K V? Entered at tJao Post Office at Athena, Oregon., aa Second-Class Mall Matter $ S 1 J. VOLUME 50. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 1929 NUMBER 7 IF 1 V INCOME TAX BILLS FIND OPPOSITION Scott Would Pay Gasoline Tax Only for Use On Public Highways. (Oregon Voter Reporting Service).5 State House, Salsm-One it the principal differences between two in come tax bills now before the legis lature is the property tax off-set. In H. B. 457, representing a majority action ' of the Property Tax Relief Commission, property taxes may be used to off-set 75 per cent of the in come tax. In H. B.' 459, introduced by Senator Hall and Representative Norton, of Coos county, no such off set is allowed. Tax commissioner Earl Fisher states that under the off-set plan the tax-payer J having ; both property and income will pay ,:- little more tax than the tax-payer having property and no taxable in come, or the tax-payer having ; in come and no taxable property. The off-set bill is being opposed by the Grange, Farmer's Union, and labor organizations. The Hall-Norton bill is being opposed by large property ' tax payers who do not like the idea of double taxation that is, of being taxed once on the property and again on the income from the same proper ty. Both bills- are being opposed by f those who feel that Oregon should get used to the income tax on cor- . porgtions, as provided in H, B. 279, the excise tax bill, which Is similar to legislation now pending in Cali fornia. The Grange and Farmers' " Union committees express themselves as favoring H. B. 279 at this session in 'the hope that by establishing an income tox on corporations, the way will be paved for a personal Income tax that will be accepted by the people. C. C. Chapman is in agree ment with this opinion. He believes that taking one-step ata-time is more likely to assure a satisfactory Income tax, especially if that step is in step with California. It Is re ported at Salem that in Washington the same feeling exists, so that at last the opportunity presents itself for having uniform income tax legis lation ia all three' Pacific Coast states, with the prospect that per sonal incomes, as well as corporation incomes, will also be taxed by all three states within the next few years. Representative Joseph N. Scott's house bill No. 385, introduced recent ly, has the effect of removing all tax from gasoline used for any purpose in Oregon except in . operation of motor vehicles on public highways. There is now a 3 cent tax on gaso line used in operation of tractors, stationary engines, and in cleaning and dyeing business, but 2 cents of the tax is refundable by the secre- tary of state. The Scott bill has the effect of authorizing refunding of the entire tax. Thus all gasoline u.ed as. fuel in wheat-growing operations in the two counties that Mr, Scott represents, Umatilla and Morrow, will be tax-exempt. This will have the effect of decreasing costs of tractor, combine and stationary gaso line engine operation. The Scott bill, which was referred to the House Committee on Automobiles and Roads, adds the words "and or gaso line" to the present statutes that ex ' empts distillate fuel used for farm ing from payment of the gasoline tax. To combat an unknown sheep and cattle malady prevalent In certain parts of Eastern Oregon, an appro priation of $5,000 from the state has been asked in house bill No. 380. The money is to be used for research work, directed through the Oregon State College experiment station, R. J. Carsner of Spray, Representa tive Earl W. Snell of Arlington, and Wasco. A memorial will also be sent to Congress to ask for federal aid in identifying and fighting the disease. ' .The disease, which started in last April, has caused a loss of over 300 head of cattle, estimated at $30,000. ft is contagious and is reported to be unlike any other disease known ta cattle and sheep. It has defied the efforts of experts from Washington, O. S. C. and numerous' veterinarles of the state to analyze it, and find either a preventative or cure. To place motor vehicles by them selves for taxation purposes, so that the age of the vehicle may be taken into account in fixing the tax, and the proceeds be applied exclusively to highway work, if desired, is the purpose of the constitutional amend ment introduced by Senator Kiddle of Island City. If passed by the Legislature this would be voted up on by tha pibple at the n&t electron. Pheasants Are Kindly Treated In the Athena Snow Covered District From Marion Hansell the Press learns that pheasants and Hungar ian partridges have been receiving at tention in the Athena "district by snortsmen and farmers, who have been feeding the birds. Up the flat, birds are being fed regularly at the Homer Watts and Alex Mclntyre ranches, and others iii that neighborhood ate seeing that the birds on their places are getting grain. v .. , . --: . North of "town, the birdg.n the Hansell place and the M.1 L.'