The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 03, 1929, Image 4

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Good Buys In
Real Estate
360 acres upland farm, productive,
well watered, some pasture land,
part in crop, leases, and farming
outfit, priced to sell.
320 acres of 40 bushel, tractor
land. For price and terms, ask
Press Paragraphs
The ladies of the Methodist Episco
pal church will make decorations to
the Sunday school room for the hold
ing of services there during the sum
mer mqnths.
Will Price, Weston painter, has been
in Athena this week assisting Bill
Hendricksen in repapering, paint
ing and decorating the cottage home
Mrs. M. W. Hansell was a Walla
Walla visitor Monday.
Dr. ueyer was in Jfortland over
Sunday, returning homeWednesday,
Mrs. Jennie Gross and Mrs. Bryce o Mrg Vaughan, on Jefferson street.
A number of Athenaians went to
Baker visited in Walla Walla Satur
Joe Key, prominent Weston farmer,
was in Athena Tuesday, transacting
George Ferguson drove up from
Pendleton Tuesday in one of the late
model Studebaker cars.
Virginia Eager was forced to be
home from school on account of ill
Happy Canyon Monday night to wit
ness the Bonecrushing duel between
Edwards and Dern, wrestlers. Dern
won the contest with two falls out of
Floyd Pinkerton and Wade LeRoy,
after burning up all the daylight
there was in last week, finished plow
ing the Pinkerton wheat land. The
"cat" stood the pace better than did
Foley's Honey and Tar
zures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Bell & Gray
Fhone 552
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
ness a portion of the week,
Verne Dudley and young nephew, the driver
uonaici, are Dotn reported in witn nu Mr. and Mrs. M. I,. Ake of Pn.
at tneir nome near tayton. dleton. and daughters. Mrs. Harold
K. F. Miller of Seattle is in Athena Smith of Carletnn. Oretrnn. and Anita
visiting at the home of his brother, Akers," and little granddaughter,
Maurene Smitti, were visitors Sunday
a nw f or
3 We Handle Genuine 5
d GoodsjNo Substitutes.
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
M. I. Miller, on Adams street.
Mrs. Catherine Curl of Pendleton
and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Pilot
Rock, were Athena visitors, Tuesday
Mrs. J. N. Scott, Miss Pauline and
Jay Scott and Mrs. H. S. Swift were
dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. M. M.
Max Kidder has been in Athena
this week from Pendleton, repaint
ing and papering at the Athena
Mrs. Frank Barker has returned to
her home in Portland, after visiting
her mother, Mrs. E. A. Bennett in
Mrs. Hattie Kintzley and son of
Arlington came up to attend the fu
neral of her uncle, the late D. H.
Mrs. Rawlind Morrison and little
daughter, Mildred Joan, have return
ed to their home at Adams from Wal
la Walla.
Lee Wilson, manager of the Faun
ers' urain Elevator company, was
called to Lewiston last week by the
death of his neice
Dr. Cowan and Miss Pearl Ramsay
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Boylen of Pendleton at dinner Sun
day, in Walla Walla. -
Mr. ana Mrs. . A. uowd came
at the Boyd home.
Weston Mountain potato raisers are
disposing of some of their spuds at
$18 per ton f. o. b. W. A. Eaves
has shipped a carload over the North
em Pacific from Athena, and one car
load from Weston via the Union Pa.
After being confined to her bed for
26 days as the result of breaking her
leg in a fall at her home in Athena,
Mrs. J. E. Jones is able to sit up for
short intervals. Mrs. Jones is at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Vernon
OHarra, ih Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn enter
tamea ounaay at tneir nome near
Waitsburg in honor of the 74th birth
day anniversary of Thomas P. De-
Freece. Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dicken
son and daughters of this city were
numbered with the guests.
The Weston Leader reports the old
farm house on the Anson B. Woods
place north of town, operated by
Ellsworth Woods, burned to the
ground Friday with all its contents,
The flames were first noted on the
roof, and are supposed to have start
ed from the kitchen stove.
Miss Lizzie McKenzie came up from
Jfortland last week to attend the fu
down from Washtucna, and spent the eral of the late D. H. Sanders. She
a u inenas at weston ana remained for the week visiting Mrs.
in Athena. I Snnilprs rlrivinn. hor itar haL t.t
Mrs. Dean Dudley was taken to the innH Knnrlnv .nMn, k m.
