The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 17, 1929, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2-00
One copy, six months $1-00
One copy, three months "
Athena, Oregon, May 17, 1929
Burglar Paid Dearly
for Small Oversight
Even the cleverest criminals are apt
to make bad slips. Sooner or later,
in spite of carefully thought out plans,
foxy covering up of tracks, they make
one little error which costs them their
"1 remember," says an Investigator,
"a curious Incident which clearly
shows how the fear of the visible
Bignature Is ever present In (he
thoughts of the criminal. A burglar
had entered a house and carried out
a robbery with great skill. lie had
operated without gloves, because safe
breaking with gloves is a nasty, dim
cult Job. This man knew all about
police methods, however, and when he
had finished, he carefully polished all
those parts of the Bafe that had been
touched. Ho then poured water over
the fragments of a broken window
through which he had entered.
"Not satisfied with these precau
tions, he lit a candle and Inspected
.every inch of his path from window
,to safe; rubbing, polishing and wa
tering. This done he blew out the
candle and left, well satisfied that he
had fooled the police.
"We found four beautiful finger
prints in the soft wax of the candle,
and these cost him ten years of lib-'ertyl"
i Beginning of Manual
Training in Schools
The history of manual training In
the United States Involves both the de
elopinent of the Idea and the devel
opment of practice. In the field of
practice little of a purely educational
character appeared before 1878, at
which time tlie Workingman's school,
was founded by the Ethical Culture
society of New York. This institution
comprised a kindergarten and an
elementary school, In which manual
work formed from the first a vital
and Important part of the educational
scheme. The general movement, how
ever, took Its large beginning, as has
been the case with so many education
al movements, at the top Instead of
the bottom of the school system. In
3880, through the efforts of Dr. Calvin
A. Woodward, the St. Louis Manual
Training school was opened In con
nection with Washington university.
The work of this school attracted
wide attention and Its success led to
the speedy organization of similar
schools in other large cities.
"Artesian" Wells
"Artesian" Is a term applied to wa
ter which is secured by deep borings
into the arth. An ordinary well is
usually under 100 and at most 150
feet In depth. If It Is required to go
200 to 500 feet in dcptli or more, the
water Is usually termed "artesian."
Often In artesian wells tho water rises
above the earth's surfaco of Its own
force i In other words, It forms a flow
ing .well. Any deep well, whether
flowing of Its own nccord or not, is now
regarded as an artesian well. Many
artesian wells yield sulphur, chaly
beato or alum waters; In others the
water Is so impregnated with com
mon salt as to bo unsuitable for con
sumption, while In many others .the
water is of excellent Quality.
The young son of n wealthy man
was engaged In a clerical capacity by
a friend of his father, who undertook
to try and make something of him.
lie was, however, shiftless to the last
degree, and nothing ho said could be
relied upon.
One day his employer called him In
to his olllco and gavo him a sound lec
ture, lie dwelt chiefly on his prevari
cation, and wound up by saying:
"You know, James, that you are al
ways lying."
"Sir," said James, "I would have
you remember that I am a gentle
man 1"
"There you go again," said his employer.
Auto Driving at Night
The bureau of standards says that
In order to drive 40 miles per hour In
safety at night, it Is necessary to have
a light that will make all objects upon
the road visible to tho eye which He
within a distance of 800 to COO feet,
depending upon road conditions; the
greater distance is probably the mini
mum safe distance for foggy weather,
with the roads likely to be 6llppery.
No type of light is known which may
be produced with the facilities gener
ally available as automobile equip
ment which will fulfill the requirements.
Find Ancient Observatory
Workmen, digging a cellar in Buet-
teow, Mecklenburg, discovered an old
observatory which nrchelogists de
clare dates from 1181 11. 0. A stone
circle with markings showing obser
vation on the sun's positions through
out tho year served as a chronicle.
