The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 15, 1929, Image 3

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The Social Side
Etude Club
A cleverly arranged program com
memorating St. Valentine'.s day was
enjoyed by the Etude club Tuesday
afternoon. Members motored to the
country home of Mrs. Ross Payne
which was appropriately decorated
for the occasion. After a, short busi
ness session and roll call answered
with Valentine quotations, the host
esses, Mrs. James Cresswell and Mrs,
Penn Harris took charge of the pro
gram. An interesting account of the
life of St. Valentine and the origin
of the day was given by Mrs. Harris.
The theme of the program was Love.
Mrs. Art Douglas and Mrs. Cress
,' well in costume sang "School days"
as an example of childhood love. This
' was, followed by a mock wedding,
. Mrs. Bryce Baker representing the
bride, Mrs. M. I. Miller, the groom
and Mrs. Lewis Stewart the minister.
Mrs. Harris played the wedding
march and following the ceremony
Mrs. Baker sang "Our house of
dreams." Mrs. Harris sang "Our
i Yesterdays" during a tableau of love
in old age. Mrs. Eager representing
grandmother and Mrs. Michener
grandfather, following which Mrs.
Michener sane "When you and T
were young Maggie." Several com
petitive guessing games amused the
guests, after which the ' hostesses
served a delicious salad and sand
wiches which further carried out the
, Valentine idea. The next meeting of
the club will be at the home of Mrs.
James Cresswell Thursday afternoon.
February 21. Roll call will be an-
. swered with patriotic quotations.
y ..,:'., .
Three o' Four Club '
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper and
Mr. and Mrs..C. L. McFadden were
hosts at a pleasant bridge party
Thursday evening at the Hopper
home. Members of the Three o'
Four Bridge club and their husbands
and several additional guests made
up five tables. Guests for the eve
ning included Mr.: and Mrs. Ralph
McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Logsdon, Mr. and Mrs. Revella Lieu
alien won first prize and Mr and Mrs.
Paul Lieuallen won consolation. The
house was festive with cut flowers
and Valentine colors. A delicious
two course luncheon, was served.
Virginia's Party .
Virginia Eager asked a group of her
little friends to her house Wednesday
afternoon to celebrate her tenth
i birthday. After the games were
over, Mrs. Eager served delicious
refreshments and Virginia cut a big
birthday cake. Those present were:
Miss Thorsen, Betty Venable, Eloise
Venable, Maxine Martin, Marjorie
Martin, June Garfield, Gloria Gar
field, Frances Alkire, Joyce Pinker
ton, Jewel Pinkerton, Fern Carstens,
Emma Jane Kilgore, Doris Jenkins,
Bonnie Johnson, Natelle Miller, Bev
erley Barrett, Genevieve Barrett, and
Virginia Eager.
Miss Johnson Entertains .
Miss Blanche Johnson entertained
Friday evening in honor of Mrs.
Larry Knox, who is a visitor here.
Two tables of bridge were in play.
Miss Pearl Ramsay won the prize
for high score and Miss Lois Mcln
tyre won consolation. Mrs. Donald
Johnson assisted Miss Johnson in
serving a deljcious two course lunch
eon. The guest list included the
honor guest Mr?. Larry Knox, Mrs.
Donald Johnson and the Misses
Pearl Ramsay, Lola Mclntyre, Edna
DeFreece, Lenore McNair and Hilda
Athena Bridge Club
Three tables of bridge were in play
at the home of Mrs. R. B. McEwen
j when she entertained the Athena j
Bridge club Friday afternoon. Mem- J
, bers and guests were bidden for
luncheon at one o'clock. A sugges
tive note of Spring and St. Valen
tine's day was evidenced by pussy- j
willows about the rooms and the con
fections served. Mrs. H. , I. Watts
made high score for the club and
Miss Hilda Dickenson won the guest
prize, Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn receiv
ing the consolation.
21 Years Ago
Wedding Anniversary
The second wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley was the
occasion of a charming dinner at the
Dudley home last week. The table
was centered with pink rosebuds and
those enjoying the event were Mr.
and Mrs. Brook Dickson and Mrs.
Gertrude Strand of Pendleton; Dr. J.
L, Geyer and Mr. ni Mrs. R. B. Mc
Ewen. The honorees were recipients
of a number of attractive gifts com
memorating the day.
FasketbaU Parties
Parties attending the out of town
basketball games have. be,en the
vogue recently. The game at Weston
Wednesday night attracted a large
crowd from Athena. H. A. Barrett
was host to a large sleighing party
which made the trip over the hill for
the game.
The J. T. Club
The J. T, Club met at the home
of Mrs. Max Hopper last Friday af
ternoon. Mrs. Hopper and Mrs. J.
T. Lieuallen served refreshments.
The next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. A.v W. Logsdon. " -
See Bnddy Rogers and Mary Brian
in '"Varsity" at the Standard The
atre Bafttfifitf aW! Eififtty iffgnW.
Friday, February 14, 1908
H. C. Whiteman came over from
Walla Walla today.
Miss Ada Ely of Weston, spent
Sunday in Athena with friends.
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bush has been seriously ill this week.
Jack Weir, After spending a couple
of weeks on business in Athena, re
turned to his old home near Wash
tucna, Monday.'
Victor Burke came up from the
Pendleton Business college and spent
Saturday and Sunday with his par
ents here.
Ralph Cannon was the lucky recip
ient of the prize- for good penman
ship in the Pendleton Business col
lege recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Waldon, of
Pomeroy, Wash., were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz, Wed
Rev. Geo. T. Ellis is reported to be
suffering much from his old ailment,
asthma, at the home of his son in
Baker City.
W. W. Jacobs has been very ill at
his home in the city the past week,
with pneumonia. He is much better
at this writing.
Wm. Winship, who has been sorely
afflicted with rheumatism is becom
ing better. One of his little daugh
ters has been sick with the grippe
this week.
Mrs. Desper, has been very ill the
past week, at her home in the west
part of town. Her ailment is pro
nounced dropsy of the heart, by her
attending physician.
While skating at the rink Saturday
night, Ralph DePeatt fell and was
severely injured. Dr. Plamondon, who
has charge of the case, reports the
patient to be improving.
For the first time in fifteen years,
Sam Pambrun has heard from his
brother George, who left here some
25 years ago. He is located at Sagon,
Alberta, and .writes that crops were
nearly a total failure there last fall.
A suggestion has been made that a
democratic club be organized in Ath
ena. In view of the fact that Athena
is located in the banner democratic
precinct of the county, a rousing big
organization could be effected.
W. C. Russell left last night for
Condon, where his brother Dave Rus
sell is lying at the point of death.
After initiating two candidates,
the members of Lilly Encampment,
I. 0. 0. F., enjoyed an oyster sfcyer
at the regular meeting Monday eve
ning. Visiting members of the order.
were in attendance from Weston and
Mrs, Roy Penland is critically ill
at her home near Helix, following
the birth of a son, which died Mon
day. Mrs. Penland was formerly
Miss Mazie Sharp, . the winsome
Scotch dancer who entertained so
cleverly at the Caledonian picnics,
held in Athena.
J. W. Smith of Helix, was in the
city Wednesday. Mr. Smith in ad
dition to being agent for a grain
company is engaged in the lumber
and fuel business in Helix. He re
ports heavy sales in lumber and
building material to farmers in the
Holdman district.
Miss Maud Sherman, who is at
tending the Normal school at Weston,
recently met with quite a serious ac
cident while driving honje, A heavily
laden wagon came in contact with
her buggy wheels, tearing off both
on one side. The horse ran for a
short distance, but the young lady
was unhurt.
Clarence La Brasche, who has keen
seriously ill for several weeks with
liver trouble, was taken to Walla
Walla Wednesday and placed in a
hospital. An operation was perform
ed, with the result that pus was re
moved from the affected organ. The
patient rallied nicely and his recov
ery is assured.
Thos. Gilkie, Will Dobson, York
Dell, Reed Hill and Arthur Schick,
members of Pythian Lodge K. of P.
of this city were guests of the Adams
lodge Wednesday night. Work in
the three different ranks in the
Adams lodge was a drawing card of
the meeting, which ended with a
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"Varsity" Here Two Nighta
The Standard Theatre will nrnt.
Charles (Buddy) Rogers and Mary
Brian two nights in "Varsity," one of
the best colleee nlavs of the vear.
Chester Conklin, versatile comedian,
will be in the cast of Famous play
ers as a foil to . Rogers and Miss
Brian. "Varsity" should draw a
large crowd to the Standard, weather
permitting, for it has a whole lot to
offer in good, wholesome entertain.
ment one of the outstanding photo
Touchet Game Called Off
On account of the cold
the doubleheader basketball game
scheduled for Athena and Touchet
high schoo) teams, last Friday eve
ning, was called off. A date for the
games will be announced later.
"Yellow Kid" Photograph
There is a photoirranh of tha old
Valium VM V-.L-I1 i. 1 1
wiw r, viu uaacuan icam Hanging
on the wall in the Press office, that
every once in a while attracts the at
tention of someone who remembers
seeing Athena's great team in action.
Mr. and Mrs. Velton Read have
returned to their country home near
Athena after spending several months
in Walla Walla where Mr. Read was
employed in the Sears Roebuck
Cowprny sfrbYtf,
An artist's drawing of tlie Chrysler
bulIUIns In New York, .'which', when
completed In V.V'M at the cost of ap
proximately ? 1 4,000,00!), will top any
l)u!li!ii!S In the world. It will bo 808
feet from thn street level to the dome
nnd will have three floors below the
Sheepmen Facing Loss
Considerable loss is being faced by
sheepmen during the present cold
weather period. The lambing season
came on with the advent of zero
temperature and despite all prepara
tion made for protection the loss of
lambs is reported great. One sheep
man in the Walla Walla valley, lost
55 lambs one night and 52 the next,
his loss being at the rate of about
$500 per day. Many of the owners
have enough feed to last barely a
week, and ranchers are being flooded
with orders for hay.
Weather Moderates
The coldest week for many years
in Eastern Oregon terminated Tues
day, when the temperature went 26
above. Tuesday night the mercury
dropped back to 5 above in Athena.
Wednesday the temperature rose to
28, with the result that the snow
softened considerably. Stock is being
fed In this part of the county since
the snow covered the fields to the
present depth, making it impossible
for stock to range for forage.
Wednesday night 5 below was record
At Last!
The two old maids had lived togeth
er in apparent harmony for more than
forty years, when one, having reached
her ninety-eighth birthday, died.
A relative who undertook to break
the painful news to the surviving sis
ter was afraid the shock would prove
fatal, but It had to be done sooner or
later. i
However, It turned out that her
fears were groundless.
"Ah, well," replied the sister, who
was only eighty-nine, brightly, "now I
suppose 1 shall be allowed to have my
tea made Just as I like It"
The Huttlert
An American was airing bis views
on the country as be saw It
"There's nothing mucb the matter
with this little Island," be began. "All
you want Is a little more hustle."
At that moment there was a clam
orlng noise, and a flre-englne flashed
round the corner.
"What's that?" gasped the visitor
His friend smiled. ;
"Oh," he replied coolly, "that's only
the district window-cleaning compao;
working overtime." London Answers.
Planting in Memory
The memorial tree Idea thut. has
been taken up throughout the country
under the leadership of the Amerliiin
Tree association lends Itself sdmlra
My to the Uoad of Remembrance plrtn
This should he kept In mind by even
tree plnnter. for If the tree Is a me
tnrrlnl tree or the road Is a rond nt
rememliriince the pluming must he irf
mieli clmraHer tlmt those for wliom
the ltetn tire plsiulcd would le prou'i
of tj:p new lieiiuty given to the world
See :
C. M. Jones
Acetylene Welding
Track Beds Built to Order
Main St EE BILL Athena
Some Weather
Blazers, Stag Shirts, Pendleton Woolea
Mills Shirts and Socks. Caps
and Gloves
Cash talks in moving this stock-20 per cent
off on former Prices
Put your kitchen on a business basis buy your table supplies as a business
man buys his merchandise. The best quality at the lowest possible price.
Cash is the factor that makes GENUINE SAVING POSSIBLE.
Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, . Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
' Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Dentist .
Post Building, Athens, Phone 682
Don't Get Caught With
a Frozen Radiator
Prevent It
"Pinks" Place
Bell & Venable
Phones 22 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service"
City and Couotrj
and Horse Team Work
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Special Attention Given to School Children
Chicken Tamales Chile Beans
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
1 m rtn wdt nu t. '
H. n n o r I'd it i ft a OJ L:
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients.
X-Kay and bacteriological labortories, washed air
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 io $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480. .