General hospital Sunday, having tak-1 Mrs. Claud KnrwWa An1 ' rNmia
en a relapse from a recent attack of Ashpaugh brother of Mrs. Sanders,
the mumps, but is reported better. Hostesses for the Adam I.H5M'
Last Friday evening the Adams Cnmmnnitv nlnh TW.i. .ffonn.
girls glee club and school orchestra 0f last week were Mrs. L. L. Lieu
gave a joint concert, which was at- alien, Mrs. R. I. DesVoignes and Mrs.
tended by a large and appreciative A. J. Baker. A pleasant and instruc
audience. t; t-at-, i: ...
I-.., vui . ui wig meeting was IIIO
exhibition of paintinsr bv Rev. Wire
home of her parents north of Athena, of Pendleton, who gave a lecture on
Some weeks ago Miss Smith contrast- art.
ed influenza, and recently had her Miss Zilla Simpson, formerly' of
tonsils removed. Weston, and well kn nwn In Ahnnn
Kyle, Denver and Clyde Charlton. I was recently married at Lorn? Beach!
brothers of Starr Charlton, with their California, to Mr. Kenneth H. John
wives, came over from LaGrande last ston, of Los Angeles. The bride was
week to attend the funeral of the known here as a sinerer of mat
late D. H. Sanders. ability, and recently she has been fil.
A little son was born to Mr. and ling professional engagements en
Mrs. iierman ttirk of Dayton, Wash., tour.
April 25. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley Mrs. Sterling Prr! I,....
went up Sunday to visit their daugh
tor and new grandson.
ri I t 1 .
vino Keener is anving a new
Studebaker Commander car. having
the O. D. 0. club at her home west
of Athena Friday afternoon. . At the
close of the social hour dainty re
freshments were served bv the
appv nome
Mayonaise, quart 65
Mayonaise, pint 35
Mayonaise, 1-2 pint 20
The Quality Grocery
Phone 561
Alice Eager, Prop.
been the
in the past.
nvvnii Tiur TO rJBl
DENVER 167.50
tT. I.OUIS 80.M
ATLANTA 119.40
NEW ORK llft.U
D0C3 0
M. EAGER, Agent
Athna, Oregon
traded in the sedan that was damaged hostess assisted by Mrs. Ethel Mon
sometime ago when it went in the tague. The next meetinsr of the cluh
ditch on the road west of Athena. will be at the home of Mrs. Adam
Mrs. J. F. Herr of Baker, who has Schwandt, May 10th.
been visiting' at the home of her On account of the Baccalaureate
duughter, Mrs. Louis Stewart, north services taking place at the audi-
of Athena, has left for her home, ac- torium Sunday evening, there will be
companied by two little grand sons. no Fhow at the Standard Theatre on
that evening. This has
custom of the theatre
Following tomorrow night, the next
show at the Standard will be next
Wednesday evening, when Para-
mount's great picture, "Wings," will
be the attraction. '
One of Fox' master photoDlavs of
the year "Mother Machree," will be
seen at the Standard Theatre tomor
row night at regular admission prices.
Next Wednesday night, May 8, the
Standard presents Paramount's great
epic of the air, "Wings," with one
of the greatest all-star casts ever as
sembled for one production includ
ing Clara Bow, Buddy Rogers. Gary
Cooper, Richard Arlen, Jobyna Rals
ton, Hedda Hopper, Henry B. Walt
hall, Julia Swayne Gordon and others.
Mrs. M. M. Johns was hostess to
the Christian Missionary society
Wednesday afternoon at her home on
Adams street. Mrs. Gerkinsr. the
president, directed the devotionals,
and the program, with the subject
Our Missions in Mexico," was pre
pared by Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton. Mrs.
Johns was assisted in serving tea by
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, nineteen being
present. Guests were: Mrs. Zeltha
Mclntyre, Mrs. Theresa Berlin, Mrs.
Minnie Willaby, Mrs. Chase Garfield
and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Lew Mc
Nair, on June 5th, when a silver tea
will be given.
Cottage tulips in shades of Dink and
white added -to the. attractiveness of
the B. B. Richards home on Jefferson
street, Tuesday afternoon when Mrs.