The Instruments, which are all of
stone, were found in excellent condi
tion, and a fair measure of solar al
titude can be made even now.
'' Stern Colon!?! Laws
Barred AU "Frippery"
Many laws that seem queer to nc
;now were p.-.f.-td In Colonial times,
! among them the following, Issued by
the general court of Massachusetts in
1039. "
"Whereas, there fs much complaint
of the excessive wearing, of lace and
other superfluities lending to little
use or benefit, but to the nourishing
of pride and the exhausting of men's
estates, and also of evil examples to
others; 'tis therefore ordered by the
court, and decreed, that henceforth no
Dersou whatsoever shall presume to
buy or sell within this Jurisdiction any
manner of lace to be worn or used
within our limits. And that no tailor,
or any other person whatsoever, shall
hereafter set any lace or points upon
any gnrment, either linen, woolen, or
any other wearing clothes whatsoever,
and that no person hereafter shall he
employed In making any manner of
lace, but such as they shall sell to
such neisons as shall and will trans
port the same out of this jurisdiction,
who In such case shall have tne noer
ty to buy the same.
"And thai hereafter no garment
shall be made with short sleeves,
whereby the nakedness of their arms
may be discovered In the wearing
thereof, and such as already have gar
ments made with short sleeves shall
not. hereafter, wear the same, unless
thev cover the arms to the wrist with
linen or otherwise. And that hereafter
no nerson shall make any garment
for women with sleeves more than half
an ell wide In the widest place there
of, and so proportionable for larger
or smaller persons." Kansas City
Vegetable and Animal
Life in Death Valley
Death valley. In California, long
reputed to bo one of the most lifeless
areas on the face of the earth, Is
not so barren as popularly believed. A
group of scientists recently returned
from having made the first compre
hensive survey of the plant and ani
mal life inhabiting the floor of Death
valley. And their report upsets much
tradition long firinly.rooted In the pub
lic mind.
A summary of Death valley's plant
nnrt nnlmat resources now scientifical
ly and officially recorded Includes 135
different species of plants, trees and
shrubs; 124 different kinds of birds,
12 reDtiles. 1 fish. 235 varieties of in
sects, and numerous mammals.
The sole representative of the fish
group recorded upon the floor of North
America's greatest sub-sea level de
pression Is a small minnow scientif
ically designated as Cyprinodon Much
larius. This creature inhabits the salt
marshes nnd salt water springs of
Death valley. The mammals repre
sented range In size from the bighorn
mountain sheep (Ovls Nelsonl), which
come down upon the floor of the valley
from their natural habitat In the nelgli
boring Panamint and Funeral moun
tains ; on down to coyotes, rabbits
moles, mice and shrews.
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes.
Try Our ,
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
.Athena, Ore.
Happy Youngsters in
Home of Longfellow
1 have called It "the poetry school,"
because it was In the house of a
poet, because we lived In an atmos
phere of poetry ami saw the birth of
many of the beloved poet's best
known works, saw other poets and
writers, his friends and advisers,
coming back und forth to discuss
with him the greatest poetical work
of all time, the "Divine Comedy" of
Dante. But I also call It so because
many of us children were ourselves
descended from or'rvlutod to poets.
In fact, poetry and poets formed so
large a part of our school tradition
that we took them very much for
granted. If anyone had said to me,
"Is not your grandfather a poet?"
I should probably have replied, "Why,
yes. Isn't yours?" The Longfellow
children even made jokes about
poetry, In which their father and their
uncle, Bev. Samuel Longfellow, a
writer of lovely verses and hymns,
aided nnd abetted them. A favorite
breakfast dish of the family was
battercakes baked In eujm, which
puffed out tn the baking till they
were mostly crust and little Inside.
These were generally Known as
"popovers," but the Longfellow chil
dren called them "poetry cakes"
"because," they explained, with great
gusto, "tlwre's nothing In them!" and
this joke their father relished
hugely. From "An Echo From Par
nassas," by Henrietta Dana SklnriV.