. Watts ranch on Pine Creek are being look ed after. West of town, George Gerking has a big flock of birds under his care. ; At the J. N. Scott place birds are being fed. Art Doug las is feeding those on his farm, while down on the creek, Ross Payne is doling out grain. Louis Keen is car ing for some birds on his farm, as is Arnold Wood. Up Wild Horse Creek, Glenn Dud ley, McBride Brothers and Barney Foster have given attention to birds there. In fact others whom the Press has not communicated with, including Fay LeGrow, Lee Wilson and the Preston-Shaffer Milling com pany, are doing their share by con tributing grain. In a ride over the district Sunday, Mr. Hansell found but one dead bird, though he noted several in a bad way for want of food. He stated that a number of birds were being killed by passing cars on the high way at this time. The birds are easily fed, for they congregate in sheds, around stacks and in barn yards, where they stay and consume the feed given them, Shull Found Guilty of Manslaughter; 15 Years. Pendleton, Ore, Ralph Shull faces a term of fifteen years In the state penitentiary following his conviction Friday night on a charge of man slaughter for the killing Of Robert Linsner. After the jury had been Out but four hours, it returned with its verdict. Shull waived the ' time allowed for the passing of sentence, and Judge P. R, Parker sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment, the maximum allowed under the charge. Dean Shull, father of Ralph Shull who for weeks has been fighting to secure sufficient evidence to free his son, broke down when he heard the jury's verdict, Ralph, however, re mained firm as he has all during the trial. When asked if he had anything to say in his own. behalf, Shull only asked for leniency, but hi3 plea was given no consideration by the judge. Homer I. Watts, who was secai1- ed to assist the state in the prose cution of the Shull case, completed his plea to the jury shortly before three o'clock. After a short recess, Judge D. R. Parker began with the presentating of his instructions to the jury. - The jury was instructed as to the statutes regarding different points brought up during the course of the trial. : The jury had three verdicts which they might have brought in, they were: guilty of murder in the second degree; guilty of manslaugh ter or not guilty. At about four o'clock the case went to the jury, and the twelve members retired to the jury room where they remained until about 8 o'clock. Adams and Weston Games The Athena boys lost to Adams high school Saturday evening by the score of 22 to 14. The Adams team played a consistent game through out. Athena developed stronger of fensive in the last half. Athena girls won from Adams girls by the score 18-12. Wednesday night at Weston, Athena won its second game of the season from Weston high, in a thrilling contest, 17 to 9 The authors of the bill are SenatorT'Pike" Miller's 8th graders played a fine game in the curtainraiser, and defeated the Weston graders, 20 to 9. Athena plays at Pendleton tomor row night. C. E. Roosevelt Passej C. E. Roosevelt, an old time merch ant of Pendleton, and a resident of that eity since 1888, died Sunday eve ning at St. Anthony's hospital. For many years he conducted the Boston store in Pendleton. He was a prom inent member of the Masonic, Knights of Pythias, Elk and Eagle orders. He is survived by his widow and one daughter. Interment took place at Walla Walla. Two Nights of Milling Two nights of great milling is pre dicted for the Pacific Coast amateur boxing championships to be held in Portland, Monday and Tuesday nights, February 25 and 26, under ausnices of The Multnomah Athletic Club. The tournament will be stag ed in the Portland Armory where bWd jtafete tea? & kVafc&L UNIVERSITY OF OREGON STUDENT LIKES AVIATION ' ' $ ' " " I; fr f ' ' :.A . V hi s All ready for flying is this University of Oregon co-ed, who accompanied a group of University officials on a recent airplane jaunt over the campus, She is Miss Glenna Fisher, who. is secretary to Vice-President Burt Brown Parker, of the University, . ; . . . EXTENSION COURSES WANTEDBY CITIZENS Increase of Student Load Cause of Serious Finan . cial