The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 14, 1928, Image 3

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j Athena Boy Scouts
(By Scoutmaster LeRoy)
First aid offers one of the most in
teresting and dramatic, courageous
and thrilling activities, in the whole
scout program.
Countless instances may be recalled
to mind where some scout at the
right time, with knowledge properly
used, saved a life. Again you will
remember examples of scouts having
prevented serious results from minor
accidents to themselves by the proper
treatment of injuries apparently
trivial but open to infection that
might remain for life or actually
prove fatal.
First aid is important in its rela
tion to the very life of the individual
scout. It is a tremendous oppor
tunity which scouting as a national
institution has before it to mane it
self responsible for equiping hun
dreds of thousands of scouts tnrougn
out the United States so that they
shall constitute a great legion com
posed of youths competent individual
ly and in the various unit or tne
scout organization to renaer prac-
tical first aid in time of emergency
or in the home, in the neighborhood,
city or some great area as in case of
a flood, earthquake or other wide
spread disaster.
A thing that fascinates the boy who
becomes a scout is the opportunity
for action. And first aid stands out
bo prominently in scout training be
cause it typifies the Scout obligation
to "serve others."
From a "good turn" standpoint the
opportunities of first aid are many
indeed. The multiplied use of the
automobile, the extensive summer
program enjoyed by the people in re
sorts, camping, and at bathing
beaches intensify the hazards of ac
cidents and tend to enlarge the value
of the need for a greater knowledge
of first aid on the part of those who
are expected to "be prepared" to
render it.
You will point with pride to the
past record of the Boy Scouts in
first aid. 16,710 boys passed the
first aid merit badge test in the year
1927 and a greater number this year.
And this doesn't include the thous
apds that have to pass first aid tests
to become second and first class
A movement is going on to further
train the youth of this community in
the fundamentals of first aid.
This project is something that
should have the enthusiastic support
of every citizen in the community.
We never know when an emergency
may occur here. It may happen in
a smaller way in your own home. At
any rate it is a step in the right di
rection. It will give a real challeng
ing and very worthwhile task to fill
the constantly increasing hours of
leisure time on the hands of our
As you know the scout troops are
registered from year to year under
the national organization chartered
by congress and our registration ex
pires December 31 this year.
This coming week at the Athena
hotel there will be a parent-son ban
quet at which time the election of of
ficials and troop committeemen for
the ensuing year will take place. This
is a community enterprise and war
rants your support. Help to place
twelve men on the committee who
will see that scouting means what it
should to the boys.
Twenty men of the community have
been tentatively selected that are
qualified to serve as committeemen
and from these twenty we want the
community to select twelve to rep
resent them in the troop affairs for
the year.
Also confirmation of the present
plans of the officials for the year, will
be discussed and decided upon.
Upon confirmation of the new Com
mittee Jack Perry will become the
new scoutmaster stepping up from
assistant scoutmaster and the scout
master will acts assistant.
. Plan to be at the meeting and bring
a boy with you. Let us know how
many boys you are bringing so we
can have eats enough prepared. '
Athena Scouting
Those that took the hike Saturday
sure had a swell day of it. Dinner
cooked over the open fire, cliff climb
ing with rope ladders made on the
spot, tracking an Indian cayuse, tree
climbing with ropes and hiking a
plenty. To cap the perfect day in
weather as well as adventure we
(finished up with a game of baseball
and had for team mates some Indian
boys. The old discarded chariots
that were examined in Buckaroo can
yon were interesting and could tell
the "boys some very interesting ad
ventures if able to speak.
The trip was made in 0. H. Reed
er's truck to Thorn Hollow and by
foot from there the rest of the day.
Several points for second class
tests were passed on the trip and
used at the Tuesday night Court of
Honor session.
We will soon have the basketball
court going and then for the patrol
and out side challenges.
The year is about to end so lets
get all we can out of it in scouting
and be better prepared to hit the line
hard for the coming year in scouting.
Jack Perry will be the scoutmaster
for the coming year and. a big year
is ahead with the many plans that
are under way.
22 Years Ago
Main St EH. HILL Athena
? December 14, 1906
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Thompson, December 12, 1906, a son
Mrs. Lillian Dobson is unable to
teach her school in the Cannon dis
trict, being confined to her home with
The affairs of the F. G. Naylor
estate are being brought to a close by
W. M. Peterson, attorney for the ad
ministrator, Cass Cannon.
