The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 10, 1929, Image 3

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Good Buys In
Real Estate
360 acres upland farm, productive,
well watered, some pasture land,
part in crop, leases, and farming
outfit, priced to sell.
320 acres of 40 bushel, tractor
land. For price and terms, ask
Idaho,- Oregon, Washington
Ahead in Federal Bu
reau Estimates.
Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon.
Practice in all State and Federal
All work out on
Acetylene Welding
CM. JONES, Prop.
Seattle. Final returns on the
wheat crop of 1928, based on federal
and state reports, show that Wash
ington, Idaho and Oregon produced
100,754,000 bushels of wheat. The
combined yield of the three states
was 1 per cent short of the 1927 crop,
but slightly above the average for
the six-year period.
Washington, with the largest area
in crop, had the biggest crop, raising
48,644,000 bushels, Idaho was second
with 28,792,000 bushels, and Oregon
was third with 23,318,000 buhsels.
Each of the three Pacific northwest
states exceeded California, which
raised 16,380,000 bushels, in total pro
duction, yield per acre and, in cash
value. '
Moreover, Washington, Oregon and
Idaho, outstripped the rest of the
United States in production per acre.
The average yield for the- Unittd
States was 15.6 bushels per acre,
while the average for the three Pa
cific northwest states was 22.9 bush
els per acre, or 7.3 bushels per acre
more than the average for the whole
country. In this respect, Idaho topped
the northwest, if not the nation, with
Oregon a close second and Washing
ton running third. The per acre yield
The Riskiest Time of Year
To Drive On Old Tires is
Millions more
people ride on
Come in and let's talk it over. We'll save you money
and, what's even more important, insure you against
risks you shouldn't be taking,
The Athena Garage
Main Street
Phonfes 352
in Idaho was 24.8 bushels; in Oregon,
22.7 bushels in Washington, 21.4
The value of the wheat crop of the
three states, according to federal
estimates, was $98,616,000, or ap
proximately 98 cents per bushel. Ore
gon showed up best under crop value,
its 23,318,000 bushels being valued at
$24,083,000 on December 1, or more
than $1 a bushel topping the aver
age value per bushel of the north
west and the whole country. Wash
ington ranked next to Oregon in per
bushel' value, averaging a fraction
less than $1 a bushel, but it ranked
first in the inland empire region in
total value, its wheat crop being
valued at $48,620,000. Idaho's wheat
was valued at $25,913,000, a little
above the total value of Oregon, but
the Gem state's per-bushel value was
a little more than 91 cents, falling
below that of Oregon and Washing
ton. Probably the most cheering feature
of the 1928 wheat crop, however, is
that the growers of the three Pacific
northwest states did not rush their
wheat to market, having an unusu
ally large portion of their 1928 crop
still on hand. This is taken to mean,
for one thing, that the wheat grow
ers of the inland empire have been
somewhat relieved of the economic
pressure that compelled them to
hasten the marketing of their wheat
in recent years.
It means, too, that the inland em
pire producers have some wheat to
market in the second, quarter of this
year, a period when prices are com
paratively better and such a move
ment, as noted by the Spokane &
Eastern Trust company, "will liber
ate much money and will substan
tially increase the credit position of
the country banks." That means, in
turn, that the wheat growers of the
inland empire will not have to bor
row so heavily as in recent years
to finance their coming crop.
Miss Craven Tells of Four
Month's Trip To
Has No Authority
H. H. Corey, member of the Oregon
public service commission states that
the commission has no authority to
regulate oil companies or the sale
prices of gasoline for the reason that
oil companies are not public utilities.
Corey made this statement in com
menting on press reports that Oregon
motor fuel dealers would appeal to
the public service commission as well
as to the federal trade commission
concerning the activities of the oil
companies in the present gasoline
war. The appeal has not yet reached
the Oregon commission.