Strain. University of Oregon, Eugene (Special) To relieve a serious finan cial burden created through a remark able increase in student load and at tendance coincident with only slight gains in income, the regents of tne University of . Oregon have adopted unanimously a resolution proposing that the legislature set aside con tinuing appropriations totaling $00, 000 for the extension division and the research program of the univer sity. This request Is in addition to this usual biennial appropriations of ?246, 607 for the medical school and f 170, 000 for the Doernbecher hospital, as well as a continuing appropriation oJ $73,000, ' asked for the establishment of a pension fund, half of the ezpensd of which would be borne by the faJ culty, Student Load Heavy. The student load at the university! has Increased 94 ner cent since thd present millage tax was established: while full time attendance has In creased 86 per cent. The Income of the university from public sources during this same period has been only 1S.5 per cent. "The university is unable to take care of Its student load on Its present! Income, nor to divert any of It to the continuation of the valuable extension! work that the university is perform! ing, nor engage in any of the research activities so necessary to the material! development of the state," the resolu tion stated. "The amount available) per student is insufficient to give to tne Doys ana girls or Oregon the train lng comparable to that given the chll aren of sister states." Funds Are Needed. Continuation and slight develop ment of the extension work, which reaches Into everv corner of the tatp . would be carried on with the 660,000: appropriation asked. The research, program now proposed provides tcr the following items; bureau of busi ness research, $7500; foreign trade in vestlgatlon, $5000; research In crlio and criminal administration, $7960; grant to the research committee of the university,' $5000; research in school administration, $5000. All of these projects have received hearty endorsement of men interested In the various fields Indicated, but without the special appropriations the program must be drastically curtail ed because of the necessity of using all available funds for carrying on the in structional functions of the university. Research activities In recent years have become one of the leading func tions of great universities, and it has become the hope of Dr. Arnold Ben nett' Hall, president; 'ftfid"other lead ers at the University of Oregon to get a modest research program started at the university which will give im measurable benefit to the material progress of the commonwealth, It Is stated. The pension project Is being worked out in conjunction with Oregon State Agricultural college, and it is likely a joint bill will be presented to the legislature. Prowler Breaks Into Weston School Building Stop, Look! An excellent program ahead for February 28. The Loyal Gleaners class of the Christian Sunday school will sponsor an evening's program of excellent orchestra music, negro songs by real negroes, musical read ings and a one act play. Admission, just one penny for every inch your waist measures. Your measure tak en by a clever couple. Every body invited. Watch for further announce ment Cully Completes Land Deal Sim Culley. prominent farmer of the Weston neighborhood has com pleted a big land deal in Idaho. Two transactions by which Culley acquires 2470 acres of farm land in Power county, Idaho, involves in the trans action about $80,000. Bert Scrim sher of Roy, Idahor, is associated with Mr. Culley in the deal and consequent fanning tyferattol in ISaW. The Weston school building was entered and damaged Tuesday night by some miscreant who pried up a screen and then lifted a window af fording entrance into a hallway, re ports the Leader. The locks on nine doors were damaged by twisting the knobs in such a manner that the catches are no longer of service. A number of rooms were visited, as was also the office of Superintendent Brace, from which a set of examina tion papers was stolen. Nothing else was taken, In so far as has been de termined, and aside from the dam aged locks no acts of vandalism were committed, as was the case when the Athena school building was burglar ized several weeks ago. No clues have been secured as to the identity of the perpetrator. Baddeley Boys Are Heirs; ! The Weston Leader says Fred, Joe and Robert Baddeley, all of whom are residents of Los Angeles, Cali fornia, are heirs to a trust fund in England, according to ; information received at the Leader office.