The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 03, 1929, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rate.
One coov. one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 73
Athena, Oregon, May 3, 1929
In an artcle in the Journal of the
American Institute of Criminal Law
and Criminology, Newman Levy, com
menting on the volume of laws passed
in recent years, says:
"Some of this legislation is wise
and of permanent value, some is of
doubtful wisdom, and some is ill-con'
sidered and bad, but all of it consti
tutes a glowing tribute to our child'
like faith in the efficacy of statutory
enactment. It may be questioned by
some whether we Americans are in
herently a law-abiding people, but no
one will deny that we are emphatical
ly a law-enacting pople. 'There ought
to be a law' is a natural slogan;
legislation is our panacea for all the
evils that afflict us. Instead of-creat-ing
a simple, workable legal system,
we have burdened the courts and the
public with thousands of conflicting
and impractical ordinances. Anti
pistol laws, as an example, have been
advocated as the last word in fright
ening the criminal. With ingenuous
logic, reformers argue that the same
thug who thinks nothing of perpetrat
ing a crime of robbery which means
20 years if he is caught, would im
mediately walk the straight and nar
row if it was against the law to pos
sess a gun. And empty-headed
legislators occasionally pass such a
law, with the result that the good
citizen is less protected, to the great
er advantage of the criminal class.
The whole administration of justice
is confused by reformers and sob-sisters
who prevent swift punishment
and create maudlin sentiment in favor
of the criminal."
The state is putting up a deter
mined fight against tuberculosis
through the efforts of the Oregon Tu
berculosis Association. Twenty-one
Oregon citizens have been found to
have tuberculosis, nnd have been
placed under care since the Early
Discovery campaign started on April
The campaign is being conducted
under the direction of a state wide
Early Discovery Committee, appoint-"
ed last, January, by the executive
Committee of the Oregon Tubercu
losis Association, and representing
the Oregon State Medical Society, the
University of Oregon Medical School,
the State Board of Health, the State
Tuberculosis Hospital and the gen
eral medical profession.
A group of Oregon clinicians vol
unteered their services to the various
county and district medical societies
for the holding of free chest clinics,
of the presentation of special papers
an the early discovery of tuberculosis.
The Oregon Tuberculosis Association
volunteered to pay the expenses of
the clinicians out of the fund raised
from the sale of Christmas Seals.
Twelve clinics and four medical
papers were asked for. Four1 of the
clinics have been held, and two more
will be held this week. The clinics
at Ashland, Medford, Pendleton, and
Bend furnished examinations to 66
persons 21 of whom were found tu
berculous, nnd placed under care of
their family physicians. Some of
them will be sent to sanatoria.
QUARTERS When asked about the reports that
have appeared involving the Ameri
can Telephone nnd Telegraph Com
pany in a merger of communication
companies, Mr. Walter S. Gilford,
President of the American Telephone
and Telegraph Company, stated:
"Statements involving the American
Telephone and Telegraph Company in
a merger of communications are en
tirely without foundation. "The
American Telephone und Telegraph
Company does not own directly any
stock or other interest in the Radio
Corporation of America, Internation
al Tclephono and Telegraph Corpor
ation or Western Union Telegraph
Company. So far us it is concerned,
it is directing its attention and ener
gies primarily to furnishing the peo
ple of this country, at the least cost,
the best and most telephone service
possible, including connections by ra
dio and cable with telephones in
Europe and wherever else such con
nections are practical."
Henry Olncy, writing in the Nation
al Republic fays there are billions
of dollars in trees. These dollars
tied up in and dependent upon forest
products show as nothing else can
the absolute economic need of a
steady flow of these products close
to the great manufacturing centers
of the country. The turnover run
ning into staggering totals is depend
ent upon trees. These trees produce
the thousand and one things needed
in our daily life. Demand for these
things is increasing because our
population is increasing at the rate
of a million a year. Just what trees
do for us is shown in reports just
published by the Department of Com
merce. These reports, according to
Charles Lathrop Pack, of the Ameri
can Tree Association, constitute one
of the best arguments ever set forth
for putting our millions of idle acres
fit for nothing else to work growing
trees that are turned into millions of
dollars when the wheels of industry
begin to change the trees into news
papers, houses, radios, baby buggies
and auto finishings.