Rudeness Checked by
Display of Courtesy
The most effective weapon to be
used In meeting rudeness Is courtesy.
I say that dignity nnd calm and good
temper will always check rudeness,
even In a person who can be checked
by no other means.
The explanation Is that It is Ira
possible to be disagreeable without
knowing that one Is being disagree
able. And to be met by agreeable
manners when one knows that one Is
being disagreeable Is In Itself a severe
lesson. The disagreeable person Is
quick enough In wits to perceive the
end of power. He Is quick enough
also to make a comparison and feel
a sense of Inferiority to the self-con
trolled agreeable person.
Anger gives way to respect and re
sped to emulation. The disagreeable
person, conscious at last of an In
firmity, becomes apologetic. I have
seen It happen. Tolerance, kindness
call the response by any name you
will are all Indications that the pos
sessor has attained to self mastery
The disagreeable person, however nil
tured, Is savage, nnd .the savage will
always be controlled by thai which
Is civilized. Kansas City Times.
Historical. Law Codes
The earliest code, which is the
name given to a collection of laws, or
constitutional articles, was that oi
Hammurabi, about 2100 B. a The
codes of Theodoslus and Justinian,
Boman emperors, were the basis of
the Code Napoleon of France. Theo
doslus appointed a commission of 10
in 433 A. D., to collect and codify
the edicts and constitutions of the pro
vinces of the Roman empire. This was
published in 438. It was revised In
1323 by the Emperor Justinian. The
Code Napoleon, completed In 1804.
consisted of 2,281 articles. There were
partial codes In France previous to
this. The Code Napoleon Is the basis
of the codes of the Two Sicilies, the
Netherlands, the Swiss cantons. Bo
llvla and Louisiana. The Code Fred
erick Is the codification of the Prus
sian laws, coddled under Frederick
the Great, and was the hnsls for the
law of the Herman empire.
For Insomnia Sufferer
As treatment for Insomnia, there is
advised u systematic mapping out of
the day; early rising, then work,
punctuated by regular meals, followed
by half an hour's resi ufier each, a
fair allowance of exercise and recre
ation, the latter to be pursued genu
Inely nnd not as a make-believe.
Physical exercise Is beneficial, and dis
cipline In the selection of food a ne
A glass ol hot milk and a biscuit
or a hot-water bottle often have re
marknble effects, while the bedroom
should be quiet and cool, with an open
but darkened window. Hot baths be
fore retiring are helpful In some cases,
but may aggravate others.
Dining Room Sets
Prices Right
Just Received Come and See Them
Walnut and Mahogany
Upholstered Rockers
New and Latest in Window Shades
N. A. MILLER, Furniture and Undertaking
. 1928, Western Newspaper Union.)
As unto the bow the cord Is,
So unto the man Is woman;
Though she bends bim, she obeys
Though she draws him, yet she.
Useless each without the otherl
. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
Very small sandwiches and cakes
which may be eaten In two or three
bits are appro
priate for after
noon teas.
Rolled Aspara
fus Sandwiches.
Spread thinly
sliced b r e a d
rather fresh Is
better to roll, i
Place on each slice two or three stalks
of cooked asparagus, dipped In may
onnaise. Roll up and wrap in a damp
ened napkin and place in the Ice chest
for several hour. :
Buttered Crackers. Arrange small
round crackers In a baking pan, and
Just before serving pour over them
melted butter until entirely covered.
Place In a hot oven to brown. Cheese
finely grated may be added if desired.
Domino Sandwiches. Cut brown
bread and white into one-elghth-lnch
slices and spread with softened butter.
Season one cupful of finely chopped
tongue with two dill pickles also
chopped, then add three tablespoon
fuls of mayonnaise dressing. Spread
this mixture on the slices of white
bread. Over the tongue put buttered
brown bread slices, and over the brown
bread a piece of thinly sliced Swiss
cheese. Repeat, having four layers.