- They are sons of the late J. A. Baddeley, who was ' one of Weston's leading farmers in early years. He died in December, 1910, and was buried in the local cemetery Mr. Baddeley was of English descent, and the trust fund was created by one of his pro genitors. The fund is now in pro cess of settlement, and the proofs are being awaited in England. These are being looked after by F. S. Le Grow, cashier of the First Nation al Bank of Athena. Wheat Shipments The Farmer's Grain Elevator com pany commenced shipments Saturday of 75,000 bushels of wheat which was purchased by outside buyers shortly after harvert, and which has since been held In storage. The shipment which are poing out on an average of four carloads per day, are billed to Portland, but the fact that the grain is being inspected at Pendleton, would Indicate that a part at least fWU Its Wa-y U e'a'sWra mKrVeti-. Large Herd of Elk Descend to Valley In Search of Food Walla Walla, Wash. Elk along the Cottonwood have become a nuisance and unless definite and speedy action is taken by the authorities, stockmen declare they will have to take mat ters into ; their own hands to ' save their winter pasture from the ani mals. The stockmen of the district have petitioned the Oregon Game Commission to move the elk to some place where the animals will . not spoil the pasture, but, so the cattle men say, they have received no sat isfaction. Herds of from 250 to 300 animals are said to have come down from the mountain meadows, driven out by the snow, one herd of that size hav ing invaded the Reser and Lynch places about 12 miles from town, it is reported. Fencing does not keep the elk out as they either tear up the barbed wire fences with their antlers or jump over or plunge hrnngh Ihe hes. If the elk are not inuved off the range or fed, the stockmen say, they will have to be killed. Most of the men hesitate to resort to that action as the splendid animals would be wasted, the law forbidding the use of game killed to prevent property dam age. Elk have never before been driven to the extremity of coming in so close to the city, so the situation has not been so acute in past years. The animals, however, have been increas ing" so rapidly under protection that they are crowding the cattle, the stockmen claim. They want the sea son on elk opened in Walla Walla county and declare that the immedi ate killing of 200 of the animals would not deplete their numbers enough to make poor hunting or en danger their existence. The situa tion is, simply, that there are too many elk. Herding elk is a ticklish job, so a rrroup of local men found yesterday when they went out on horseback in an effort to round up a number of the animals. They managed, never theless, to "cut out" a small herd of nine bull elk which were diverted to the U. S. Military reservation sur rounding the Veteran's hospital and left to browse in the back field of the reservation along Garrison creek where the brush ia. thick and there is plenty for them to eat. Cast Selected for High School Play ' After careful deliberation the play selection committee has chosen "Too Many Parents" as the production for the annual high sschool play. The play is an uproarious three-act comedy and is decidedly different from anything Athena audiences have seen for several years. The predicament in which a brothei and sister find themselves possessed of two fathers and two mothers promises to satisfy any fun seek ing audience. The parts are nicely balanced, and with the selection of an excellent cast it is hoped to produce the play some time in March. ' Miss Mildred Bateman will have charge of the coaching. Weldon Bell, Wilford Mill er, John Kirk, and Ralph McEwen have all appeared before Athena audiences in the past and have prov ed their worth as members of any play cast. The entire cast is as fol lows: m General Burton, on foreign service, John Kirk; Captain Murdoch, of the "Petrel", Stafford Hansell; George Murdoch, bis son, Ralph McEwen; Ned Stanley, a young lawyer, Edwin McEwen; Carraway Bones, an under taker, Wilford Miller; Mary Mur doch's widow, Thelma Schrimpf; Sylvia Murdoch, her daughter, Caro lyn Kidder; Evelyn Burton, General's only daughter, Betty Eager; Re- medias, Murdoch's second wife (?), Weldon Bell. Whitman Lost to Willamette Whitman lost its first conference basketball game to Willamette Uni versity, Saturday night, by the score of 56 to 27. It was Whitman's worst drubbing ' in basketbal' for several seasons. Whitman defeat- Willamette in the first game, Fri day night." To Our Customers The Continential Oil company is