The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 23, 1928, Image 3

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Thanksgiving Day Thurs
day November 29 To Be
tending the spirit of good will to all
ine world and for prosperity by lend
ing generous and kindly aid to those
ui sorrow or need. L,et us cive
tnanks for manifold ; material bles
sings by turnina- our minda and
hearts to the things of the spirit.
"In Testimony Whereof, I haye
set my hand and caused the seal of
the State of Oregon to be hereunto af
fixed this 19th day of November, A. D.
1928." I. L. PATTERSON, Governor.
Oregon Student Will
Salem. I. L. Patterson, governor
of the state of Oregon, has issued
the following proclamation
. . .... . .. . tiff 1 . ... .
"At all times and in all places, . b-" "nte 01 the University of
Go on Science Trip
university"!)? Oregon; eu.
fT3 Cnghan( an outstand-
"'8 eraitunte nf th tt! :i m
A JL V Mil U1IU 111 Ull I w - V VUIVIIJIT fl
men have gathered together at therregon eolosy department, has been.
close of harvest to give thanks, to MPpomteci geologist
the Divine Power which has blessed
their labors and made them to pros
per. Deep rooted in the heart of
mankind is the instinct to make
grateful acknowledgment to a guid
ing Providence which is above, and be
yond the work of human minds and
"Our national observance of an an
nual day of Thanksgiving is a heri
tage from the Pilgrim Fathers, who
of an expedition
ivhich will make, mi "
Important scientific
Investigation of the
larly travels of
mankind in North
ira Persia,
Those backing
the expedition hope
that in the high
lands of Northern
Persia miy be
Mt AK'i i
University Comes Back Af
ter Three Defeats By
the Staters.
assembled at the turn of the vear tn
offer prayer and praise to Almighty found evidences of
CJnH frnm urhnm noma otian n-fk the traverse of
to endure daily hardship and to face early man from his iuSeae OaUaglaa
unKnown danger, it is htting that we
should reverently- continue in this day
of prosperity and security the insti
tution they founded amidst adversity
and peril,
"Now, therefore, in conformity with
the proclamation of the President of
the United States which comes as a
recurring reminder of our national
unity in the perpetuation of this
American custom, I, I. L. Patterson,
uovernor of Oregon, do proclaim
Thursday, November 29th, 1928, as
Thanksgiving Day, and do hereby set
it aside as a public holiday. . '
"Let us' on this day give thought
to man's fellowship with nature in
achieving the fruits of the harvest,
Let us confirm and . strengthen the
ties of family life and renew the
bond of hearth and home. Let us ex
press our gratitude for peace by ex.
birthplace in Central Asia -westward in
to Europe. Anthopoloffista, ethnolo
gists and other scientists .will make up
the expedition. The geological phase of
the expedition, with Callnghan in
charge", is expected to be an important
part of the investigation, which is to be
financed by a wealthy Eastern patron,
Interested in science.
Callaghan did a year of graduate
work here for his Master's degree and
won a fellowship nt Columbia Univer
For Sale Five dozen White Wyan
dotte hens. Milch cows for sale or
trade. Phone 132, Ralph McEwen,
I in I mm 1 w i
Athe,na, Orgeon.
Bad Men Present, but
, Were Not Lingering
Houdini's erustule tfgulnst fraudu
lent spirit-mongers occupied a ereat
deal of his time and thought during
the last years of his life. But there
was a brief period In his early stage
career when, assisted by his wife, he
used to do a "mind reading" and
"spirit message" act, pure hocus po-
cus, of course.
One night he was tipped off that
two negroes the local "had men"
were In the gallery. These men went
about armed with razors and three
weeks before, one of their pals Imd
been murdered. While no tangible
evidence could be raised to fasten the
crime on them, the people of the
town felt that the. were liiiii.l.'.if.-.i
When Houdini began to give his
"messages," he presently stepped for
ward with a puzzled, earnest face.
"I have a message here for Bill,
Doakes and Jim Saunders," he. said.
it conies from Benny Carter. He
sa.vs: W hoys bettah pul yo' razors
away, or yo' is sho" goln" ter bo where
Ah Is now.' Are Bill Dnakes and Jim
Saunders present?"
There was an awed silence, and
then, as some ono In the gallery upset
a chair and stumbled hastily toward
thj exit a quavering volte replied:
-ies, (ley Is, hut dey ain't stayiu."
Kansas City Star.
C. M. Jones
Acetylene Welding
Truck Beds Built to Order
Insect Assassin One
of Nature's Oddities
A remarkable Inject assassin Hint
lives In the Dutch Kast Indies is de
scribed by a British entomologist, w
T. CMnii, In a report to Natural Ills
tory Magazine, an olliclul publication
of the British museum. The creature.
which belongs to the Insect group
known os the Elomopteru, secret cs u
fluid which apparently tastes very
good to certain black ants. Thej seek
it eagerly, and "milk" the insect hj
manipulating certain hairs uMiK-hed .
its body. But their potations are f;i
tal, for the drink contains a poison
which soon paralyzes them. As soon
as the bug Is aware of the ant's weak
ened condition, It ceases to he passive
and stubs Its victim through a chink
in its horny armor, sucking out the
lifeblood with Its sharp beak. The
drained bodies of the assassin's vic
tims fall to the ground beneath Its
lurking place, and sometimes accu
mulate In large numbers. The car
casses are dragged off by another ant
species, a red one, which does mu
scruple to make a pseudo-cannibal
feast on the remains of Its fatuously
bibulous relatives.
Corvallis. The University of Ore
gon football team staged a brilliant
comeback after three years of defeat
in the state of Oregon football classic,
and took the annual state 'champion
ship battle from Oregon State col
lege here Saturday by a score of 12
to 0. An overflow crowd of 22,000 saw
the game.
