The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 14, 1928, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs J
Marjorie Wilson was in Walla Wal
la Friday.
Mildred and Doris Street spent
Sunday in Pendleton.
Six teachers and over 100 pupils
of the Pendleton schools are ill from
Miss Edna DeFreece and Miss
Phyllis Dickenson visited in Pendle
ton, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dickenson and
daughter Phyllis were Walla Walla
visitors Monday.
Mrs. R. B. McEwen is toaching the
classes of Miss Brodie, who is quite
ill with the flu.
Miss Dorothy Geissel returned
home Sunday from a fortnight's visit
with relatives at Portland.
George B. Woodward came over
from Walla Wednesday, and trans
acted business in Athena.
A touch of winter again visited us
yesterday morning when a light fall
of snow covered the ground.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking and
Mrs. Matilda Grey have returned
from a visit with friends at Spokane.
M. A. Baker, former newspaper
man and postmaster at Weston, is
seriously ill with flu at the home of
a son in Montana.
Nard Jones, editor of Wood-worker
Magazine at Seattle, will spend
the Christmas holiday season at his
old home in Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm of The Dalles,
were recent guests at the Ralph Sing
er home in Athena. Mr. Malcolm is
a brother of Mrs. Singer.
Mrs. Gross is expected home to
morrow from Kalispell, Montana,
where she spent several weeks visit
ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Grant Prestbye.
Rol Morrison, uppercrust sports
man, farmer and all round good
scout, came up from Adams Friday
and beamed his good nature around
town for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harris of Port
land, returning from the East, are
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. B. Radtke. Mrs. Harris is the
mother of Mrs. Radtke.
A free picture show was given in
the auditorium, Thursday, Decem
ber 6, by Mr. Lewis M. Lewis to
show the wonders of Carsbad Cavern
near Sante Fe, New Mexico.
Touchet high schools boys and girls
basketball teams will be here next
Wednesday evening . for a double
header with Athena high school.
Remember the date and keep it.
Doublehcader tonight beginning at
7:!i0. Athena high school team vs.
two teams from Walla Walla, the
Eagles and the Jokers. Admission
price of only .'!5 cents, insures a big
Brooks Anderson has returned to
his home from Walla Walla, where
he remained for some time, taking
medical treatment. He is reported to
be some better since returning to
Rainfall of the past week, cul
minating in snow yesterday morning,
came at a time to do much good as a
thaw took the frost out of the ground
and he moisture is going down well,
farmers report.
Among Athena people who were
recent Walla Walla visitors were
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. H. I. Watts,
Mrs. R. B. McEwen, Mrs. F. S. Le
Grow, Mrs. Fred Kershaw and Miss
Frederiea Kershaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Tot Rogers came
down from near Genesee, Idaho, this
week, to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Rogers' uncle, George Kinney, which
was held at Walla Walla. They
were guests at the E. C. Rogers home
while here.
Christmas TreesGet your Christ
mas tree at the Athena Department
Store; 25 cents, up.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Duffield and son
Curtis motored to Portland Sunday,
returning home Wednesday evening,
During Mr. Duffield's absence,
Charles Russell conducted the Duf
field barber shop.
A number of Athena homes are
brightening up as the result of
prospective visits during the Christ
mas holidays from family members
who return from their respective
schools and colleges.
Weston Leader: Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Barnes and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Gelette left by motor Monday
morning for southern California,
with the expectation of spending the
winter in the sunny southland.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Smith of Weston, at a Walla
Walla hospital, December 10, 1928,
The little one was ushered into the
world by a'Caesarean operation. Moth
er and babe are reported to be get
ting along well.
W. E. Campbell has been at Bing
ham Springs this week, where he
is completing construction work on
his new cabin at that resort. When
completed, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
will have an attractive summer home
at the Springs.
The Adams' basketball teams were
loyally supported by the attendance
of a large number of citizens of that
town at the games in Athena gym,
Friday evening. The Adams teams
are good ones, and their supporters
are square shooters.
Ken Maynard's latest film, "The
Canyon of Adventure," crammed full
of vivid adventure, in which his
famous horse, Tarzan, takes an im
portant part, is the feature of the
program offered at the Standard
Theatre tomorrow night.
Mrs. Dean Dudley experienced an
unfortunate accident at her home
west of Athena, when her hair be
came entangled in the washing ma
chine wringer. Painful and severe
scalp wounds resulted ' before Mrs.
Dudley could free herself.
