Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Clean Mail Matter VOLUME 49. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1928 NUMBER 42 MAX! SOI DEAD E AFTER BALL GAME Collapsed While Playing In Game At Medford On ' Friday Last. Max Newsora, son of Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Newsom, former residents of Athena, Weston and Freewater, died Saturday night at a hospital irt Med ford, following a collapse during a football game. Friday." Young Newsom was a member of the Ashland normal school team of recognized ability, and was warned before entering the game that physi cal exertion might prove fatal to him, but his love for athletics was so strong that he would not refrain from sports. His parents were witnesses of the game which resulted in their son's death. The boy was removed from the game under protest, after the coach saw that he was verging near an ex hausted condition. He failed to re vive and was at once removed from the field to the hospital, where his condition was at once pronounced to be critical. The patient lingered until Satui day night, when he died of cerebral hemorrhage, a post mortem disclosed, according to the attending physician, who said Newsom had suffered from an incurable kidney disease and an examination two weeks ago showed he had blood pressure of 190. He is survived by his parents and a younger brother, Gale, residents of Klamath Falls. GLADYS CAMERON I If,,, C-VS If" Miss Gladys Cameron, elected Miss Yuma (Arizona) In her own province, who was chosen Queen of the Desert at a contest held In San Diego, Calif., In connection with girls from elaht other sections of the desert country. TTnnvar.Pni-tia Pink AutO Crash Kills ' Mrs. - F. S. LeGrow has been aD- Senator Kirkman Pointed city chairman of the Hoover- uurtis women's club, organized here the first of the week. Other officers are, Mrs. R. B. McEwen vice-chair man; Mrs. Max Hopper, secretary; Mrs. W. b. Ferguson, treasurer; Mrs. W, P. Littlejohn, chairman of the Executive Board. Mrs. Fred Donert county chairman and Cecil Curl of Pendleton were here Tuesday in .the interests of the campaign. jColfax. William H. Kirkman of Walla Walla, state senator, was kill ed and several members of his f am ily injured at 10:45 o'clock Tuesday morning when his automobile was wrecked on the state highway near Colfax. Mrs. Isabel Kirkman of Walla Wal la, the senator's mother, was reported to have been slightly injured. . She was suffering from shock. Leslie Kirkman, brother of the senator, was badly shaken, and was reported as being in a dazed condition, unable to One of the most interesting events explain the accident. He is believed of the fall season is. the annual apple to be employed with a power company show sponsored by the fruit growers adjacent to Milton-Freewater, and the progressiove citizen's of these two Milton-Freewater Apple Show Opens Oct. 30 at Pasco, Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Reynolds, the latter the sister of Senator Kirk man, were shocked and Mrs. Rey nolds was believed to have been se verely cut about the head and eyes Mr. Reynold's injuries were not se- vious The accident, Reynolds said, was seemingly inexplicable, as the road was good at the point where it oc curred. The party was en route to bpokane. The Car was reported to have cata- Exciting Events at Horse Show Ifc-- T --' TT....I..JU! ADMIRAL EBERLE T Ik fvlJ tf Aaron M. Frank of Portland and his Hackney Pony "Aloma," win ner of the Portland Chamber of Commerce $2,000.00 Stake at the 1927 Pacific international. The chariot races of ancient Rome offered no more exciting com petition than some of the events scheduled for the 10th Annual Horse Show of tbe Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition to be held at Portland, Oregon, Novem ber 3-10, Inclusive. Roadster classes at fast paces are shown in the great 234 feet .long Horse Show arena. Ia that ring the maneuvers of sevon and eight six-horse Iieavj draft driving teams bring the spectators to their feet in tumultuous applause with their dar ing and exciting performances. High and broad jumping events dis play the stamina and skill of r-tb horses and riders. , - . : High stepping harness champions of America and England are. shown in superb form. Three and five-gait-ed American Saddle Horses charm the spectators with their graceful action and amazing speed. The prize money for this Horse Show is approximately $36,000.00 the largest amount ever offered. Horses from all over America and from abroad coma to compete for Pacific International's prized rib bons. During each performance will be staged parados of prize-win ning Livestock and demonstrations by famous sheep dogs. The 18th Annual Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition com bines Livestock Show; Dairy, Land and Manufacturers' Products Shows; Sheep Show; Wool and Mohair Show; Northwest Hay and Grain-Show; Fox Show; Industrial Exposition; Boys and Girls' Club Work Exhibits; great "Truth in Meats" demonstration, and daily auctions of Beef and Dairy Cattle. $100,000.00 is offered in Premiums. Attendance each year exceeds 12V 000 persons. - Leading Railroads of the North west, and other transportation lines are offering special reduced fares to the Exposition. BASKE SOCIAL AI Admiral E. W. Eberle. who waa chairman of the general board and re cently chief of naval operations, hat retired after 47 years In the navy, be- ginning at the age of seventeen and ending with his sixty.fourth birthday. his career included service In the Spanish-American and World wars. thriving East end cities Competition for ribbons and prizes is always keen and more interest than usual is being evidenced this year, so that the quality of the exhibits and the beauty of their dis play will far surpass any previous show. The association has erected a new building for housing the exhibits and impressive dedicatory services will be held Tuesday evening October 30, pulted down an embankment, then to the first night of the show Judge R. have turnd over so that the senator 1 E, Butler of The Dalles, republican was crushed beneath it. candidate for representative to Con- Senator Kirkman, about 60, was