Richards entertained the Athena
Bridge club. Additional guests suf
ficient for a fourth table were pres
ent and included Mrs. Emery Funk
and Mrs. Otis Whiteman of Walla
Walla, Mrs. James Lieuallen of
Adams, Mrs. Clare Gurney of Chicago,
Mrs. Max Hopper, Mrs. Theresa Ber
lin. Honors for the afternoon fell to
Mrs. M. L. Watts, who held high club
score, Mrs. Funk, high guest score
and Mrs. H. I. Watts the consolation.
The hostess served dainty refresh
ments at the tea hour, the icei carry
ing out the pink and white color
scheme. .
i A
Reduced fares all parts of east; liberal top
war. Fine trains; modern equipment)
splendid servicet scenic route. Short tide
trips enables you to vitit
InfmratattoM mmt Rookie t oa request
Rawl Morrison was in town from
Adams, Wednesday.
A. R. Coppock transacted business
in Pendleton, Wednesday.
Mrs. Gertrude Strand of Pendleton
is visiting Athena friends today.
Light showers yesterday greatly
benefitted lawn and growing gardens
Miss Beverley Barrett has been con
fined at home for several days with
a severe cold.
Mrs. Penn Harris and Mrs. Gerald
Kilgore spent Tuesday in Walla Wal
la with friends.
Mrs. Frank Ames of Pendleton was
a visitor at the home of Mrs. H.
Barrett Friday.
Joe Crowley assisted in the concrete
work during the construction of the
new front on Masonic Hall.
Mrs. DeMerritt of Walla Walla
visited at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell Tuesday.
A. E. Shick, who is in the furniture
business in Walla Walla, was in Ath
ena Wednesday for a few hours.
R. A. Ball has been engaged this
week in assisting the assembly of
Case combines for Herman Hoffman.
The Etude club observed Mother's
Day with an appropriate program at
the Christian church, yesterday after
noon. "
Mr. and Mrs. ' Sam Thompson of
Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Dudley spent Sunday on the LaGrande
Golf links.
Athena vs. Weston, town teams
first game of the season on the Ath
ena grounds Sunday afternoon
2:30. Admission, 25 cents.
Unly one showing will be given
"Wings" at the . Standard Theatre
next Wednesday , evening. Come
early to get a good seat.
Mrs. Fred Kershaw and Miss Frede
rica Kershaw returned yesterday from
Ontario, where they were guests at
the O. M. Castleman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Meyer and Mr,
and Mrs. Ralph McEwen were din
ner guests Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barrett.
Ernest Ross was in Athena yester
day from his ranch near Thorn Hoi
low. He reports growing conditions
to be improved in his section.
Painters for the Shell Oil com
pany were in town Wednesday and
gave the Hoffman Garage a fresh coat
of paint and a new Shell sign.
Mr. and Mrs., Fred Gross saved
nine out of 200 baby chicks when the
kitchen where the birds were tern
norily placed, became overheated.
The Juniper school won the nag for
the one room schools given by the
Weston commercial club, at the di
visional track meet held in that city
Mrs. A. A. Kimball who is con
valescine from an attack of the in
fluenza is spending several days in
Pendleton where she is undergoing
The bean planters of the Eickhoff
Products company are in active oper
ation in the Athena-Weston district
and planting the bean crop is pro-
pressing rapidly.
"Mother Machree" will be presentea
at the Standard Theatre, tomorrow
night. For the prelude Mrs. David
Stone will sing "Mother Machree"
from the stage.
Orel McPherrin at odd hours is re
painting the Athena Service Station
building at corner of Main and Fourth
streets. He is using up both ends of
the day on the job.
Fred Radtke,. Jr., was a member of
the fencing squad from University of
Oregon, which recently defeated the
Washington University squad in the
annual track and field meet, at Seat
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre will
come to Athena to reside in their new
home on Third street, this fall and
winter. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pink
erton having been occupying the Mc
lntyre residence.
Mr. and Mrs.' Glenn Stater, and
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson of Pen
dleton and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dud
ley motored to Walla Walla Wednes
day night where they saw the stage
production of "The Desert Song."
Jack Keller, who formerly resided
in Athena, is confined at St 'An
thoney's hospital in Pendleton critical
ly ill with heart disease. For sever
al days his life has hung in the bal
ance, but yesterday he was reported
to be a little better.