always prepared to meet competitive prices on gasoline and oil products offered at any time by any other oil company distributing products in this territory. CONTINENTIAL OIL CO. By Bryce Baker, Agent. On Sports Program University of Oregon is putting on a sports program for the Boy Scout of Eugene. Among the program numbers are four bouts at fencing, and Fred Radtke, sophomore, vs. James Whitman, freshman, appear in cue ci uie oouis. lEATIIW RADIO PRICE DAILY Columbia Basin Growers . .Demand Closing Quota tions Over Air. Arlington, Ore. Wheat growers of the Columbia Basin Monday gave extended consideration to the future outlook of the grain industry, world competition and crop and price re porting in the first sessions of the three-day wheat conference which opened under the auspices of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league and the Oregon State college extension service. On all these subjects the growers not onlv want authentic, unbiased in formation but they want it promptly every day by radio, inis toiauy un scheduled development followed ad dresses by F. L. Ballard, state county agent leader, in which he gave the federal and state outlook reports on wheat, and by W. A. Schoenfield, Portland representative of the United States bureau of eco in which he described the present governmental procedure in Catherine and releasing woria-wiae crop and price information. K. M. Hulden of Blaloclc started the matter by saying that the grower needs market information m daily re- norta from governmental sources Dy radio, as even the daily newspapers are too late to enable the modern farmer in take advantage of SUdden price trends. John Withycombe of Arlington added to this demand while W. S. Powell of Moro empna sized the fact that a man with grain to sell these days wants the Chicago and Portland closing prices, not the next day when the mail man gets to his place, but that same evening -by radio. Representatives of the college and the federal department reported that a bill pending In congress sponsored by Senator McNary will extend the government leased market news wire from San Francisco into the North west, which, if passed will make it possible for the college station as well as some Portland stations to broadcast such crop and market news within an hour or so after released from Washington. Seymour Jones, state market agent, added that his office will be glad to cooperate with the college or other agencies in helping to provide such daily service. Regarding the future outlook in wheat, Ballard reported domestic acreage for the coming year about the same as last year, with possibility of somewhat better market demand, especially for soft white wheat which is recommended for Northwest planting. Latest reports from the Moro ex periment station show hybrid 128 out-yielding Turkey red under most conditions. Foreign competition in the future is expected to increase rather than diminish, it was said, especially as regards Canada and Ar gentine. Russian competition In wheat, now widely discussed, is not expected by Schoenfeld to be a serious factor soon, partly due to lack of marketing machinery. He made a personal in vestigation of conditions there for the rrvernment three years ago. W. W. Harrah of Pendleton presided over Monday's meeting as C. B. Cox, presi dent of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league, was delayed. Camp Fire Conference The Camp Fire Conference in Wal la Walla on the 8th and 0th was well attended in spite of the cold weather. Miss Janet McKellor, national field secretary from New York had charge of the ; conference. Miss McKellar was honor guest at a banquet at the Grand Hotel Friday evening. Sat urday morning the program includ ed suggestions and discussions on Camp Fire as a whole. Saturday afternoon Miss McKellar held inter esting and profitable lessons in hand craft. Saturday evening a council fire was held at Camp Fire head quarters. Mrs. Hazel Fisher Bryant who is acting Camp Fire executive during Miss Florence Craven's abs ence abroad assisted Miss McKellar. Mrs. H. Wade LeRoy and Miss Hilda Dickenson were present from Athena. Tawanka Valentine Tarty An enjoyable Valentine party was given Monday evening, at the Ven able home, when Miss Eloise Ven able and Miss Myrtle Potts enter tained seventeen young people, in cluding the Tawanka ' group and their invited guests. A feature of the evenings enjoyment was a Val entine box. Red hearts and other decorations were used in the rooms and delicious refreshments were served which also carried out the Val fntin'e motif.