A. B. McEwen has purchased E. R,
Cox's interest inHhe hardware busi
ness. Mr. Cox retains ownership of
the building and will assist Mr. Mc
Ewen in the store.
The funeral of the infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cartano took
place from the residence, Wednesday
forenoon. The funeral service was
conducted by Rev. Payne of Weston,
The Sand Hollow division ot the
rural telephone system has been
placed on a high line this week. The
owners of this line have organized
with George Gross, president; Henry
Schmitt. secretary: G. W. Hansen,
treasurer; Fred Gross, George Piper
and John Walter, directors.
Announcement is made that the
marriage of Miss Carrie Bloch,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Bloch of Spokane, and Henry Dan
heiser, a merchant of Whitefish,
Mont., will be celebrated February 10
in Spokane. The ceremony will be at
the Silver Grill, Dr. David Levine,
rabbi of Temple Emmanu-El officiat
ing. ,
The condition of Rev. Geo. T. Ellis,
pastor of the Baptist church, has be-
come such that immediate change of
climate is necessary and Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis will leave Athena early
next week for California. Mr. Ellis
is afflicted with asthma and the foggy
weather has confined him to the
house for several days, his case be
ing critical.
Zoeth Houser, who has many
friends in Athena, is in town. Mr
Houser exhibits a $190 gold brick
from his Present Need mine, which
is located in the Consolidated Stan
dard district in Grant county. Mr.
Houser is very enthusiastic over the
prospects of this mine ' which is to
be equipped with a stamp mill about
April 1. For this purpose and to pay
the mining expenses of the mine he
is selling a limited number of shares
of stock at three cents per share.
Will Jamieson was in town Satur
day from Weston.
Mrs. Delia Maloney last week mov
ed into her residence on High street.
Ben H. Savage, circulation manager
of the Pendleton Tribune, is. in the
city today in the interest of his
Postmaster L. A. Githens is some
what "under the weather," and was
unable to report for duty this morning.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence LaBrache, which has been
critically ill for several days is recovering.
Mr. Clarence Bunker, night miller
for the Preston-Parton Company, is
confined to his home in this city with
a mild case of diptheria. Dr. Pla
mondon, the attending physician, has
the case well in hand, and Mr. Bunk
er is rapidly recovering. '
M. W. Smith, ex-O. R. & N. agent
but now a life insurance business
getter, is in town for a few days, his
wife having arrived here several days
ago. Mr. and Mrs. bmith will leave
Athena in a few days, their objective
point being Spokane.
The homes of William Winship and
W. C. Russell are under quafantine
for scarlet fever. Chester Post, son
of Mrs. Winship, has been ill with
the fever for several days and two
other children in the family have de
veloped symptoms. One child in Mr.
Russell's family has the fever.
A meeting of the Normal School re
gents was held yesterday at Weston.
Members of the board present were
Jerry Stone, of Athena; P. A. Worth-
mgton, of Portland; Wm. Blakley, of
Pendleton, and G. W. Proebstel, of
Weston. The school was found to be
in a very prosperous condition. Busi
ness matters were transacted. New
furniture and apparatus was order
ed and a contract made with the
Preston-J'arton company of this city
for wiring the school building and
providing electric lights.
C. M. Jones
l and
Acetylene Welding
Truck Beds Built to Order
Athena Leather Shop
Chippewa and Trade Builder
Shoes repaired the Right Way
Soles Sewed On
Autotop, Curtain and Cushion Work
Harness Oiled in the Right Way
75c Set
Perry Hall, Athena Oregon
High School Notes
Junior News Staff '
Editor ; ...Loie Montgomery
Faculty .....Eldon Myrick
Student Body John Kirk
Entertainment Beatrice Hiteman
Alumni ..... Virgie Moore
Classes Helen Foster
Subject Classes..... Harold Kirk
Boys Athletics.... .George Gross
Girls Athletics Thelma Schrimpf
1st & 2nd Grades Frances Cannon
3rd & 4th Grades.. ..Beatrice Hiteman
5th & 6th Grades Carl Calvert
7th & 8th Grades Cecil Pambrun
Personals ...Virgie Moore
Advisor Miss Mildred Bateman
" The school library has proved to be
quite a help to the students " this
semester. There are many books of
interest for the whole school. For
the book reports there are fiction
and non-fiction books that are valua
ble for what they contain. Only the
best reading material is found in the
library, which helps to cultivate a
habit for good reading. A fee is
charged when books are held overdue,
and this money is used to repair old
books and buy new ones. In addition
to these books there are many daily
papers and magazines that for the
pupils use in reading and school work.
What an advantage we boys and
girls have today compared to that of
President Lincoln only a few decades
ago, who walked twelve miles to bor
row a book.
Miss Bateman was a visitor in Wal
la Walla Saturday.
Miss Brodie spent Saturday m
Walla Walla. ,
Mr. Meyer attended the meeting of
superintendents and principals of
Umatilla county at Pendleton Satur
Several changes were made in the
rules and regulations of the county
oratorical contest and county track
meet. Mr. Meyer also arranged some
basketball games with some of the
principals at the meeting.
Boys Athletics
Spectators witnessed a hard fought
game between Adams and Athena
Friday December 7, when Athena
won a victory by the close , score of
21 to 18. The game was a toss up,
and neither team held the advantage
until the last few minutes of play
when Athena rushed on to victory.
lhe lineup for the game was as
I 8mH Chwe Here j
Bier and Better
Our Stock of Christmas Presents includes a fine
line of Mechanical Toys, Games, Dolls,
Dishes, Candies, Christmas Tree
Decorations etc.
Don't Forget the Table
'We carry everything in stock that you'll need
, - for your Christmas eats
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
. Athena, Oregon
Crowley (4)
Pinkerton (4)
Myrick (9)
(5) LaCourse
(10) Larrabee
(3) Crawford
Substitution for Athena: Moore. F:
Miller, C. (2)j Michener, G. (2)..
Girls Athletics
The Athena eirls were defeated
19-18, by Adams Fridav nisrht after
a hard fought game.
lhe Adams trirla pot the. IpaH in
the first quarter, but the Athena
forwards soon began running up the
score. There were numerous substi
tutions for Athena during the game.
The lineup was: forwards, Francis
Cannon 16. Arlene Mvrick 2: cuarda.
Areta Kirk, Pearl Green; Centers,
ooidie Miller, Thelma Schrimpf.
Substitutions were: Marjorie
Douglas, Betty Eager. Mvrtle Camn-
bell, Eeatrice Hiteman, Loie Mont
gomery, uarolyn Kidder, Katherine
Kidder, Patronella Walter.
Coach Miller intends to ttet in
lot of hard practice for the game
next week with Umapme. A gdod
game is expected.
The assembly on FriHav. TWom.
ber 9, was held to pep the students
ior tne Adams-Athena basketball
game to be held that nicht.. Cnaoh
"Pike" Miller told the school what
was expected of them, and yell lead
er, Raymond Freeze, lead some yells.
The problem of raisin? mnnnv fnr
the Junior Senior banauet
most of the time at the junior class
meeting Monday, December 10.
President John Kirk nnnninteA the
following committee to take rhn rtre
of the sale of candy at the basket-
Dan games: Virgie Moore, Thelma
Schrimpf, and Beatrice Hiteman. The
following committee was annointeH
to interview Mr. Boyd about engag
ing a motion picture which the junior
class takes charge of each year:
naroid iurK and fcldon Myrick. ,
3rd and 4th Grades
Miss Thorson visited
at Stanfield, Saturday, December 8.
Laie and dale McClane and Betty
Venable were absent TueaHnv Tie.
cember 11, because of sickness.
1st and 2nd Grades
Miss Brvant unpnt the M 00 Y -art A in
Walla Walla .
LaVelle Oncnnn Adnl
Stanford Marquis, and Geraldine
Garrett were absent from the first
and second grades this week.
The first rrade nnniU are f oVinr
up their second primer for this year.
5th and 6th Grades
John Moore has Iwn
school several days on account of a
uaa cold.
7th and 8th Grades
Mr. and Mrs. Miller were in Walla
Walla Saturday. .
Robert Rose is back in school again
after a month illness.
The seventh and eighth grades are
starting in their work for the
Christmas pVograni.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. , 957 J
I Main Street. Athena, Oregon
; State and Federaf Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meala
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 682
Don't Get Caught With
a frozen Radiator
Prevent It
"Pinks" Place
Bell & Venable
Phones 22 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse" Team Work
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils , Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Special Attention Given' to School Children
Chicken Tamales Chile Beans
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - Athena,. Oregon
1 :
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street , Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena