The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 22, 1929, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Ratea.
One copy, one year W-jjO
One copy, six months
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, February 22, 1929
An editorial in a recent issue of
Collier's weekly comments on the con
tinuance of our unprecedented
national prosperity, and shows that
it is well-grounded and should be
permanent High wages, more ef
ficient business, steady employment
and improving farm conditions are
most promising auguries for the fu
ture. "In consequence of this great
national development," Collier's con
tinues, "prices of securities - have
been enormously enhanced.
"Much of this rise has been of the
soundest character.
"Stocks have reflected the increas
ed earnings of corporations and mil
lions of people have been enriched.
"All this is solid and desirable. But
accompanying this actual prosperity
based on increased production and
consumption is the artificial prosper
ity built upon gambling in stocks.
" 'Wall Street' is not to blame for
this. Men and women from every
walk of life and from every state in
the union have caught the fever.
Stock gambling has become a great
national pastime.
"Gambling threatens to stop the
goose from laying her golden eggs."
"The most conspicuous aspect of
railway transportation during recent
years has been the steady improve
ment in quality of service rendered,"
says a report by the Department of
Commerce. "It is estimated that the
time required for a given shipment
is flow at least one-third less than at
the close of the war. This improve
ment in railway service has reduced
the costs and risks of industry and of
distribution. It has made it possible
to do business without carrying ex
cessive stocks of commodities.
"The betterment of railway
service has been the result of
deliberate effort on the part of the
railway companies themselves and of
cooperation on the part of shippers
and receivers of merchandise. The
railway companies have improved
their roadbeds and their equipment.
Better equipment has made possible
longer trains with consequent lower
operating costs; the average train in
1927-28 carried 781 tons of freight
as compared with 656 in 1921-22."
We believe there are plenty of fish,
both for commercial fishermen and
sportsmen. With proper enforce
ment of open and closed season reg
ulations, the commercial fishermen
should reap sufficient reward for
their labor, but they should observe
commercial fishing regulations. On
the other hand, anglers, if they could
have their way would oust the com
mercial fishers from certain streams,
entirely. There is no stream in Ore
gon of sufficient size to promote com
mercial fishing but what is large
enough to fully accommodate both the
angler and the man who fishes for a
livelihood. Fishing lodge promoters
are just as hard for the common
everyday angler to get along with as
is the man who earns his three meals
per day with a row boat and a net in
proper season. If he is that kind of
a fisherman, he'll pass an angler over
his stretch of water with a wave of
his hand. But you're a fishing lodge
dub member, or a gold-dust eater
from California, when you fish in
waters controlled by most fishing
Chicago gang warfare has taken
on massacre proportions. Seven
members of the Moran gang were
lined up facing a brick wall and ex
terminated with machine guns, the
killers calmly returning to their car
at the crub and driving away. "Bugs"
Moran, chief of the gang members
murdered says he has no idea as to
who did the killing, and one of the
victims still alive when police ar
rived on the scene died in true gang
land stoicism without "talking." Suf
fice to say that the murderers escap
ed and that gang leaders Moran, Al
Capone and other murder chiefs re
main unmolested to organize other
gangs, to the disgrace of Chicago,
her city government and her law en
forcement organization.
The blockading of a Northern
Pacific train by snow for five days,
roads moro like a railroad winter in
cident in somo of the prtiiric states
rather than transpiring within a few
miles of Athena, situated in the
salubrious climate of the Pacific
slope. But the unusual transpires
out here once in awhile.
In the opinion of Dean Roscoe
Tound of Harvard University "there
is no one thing in all the depart
ments of government or business
that is cteTicS ofc with let stfWttflC
or orderly method than the making
of laws." Commenting on this, War
den Lawes of Sing Sing penitentiary,
says that "I would add that this ar
raignment is particularly true of our
criminal laws."
Just when the Northwest was get
ting ready to stroll around the corner
to extend greetings to Spring, Spok
and and Walla Walla threw the
monkeywrench at the weather man,
and he retaliated with another snow
storm, but considerately missed us.
There was recently merged in the
Pacific northwest, 413 chain grocery
stores with a total capitalization of
between $8,000,000 and $10,000,000.
A chain within a chain, as it were.
; c
France permits the sale of counter
feit diamonds. Some of our friends
(who have been there) tell us that
by no means are diamonds the only
counterfeit to be found there.
According to a comprehensive re
port by the Highway Research
Board there is a strong indication
that low cost improved roads will in
clude in the future as in the past
more than half the surfaced mileage
in the United States.
Chicago society note: "Bugs"
Moran and Joe Saltis are leaving
the city soon to join "Scarface" Al
Capone and other windy city higher-
ups at Miami Beach.
We read that plans have been com
pleted for the erection of large rab
bit houses at Forest Grove. Another
outlet for the Echo-Hermiston pro
President Hoover took the sails
out of his fishing party the other
day in Florida when he caught the
biggest sailfish on the trip.
Hawaiians have been listening to
their music broadcasted from Amer
ican radios and it sounds good to
If thrpndhnre vnnr dress and old-
fashioned your hat, someone will
snrplv tnkp notice of that, and hint
rather strong that you can't pay
your way; but dont get excuea,
whatever they say,
For people will talk.
If your dress is in fashion, don't
think to escape, for they criticize
then in a different shape, you're ahead
of your means, or your tailor is un
paid ;but mind your own business",
there's naught to be made,
For people will talk.
Now the best way to do is to do
as you please, for your mind, if you
have one, will then be at ease. Of
course, you will meet with all sorts
of abuse, but don't think to stop
them, it's not any use.
For people will talk.
You may get through the world,
but 'twill be very slow, if you listen
to all that is said as you go; you'll
be worried and fretted and kept in
a stew, for meddlesome tongues must
have something to do.
For people will talk.
If quiet and modest, you'll have it
presumed that your humbled position
is only assumed; you're a wolf in
sheep's clothing, or else you're a fool;
but don't get excited, keep perfectly
For people will talk.
And then if you show the least
boldness of heart, or a slight incli
nation to take your own part, they
will say you're an upstart, conceit
ed and vain. But keep straight
ahead, don't stop to explain,
For people will talk.
Mrs. Anna M. Sommers.
. 1928. Western Newipapw Union.)
These trees that stand here, ready
for the winter.
Had not one voice to cry, We
love Tou, God!
And yet, who else has proved af
fection better
Than they who drew rich splen
. dor from dull sod?
Violet Alleyn Storey.
Cuts suitable for soup meat are the
shank, plate and neck of beef, or
shank, or breast
pieces of Iamb
and veaL
Wipe the meat
with a damp cloth
and cot Into small
pieces. Hare the
bones sawed In
small pieces.
Saute part of the
meat In some of the fat, then add to
the remainder with the bones. "Cover
with cold water and allow one quart
to each two pounds of meat Let
stand one-half hour before patting
over the beat Cook slowly at the
simmering point for six hours. The
last two bonrs of the cooking add a
small onion, a stalk of celery and two
carrots, a bayleaf, three peppercorns,
one ten spoonful of salt and a few
dashes of pepper. Remove the bones;
If desired to remove fat cool and then
Creamed Vegetable . Soup. To one
quart of soup stock udd one quart of
boiling water, one cupful each of diced
carrots and turnips, one-half cupful of
rice and cook nntil tender; only a
little liquid should remain. Melt
three tablespoonfuls of fat and add
four tablespoonfuls of Soar, then slow
ly add one quart of milk, two tea
spoonfuls of salt and a little pepper
with one teaspoonful of Worcester
shire sance. Add one cupful each of
cooked string beans and peas and re
heat Luncheon -Pepper Pot Take one
quart of clear strong soup, add one
pint of water, four tablespoonfuls each
of shredded carrot and green pepper
and celery. Cook until the vegetables
are tender, season highly with salt
and cayenne. Divide the portions Into
four soup bowls or casseroles. Have
ready four rounds of fonst on which
has been melted a thin slice of cheese.
Lay one on each casserole, then place
a poached egg on each, dust with pep
per and salt and dot with butter
Serve at once.
Evil Reputation of
Sarjacio Sea Myth
The Sargasso sea Is a region of the
Atlantic ocean lying off the Amerlonn
coast about the latitude of Floridn
It Is composed of floating masses of
brown seaweed, characterized , by
numerous small berry-like bladders.
This dense gulf weed (Snrgassum bnc
ciferum) Is the home of many small
marine animals, cmbs, prawns, : etc.
It Is supposed that the weed grows
on the American const, Is torn away
by the waves and washed by the cur
rents round the North Atlantic ocean
Into the comparatively still waters
where It floats In accumnlated masses.
The older masses of weed slowly lose
their power to float and then sink and
perish. Columbus was becalmed in
the Sargasso sea, and this made his
men despair of ever reaching land.
For a long time this sea had an un
enviable reputation, as It was thought
that the ship which was forced Into
It was doomed. Recent scientific ex
peditions have demonstrated that
ships need have little fear of the
masses of weed.
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you shquld keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Pcnn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Come In and See Our
Unconditionally Guaranteed
For 16,000 Miles
A Startling announcement To our Customers. They
said it could not be done-with our source of sup
ply we have gone ahead and have done it!
The world's leading value in quality tires. There are many second grade
tires masquerading under first grade titles we prove our first quality with
a 16,000-mile guarantee. Tires have gone as high as 30,000 and 35,000 miles.
We have this tire in all sizes.
30x51 $5.9
F. O. B. Portland or Seattle
Come in and See It--Now on Display!
Here is our Answer! Not only Tires, but Tubes from $1.00 up, Bat
teries and a very selected line of Auto Supplies.
Rogers .Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
"He that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loam
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
tit ti ii
we rianaie Genuine w
Goods-No Substitutes!
Tnr Qur TA
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
Three Times a Week
We Deliver Monday, Thursday and Saturday
Let The
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
Do Your Holiday Cleaning and Pressing. Prices
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Preston-Shaffer Milling Gj
Is siade in Avhena, t' Athena labor, in one ol the very" bam
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. PatronUe home industry. Your
grocer sells the fsmpui American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Uhena. Oreaon. - - WaitsburfJi, Wash
Announces that it has com-pieted the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information