THE PRESS, ATHENA, DUEGON'FEBRUARY 1, 1929 Press Paragraphs "Alias the Deacon" Standard Theatre, tomorrow nigbt. Ralph Singer, electrician, is nurs ing a rheumatic knee. Otis Lieuallen of Adams, was in Athena Tuesday evening. R. A. Duffield has the tonsilitia and his son Curtis is conducting the bar ber shop. .One of the stages struck Dr. Cowan's new Buick coupe Tuesday, damaging it somewhat. Donald James of Pendleton, has been a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas. The Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Tuesday, February 5. All mem bers are requested to be present. The depth of snow has made neces sary its removal from roofs of a num ber of buildings in town, this week. Mrs. Z. E. Lockwood is at a Walla Walla hospital, where she will be operated on for relief from appendi citis. Frank Rinnert, circulation agent of the Spokesman-Review, has been in Athena, canvassing for that news paper. Mr. and Mrs. James Cresswell at tended a dinner party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tubbs in Pendleton, last evening. The Etude club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ross Payne, Thursday February 7. Roll call will be an swered with Valentine quotations. New faces on the screen at the Standard Theatre tomorrow night, in "Alias the Deacon." On account of weather conditions, there will be no show Sunday night. Mrs. Eager is observing the first anniversary of her entering business in Athena. One year ago today Mrs. Eager became the owner of the Quality Grocery Store. A boy named John Price has won the gratitude of residents in the north part of the city by his commendabla SAVE WITH SAFETY It Can't Leak because it is all one piece of live Para rubber. No seams, splices or patches. rim 4 Two-Quart Size $2.50 Every KANTLEEK HOT WATER BOTTLE is guaranteed for two years. Should the bag you buy wear out before that time, return it to The Rexall Store and get a new bag, free. For many Kantleek aids to health and comfort in quire at McFADDEN'S PHARMACY Athena, Oregon Tliogxa&L Store efforts in keeping the sidewalks clear of snow, following the storm. -Members of the family enjoyed a birthday anniversary dinner Sunday last in honor of Mrs. Sims Dickenson. I Miss Phyllis Dickenson and Mrs. Claude Dickenson arranged the din ner. Weston Leader: Mrs. Ruth Jack son Hull is reported to be improving at St. Anthony's hospital, Pendleton, after a serious and baffling illness dur ing which her life was for a time des paired Of. ! "Y Mildred Hansell is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, where she will remain during the blocked condition of the roads, so that she may attend high school classes regularly. Athena high school boys and girls' teams leave this evening for Helix, where they will play Griswold high a doubleheader. In the previous games played here, Athena boys won and the girls lost to Griswold. Eddie Buck, ex-Whitman basketball star, who is refereeing games in Ath ena this winter, is giving eminent satisfaction in his work. Buck covers every play made on the floor and his decisions are quick and accurate. Mrs. B. B. Richards, who fell last week and broke her right forearm and injured her back, has returned home from Walla Walla, where she spent a few days at St Mary's hos pital. She is recovering from her in juries. Mrs. Will Potts has been brought to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Archie Mclntyre, from College Place sanitarium, where she was confined for five weeks with pneumonia. Since returning from College Place Mrs Potts has been under the care of Dr. Sharp. ' Mrs. Paul Lieuallen and Mrs. Revel la T.iennllen entertained the members of the 3 o' 4 Bridge club and their husbands Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Revella Lieuallen, with a very pleasant party. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas won high score oi tne evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow return ed home Monday evening from a visit to relatives at Berkeley, Califor nia. On account of the bad condi tion of the highway on their arrival in Portland, they left their car there in storage temporarily. Old "Bluch," Wilford Miller's sled dog was again put in harness Sunday and helped his master deliver papers to customers on The Oregonian route. The familiar equipage slid smoothly over the snow, adding an arctic tinge to prevailing wintry weather condi tions. Victor Hirsch and family are now residents of Waitsbiirg, having mov ed to that city from Freewater the first of the month. Mr. Hirsch, who was bookkeeper for the Peacock mill at Freewater, was transferred to the Waitsburg mill of the Preston-Shaf fer Milling Company. The J. T. club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Revella Lieuallen. Owing to the stormy weather a num ber of the members were unable to at tend. Mrs. Flint Johns and Mrs, Lawrence - Pinkerton served refresh' mnts. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Max Hopper, Friday, Feb' ruary 8. The school bus made regular trips during the week, despite the deep snow, and all school pupils from south of Athena were enabled to at tend classes. The snow which for a time threatened to interfere with traf fic on the Wild Horse market road, was removed by snowplows. Mrs. Joseph Joyce, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye here, was taken very ill Tuesday, with ap pendicitis. The patient was taken to St Mary's hospital, Walla Walla, where she was operated on WedneS' day evening. Mr. Joyce was expect ed to arrive here last night from bkykomish, Wash. Mrs. Max Hopper entertained with a one o'clock luncheon, Wednesday afternoon. Three tables were in play. Mrs. Kevella Lieuallen won high score and the consolation' went to Mrs. Alex Mclntyre. - Those present were Mrs. C. L. McFadden, Mrs. Revella Lieuallen, Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen, Jr., Mrs. James Creswell, Mrs, Penn Harris, Mrs. Bert Logsdon, Mrs. Alex Mclntyre,- Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Donald Johnson and ' Miss ' Blanche Johnson. Henry Barrett brought his sleigh out Sunday and gave the kiddies their, annual ride to the gay accom paniment of jingling bells. The cut ter was full of youngsters with joy ous chatter, and riding on handsleda in the wake of the sleigh were a bevy of others riding "bellybuster. It is authentically reported that Bert Ramsay, Northern Pacific road- master at Athena, , has traded his handcar for a team of mules, and is making daily trips over his line in a sleigh. Arriving at a crossing, Mr. Ramsay and his crew hop out and clear the rails of snow, then proceed to the next crossing by team. For lo, these many years the Press has known that Mr. Ramsay was a real master in emergencies. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by the Study Club when they met last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lew McNair. After a very in teresting lesson on the agricultural beginnings and development of Ore-1 gon, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Fred Kershaw, who was a guest of the club. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. F. B. Boyd, February 8, and roll call will be answered by some interesting fact about Oregon, or poetry on Oregon. . Pearl Green was in Walla Walla Saturday. High School Notes Junior News Staff Editor ...John Kirk Student Body Virgie Moore Classes Cecil Pambrun Boys' Athletics Eldon Myrick Boys' Athletics George Gross Girls' Athletics Loie Montgomery Social and Entertainment ; Beatrice Hiteman Subject Classes.... ..Frances Cannon Personals Thelma Schrimpf Faculty Harold Kirk Grades, lst-4th Helen Foster Grades, 5th-8th Carl Calvert Advisor. Miss Mildred Bateman Makes Oxygen suds, for all washing, whitens and sterlizes, removes stains. One small package Free with a 25 cent package. The Quality Grocery Alice Eager, Prop. Goodyear Tires The Greatest Name in Rubber All Sizes Carried in Stock They Stand Up and are Priced Right Athena, Garage, Main Street, Phone 352 Editorial In a recent robbery or attempted robbery in Portland the other day, four boys were captured and will serve long terms in prison. The fifth boy of the group was killed. Some people will wonder what the world is coming to when boys so young as these five attempt, and sometimes succeed in bold robberies, which even lead to murder. What is the cause of this young crime wave? Is It that these boys are left by themselves, to run at large over a large city and to pick up all the traits of the sneak thieves and criminal men of the underworld section? The question will be asked: why isn't there something done about this men ace? Perhaps the parents of these boys have to work throughout the day and cannot or do not rightly train their children. The state and city authorities could do something for these boys if they tried hard enough. They could have more truant officers to keep a stricter watch on all who skip school, so that the boys would be compelled to go to school where they could not get into mischief, After school hours and on holidays the boys could be taken to the Y. M C. A. or to other organizations, where they could learn sportsmanship in stead of thievery, and could be brought up mentally and physically straight. This might add extra work to the officials, but these boys are to make the future citizens of America, and the officers would only be helping their government and insuring the prosperity and power of America by starting these boys on the right road that leads to a successful life and makes good American citizens. ' ' Athletics --- Mac-Hi nosed out the Athena five in a last quarter rally on the local floor Tuesday evening, January 29. Royal Coal Hot and Glean The Hottest Coal in the Market Prices, Cash Only Delivered in Athena $13 AT the Bin $12 Phone 2S1 R, G. Blomgren, Weston Get Between a Pair of Our Soft, Comfy and Warm Blankets these Cold snappy nights . 1.954.25 r 4.906,90 . 12.50-15.00 Cotton Blankets Part Wool Blankets 1 All Wool Pendleton Blankets . . 5 per cent Discount for Cash Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store Athena started the scoring first by dropping two field goals in quick suc cession, and lead at the half 7-o. Athena started a short rally in the 3rd quarter but was soon met by a Mac-Hi rally. In the last quarter by a change of style in play, the Mac-Hi quintet scored the winning points. The Mac-Hi boys had a hard time locating the basket during the first three quarters of the game. 1' The lineup was as follows: ' Athena (11) Mac-Hi (15) Crowley (2) F (4) M. Vancil R. McEwen F (3) Liebbrand Pinkerton C (2) Nelson Michener G (2) G dinger Myrick (9) G (4) Miller Substitutes for Athena: E. McEwen for Crowley, Kirk for R. McEwen, Rogers for Kirk, Rogers for Myrick. Mac-Hi: I. Vancil for Liebbrand. ing Friday, January 25, and decided to sell candy at the basketball game between Weston and Athena. The juniors are endeavoring in all pos sible ways to raise money for their banquet fund. Entertainment An assembiy was held Friday, Jan uary 24, to "pep" up the pupils for the Weston-Athena game. Mr. Meyer and Coach "Pike" Miller spoke and a few yells were lead by Raymond Freeze. . Personals . - Wayne Pinkerton spent the. week end in Milton, ' . Mildred Hansell is staying with Mr, and Mrs. F. B. Boyd while the bad weather continues. Marjorie Wilson was absent from school Monday afternoon on account of illness. V V B5 ' Subject Classes For the last three or four days the American history class has been studying Oregon history, They are doing this as outside work, since so little Oregon history is included in the text. The economics class is reviewing and studying the Constitution of the United States, and will soon begin with the regular economics course. Student Body A student body meeting was called Tuesday morning, January 29, in order that the executive council might be authorized to appoint an as sistant yell-leader. Weldon Bell was appointed to help Raymond Murphy lead the yells at games. A series of meetings have been held the last two weeks to urge the students to bring their semester dues, H - Classes The junior class held a class meet- STANDARD THEATRE Saturday "Alias the - - Deacon" With . '. ' That Prince of all character actors Jean Hersholt Beautiful charming June; Marlowe Brilliant Ralph Graves The story of a girl who ran away from homethe hero she met in a box ear full of hoboes, and who took ter rific ten round beating in order to earn the first payment for the furniture for their" new ., home and ,' the . beloved crook whoso clever manoeareca chang ed their fortunes and shaped their destinies, even at the cost of his own happiness. JSO SHOW SUNDAY A Night of Merriment and Fun JThe; Ik's Minstrels Presented By " Pendleton Lodge, No. 288, B. P.O. E. One Night Only Wed., Feb. 6th Rivoli Theatre Pendleton Reserved Seats on Sale Now mt Standard Theatre; Here Saturday, Feb. 9th of Life 3?