The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 30, 1928, Image 1

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4 vw'
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Claaa Mail Matter
Umatilla County Farmers
Are Warned To Beware
of Proposition.
Seme months ago the Press and
other papers of the country carried
announcement of the operations of
a swine company "in ' nearby states,
which involved an offer of high priced
gilts to farmers with a contract to
buy back the female progeny. The
company is said to be ready for oper
ations at this time in Umatilla
Early this year Oregon State Col
lege issued warnings against the out
fit, but nevertheless, a number of
farmers have been duped by accept
ing offers of the company.
"On its face the agreement seems
fair enough, but a little study shows
that the company cannot afford to
buy back the gilts any longer than'
it can re-sell these gilts to other
farmers," points out Professor E. L.
Potter, head of the animal husbandry
department. "In other words the
business must grow in geometrical
ratio, and for each gilt sold this year,
from four to six must be sold next
year and so on until the blow-up
The gilts are usually purchased by
the farmers at $95 each " with the
understanding that the company is
to purchase all suitable pigs at wean
ing time at $35 each, pigs to come up
to standard - of good registered
Activities of the swine company are
said to now be centering in Umatilla,
Morrow and Grant counties, but steps
were taken immediately to warn the
farmers of those counties of the
See America First
With Lewis M. Lewis
A pictorial insight into some of
the outstanding natural beauties of
the Southwest will be offered resi
dents of this community when Lewis,
M. Lewis, ciriematographer, natural
color photographer, traveler and lec
turer of Chicago will give an illus
trated lecture at High School audi
torium next Thursday afternoon Dec.
6, at 2:45, on Carlsbad Cavern of
New Mexico which has just recently
been created a National Monument.
The lecture will be illustrated with
motion pictures and colored lantern
slides. Carlsbad Cavern, the largest
in the world, has one room two blocks
wide and three-fourths of a mile
long a room with a ceiling so high
that all the school buildings in a
large town could be piled one on top
of the other and not touch the ceiling.
At dusk each evening, bats pass
out of the cave entrance at the rate
of 175,000 a minute and this flight
continues for two or three hours. Mr.
Lewis described them as resembling
smoke curling up from a volcano. He
promises to give some interesting
views and information on the bat life.
This is a highly educational lecture
and we as good citizens should turn
out to hear him and to see one of the
greatest natural wonders of our
great country.
Schools will be dismissed at 2:30 to
permit all students to be present.
Admission is free and the public is
invited and asked to attend. A silver
offering will be taken to help defray
the speaker's expenses. ,
Bridge Luncheon
Carrying out the popular autumn
motif in decorations and menu, one
of the most enjoyable and attractive
luncheons of the season was given
Saturday afternoon at the B. B.
Richards home on Jeffrson street,
when Mrs. A. A. Kimball and Mrs.
Richards entertained. Colorful cards
marked the places of the twenty
eight guests who were seated at
small tables centered with miniature
glass baskets of bronze pom pom
chrysanthemums. Bridge was the
diversion of the afternoon, Mrs.
Ralph Hassell of Pendleton making
high score and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn
receiving the consolation. The host
esses were assisted in serving by
Mrs. O. O. Stephens, Mrs. H. H. Hill
and Mrs. Fred Kershaw. Out of town
guests included Mrs. James R.
Bowler, Mrs. Henry Collins, Mrs.
Ralph Hassell, Mrs. H. M. Hanavan,
Mrs. Nat Kimball, Mrs. Joseph N.
Scott, Mrs. Philo Rounds, Mrs. Sybil
Snyder, Mrs. Elmer Storie, Mrs. Anna
Storie and Mrs. James R. Thompson,
of Pendleton, and Mrs. Maurice Hill
of Walla Walla. Guests from Athena
were Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. W. S.
Ferguson, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. H.
I. Watts. Mrs. Henry Barrett, Mrs.
Lloyd Michener, Mrs. Marion Han
sell. Mrs. R. B. McEwen, Mrs. F. S.
LeGrow. Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn, Mrs.
C. L. McFadden. Mrs. Henry Dell,
Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Mrs. Art Doug
la. Mrs. Bert Logsdon, Mrs. Chase
High School Notes
Junior News Staff
Editor... John Kirk
Faculty and Alumni Carl Calvert
Athletics..... ...Eldon Myrick
Student Body..... .Virgie Moore
Classes Beatrice Hiteman
Subject Classes Cecil Pambrun
1st & 2nd Grades Thelma Schrimpf
3rd & 4th Grades .:..Harold Kirk
5th & 6th Grades George Gros3
7th& 8th Grades Frances Cannon
Personals! - ...Helen Foster
Advisor..- Miss Mildred Bateman
. . Editorial ;.Y: y
- ThnnkKcivinsr - dav once ' more ar
rives, and our thoughts are filled
with just how much turkey ana
other Thanksgiving delicacies we
can stow away and not pay the pen
alty of a stomach-ache for the' rest
of the week. How many of us think
Wfc tn" the 'real reason for Thanks
giving day, and of . what we should
feel thankful for now; we ao not
have to fear the Indians war-cry as
the Pilgrims did, nor do we have to
go out with a flintlock rifle to procure
our Thanksgiving dinner, and for
tVint too son we nueht to feel thank
ful. We, the American people, should
feel thankful for the advantages oi
our government and educational op
portunities. But there -is an old say
ing that the road to a man's heart
is through his stomach, so to reach
his thankfulness VOU have to stuff
his stomach full of rich, indigestible
food; then he can sit arouna uie nre
anH vawn and erouch because what
he ate didn't exactly agree with him.
Let us hope that ' there are some
broadminded people who are really
thankful for things they should . be
thankful about. -
Athletics . '
The following men turned out for
basket ball: Arthur Crowley, Oral
Michener, Ralph McEwen, Edwin Mc
Ewen, Harold Kirk, Wayne Pittman,
Wayne Pinkerton, George Pittman,
Wpldnn Bell. Eldon Mvrick. Curtis
Duffield, Lee Foster, James Wilson,
Roland Wilson. Jack Moore, Herbert
Reeder, Walter Huffman, and Leland
Jenkins. . ,. .. - .. -,. -
Miss Bateman left Thursday after
noon, November 22, to attend the an
nual University of Oregon homecom
ing festivities at Eueene. What with
a football game, parade, luncheon,
and rally, it is no wonder that sne
reports having a very enjoyable time.
Miss Brvant. accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Fredrick, motored
to Pendleton Friday evening.
The high school held an assembly
Friday morning, Novmebr 23. A
student body meeting was called by
Eldon Myrick, president of the stu
dent body. After this, a few songs
were sung under ' the leardership of
Mrs. Ralph McEwen, who was substi
tuting for Miss Bateman.
The high school was honored by
some women debators from Whitman
college Monday afternoon, November
26. Their debate was: Resolved
that Mussolini has been a benefit to
Italy. After the debate, a vote of
the school was taken, and the affirma
tive side received the majority. The
debate was one of a series of prac
tice debates which Whitman college
is holding at the various high schools.
The purpose of these debates is both
for practice for the contestants and
for arousing interest in high schools
inthe new style of cross-questioning
Subject Classes
The second perfect drill paper in
Typing I was written by Jack Dow.
Ila and Lawrence Carlile have left
for Herford, Oregon.
3 o' 4 Bridge Club
Members of the 3 o' 4 Bridge club
motored to the country home of Mrs.
Ravella Lieuallen Thursday after
noon. The occasion was most enjoy
able, a feature being the presence of
all members first time since or
ganization of the club. Chrysan
themums were used effectively about
the rooms and delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess at the tea
hour. Mrs.'C. L. McFadden receiv
ed the award for high score, and
Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton was the
recipient of the consolation prize.
Entertained at Country Club
Mrs. M. L. Watts entertained the
members of -the Athena Bridge Club
at luncheon at the Walla Walla
Country Club Thanksgiving after
noon. Colorful authmn . flowers
furnished the keynote in the decora
tion scheme and menu. Following
luncheon, the guests enjoyed playing
bridge. Mrs. Fred Kershaw holding
high score and Mrs. R. B. McEwen
receiving the consolation. Mrs. S. J.
Bowles was the only guest aside from
the club members.
ymmmkmi torn
P?m e an ou fa" this glorious land of freedom. and of peace.
' J We tkank You for its Karvest true, and for the. years increase
J In KealtK end wealth of wisdom. Lord, we KffcTOUT. Kearts to TKee
If . I And tKank You for our year of peace and great prosperity.
-rir-TOii' v ill"
Give Thanks
That Are So
Greatly Due
It Is told that n Scotsman made at
one time a road through the rough
hills of the highlands and at the top of
the last height hewed a stone Into a
seat and inscribed thereon, "Rest and
Be Thankful." In this spirit also la
Thanksgiving day appointed, at the
peak of the year as nature has fash
ioned it, for rest and the strengthen
lng of the spirit and for the giving of
thanks where thanks are so greatly
due, Don Rose, writing In the Philadel
phia Ledger, reminds bis readers.
Three centuries ago the wherewithal
of the first Thanksgiving feast was
provided by four Pilgrims with blun
derbusses, who in one day "killed as
many fowl as served the company al
most a week." In less dramatic fash
Ion the turkey of today comes to our
board, though his persistence over a
week In the various reincarnations of
cold pickings, hash and soup is a cus
tom well established. The turkey, let
It be noted, Is in all respects a fitting
offering, having pure American an
cestry and no entangling alliances with
birds of other feather.
In Hallowed Memory.
Out of the past this feast Is hal
lowed by long and honorable history,
nnlmagincd by the Pilgrim fathers,
who stirred batter and peeled potatoes
under the orders of the Pilgrim moth
ers. Its first observance was In rea
sonable peace, with Indians enough
and to spare, but no unpleasantness.
Later occasions were spiced and pep
pered with unfriendly arrows, and the
Indian sign of a feathered barb in the
stout plank door Interrupted many a
peaceful meal. The Indian sign no
longer marks our threshold; it Is trans
ferred .to father's pocketbook, where It
leaves' a scar deep and ominous
enough, though one endured with
Man is nn adaptable creature. For
most of the jerr he Is content and
well fed on a breakfiist of hasty eggs
and coffee rashly Inhaled, a lunch
snatched on the run and a dinner dis
creet and digestible, but on high days
and holidays his capacity Is thrice
multiplied. Thanksgiving dinner Is no
mere meal; It is n symphony in food
stuffs ; an epic cf eatables; a pano
rama of riie (itnmal vegetable king
doms. Us calculated harmonies, the
fruit of long years of feminine wis
dom, convert even the cynic and dys
peptic Into a valiant trencherman. l
temptations and opportunities must
call on the special Providence that Is
kind to overzealous ambition If "good
digestion is to wait on appetite and
health on both." The fact that we
survive It marks this marvel; that
there Is no dlgestant like good com
pany; no spice like good talk and
laughter; no appetite like that which
attends the warmth of opened hearts.
Gifts Beyond Price.
This is a universal feast that knows
no creed. "It is good to give thanks
unto the Lord"; it Is good for all men
to find gratitude on special occasion
for the grace that knows no occasion
The free gifts are the greatest gifts
the high privilege of life, the knowl
edge of the loveliness of the varied
world, the unmeasured wealth of love
around us. For these we give thanks,
for it Is by their mystic alchemy that
success and peace and strength are
made worth while.
Thanksgiving Is not a human habit,
which Is a fact little to our credit.
For this we shall probably be forgiven,
as we are forgiven so much, If the
habit of remembrance lives on. The
gods have always boen kind to human
happiness, and when our Thanksgiving
Is adorned with good cheer, with
laughter, with "sports of strength and
skill" and with the companionship of
those we love, we practice an ancient
custom and a true one. There have
been many creeds, many peoples, many
strange habits and observances. But
never In the history of the world nor
In any race or country bave men for
gotten the Joy of the harvest nor
failed to honor the eternal faithful
ness of the changing seasons.
Remember Only Mercies.
So we may forget the faint hazard
of abdominal repentance on the mor
row and forget also the cold winds of
the young winter and the coal bills
that settle like birds of prey on the
budget of November. Instead, we may
"think of our mercies," as preached
old Uncle Tom, and remember old
friends and the distant ones of our
family, and remember also to give a
helping hand with the dishes that will
soon be piled so high.
So for this day the latchstrlng Is
out, the fire bums bright on the hearth,
the family Is home again and the p:isi
and future do homage to the present.
Loneliness we shut out of doors with
the shivering trees and the wind-swept
streets, and happiness Is complete In
the full circle of familiar ami friendly
faces. And more tlian these are with
us, for the heart of all America knows
today one happiness, and the history
of her people for 309 years Is renewed
In the countless homes that are her
glory and her bulwark.
Athena Boy Scouts
(By Scoutmaster LeRoy)
All aboard for the big convention
at Lewiston this week-end was well
responded to for there were more
boys wanted to go than we could ar
range for.
We are sending three regular dele
gates and three others as alternates.
Each boy will have a special phase
of the work to report on and all are
to get all they can to help make the
troop better.
Solista Pickett passed four more
requirements on his way to Second
class rank and will be ready for the
Honor at the next regular Court of
Honor session.
The regular delegates for the Con
vention are Lowell Jenkins, George
Pittman and Solista Pickett. The
alternates are Robert Campbell,
Wendell Shigley and Walter Edger.
Lowell Jenkins will specialize on
first aid, George on patrol work and
Sol will specialize on patrol leaders
Our next big hike will be to Thorn
Hollow and from there up Buckaroo
canyon for the day. This is planned
for Saturday, December eighth.
Every scout and boy or man that is
interested in scouting is invited to
Art Douglas has charge of the ar
rangements for transportation and
activities for the day and further in
formation may be secured from him
or the scoutmaster.
We are soon to register the troop
and we want to be sure and register
every boy in the district that is in
terested in scouting, so get lined up
Our hall is soon to be converted in
to a basket ball hall and we are ex
pecting several good teams .
"Lots of Unfinished Work
Yet," Says Defiant Old
-. Seattle. Ezra Meeker, pioneer of
the Pacific 'northwest, lay seriously
ill in his bed in. a hotel here tonight.
It was the second and, according to
attending physicians, probably the
last illness of the 97-year-old
patriarch. His condition was too
critical to permit his being moved to
a hospital.
For two months last summer the
white-haired trail blazer was ill in
the Ford hospital at Detroit. That
illness, his physicians said, hastened
the general weakness from which he
suffers now.
To one of his three daughters, who
are in constant attendance upon him
Meeker whispered today, "I have lots
of unfinished work. I'm not quite
ready to go."
Meeker came to Pugef sound from
Indiana when Seattle was a settle
ment of 20 log cabins. In 1906, 54
years after the start of his westward
journey, Meeker, with an ox team and
covered wagon returned over the Old
Oregon trail, marking it with monu
ments. He was received by Presi
dent Roosevelt.
He made a second trip in 1910 and
a few years ago recrossed the route
by airplane.
Calmly awaiting the end, Ezra
Meeker, 98 year old ox-team pioneer,
lay in a hotel. A few days at most
possibly a few hours, separate the
aged man from death, his physician
and son-in-law, Dr. C. L. Templeton,
Meeker had roused from a state of
coma, into which he sank last night.
He was somewhat weaker. Yester
day afternoon he called his grandson
and attorney, J. H. Templeton, to his
bedside to settle his affairs.
"Nothing in; this world can save
him," Dr. Tenipleton said.
Johnny Hines In
"The Wright Idea"
Johnny Hines, First National's
sparkling comedian, will be seen at
the Standard Theatre tomorrow night
in "The Wright Idea," his fastest
and most hilarious comedies of the
season. With Louise Lorraine and
Edmund Breese heading the big sup
porting cast of clean fun-makers,
Johnny will be found in his element
tomorrow night when he takes you
beyond the the-mile limit and in
troduces you to a bunch of bad men.
Sunday night Clara Bow, the "It"
girl will star in "Red Hair" in the
role of Miss Bubbles McCoy. As a
foil for the irrespressible Bubbles
three great character actors, Law
rence, Grant, Claude King and Wil
liam Austin have been given lead
ing parts. Many of the sequences of
"Red Hair" are done in technicolor,
and for colorful effect, this process
has never been used to such advantage.
Voters Defeat Tax
Proposal Two to One
Considerable interest was manifest
ed in the election held Monday to
vote on the special tax proposal for
Union High School District No. 7.
The legal voters of the district de
feated the proposed tax two to one.
A total of 101 votes was cast, 34
voting for the measure and 67 voted
against it. The polls opened at the
school house at two o'clock in the
afternoon and closed at 7 p. m.
The election board was comprised
of women, those serving were Mrs.
W. W. McPherson, Mrs. J. F. Ker
shaw, Mrs. Bryce Baker, Mrs. H. A.
Barrett and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn.
Chinks From Game Farm
Disposition of 216 China pheasants
from state game farm near Pendleton
was made by Marion Hansell and
Glenn Dudley Monday. In company
with a state game farm employe who
brought the pheasants here in crates
on an auto truck, the birds were lib
erated at selected tracts of land
which afford desirable cover and
feeding range.
Had a Good Crop
Cliff Banitder was up from hU
Cold Springs ranch Saturday. His
fall sown wheat is up and looking
fine says Mr. Banister. He threshed
600 acres of wheat this fall and it
averaged a little over 37 bushels per
acre, and he recently disposed of his
Athena Shooters Win Turks
Athena shooters have won their
share of turkeys for Thanksgiving at
the different shooting matches held
over the week-end. The Helix and
Pendleton matches were well attend
ed. .