Mrs. Glen Steen (Zola Keen) en
tertained the following dinner guests
Sunday at her home near Milton:
Mr. and Mrs. Will Steen, daughter
Eva and son Lowel, of Milton, Miss
Sylvia Miller of Two Rivers, Wash.,
and Mrs. Stella Keen of Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Piper left Tues
day by motor for Albany, where Mrs.
Piper's grandmother is critically ill.
Dudley Rogers has made an at
tractive display of automobile ac
cessories in one of the show windows
at Rogers & Goodman's hardware
Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre and son Neil
have returned from a motor trip to
Portland and Tillamook. They were
accompanied home by her daughter,
Mrs. Eric Tucker, (Katherine Mcln
tyre) who is at present visiting at
the home of Harold Mclntyre, near
Richard Dix, supported by beautiful
Jean Arthur, tfill be featured at the
Standard Theatre Sunday night in
Paramount's great baseball photo
play, "Warming Up." The story,
well written, is on the comedy-drama
order and is intensely interesting
from start to finish.
Athena's quota of sales of health
seals1 is placed at $100 this year, and
while the full quota may not be
reached, Mrs. Homer I. Watts the
Athena chairman and her assistants
are actively engaged in making a
drive to secure that amount if pos
sible. The ladies are working in a
worthy cause and their efforts should
be rewarded with success.
The Press will offer special prices
on greeting cards to those who have
not ordered cards at this time, or
may find they are short on the num
ber they require to mail to their
friends. Orders will be taken for
printing on Saturday, December 15,
Friday December 21 and Saturday
December 22, only, at the following
prices; cards and envelopes furnish-,
ed by us: For one dozen,. $1.50; for
twenty-five, ?2.75; your name print
ed, cards are of high grade stock
with embossed designs and words of
greeting. The cards will be printed
at the above prices only on the days
The family of James Bell have
been confined to the farm home south
of Athena this week, ill with the flu
Harve Booher is here from Con
don, visiting at the - home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booher,
Wilford Miller is again on the
Morning Oregonian carrier route,
having taken the route this week. He
formerly was carrier, and in the
meantime several different carriers
have had the route.
Reports are to the effect that musk
rats and mink are more numerous in
Wild Horse creek this winter than
usual. A hint to the wise boy trap
per is sufficient. Furs are command
ing a good price this season.
Reports are to the effect that Mrs.
Henry Koepke has been seriously ill
at her home in Glendale, California,
as the result of influenza. For a
time Mrs. Koepke was confined in a
hospital, but is now at her home. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Koepke, Jr., had
contemplated going to Glendale this
week, but are held here on account
of Mr. Koepke being indisposed.
Glen Arbogast, Grant county stock
man, came up from his ranch and
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends in Athena. Mr. Arbogast re
ports that cattlemen of Grant county
have been hard hit by cattle-rustlers
this year. Court convictions have
not been satisfactory to stockraisers,
and the matter of prison sentences in
lieu of fines has been under investi
gation and is now advocated by the
stockmen's association.
The street fair and bazaar held by
the ladies of the Christian church
Wednesday evening was well patro
nized by the community, proceeds
amounting to $86.17. On account of
illness of those who were to partici
pate, the program announced last
week, was cancelled. The place of
holding the fair and bazaar was
changed from the Masonic building
across the street to the Boy Scout
hall. It is reported the move wa3
made necessary when the ladies were
notified that the Masonic building is
in an unsafe condition until neces
sary repairs can be made.
A delightful afternoon was enjoy
ed by the "Three o' Four" Bridge
club Thursday when members were
bidden to the home of Mrs. E. C.
Prestbye. Potted plants were used
effectively about the rooms where
four tables were in play. In addition
to the members guests included, Mrs.
Penn Harris, Mrs. James Creswell,
Mrs. Bryce' Baker, Mrs. Fred Pinker
ton and Miss Hilda Dickenson. Honors
of the afternoon fell to Mrs. Ravella
Lieuallen who held high club score
and Mrs. Bryce Baker who received
the guest prize. Novel refreshments
were served by the hostess at the
tea hour.
Thirteen members of the O. D. O.
club were entertained at the home of
Mrs. Ethel Montague Friday after
noon of last week. The afternoon
was spent by the ladies in making
fancy work for Christmas offerings.
Mrs. W. McPherson was a guest of
the club. At the close of the after
noon, Mrs. Sterling Parris assisted
the hostess in serving refreshments.