Coach Schissler's Oregon State
Beavers were clearly surprised by the
unexpected strength of Oregon in the
hrst half and were consistently out
classed in practically every depart
ment of the game in the first two
Coming back in the second half the
State college team developed a fight
ing streak they had not shown before
and threatened to score, even up to
the last minute of the game. ' The
threat was challenged by the Oregon
team and the University players
clung to the lead and had the ball on
their own 15 yard line as the game
The Webfoots stopped the long
gains and accurate passes of the bril
liant Maple, Oregon State quarter
back, when gains and passes might
have meant scores. In contrast, the
Staters allowed Kitsmiller, flashy
Oregon forward, to slip through for
the first score in the first period after
Oregon had worked the ball to the
10 yard line after recovering a State
blocked punt in midfield. Kitzmiller
failed to kick the goal.
The second score came in the second
period when a lateral pass gave Ore
gon first down on the Ore
gon State college 25 yard line from
where another pass, Kitzmiller to
Robinson, made another first down on
the eleven yard mark. To. top this.
the Staters were penalized to the two I
yard line for holding, Gould was held
for no gain but Burnell carried the
ball over m the next play -with
tackle smash. A completed pass for
the extra point was disallowed
Stadleman was caught holding.
ihe Oregon State Beavers foueht
bitterly for victory in the last half
making six first downs to Oresron'
none. They once penetrated to the one
yard line but lost the ball on a fum
ble. In the last few minutes they
again worked the ball down to the 10
yard line where a pass was knocked
down on the goal line.
Maple played the entire game with
out relief and was always daneerous
He never fumbled but Oregon covered
him too closely for him to break
Sherwood and Hughes were brilliant
in the backfield for the State college
ana uouia, Kitzmiller and Burnell did
some outstanding work for Oregon,
Pendleton Woolen Mills
The largest and most complete line ever
Shown in Athena
Boys, come in and look over our fancy Wool Socks,
for high-top shoes
Quality Quantity, Service. , Phone 171, Athena, Oregon
. Athena, Oregon
You are cordially invited to come
and enjoy a "Colonial Dames Beauty
ireatment with our compliments
By special arrangement with the
Colonial Dames Laboratories in Holly.
wood, their specialist will give these
wonderful Beauty Treatments to show
the exquisite effect the proper use of
Cosmetics will produce.
We desire to reserve an appoint
ment for you but it is necessary that
you pnone or call for a reservation
early. This is a unique opportunity
and we urge you to come early to
avoid disappointment.
Free facials will be given by the
Colonial Dames Specialist Novenjber
iJbtn to November 29. Shop closed
Ihursday, Friday and Saturday.
Athena, Oregon
Telephone 32
bili ilM -W
Athena Leather Shop
Chippewa and Trade Builder
Shoes repaired the Right Way
Soles Sewed On
Autotop, Curtain and Cushion Work
Harness Ojled in the Right Way
75c Set
Perry Hall, Athena Oregon
I ' " T-fi
Matter of Accuracy
of Greatest Import
I do not know that there Is any
thing, except It be humility, which is
sq valuable as an incident of educa
tion as accuracy.- And accuracy can
be taught. Direct lies told to the
world are as dust In the balance when
weighed against the falsehoods of in
accuracy. These are the fatal things
And they are all-pervading. I scarce
ly care what is taught to the yeans
if it will but implant in them the habit
of accuracy.
Now, look at the matter in this
light. Take the speech of ony man
for any given day. For once that he
wilfully gives a wrong color (with un
eye to his own Interests) to anything
Which be states or uarrates, lie mis
takes or misdescribes 20 time?, on ac
count of bis inability to tell anything
Besides, there Is this Important re
sult from a habit of accuracy that It
produces truthfulness even on those
occasions where a man would be
tempted to be untruthful. He grad
ually gets to love occuracy more even
than his own interests; at last he has
a passion for accuracy. Arthur Helps.
F. H. Seely. of Chicago and Phila
delphia, nationally famous expert, will
himself personally be at the Grand
Hotel, and will remain in Walla Wal
la Friday only, November 30th, from
9 A. M. till 5 P. M. Mr. Seely saysr
"The Spermatic Shield will not
only retain any cases of rupture per
fectly, but contracts' the opening in
10 days on the average case. Being
a vast advancement over all former
methods exemplifying instantaneous
effects immediately appreciable and
withstanding any strain or position
no matter the size or location. Large
or difficult cases, or incisional rup
tures (following operations) specially
solicited. This instrument received
the only award in England and in
Spain, producing results without
surgery, injections, medical treat
ments or prescriptions, with distin
guished personal patrons of all na
tions. His method has always been
most satisfactory." Late Dr. Edward
Shippen, former Medical Director, U.
S. Navy
CAUTION All cases should be
cautioned against the use of any
elastic or web truss with understraps,
as same rest where the lump is and
not where the onenine is. producing
complications necessitating surgical
operations. Mr. Seeley has docu
ments from the United States Govern
ment, Washington, D. C, for inspec
tion. He will be glad to demonstrate
without charge or fit them if desired
Business demands prevents stopping
at any other place in this section.
N. B. Every statement in this
notice has been verified before the
Foderal and State Courts. F. H.
Home Office. 117 N. Dearborn St.
ChiCaafd, 111.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Main- Street Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Conoco Gasoline
Quick StartingPacked With Extra Miles
Motor Oils , Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
. Dentist
Post Building, Athena, Phone 682
Fill Up On
Let Us Serve You
Right Now
"Pinks" Place
Bell & Venable
Phones 22 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
Special Attention Given to School Children
Chicken Tamales Chile Beans
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
You Need.
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
. you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena