The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 15, 1929, Image 3

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High School Notes
Junior News Staff
Editors ' ll:.'.?..::. .
Virgie Moore, Beatrice Hiteman
a acuity. Loie Montgomery
Student Body :
........John Kirk, Eldon Myrick
Classes.... ............ Genvtra Ornss
Subject Classes Thelma Schrimpf
entertainment uecu JPambrun
Frances Cannon, Helen Foster
GradeSj lst-4th. Carl Calvert
Grades, 5th-8th..................Harold Kirk
Adviser..'..........i.........Mildred , Bateman
Editorial ,
(Beatrice Hiteman;
' Spring is coming and with it that
spring fever that makes the -pupils
dreamy and lazy, a condition that
drives the teachers to distraction.
Signs of spring are cropping up
all around. The heavy winter dresses
of the girls are now being replaced
by light spring dresses, and the boys
are weakening to the urge to golf
outfits. Basketball has been replaced
. by the outdoor sport of baseball, and
nearly all of the grades have their
own portion of the school grounds
where they enjoy their own little
games. J' ". -
The pupils, at the end of the school
day, rush out to enjoy the warmth
of the sun, reveling in it after the
hard, severe-winter Athena has just
left behind. The fields in the distance,
green with the new wheat, the bud
ding trees, the pussy willows in
bloom, the songs of the birds, and the
restlessness of the pupils all herald
the coming of spring.
Miss Bateman was in Walla Walla
Miss Brodie was in Walla Walla
Saturday. ' '
Mr. Meyer was in Walla Walla Sat
urday. Mr. Meyer and Mr. Miller went to
Pendleton Monday evening on business.
Student Body
A student body meeting was held
Wednesday, March 6, for the purpose
of buying flowers for Doris Street,
who is ill. .
. .. ' Classes .. . ; '
A junior class meeting was called
Tuesday, March 6, to discuss a pro
gram for the junior picture show.
Those appointed on the program
committee were: Harold Kirk,
Frances Cannon, and Carl Calvert.
The class decided to sell candy at the
high school play and at the junior
show. The last was repealed when
it was decided to hold a cooked food
sale, Saturday, March 9. ;
The junior class called another
meeting Wednesday. March 6. to H
cide on the chancins- of the food s1p
date, because of a conflicting sale on
tne same day. It was decided to hold
the sale on Saturday. March 16.
The senior class called a meeting
Jjnday, March 8, and discussed sever
al different thines for a class e-ift.
but nothing has been decided on yet
Carolvn Kidder and Harold Kirlr
were m Walla Walla Sunday.
Mary and Esther Berlin were shop
pine in Walla Walla Saturday.
rearl Green was in Pendleton Sat
Thelma SchrimDf was in Walla
Walla Sunday.
Dons Street is at St. Murv'n lina.
pital in Walla Walla recovering from
an operation for appendicitis.
Mildred Street has been absent from
school because of illness at home.
1st and 2nd Grades
Newton Murahv was hadlv mimed
about the face as the result of a hnn-
fire explosion at his home Sunday
afternoon. He escaped beine more
seriously burned when h mnnacrod to
put out the flames in his hair with
his hands. The explosion was thought
to have been caused bv a water-filled
bottle which exploded due to heat
pressure, and threw its boiling con
tents over the victim's face.
Geraldine Garrett ha Iwpti ill until
the "flu,", which seems to be "going
Gloria Garfield is still absent from
school with the "flu." .
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
Initiative Petition
Advocates Single Tax
Salem. An initiative petition to
place the single tax question on the
oanot at the general election in No
vember, 1930, was filed with Secre
tary of State Hoss by the Oregon
Single Tax league, with headquarters
at 271 Market street, Portland. Offi
cers of the leaeue are: President.
H. L. Castro; vice-president, R. D.
marchant; second vice-president, Mrs.
Laura Lees, and manager, J. R. Her
man. A total of 15,555 signatures
will be required to insure the measure
a place on the ballot.
The measure provides for a consti
tutional amendment providing that
from March .81, 1931, to March 1,
1935. all revenues for the mainte
nance of the state, county, municipal
and district government throughout
the state be raised by a tax on the
value of land, irrespective of im
provements. After March 1, 1935, it
is proposed that the full rental value
of the land, irrespective of improve
ments, shall be taken in lieu of all
other taxes.
21 Years Ago
Hard Chewing Beneficial
Only a complete change ol environ
ment nnd diet can save most people
from the advisability of three or four
tiental eleanslngs dally. If we lived
on hard foods we might have molars
and bicuspids that were naturally
clean and resistant. The more apples
and crusts we eat, the more closely
we approach this happy state. And
the harder and longer we chew on
something we can grind up fine, the
better for gums and jaws. Eileen
Bourne in Liberty Magazine.
Getting there ahead of the trouble
During the afternoon of March 17, 1928, an alarm
- bell rang in a telephone test station. This meant that
a puncture had been made in the air-tight sheath of
a busy inter-city cable. The men on duty knew that
the injury was somewhere within 50 miles.