Perry Hall is making an automo
bile trailer that when completed will
be the last word in durability and
convenience. He has converted the
front axle and wheels of a Ford with
a well proportioned body into a nifty
looking vehicle. It will be finished
with a top.
An interesting meeting of the East
ern Star lodge was held Wednesday
night in which Mrs. Chase Garfield
was received into McKenzie Chapter
by affiliation. Delicious refreshments
were served by Mrs. Lee Hiteman,
Mrs. Theresa Berlin and Mrs. Samuel
Pambrun and daughter, Miss Sadie.
White and red tulips were used in
The 3 o' 4 Bridge club was charm
ingly entertained at the country home
of Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton Monday
afternoon. Daffodils and yellow wild
flowers were used for decorations.
Three tables were in play. Mrs. C
M. Eager and Mrs. Lloyd Michener
being additional guests. Mrs. Ravella
Lieuallen won the club prize and Mrs.
Michener the guest prize and Mrs. C.
L. McFadden received the coasola
tion. A dainty collation was served
by the hostess following the play.
The attractive home of Mrs. M. L.
Watts was the scene of a delightful
tea sponsored by the Baptist ladies
Friday afternoon. Spring flowers and
blossoms decked the rooms and a
splendid and varied program enter-
Itained the many ladies -who called. I
: A New Assortment"
of Munsing, Ladies1 Silk Hose in new Spring
; Colors
Prices: 1.50-1.75-2 .00
5-piece set, Ruffled Lace Curtains,
Assortment of Colors
Price per pair 1.25-2.25
Early Seed Potatoes
Irish Cobbler, per 100 lbs., 2.50
Early Rose, per 100 lbs., 3.50
,.' 5 per cent Discount for Cash
Phone Your Order To 152
- - - , . ..'
a Department Store
Ladies from but of town who par
ticipated in the program were Mrs.
Philo Rounds of Pendleton, who gave
violin solos, and Miss Wentsch of
Walla Walla, accompanist, both ladies
being artists and were highly ap
preciated. Vocal solos were given by
Mrs. 0. H. Reader, Mrs. D. T. Stone
and Mrs. R. B. McEwen; readings by
Mrs. A. C. Mclntyre of Pendleton,
Mrs. C. M. Eager and Mrs. Lee Hite
man;. a song by little Laura Jean
Payne and a piano duet by Mrs. Max
Hopper and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton.
Mrs. Zeltha -Mclntyre, Mrs. M. M.
Johns and Mrs. F. B. Boyd presided
at the urns in the dining room and
Miss Ruth Williams and Miss Sadie
Pambrun assisted in serving. The com
mittee who planned the aff air includ
ed Mrs. O. O. Stephens, Mrs. Charles
Kirk and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton. The
proceeds of the afternoon were about'
thirty-five dollars. , .
A Noted Cast
Victor McLaglen and Belle Bennett
A soul that knows no master
And eyes that smile through their
tears. '
A heart that scorns disaster,
And laughs at the conquering
Presented By William Fox
The story of mother love and sacrifice vital in theme breath taking in sus
pense sparkling with tears brimming with laughter. As poignant as the
song Vital with Life-Sparkling with Irish Wit.: A picture to stir the
heart and become a treasured memory.
News Real, Sports Real and Comedy Admission: 10-25-35c
Wednesday, May 8th
Again something new from Paramount offering Five Great Stars
Clara Bow, Buddy Rogers, Richard Arleen, Jobyna
Ralston and , Gary Cooper
'( '- ' : Iir '
Kvi Epic of the Air
One Night Only, Wednesday May 8
Every woman who has ever loved will relive in "Wings"the heart-throbs of
those glorious hours. Every man who has ever thrilled to hazardous feats
of daring will feel his blood mounting at the glorious spectacle. A story of
friendship such as only a great danger can cement A story of love as full
and true as only a crisis can disclose. A story of youth, its care-free daring,
its unselfish, sacrifice, its beautiful renunciation. A master picture made by
master-craftsmen, enacted by a master cast, filmed on a master-set by
master- photographers. Realism that thrills. Bravery that stirs. Beauty
that awakens. Truly an epic
News Real, Sports Real and Comedy Admission: 10-25-50c