There's going to be more speed in
troduced shortly in the Northwest,
other than automobile and aircraft
momentum. The Great Northern an
nounced a five hour schedule faster
than its present passenger train time
between Portland and Chicago a re
duction of 'running time of 63 hours.
The answer of the Union Pacific is
61 hours and 15 minutes. This is an
hour and fifteen minutes faster than
the new Great Northern schedule, and
it starts something for the Northern
Pacific and the Milwaukee are yet to
be heard from.' .'. v
gas are as unrelated in the air as
gas and booze are on terra firm a.
Portland police broke up a roller
skating marathon after participants
had rolled around for 55 days at a
rink for a prize of $187.50 each, or
14 cents for each hour they were on
the rollers. When police interfered,
the skaters strenuously objected and
put up a protest separately and whol
ly as rollers are apt to do.
When that mechanical device
known as the "Business Brain," in
vented by a Norwegian is introduced
in America to do the work of a cash
register, bookkeeping, and adding ma
chines, everybody will have time to
play golf. ' .
Portland is proud to own that she
is partial to deep-voiced freighters
and is letting the world know 'that
she desires to see. more of them crawl
into her harbor to carry her com
merce across the seven seas.
Salem will be host for the state
convention of the American Legion
this year, August 8, 9, and 10, and
for the occasion the capital city has
coined the slogan "Our boast some
host!" The outstanding feature of
any convention of the American Le
gion is usually the drum corps con
test. Salem Post has the second best
drum corps in the United States
anyway it was awarded second place
last year in competition at the nation
al Legion convention at San Antonio,
Senator Norris, who has been vigor
ous against the oil and other grafters,
made this comment: "The punishment
doesn't seem to fit the crime. Hun
dreds of millions of dollars of public
property were squandered, stolen,
'bought' through bribery and cor
ruption, and one man of all those in
volved goes to jail for 90 days! But
it does vindicate the Senate, and the
investigations which uncovered the
The first recorded joy ride in an
airplane on the coast, ended Sunday
morning near Los Angeles, when the
scorched remains of throe men were
removed from the wreckage of their
craft, which zoomed 400 feet to earth
in a tail spin. Apparently booze and
Health authorities urged general
participation in child health day,, and
as a result more interest was mani
fested in May Day than formerly.
A band of swans appeared in the
Columbia river near Stevenson,
Wash., but left without singing a
21 Years Ago
Heibert Lyman Anderson is the new
cl.i-f examiner of the federal trade
Dining Room Sets
Prices Right
Just Received Come and See Them
Walnut and Mahogany
Upholstered Rockers
New and Latest in Window Shades
N. A. MILLER, Furniture and Undertaking
Drive Home
the Spikes That Mean
A firm rocklike structure, built on a concrete
foundation, of Lumber, the Lasting Material.
That is an investment that will LAST thru the years.
What ever form of structure you have in mind,
let us help you. Over many years we have
had the practical experience that will help YOU.
Free plan service
Friday, May 1, 1908
The democratic county central com
mittee meets at Pendleton tomorrow.
Delegates to the state convention will
be elected. Also action will be taken
in the indorsement of the several
candidates who will run on the demo
cratic ticket. H. I. Watts for county
school superintendent; R. J. Slater
for district attorney and W. F. Shaw
for representative, will receive the
committee's indorsement. Slater and
Shaw have come before the people
since the prmaries. Taylor, Strain
and Watts were nominated at the pri
mary election.
Four big draft horses, owned by
Chas. Brotherton absented themselves
from the pasture several days ago and
Mr. Brotherton offered $50 reward for
their recovery. Wednesday the horses
were returned to their owner by
George Mulkey, who found . them
headed for their, old range in Wal
lowa county. ' Mr. Mulkey rode out
of town with the $50 check "in his in
side pocket, don't you know." :
The Shamrocks have been unable
to secure a game of 'ball, for Sun
day. Efforts were unsuccessful to
secure a game with either Pilot Rock,
Weston, Adams or Walla Walla. The
teams in those towns all have schedul
ed pames for that day. Later Car-
tano's "Sluggers" will give the Sham
rocks a game, and it promises to be
a warm one. ' ;
Shamrocks vs. Cartano's "Sluggers,"
on Athena grounds, Sunday after
noon. Mrs. T. J. Kirk visited at the home
of her son, Grant Erhart, the first of
the week.
Tobe Bush an old-time Athenaita,
was in town Sunday from his ranch
on Birch creek. ,
The W. H. H. Scott estate was ap
praised yesterday by Jerry Stone, E.
A. Dudley and David Taylor at $33,
949.50. Will M. Peterson, chairman of the
Democratic central committee, was
circulating among . Athena friends
yesterday. -
Clint Thomas the saloon proprietor,
has been in Spokane the past week
attending the bedside of his little son,
who is ill there.
Walla Walla is already hustling for
attractions to entertain the people
who will attend her rousing Fourth
of July celebration.
Miss Ethel Chapman, who is em
ployed at the Jones & Jackson milli
nery store, is all at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Hartle.
The local Woodman Camp will have
a social meeting, next Wednesday
evening. The Woodman are royal en
tertainers and a good time is in order.'
John Tompkins returned from a vis
it to Wallula Monday. John has the
thanks of several Athena friends for
fish, which he brought up with him.
M. L. Watts and S. F. Wilson 'in
partnership have purchased 160 acres
of reservation foothill land from Mrs.
T. P. Page. Consideration $40 per
The condition of Mrs. Charles
Brotherton, who was very 11 with
pneumonia for several days, is one of
great improvement, and her recovery
is now assured.
Mrs. Ira Luna is again very ill and
has been removed to the home of her
mother, Mrs. McPherson, for treat
ment. Mrs. Luna has long been suf
fering from lung trouble.
Misses Jaunita Engdahl, Carrie
Sharp and Mabel Gibbons, teachers
in Athena public school, and Miss
Velma Wilkinson drove to; Weston
Saturday and attended the local insti
The petition for voting on the local
option law by country vote at the
coming election contains 900 names
and has been filed with the county
clerk. Owing to the fact that the
petition contained names of voters
who had failed to register, they were
cut out and the number reduced to
Going to Paint?
. Then use -
Acme Quality Paint
Mot to mar nnumw with, ovraiot una nidc
and you'll get satisfaction.
. It s the best protection
you can give your house.
It is made from the high
est quauiy materials.
It does not nowder: flat off
or crack..
" It forms a tntlcrfl rlnvakU film
. . O I L.V UilU
that wears and looks well for the
longest time.
Its colon are clear, bright and
' lasting. .
It costs less by the job than any
other paint made. , .
The full color card shows 48
handsome shades.
put up full measure, always.
Sel(ct Your Wall Paper
From Our Stock .
. . A Mercantile Trust
1 '1 :
Getting Up Nights
If Bladder Weakness, Getting Up
Nights, Backache, Burning orltch
ing Sensation, leg or groin pains
make you feel old, tired, pepless,
and worn out, why not make the
Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up.
Get Cystex today at any drug store,
put it to a 48 hour test. Money back
if you don't soon feel like new, full
of pep, sleep well, with pains alleviat
ed. Try Cytex today. Only 60c. Mc-
raaaen s rnarmacy. .
Dry Cleaning
Domestic Dry Clearing Co.
Pendleton. Oregon
We Call and deliver Work
Athena agency at Steve's
Main St H. H. HILL Athena
Iffll MVV Mtt m m WM Mil M Mil BM Mil Will Kit
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds'
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
"Pink's Place"
Is the Place to get Your
Old Winter
replaced with new
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington "
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
- Perm Harris Barber Shop
:, Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
- '. Phone 683. ' " '
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
Why suffer with
tired, aching feet?
Regardless of their condition, I can
' help you
Foot Correctionist
22 W. Main St. Walla Walla
The Gun Man
I make a specialty of
Elevators .
or anything that you might have
to paint.
CALL me for an estimate
J. P. McCarroll
404 Bellevue
Phone 3017 Collect
Walla Walla, Wash.
Twin City Cleaners
e firm that does your work as you want it done, at t
Lowest Prices
Consistent with expert workmanship. We call for and deliver on
" : Monday, Thursday and Saturday.
We are represented in Athena by Penn Harris
. Phone 583
. T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month..10c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days .
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month 10c per KWH
Next 200 7c per KWH
Next 300 .....6c per KWH
Next 400 : ......5c per KWH
Next 1000 .: .4c per KWH
Excess oyer 2000............. ..........3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company
Announces that it has com-pieted the organ-
- ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or a
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information