The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 05, 1929, Image 3

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Bell & Gray
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country .
and Horse Team Work
"Pink's Place"
Is the Place to get Your
Old Winter
replaced with new
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, ; Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
, DR. 8. F. SHARP
Athena, Oregon
High School Notes
Junior News Staff
Editors .. ..... .
Virgie Moore, Beatrice Hiteman
Faculty. Loie Montgomery
Student Body
.. John Kirk, Eldon Myrick
Classes.... George Gross
Subject Classes Thelma Schrimpf
Entertainment Cecil Pambrun
i. Frances Cannon, Helen Foster
Grades, lst-4th Carl Calvert
Grades, 6th-8th Harold Kirk
Adviser .................Mildred Bateman
(Virgie Moore)
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! That is
what we hear every minute. With the
coming of spring and the warm, sun
shine outside, we are always want
ed in the house or schoolroom to do
something, when we want to be out
side. It is always the same old cry,
hurry to do this, or hurry to do that.
Hurry and get up! Hurry to schooll
Hurry home! Everyone is urged to
hurry when he just feels that it can't
be done. Even the teachers, when
they, too, feel in the same mood, urge
us on to study and keep up that daily
grind; yet they know we would like
to be out enjoying the spring weather.
Spring brings with it such a hustle
and bustle, lots of work, and that
great epidemic, spring fever.
The work must be done by a certain
time,, but why hurry when we have
lots of time? That is our feeling
when we have spring fever.
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Main Street. Athena. Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Subject Classes
In typing I on a Royal typewriter,
John Kirk has written thirty words
a minute for fifteen minutes with less
than five errors, and thus has quali
fied for a Royal Typewriting Certificate.
In the recent contest conducted by
the W. C. T. U. the prize for the
best essay written on the subject of
prohibition in the junior-senior divis
ion was awarded to Eldon Myrick.
Stafford Hansell won the prize for the
freshmen-sophomore classes. Stafford
Hansell also won the county prize m
the freshmen-sophomore division. The
upper division essays were on "Total
Abstinence as a Help to the Nation,"
and the lower group subject was
"Total Abstinence as a. Help in Ath
letics," Stafford's essay by virtue of
winning the county prise has been en
tered in the state contest,
Miss Bateman entertained the mem
bers of the play cast at a delightful
dinner at the home of her parents in
Milton Saturday evening. The guests
found their places at a table gaily
decorated with Easter baskets, rab
bits, and chickens by means of place
cards which bore typical lines from
the play. After the three course din
ner, cards were enjoyed. Weldon
Bell won high prize and Betty Eager
received consolation. Guests invited
were: Betty Eager, Thelma Schrimpf,
Carolyn Kidder, Ralph McEwen, Wei
don Bell, Stafford Hansell, John Kirk,
Edwin McEwen, Wilford Miller, Miss
Brodie, John Pinkerton, and the
, (Eldon Myrick)
Athena high school base ball team
won its first game of the season when
they defeated the Adams team, 8-6,
on the home diamond Friday.' -Adams
scored first in the second in.
ning when three scores were run in.
n this inning Crawford knocked
home run for Adams. Athena went
into the lead by scoring three times
each in the third and fifth innings
In the first of the seventh Adams
tied the score at six all. Crowley and
Murphy answered by scoring on My
rick s triple to right field to cinch the
game for Athena. The game ended
with the seventh inning on account of
the cold weather and the poor con
dition of the field.
Bank Statement
Charter No. 4516 .' Reserve District No. 12
Report of Condition of the First National Bank of Athena in 'he State
of Oregon, at the close of business on March 27th, 1929
1. Loans and discounts , $ 570,015.04
2. Overdrafts 108.96
3. United States Government securities own,ecj........ 7,500.00
4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned..,....,,.,, ,., 28,860.60
& Banking house, $6,062.00, Furniture and fixtures, f338,0Q.,., 6,400.00
8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank..,,...,.,,,...,...,,,.,,,;...,.,,,.,, 27,457.64
9, Cash and due from banks..., ....,...,...,.. 31,687.77
11. Redemption fund with U, S, Treasurer and due from U. S.
Treasurer 625.00
Total ; .$ 722,655.01
15. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
16. Surplus . 60,000.00
17. Undivided profits net 22,554.54
20. Circulating notes outstanding 12,500.00
21. Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks out
standing ........................................... 1,122.83
. 22. Demand deposits 240,003.16
23. Time deposits r."!iw', .'. 336,474.43
State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss.
