THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, FEBRUARY 15, 1929 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rate. One copy, one year $2 One copy, six months It One copy, three months ' Athena, Oregon, February 15, 1929 The Standard Oil Bulletin says it would be a wonderful thing if the Pacific Coast would set an example 10 the rest of the nation by clearing up its highways not only of signs which are located in the wrong places, but also of unsightly "hotdog" stand; onH rnAflsidn establishments of yar ious kinds. No one argues that out door advertising is wrong it is only when the signs are wrongly placed that there is objection. And no one argues that roadside eating places ahnnld be abolished, only that many of them are unsightly and unattrac tive. If the proprietors of sucn as these would only study the question, they would find that there is move prosperity in an artistic and beauti ful establishment than in an ugly The road-siern and "hot-dog" prob lem is one that is vexing the whole country. Perhaps the moment is at hand when the public of the Pacific Coast so proud of its scenic won ders and with so much to be proud about will solve it. New York members of the federal reserve bank have been cautioned by the federal reserve board to the ef fect that use of federal credit for speculation, directly or indirectly, must be restrained. Following the board's announcement, after it found that time loans to brokers and deal ers by New York banks had increas ed from $3,816,000,000 to $5,559,000, 000, the Bank of England boosted ex change from 4 to 5V2 and stocks began to tumble earthward so fast that the gamblers could not keep up with the tape, and went home with well developed cases of influenza and what not. The federal reserve board found that the growing volume of speculation, backed by federal re serve bank members of New York, had strained credit conditions, caus ing an advance of 1 to Vk per cent in the cost of commercial credit. North Pacific terminal cities are demanding faster train service to and from the-East. They take the at titude that the Northern roads should meet transportation facilities now given California, and logically draw attention to palpable discrimi nation existing in favor of the Southern state over the Northwest terminal states. Railroad presidents defend their present schedules by cit ing the fact that the fast California train is an all-Pullman extra fare train, and that like trains on North ern roads would not pay. o Walla Walla valley orchardists and farmers have invited the Oregon State Game commission to come and get a band of Oregon elk," that deep snow in the Blue Mountains has driven from their winter range, to the very city limits of Walla Walla. The elk are browsing orchard trees and wandering around haystacks that have been kept in reserve for stock, and no doubt would consider garden city violets a delicacy, should hot-house attendants for a moment leave their posts of duty. o Teeth would be put in the Kel logg pact if Senator Capper's pro posed resolution should pass. The resolution would stipulate that when tho president of the United States de termines, and by proclamation de clares, that any nation has violated the Kellogg pact it shall be unlawful "to export to such country, arms, munitions, implements of war or other articles for use in war until the president shall by proclamation declare that such violation no longer continues." the institution has done in the past. Over a period of ten years past, this medical school has been recipient of $1,225,000 in donations, which have equaled the sum appropriated by the state during that time. ' o Mike Brotherton and bride have started something by having ' their marriage ceremony performed in public. . A San Francisco theatre was packed the other evening after it had been advertised that two of the players would be married on the stage after the performance. How ever, be it remembered that Walla Walla started the fad. the "change" in the moon had some thing to do with it. ..;.-. -o ". ",. " ':",'y4 Well, Lindy made the round trip, as we knew he would. , ' V ; A New York wife in bringing suit for divorce, alleges in her complaint that her husband used her neck for an ash tray. He had a habit of placing the live end of his cigaret on her neck, then he would twist it around, laughing when she scream cd with pain. Another instance of "reaching for a Lucky" instead of a sweet. An Oklahoma man has found dried jackrabbit meat profitable as a balanced ration for 400 Leghorne hens, which are bringing him in $100 per month. It is possible to vision the Columbia basin jackrabbit ground up in an egg-producing mash for the Inland Empire as a profitable henery. o The war that is most feared now is the gasoline war by independent service station owners. The inde pendents in California; cities have asked for an investigation of the threatened drop in price from 21 to 18 cents by stations controlled by oil companies. o It turns out that Miss Bobby Trout of Los Angeles, is an 18-year-old tomboy, who took up aviation to avoid dishwashing. Thus the angel city throws another sensation. O : Edison at 82, foresees American rub ber, with the gulf states visioned in profitable production. Edison has foreseen stranger things than that in visions fruited with success. Sure, Oregon is a good ol' state; witnesseth that both Idaho and Nev ada are clamoring for a slice of Mal heur county. Should the weather man keep fool ing around much longer, this will be the winter your children's children will read about. "" ' The necessity of open river trans portation on the Columbia, from Lewiston to the Pacific ocean, was stressed by the Columbia Basin Wheat conference at Arlington; also that river navigation cannot be pro vided and maintained without pat ronage and patronage will not come unless the service provided is modem and efficient. All of which involves the completion of the Umatilla Rapids project. o It is no uncommon thing for on to be in the midst of certain activi ties and, because of divergent inter ests, bo only vaguely aware of what is taking place and wholly ignorant of its significance. Today a fleet of rlanes roaring overhead excites less interest than a single aircraft com manded a few short years ago. Obviously flying no longer is regard ed as a spectacular achievement o " University of . Oregon medical school has been recognized by the Rockefeller foundation with a hand some gift of $400,000. The endow, ment comes in rVctfenition at wwrk Open gutters will help some when the cold snap ends, and the snow takes a notion to vamoose. o Anyway it is warmer; and maybe THE KITCHEN CABINET ((c). 128. Wostern Newspaper Union.) How liappy Is he bom and taught That gerveth not another's .wllL Whose armor is his honest thought. And simple truth his utmost skill! - - . Sir Henry Wotton. CASSEROLE DISHES All housekeepers are looking', for easier ways to prepare foods and still have them attrac tiveand wholesome. The casserole not only lightens our burdens In the kitchen, but it also will simplify serv ice in the dining room. - When we learn that the average mother with five in the family washes three and one-half acres of dishes yearly. It la some sat isfaction .o save from two to four in serving dishes, by using a cas scrolo Tender meat Is r.ot neede . for cas serole cookery. The coarser, more used muscles which have more flavor but are tough are served In casserole. With beef and pork use turnips, carrots, peppers... rutabagas; while peas, cor. and string beans are good with chicken and lamb. When entertaining and lacking help, one may prepare the following and have it all out of the way: ': Escal loped Sweetbreads. Cut two pairs o. sweetbreads Into pieces after they have been soaked In cold water for fifteen minutes and have been cooked five minutes in boiling water. Saute the sweetbreads In two table spoonfuls of salt, a dash of pepper and cook five minutes. Now add two and three-fourths cupfuls of top milk and cook for three minutes. Pour Into a casserole dish, cover with but tered bread crumbs and brown twelve minutes. Another company dish is: Lobster and Mushrooms. Wash, peel and cook one pound of mush rooms In four tiiblespoonfuls of but ter, add three tablespoonfuls of flour, one teaspoemfu) of salt, pepper to taste and cook about five minutes. Add one and one-half cupfuls of milk and one-half cupful of bouillon. Cook three minutes, then add two cupfuls of .'resh or canned lobstei meal cnt into pieces and one-half cupful of creahi. Bent two egg yolks well, add and pour Into a buttered csisserolp. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake until the crumbs are brown. COAST RED CEDAR. FENCE POSTS Direct from Producer to Consumer Buy Collectively Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington It Pays to Look Well! To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and I. " Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Phone 683. IS I Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. I FREEWATER.OREGON. Big vigorous Collins Chicks from high producing pure-bred flocks. Selected for rapid growth and high vitality, Collins chicks grow faster, mature quicker and develop into better layers than the ordinary chicks. Production is what counts. We guarantee 100 per cent of live, vigorous chicks sent prepaid, by parcel post or express. S. C White Leghorns, ISc each; Rocks and Reds and all heavy breeds, 18c. Wt also do custom hatching. Send or bring ns your chicken or turkey eggs. C. F. COLLINS, Proprietor, Freewater, Oregon I Come In and See Our Unconditionally Guaranteed For 16,000 Miles f7"TTl o vJ J 4 V. A Startling announcement To our Customers. They said it could not be done-with our source of sup ply we have gone ahead and have done it! The world's leading value in quality (ires. There are many second grade tires masquerading under first grade titles we prove our first quality with a 16,000-mile guarantee. Tires have gone as high as 30,000 and 35,000 miles. We have this tire in all sizes. 30x5 $5.98 F. O. B. Portland or Seattle Come 'in and See It-Now on Display! Here is our Answer! Not only Tires, but Tubes from $1.00 up, Bat teries and a very selected line of Auto Supplies. Rogers . Goodman (A Mercantile Trust) Jensens Blacksmith Shop Repair Work Prices Reasonable Athena, Oregon "He that tooteth not his-own horn, the same shall not be tooted." Insurance of every kind and description. Farm Loans at rates and terms that satisfy. B. B. RICHARDS, Athena Three Times a Week We Deliver Monday, Thursday and Saturday Let The Twin City Sanitary Cleaners Do Your Holiday Cleaning and Pressing. Prices Right Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good Haircuts and Shaves. Phone B83. T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon yi We Handle Genuine 1p Goods-No Substitutes fe rA Try 0ur ' jv si P:RHP0 - Shaving and , Baths Up-to-the Minute Bobs Hair Cuts and Shingles DUFFIELD'S BARBER SHOP Athena. Ore. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co, AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR , is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers thena, Oregon. Waitshurg, Wash 6 A Announcement THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA, OREGON, Announces that it has com-pleted the organ ization of a " . Trust Department and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac ity. Just think what 87 years of successful banking experience would mean to the executor or ad ministrator of your estate. Ask us for Information