrs. Will Kirk
who is in a Walla Walla hospital is
no better. Mrs. Kirk is suffering with
a severe case of hay fever and com
plications. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff of New-
berg who have been visiting .at the
home of their daughter Mrs. R. B.
McEwen left for their home Thurs
day morning.
Week-end guests at the C. M.- Eager
home included Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Eager of Dayton, Washington, Mrs.
Gilbert of Portland, and Mary Bond
of Pendleton. t
The pupils and their mothers of
school district number 30 will spend
Friday at theh home of Mrs. Marion
Hansell in Athena. A picnic lunch
will be served at noon.
Pupils of the sixth, seventh and
eighth grades and the freshman
class in high school motored to Bing
ham Springs Saturday where thehy
enjoyed their annual picnic.
The Ford tri-motored plane that is
being shown in this district will be
in Pendleton next Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Dudley will be guests of
Mr. Glenn Stater on a fifty mile trip
in the plane.
The Jolly Twenty-five club will hold
the last meeting of the season at the
home of Mrs. Jess Gordon this after
noon. Plans will be perfected for
the annual picnic which will probably
be held next week.
An interesting event of last Friday
was a picnic in Walla Walla park.
Pupils, teachers and friends of the
two school districts west of Athena
motored to the neighboring city and
spent the day.
A Mother's Day reunion which has
become an annual event was enjoy
ed Sunday by the Dudley family. The
party consisting of twenty-four per
sons motored to the attractive Dayton
park on the banks of the Touchet river
New Comfort
New Protection
Box of One Dozen
Two exclusive Gauzet fea
tures guarantee you more
comfort and protection
than you ever received
from a sanitary napkin
Buffed edges prevent irri
tation. . Underlay er pro
tects clothing.
Aren't these worth a few
cents more? ,
Sold Only at
McFadden's Pharmacy
ThelfacaCIL Store
One package of Fiesta Sugar Wafers
with every package of Honey
Maid Graham Crackers
A Snow Flake Bakers Product
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
where a bountiful lunch was served.
The guest of honor was Mrs. E. A.
Dudley. Others present were E. A.
Dudley, and the families of Max
Dudley, Glenn Dudley, Verne Dudley,
Dean Dudley and Mrs. Herman Kirk
(Rene Dudley).
The O. D. 0. club spent a most
pleasant afternoon Friday at the
home of Mrs. Dora Schwandt. The
hostess, assisted by a committee of
the club members, served delicious re
freshments. The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Grace Catron,
May 24th. .. .
Glenn Hiatt, proprietor of Hotel
Washington, in Portland and Mr.
Beach, editor of the Hotel News called
on Mrs. Laura Froome Tuesday. They
were accompanied by three members
of Portland chamber of commerce and
were en route to Walla Walla with
the Hotel Men's Caravan. ;
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and Mrs. Bert
Logsdon will leave Saturday for Med
ford where they will attend Rebekah
Grand Lodge. They will make the
trip by motor accompanying Mrs.
Etta Sanderson of Milton past grand
president, and Mrs. Judge' Bean. The
party plans to return in about a week.
Ideal "growing weather" has grac
ed this district for the past week.
Showers interspersed with sunsTiine
and balmy winds, all conductive to
luring, tender plants from Mother
Earth, have delighted farmers.
Flower gardens have also benefited
and are gay with tulips and other
. s;i w m. -w ik . u
kw round-trip
Summer m&fS,' summer excur
rates are 'JIXV," t- sion fares to East
good on $V l
the famous Tt 1 ern Pmts on sale
. SSS5 I daily from May
NOrtH w H 22nd until Sep
t;oa$t f& tember30th.
Limited" 5J
Example of Reduced Rates
Round Trip
May 22 tO Sept. 30 from Athena
' Minneapolis-St. Paul' $ 70.35
Chicago : &o
Duluth-Superior ,.J5
New York W6.45
St. Louis 80.35
Kansas City 7085
Omaha 70.35
Denver :
Washington 140.61
Special Rates to Other ffi
Points Ask About Them Athena, Oregon
Northern Pacific Ry.
Firtt of the Northern Transcontinental
spring blooms which are now in
their prime. Spring wheat is grow
ing fast and a part of the bean acre
age recently planted is about ready
for the first cultivating
The Women's Community club of
Adams held open house at their re
cently acquired club rooms last
Thursday afternoon. The rooms are
most attractive and were decorated
with spring flowers for the occasion.
Beside the reception room there is
a conveniently arranged kitchen fin
ished in apple green and white. The
house is indeed a credit to Adams and
community. An informal program
and games entertained the guests.
Refreshments were served at the 'tea
hour. Athena ladies who motored to
Adams for the event were, Mrs. C.
M. Eager, a former member of the
club, Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. Rose
berry., ;' ' "
The Wauna Campfire Girls are
sparing no effort in decorating their
club room. The walls and wood work
are finished in a soft shade of ivory
and touches of orange are used in
contrast on tables and other pieces
about the rtom. The girls expect to
give a benefit shortly, in order lo
raise money to purchase drapes for
the windows. Further furniture need
ed is a couch and the members would
appreciate A donation of this kind.
Mrs. Theresa Berlin entertained the
Mother's club, an auxiliary to the
Delta, Delta, Delta sorority at Whit
man college, Monday afternoon. Eight
ladies motored here for the occasion
and after a short business sessim a
social hour was enjoyed. Miss Doro
thy Berlin and Miss Mildred Shaw of
Whitman college assisted in serving.
Additional guests bidden for the tea
hour were Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. W.
McPherson, and Mrs. M. L. Watts.
A pleasant event of last Friday
occurred when Mrs. H. I. Watts was
hostess to the Athena Bridge Club
at her attractive home on Third
street. Beautiful spring flowers were
used for decoration. Four tables
were" in play. Mrs. Clare Gurney
made high guest score, and Mrs. M.
L. Watts held high club score, Mrs.
Fred Kershaw and Mrs. Alex Mcln
tyre receiving the consolations. Mrs.
E. E. Goff of Newberg was also pre
sented with a dainty gift. Guests in
addition to . club members included
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. Max Hop
per, Mrs. Alex Mclntyre, Mrs. Clare
Gurney, Mrs. Frank Ames of Pen
dleton and Mrs. E. E. Goff of New
berg. V
, ..:; With :. , vh-.A's' '
Madge Bellamy and Barry Norton
- .
News, Comdy and Sports Reel Admission 10-25-35c
Laura LaPlante
In The
A Universal Picture
News, Comedy and Sports Reel Admission 10-25-85e