I, F. S. LeGrow, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 3rd day of April, 1929.
E. C. PRESTBYE, Notary Public.
.Commission expires Jujy 1st 1932.
F. S. LEGROW, Cashier.
Correct Attest:
M, W. HANSELL, Directors
Sassafras Bark, (39c lb,
Water Glass 35c quart
Gem Razor two Blades with each tube
Mennens Shaving Cream 50c
Aqua-Velva 25c size with each tube Wil-
liams Shaving Cream 35c
Gold Plated Auto Strop Razor with pur
chase of ten Velet Blades f 1.00
West Tooth Paste 25c size with each Dr,
West Brush 5Qc
McFadden'S Pharmacy
i kt. w iA i.i j-f im& t j.f jr fcig Ut la r t-j t-A I
Student Body
(John Kirk)
The student body held a meeting
March 28 to decide on the advisability
of fixing the tennis courts. A large
majority voted to commence work at
once. On March 29 a meeting was
held and the question was brought
up for the classes to decide if they
wished the play money to be divided
among themselves or if they would
allow the money to go to the student
body fund for the annual. The stu
dents voted unanimously that they
wished the money used for the annual.
A meeting was held April 1 to have
the budget for the annual submitted
to a vote of the student body. The
budget was passed by a majority vote.
The junior class held a meeting
Monday, April 1st Frances Cannon,
chairman of the junior show program,
gave her report, and further discus
sion of the program was carried on.
The juniors will sponsor the program
that will precede the annual junior
picture show to be given Wednesday,
April 10.
Mr. Meyer was unanimously chosen
as toastmaster for the junior-senior
banquet. Others chosen to respond
with toasts were: Miss Bateman,
John Kirk, Wilford Miller, Wayne
Pinkerton, and Ralph McEwen.
Those appointed on the committee
for decorations and for themes of the
toasts were: Thelma Schrimpf,
Frances Cannon, and Virgie Moore.
(Frances Cannon)
Mildred Street, Areta Kirk, Al
berta Charlton, and Pearl Green were
in Walla Walla Saturday.
Jack Moore, Arthur Crowley, and
Eldon Myrick were in Pendleton
First and Second Grades
There seems to be no noticeable
check on the sore throat epidemic
which is running through the lower
grades. This week's victims are: Iva
Mae Booher, Helen Rogers, and Bon
nie Johnson.
Third and Fourth Grades
Gerald Myers has auit school for
the present, ; .
The third and fouth grades were
entertained by their teacher Miss
Thorson, with an Easter egg party
in tneir room r'riday afternoon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Zeph
W. Lockwood, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed Ad
ministrix of the above entitled estate
by the above entitled court, and .that
she has qualified as the law directs.
All persons having claims against the
estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me at my home in Ath
ena, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
within sjx months from the date here
of,' Dated at Athena, Oregon, March
11, 1929. MAY E. LOCKWOOD,
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph
Rawnsley, Deceased.
Notice is herehv criven to all nprKnrm
whom it may concern:
mat itaipn toisom has been ap
pointed administrator of the estate
of Joseph Rawnsley, deceased; all
persons having claims against his
estate are required to present them
with proper vouchers to said admin
istrator at ttlA law nffioa nt Ptornn
and Lewis, Stangier Building, Pendle
ton, uregon, within six months ol the
date of the first publication of this
notice which is the 22nd day of
March, 1829.
RALPH FOLSOM, Admisistrator.
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Administrator, Pendleton, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Charles
C. Foster, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern:
That The Inland Empire Bank of
Pendleton at Pendleton, Oregon, has
been appointed administrator of the
estate of Charles C. Foster, deceased.
All persons having claims against the
estate are hereby required to present
them with proper vouchcers as re
quired by law, to the said adminis
trator at its office and place of busi
ness in Pendleton, Oregon, or to
Peterson & Lewis, attorneys for the
administrator, at their office in the
.For the Garden
We have a complete stock of Seeds
in Packages and
ancy apples
Walla Walla River
The best vegetables and fruits in season, Continues to be our specialtv
Always fresh and well selected. .