The next meeting of the club will be
December 18 at the home of Mrs.
Flint Johns.
Word wag received by Athena
friends this week of the critical ill
ness of Byron Hawks at his home in
Bonners Ferry, Idaho. His condition
was extremely doubtful until he had
passed the crisis Sunday, of a six
week's attack of typhoid fever in its
worst form. This is the second
serious illness suffered by Mr. Hawks
since leaving Athena. While resid
ing at Astoria he was sick for many
weeks. His father, R. O. Hawks of
iere Are Xmas Gifts
ror Everyone
For Her
Perfumes and Vanities, Toilet Ware, Candy, Stationery, Fountain Pens and
Automatic Pencils, Perfumizers Compacts
For Him
Bill-Folds, Cigars, Smoking-Sets, Razors, Flashlights, Watches, Pipes,
Xmas Tags, Seals, Fancy Wrapping Papers
Greeting Cards
Make your Selections Now While Stock is complete
Get Her a Pendl eton
Robe For Christmas
Something that will last for years
We carry a full line. Beautiful Patterns to Select
10.00 15.00 and 20.00
All Wool Pendleton Bed Blankets
12.50 and 13.50
5 per cent Discount for Cash '
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Pendleton, has been at the bedside of
the son.
Mr. and Mrs. Ravella Lieuallen and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duff entertained
a party of friends at bridge at the
Lieuallen country home near Ath
ena, Tuesday evening. Six tables of
bridge were in play and a delightful
evening was spent with the hosts and
hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logs-
don won the honors of the play, and
Mr. and Mrs. Duff were awarded the
consolation. Delicious refreshments
were served.
Under direction of Anna Compton
Winn, talented singer, twenty-three
voices of the Weston Methodist
church choir will be heard in the
Christmas cantata, "Chimes of the
Holy Night," in the Weston church
this coming Sunday evening, Decem
ber 16th. Mrs. Winn extends a
special invitation to her Athena
friends, very much desiring their
presence at the rendition of this
melodious program.
Barn for Sale A good barn for
sale. Inquire of Mrs. Berlin, Adams
street, Athena.
Big, fat turkeys and tender mut
ton will be the prizes to be shot for
Sunday over the traps of the Athena
gun club. Last reports were that
Bert Ramsay chairman of the fuel
committee, has collected plenty of
railroad ties for the big fire that will
keep the shooters and spectators
warm. .
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow was a charm
ing hostess in honor of the Athena
Bridge Club Friday afternoon when
she entertained at; her home on High
Street. Red was the cheerful color
accented in decorations and .score
cards. This vote was repeated at the
tea hour when an attractive poinsetta
salad was served. High score was
made by Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs.
C. M. Eager received the consolation.
A dainty guest prize presented to
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye. Mrs. C. L. Mc
Fadden was an additional guest.
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of The First National
Bonk of Athena, Oregon, for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
before it, will be held in its office in
Athena, Oregon on Tuesday January
8th, 1929 at the hour of two o'clock
p. m. Dated December 14, 1928.
D14J4 F. S. LEGROW, Cashier.
Take your
Old Shoes
To the -
Athena Shoe Shop
and get them rebuilt like new
work. Strictly Guaranteed. Prices
Cleve Myers
In '
The Canyon of Adventure
Do Horses Think?
Ken May nard Says That They Do From Proofs
Given By Tarzan
Cowboy Cyclone in a great, historical romance. The Olden, Golden West
its intrigue, dashing romance, picturesque beauty are brought to vivid
life by the screen's Ace of Adventure-Drama. You see the best of the West
when you see Ken Maynard. "The Canyon of Adventure" is one of his great
est hits! Historic! Vivid! and directed by the man who made "The Shep
herd of the Hills !" TARZAN the Wonder-horse alone is worth the price of
Comedy and . News Reel
Admission 10-25-35c
Richard Dix
In Paramount's Fine Picture
With .
Jean Arthur
Dix continues to bat 1,000, "The Quarterback," "Sporting Goods," "Easy
Come Easy Go" he hasn't muffed once. He delivers a fast one in this
ideal mixture of romance and baseball. Everybody says the same thing. Let
Diamond Dix pinch hit when you're lagging behind in entertainment. He
comes through every time with a larruping comedy clout for the circuit -
Grantland Rice Sports Reel
Admission 10-25-35c
Coming Christmas Nighi: "Old Ironsides"