Miss Florence Craven, Camp Fire
Girls' executive, who has visited Ath
ena in connection with her campfire
work, has returned to Walla Walla
after a four month's trip abroad.
Miss Craven found girl life in
many European countries is such that
the entire social life would necessar
ily have to be changed before an
organization like the Camp Fire Girls
could take root and flourish as it
does in the United States.
The Camp Fire organization in
England is very strong but in other
countries the girls do not have' the
opportunity for self,; development
that can be found here, according to
Miss Craven. -
Miss Craven's primary purpose in
going to Europe was to visit the
many art galleries and conservatories
there but she was able to observe the
girl life wherever she went and spent
some time at Professor Cizek's school
in Vienna, where children are taught
to make many artistic and useful
articles. The handiwork of - the
children in the experimental schools
in Vienna surpasses the work of
other cities the art is not developed
to such an extent, Miss Craven stated.
Miss Craven left Walla Walla, De
ember 24, says the Union, and went
directly to the Atlantic coast where
she embarked for England. She
spent some time in London, later go
ing to Paris where she stayed a
month, In Paris she found that a
month was far too short a time to
see the many beautiful works of art
in the galleries there.
She went to Germany and Austria
and later to Italy, visiting the prin
cipal cities there. She spent Easter
Sunday in Lichtenstein which is situ
ated in the Austrian Alps. She then
returned to France.
With a cigarette
as good as Camels
the simple truth
is enough
AH Pullman Train
Officials of the Northern Pacific
railway announce an "all Pullman"
service from Chicago to the Northern
Pacific coast to start June 9. The
officials said the service .would apply
to the road's North Coast limited,
which on June 9 will start a schedule
on 63 hours westbound, and 6114
hours east bound, a reduction of five
hours in the present time.
Baker's Skyscraper
Baker will have the tallest rVv.
scraper between Portland and Salt
Lake City within the next two
months. Contractors, are at work on
the fifth story of the ten-story com
munity hotel. The structure alreadv
is looming large in the business dis
trict. Located at Main and Auburn
streets, it is in a commanding position
at the., junction of the Old Oregon
Trail and John Day highways.
Janitor Assassinated
George M. Hesa. janitor in the Dost
office building at Roseburg, was ass
assinated at his home during the
night, Saturday, when a shot was
fired throueh a window at his hnma.
His son Norman Hjss. is a student at
whitman ePliege,
To Increase Traffic Fines
Traffic violations in Walla Walla
for the month of March numbered
150, and during April they totaled
135. Action to reduee the number of
such violations will be taken by
authorities by assessing higher fines.
adies' Hose
During the remainder of the Month we will
close out present stock of Ladies' Hose
. $2.00 Hose, now 1.50
1,50 Hose, now 1.25
1.05 Hose now .85
On Our Men's Jersies
1-3 off
The best vegetables and fruits In season, Continues to be our specialty'
Always fresh and well selected.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. . Athena, Oregon
Golden Jubilee
The fiftieth anniversary of the or
ganization . of the First Baptist
church in Walla Walla will be ob
served this week with the first event
of the program scheduled for James
Knott who will relate the history of
the church from Its organization May
U, 1870, down to the present time.
Break Discus Record
While qualifvine for the finals of
the Eastern Oregon track meet at La
Grande Saturday, two men, King of
Pendleton and Keefer of La Grande.
broke, the discus record for Eastern
Oregon high schools. - Kine's mark
was 113 feet 11 inches, and Keefer
tossed it 113 feet 6 inches.
Paris brides wear modest costumes
and French husbands are delighted
if their wives are admired. Now we
do know the where and the why and
the cause and effect of fashions.
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Genevieve Peterson, Plaintiff, vs.
Virgil Peterson, Defendant.
To Virgil Peterson, defendant above
In the name of t.h St.nt nf Or.
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear ana answer tne complaint, of
the plaintiff filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause with
in four weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons,
namely, on or before Saturday the
25th dav of Mav. 1929: nnH vnn will
take notice that, if vnn fail tn nnnonr
and answer said complaint or other
wise pieaa tnereto within said time,
the plaintiff for want thereof, will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for and demanded in th rxraver nf
her complaint, to-wit; for a decree of
tne court dissolving tne marriage
contract now and heretofore existing
between plaintiff and defendant, and
for such other and further relief an tn
the court may seem equitable.
This summons is published pursuant
to an order made and entered by Hon.
James Alirer Pee. CirMiit JnAtrn nf
above entitled court on the 17th day
or April, 1929. The first publication
of this summons will be made on Fri
day the 26th dav nf Anril 1G9!Q and
the last publication on Friday the 24th
day of May, "1929, and will be pub
lished for four consecutive weeks in
the Athena Press, a newspaper of
ceneral pirrulnt.inn niinlinfieil wnpHv
at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon.
uatea wis 17th day or April, 19UU.
Peterson and Twia Attnrnov fnr
Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office
Address, Pendleton, Oregon. A26M24
Ice Bell & Gray have a supply of
ice on hand ready for delivery or sale
at tht ice house.
For Sale An Air-o-Gas stove,
practically new. Phone 373 or 621,
For Sale Twenty head of black
face 3 and 4 year old ewes, six with
lambs at side. Phone 681, Athena.
For Sale At Thorn Hollow on
graveled road, 16. Inch Cottonwood
from heavy body timber $6 cord,
cash, See Watson at ranch. ' I. M.
Schannep, Pendleton, Oregon. M3 i
When you have a loss you need an
insurance man, not merely an Agent,
We write a grain policy that will
cover your grain in any mill, ware
house, platform any place on your
premises, or any county in the State
or adjoining state upto December 31st
without endorsement or increase in
rate. No other company does it.
Let us explain Owners, Landlords
and Tenants coverage. If you have
a cross dog or help about your home
you need this coverage at $7.50. A
safe-guard against all accidents about
your home.
We give prompt and efficient ser
vice to all losses. We know how. It
is a business, a profession, not a side
line. B. B. RICHARDS.
Equity No. 4C81
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of
Camels are made of the choicest to
baccos grown cured and blended
with expert care.
Camels are mild and mellow.
The taste of Camels is smooth and
Camels are cool and refreshing.
The fragrance of Camels is always
pleasant, indoors or out.
They do not tire the taste nor leave
any cigaretty after-taste.
to 1929, R.JF. Reynold. Tobacco
Company, Winiton-Stltm, N. C
Cold DrinksIce Cream in all Flavors in Bulk,
Bricks and Cones
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Edwin
C. Day, Deceased.
Notice is hereby Riven to all per
sons whom it may concern:
That Lillian Day, executrix of the
last will and testament of. Edwin C.
Day, deceased, has filed her final ac
count and report in the administra
tion of the estate; that the County
Judge by order duly made and enter
ed has appointed Monday th 3rd
day of June, 1929, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon as the time
and the County Court House at Pen
dleton, Oregon, as the place where
all objections and exceptions to said
final account and report will be heard
and a settlement of the estate made.
Dated this 26th day of April, 1929.
LILLIAN DAY, Executrix,
Peterson & iewis, Attorneys for Ex
ecutrix. . M3M31
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Roy
J. Price, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
Harriet A. Price, administratrix of
the Estate of Roy J. Price, deceased,
has filed her final account and report
in the administration of the estate;
that the County Judge by order duly
made and entered has appointed Sat
urday the 18th day of May, 1929, at
the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon as the time and the County
Court House at Pendleton, Oregon, as
the place where all objections and ex
ceptions to said final account and re
port will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made.
Dated this 12th day of April. 1929.
HARRIET A. PRICE, Administratrix.
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for Ad
ministratrix, A19M17
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Assessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 761
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
. Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
We carry the best
that Money Buys
Kippered Saiii.un, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.