Quality Quantity, Service.
Phone 171.
Athena, Oregon
Stangier Building in Pendleton, Ore
gon, within six months of the date of
the first publication of this notice
which is Friday the .22nd day of
March, 1929.
PENDLETON, Administrator.
Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Administrator. M22A19
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mar
garet Tracy, deceased.
jfi ia hcrshv crivpn that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator with tne win annexed oi me
estate of Margaret Tracy, deceased,
by the above entitled Court.
- All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to the undersigned
Ha nffim in Athena. Oreeon. or to
the Attorneys for said Administra
tor, Watts & f restoye, n uieir
office in Athena, Oregon, within six
IK mnnfVia from the date of the first
publication of this notice. All claims
must be verinea as Dy law requueu.
DateH at Athena. Oregon, this 5th
J.. 1Q9Q
trator with the Will Annexed of
the Estate of Margaret Tracy, De
censed '
Watts '& Prestbye. Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. A5M3
vnTtrr ts WttRF.RY GIVEN.
That under and by virtue of a Writ
a RvoKiifinn iamipH out of the Or-
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Umatilla County, under tne nana oi
a th Rpfll thereof and to
bilG WV1 VA - -
me directed and delivered upon a
judgment and decree rendered and en-
tered in earn courc on we soiu uay w
March, 1929, in favor of L. D. John-
PAH on1 a era in af. A. A. Laird and
Cecele Laird, his wife, Eugene Hales
and Archie A. Laird, whereby plain
tiff did recover a joint and several
judgment ana aecree againsi saw
A l.trj anA fopolo T.nirH. his Wife.
for the sum of $740.26, with interest
thereon from the zvtn aay oi June,
1927, at the rate of 8 per cent per enil thu flirtVlpr Hum of S26.12
taxes, $100 reasonable attorney fees
and plaintiff's costs ana aiBDursemeius
of said suit, taxed at $51.85, and
wherehv it was decreed that a certain
mortgage, executed by said A. A.
Laird and tJeceie Laira, nis wue, w
the Bank of Stanfield, a corporation,
which duly assigned the same to F.
a Rw xuhn assigned
said mortgage to this plaintiff on the
12th day oi May, izo, ana recurueu
on page 76 of Book 85 of the Mort-
:age Kecords or umatnia oumy,
itnta nt Orcornn. hf foreclosed and
the property therein described, to-wit:
The Southeast Quarter of Section
Twenty, in Twp. Four, North of
Range 29, East of the Willam
ette Meridian, Oregon, contain
ing 160 acres.
oliAnll and fVta nrnraeda aft-
plied to the payment and satisfaction
oi said judgment ana costs ana uis
bursements of sale, and that plaintiff's
recovery is limited to the amount for
which said property is sold.
Now, therefore, I will on the 4th
day of May, 1929, at the hour of 2
o'clock in the afternoon of said day
house in the City of Pendleton, Uma-
.... r . . m . 1,
una county, siate oi uregon, su
the right, title, interest and estate,
which the defendants A. A. Laird,
Cecele Laird, his wife, Eugene Hales
ana Arcnie a. LAira, or any oi mem,
anil 'oil infAvafif whith flflv nurfnn
claiming by, through or under them
or any of them, had on the 23rd day
of March, 1929, or have since acquired
.1 1 . u
merein, or now nave in ur tv iuc
nhnve HprriVipl rpal nronertv and
every part thereof at public auction to
the highest and best bidder for cash
in hand. TOM B. GURDANE,
Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon.
By Vayne M. Gnrdane, Deouty.
Pendleton Marble and Granite Works
Established 1882
We will be pleased to cooperate with you on your Decoration Day
plans. A phone call to 328W Pendleton will bring any desired in
formation. Memorials of Beauty and Durability
'"'"THE ' "'
Special Attention Given to School Children
Chicken Tamales Chile Beans
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Goodyear Tires
The Greatest Name in Rubber
All Sizes
Carried in Stock
They Stand Up and are Priced Right
Athena, Garage, Main Street, Phone 352
jiTiMiiiiiiMB JL
1 IJpj js We carry the best
nflE Meat
' That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.