Trim off and put under weight and
let stand several hours in a cool
place. Cut crosswise into thin slices
and serve.
Gingerbread With Cheese. Slice
very thin small squares of ginger
bread nnd put together with either
cottage or cream cheese softened with
The open sandwiches, cut round or
In various forms, are most attractive.
They offer a wide latitude for the host
ess' taste to express Itself. Spread
round sandwiches with creamed but
ter, cross off into quarters with very
thinly sliced green pepper. In each
quarter arrange linely minced vegeta
ble such as parsley In one, pimento In
another, cottage cheese or nuts In the
other sections. Just start to make
them and new combinations will oc
cur to you.
Coming to
Dr. Melienthin
In Internal Medicine for
Eighteen years.
Will be at
Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
No Charges for Consultation
"Going to Pain
vr-...-.Tben use., ....J..'
; Acme Quality Paint .5
T T":.'. 'PREPARED :
and yon 'II get satisfaction.
It's the best Drotectinn
you can give your house.
It is made from the high
est quality materials.
It does not DOwder. flake off
or crack. '
It forms a tOHffh. riiiraM film
that wears and looks well for the
longest time. v
Its colors are clear, bright and
lasting. r .
It costs less by the job than any
other paint made.
The full color card shows 48 :
handsome shades., ;
put up full measure, always.
L 1
Select Your Wall Paper
From Our Stock
A Mercantile Trust
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W, Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone B82
"Pink's Place"
Is the Place to get Your
Old Winter
replaced with new
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come .in and see Herb Parker and I. .
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683. "
Many in this community will avail
themselves of the opportunity to visit
Dr. Melienthin on this special visit to
The doctor pays special attention
is trying conscientiously to eliminate
surgery in his treatment of disease
as far as possible.
He has to his credit many wonder
ful results in diseases of stomach
(especially ulcers), glands (especial
ly goitre), ailments of women, dis
eases of liver and bowels, as infected
gall bladder, gall stones, appendi
citis, chronic constipation, colitis,
auto-intoxication and rectal ailments,
circulation disturbances as high or
low blood pressure, heart and blood
disorders, skin, nerves, bladder, kid
neys, bed-wetting, weak lungs, tonsils,
adenoids metabolic disturbances such
as Rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers
and chronic catarrh.
Medicines are prescribed and pre
pared for each individual case in his
private laboratory, also special at
tention given to diet as to proper bal
ance and selection of foods.
For this service a nominal charge is
Dr. Melienthin is a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery and is licen
sed by the State of Oregon.
Married women must b? accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg., Los
Angeles, California,
Mais Street Athens, Oregon
Stat and Federal Court Practice
Main St H. H. HILL Athena
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Why suffer with
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
help you
Foot Correctionist
22 W. Main St. Walla Walla
The Gun Man
I make a specialty of
or anything that you might have
to paint
CALL me for an estimate
J. P. McCarroll
404 Bellevue
Phone G017 Collect
Walla Walla, Wash.
Twin City Cleaners
1 that does your work
The firm that does your work as you want it done, at the
Consistent with expert workmanship.' We call for and deliver on
Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penri Harris
Phone 583
. T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates wil
be in effect on and after March 15, WW
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hourg used, per mqnth,.10c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....8c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month .......10c per KWH
Next 200 ..,: ..-7c per KWH
Next 300...... -- ...-6c per KWH
Next 400....: 5c per KWH
Next 1000 ..............4c per KWH
Excess over 2000.. 3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in fall within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Preston-Shaffer BIillirig Company
Announces, that it has com-pieted the organ
v ization of a '
i t . i
Tryst Department:
and is qualified to act as Executor? dminisra:
tor, guardian, or in any other nauclary capC;
Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate. .,'
Ask us for Information
1.? "yy?? a?y f-jsttm. f!j3Sul!