Highly developed locating devices were instantly
applied and in sixty-five minutes thetroublc spot was
located. By 7:15 in the evening, before the break
in the sheath had affected service on any of the 248
pairs of wires in the cable, the repairs had been
made without one conversation being interrupted.
This special alarm system is one of the many mechan
ical and electrical wonders developed by Bell System
engineers to guard telephone conversations.
Automatic warning signals, electrical locating de
vices, constant testing of all switchboard apparatus
and circuits these are some of the ceaseless efforts
that so effectively reduced interruptions to service
on Bell lines in 1928. There is no standing still in
the Bell System. ,
44Th TtoJsraoKi Boom am rat DmicroRT
The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company
On Policy - One System - Unhtrwl Servitt
Mr w
.;, Friday, March 13, 1908 (
Doloh Lodee No. 80. A. F. & A. M
held an interesting meeting Saturday
night. A number of visiting Masons
were present, including members of
Weston, Pendleton, Helix and Walla
Walla lodees. The Master Mason de
erree was conferred on three candi
dates, after which a banquet supper
was served. Dolph Lodge is steadily
increasing in membership and much
interest is taken by the members in
its meetings. The lodge owns one oi
the finest furnished halls in the
state. . ... " ' ' ,: . "-
Colonel Wood of the Leader was in
town for a couple of hours Saturday,
His services were required in adjust
ing a press that wickedly pinched the
right hand of the Press man. The col
onel did the work quickly and well,
became swelled up over his mechanic
al ability and said it would have been
better for the community had Boyd's
head landed in the press instead of his
hand. ;
After holding the body of Dan
Avery, the man who committed sui
cide in the Athena city jail by cutting
his throat with the sharp edge of a
broken whiskey bottle, in the hope
that some relative could be found, the
remains were given decent burial in
the Athena cemetery Friday last.
Byron Hawks returned Sunday from
a short visit in Spokane. '
Miss Delia Danner is spending the
week with friends in Pendleton. t
Miss Elsie Myrick was over from
the Walla Walla High school last
Chase Garfield, of Walla Walla,
spent Sunday at the Nelson home near
Plowing is in full blast on the farms
in this vicinity and everywhere in the
country farm work is forging ahead.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Koepke is ill at their home
near town, threatened with an attack
of pneumonia. ;
Charley Barrows made a short busi
ness trip to Portland the first of the
week in the interest of the Mosgrove
Mercantile Co.
Miss Leota Cannon last Monday
commenced a four months term of
school in the Rawhide district, the
same school she taught last fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Connick have
arrived from Tacoma, and will prob
ably remain here, Mr. Connick hav
ing accepted a position in the Preston-
Parton mill.
The annual dehorning process took
place this week at the Barrett ranch
north of town. A number of cattle
were relieved of their horns, which is
a painful though necessary operation
when the stock is to be fed in close
quarters during the winter season.
Quill Gerking, a popular boy of the
old time Athena, passed through town
yesterday from his home in northern
Washington, on his way to Wei?er,
Idaho, where he has been called to the
bedside of his father, J. E. L. Ger
king, who is said to be on his death
bed. Dog tax and alley cleaning time has
arrived. In many parts of town the
rake is being weilded with all tha vim
that cleaning up days inspire, and
your dog will have to be .decoratad
with a 1908 licenses badge or Marshal
Gholson will make a dog-gone good
dog of him.
Mrs. Jacob Bloch passed through
Tuesday on the Spokane train, on her
way home from a visit with relatives
in Union. Several old Athena" friends
met her and visited a few minutes at
the train. Owing to sickness at home,
Mrs. Bloch was unable to stop for a
visit here.
Are Cleaning Up
Ladies Hose
1.15 Hose at 85c
2.00 Hose at 1.60
All gents Dress Shirts and
Woolen Shirts
1-5 off
No Reservations, All Go
The best vegetables and fruits in season, Continues to be our specialty
Always fresh and well selected.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
" ! i . , , 1
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Richard Dix
Ruth Elder
in ;..
of the
It is a Rousing MacLean
Comedy Better than
"ZZYi Hours Leave.'
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment. Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
, Athena. Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
"Pink's Place"
Is the Place to get Your
Old Winter
replaced with new
Bell & Vcnable
, Phones 22 and 24
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils H Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Goodyear Tires
The Greatest Name in Rubber
All Sizes
Carried in Stock
They Stand Up and are Priced Right
Athena, Garage, Main Street, Phone 352
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Bridge Players
We carry a complete line of Bridge cards,
tally cards, score cards. Bridge prizes and the
new Bridge candy. Just out, Congress Bridge
sets with two decks cards, tally and score cards,
complete 2.25. New Bicycle Bridge sets con
taining two decks cards with fancy back 1.50.
St. Patrick's tally and score cards in stock.
McFadden'S Pharmacy