F8! is expected to be a speaker. holdover senator, and was widely utner attractive numbers will go to known in this state. He was a wid- make UP a splendid program for evening as well as the two followine nignts ot the show, representatives of all parts of the country taking parr. Committees for all departments of the show are actively engaged in put- Mrs. Luther Van Winkle, a former ting plans and arrangements into ef- Athena resident, was killed last week tect, and it only remains for Uma ower. Mrs. VanWinkle Killed In Automobile Wreck in an automobile wreck, and Mr. VanWinkle was seriously injured when his car was struck by another machine at a street intersection. Mrs. VanWinkle was buried at Wal la Walla,, a daughter accompanying the remains to that city from Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. VanWinkle visited at the William Booher home in Ath ena, last August. They lived in Ath ena several years ago, and Mr. Van Winkle who is a photographer, con ducted a gallery here. tula county citizens to attend and boost to make the event a success, Seeding Operations Resume After Rain Seeding operations are in full swing in this vicinity. The farmers are rejoicing over the recent showers which have aided in putting the ground in excellent condition for the fall work. Those who have seeded Triplet and and Hybrid in many instances i t i ... . ... Mat.. r- rviiM "ave nnisnea tneir worK. wnue Two . automobiles bearing Idaho Federation raisers are just beginning lions ilte wp in collision on PPea' e weatner man lor the upper end of Main street, Monday more "in isinorderat this time. evening, during the ram and when the pavement was wet. A touring car slackened speed and was struck in the rear end by a roadster. The touring car was not badly damaged but the roadster was wrecked in front, coming out of the shock with a bent axle, a broken spindle and demolished . headlights. A woman passenger was slightly injured by flying glass. Treating Seed Wheat The Farmer's Grain Elevator com pany still has its plant in operation treating seed wheat. A large tonnage of seed wheat has been handled at the elevator this fall and the plant will be run until fall seeding is completed. Radio Men Meet C. M. Eager and R. B. McEwen of Athena accompanied by Ralph Roth- rock of Pendleton motored to Walla Walla Monday night where they at tended a meeting of amateur radio operators of that vicinity. Problems of installation and operation of con tinuous waves, transmitters and re ceivers were discussed. It is thought that a permanent organization will be established in the near future. Wound Is Fatal To Drunk Assailant Of Farmer King Jim Carrol a transient farm hand died at College Place sanitarium Fri day night of last week as the result of a shotgun wound inflicted by Floyd King, rancher in the Lowden district, on the Oregon side of the state line, who shot in self defense, after Car rol who was in a drunken condition, had followed King into his house and was choking him. A coroner's jury exonorated Kina from all blame, after hearing the evi- Uence given before it , ; v ; Carrol had worked for Mr. King on his ranch during the summer at the end of which, Mr. King declared, he quit voluntarily. Later on he ap proached his former employer and, as Mr. King needed help, he Dut him work again. On Monday Carrol again quit his job and was paid off in full by Mr. King. Carrol hired a Walla . Walla taxi to take him to the King place Friday evening, where he demanded money irom Mr. King. He was given check for $10, whereupon he became abusive and demanded $20. Following King into the house he seized him by the arm and Mr. King armed himself with a shotgun, Mrs, King made an effort to help her husband, but Carrol, who was powerful man, soon had him around the neck. "I did not want to shoot, but when I saw that he was choking me down, I fired," said Mr. King. Every effort was made to pacify him, but he was clearly intending to choke me to death." The charge of shot entered Carrol's side and he sank to the floor still conscious. Mr. King summoned the taxi driver, who had stayed in his machine, at a loss as what to do, and the wounded man was placed in the car and rushed to College Place, the nearest hospital. Mr. King then notified officers. T THE LEGION HALL Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls Give Program This Evening. (By Scoutmaster Wade LeRoy) This evening at Lesion Hall the Wauna Group of camp fire girls and the Athena Boy Scouts will inin their efforts in putting on a real old time basket social. There is also to be varied enter. tainment for the evening for all. There will be games, stunts, music and. a pantomine. And last but not least will be the big event of the eve ningthe eats. Coffee will be served with the bas kets as they are sold and from all indications there will be a fine turn out of boskets and bidders. Everyone is invited to come and bring others and help the local groups to make this a big success. Ihere will be $25.00 in merchandise prizes besides other prizes for the best baskets. M. L. Watts will auction the bas kets off and some lively interest is expected as there are some fine bas kets in the making and" some excel lent prizes to go with some of them. The town orchestra will furnish New Sidewalks The flitv nf Athena ia mittinir a cinder sidewalk fmm the 4nteentinn the music for the evening, of Third street west to the Preston- , CamP Fire Gir,s wiU in their Shaffer Milling comnanv'f. nrnnert.v. dress regalia and Scouts will be in John B. Yeon, Oregon Road Builder Passes to. f. . . aiming vumpaujr a uiuuerur. I .. . 7 : Alter Eventful Life The new walk will take the place 0f um?orm also and the general public the rickety board walk that has lone " ""IW,U . "mK0 ""s a very rortiana. John ts. yeon, Portland been a menace to the safety of Dedes. capitalist who did much in the de- trians using it. A new concrete side' invited to make this a very in formal ' affair, and pleasure and entertainment will be the keynote of the evening. A great deal of work and energy is being put in on the stunts, decora- velopment of Oregon's road system, walk is being put down adjacent to died Monday night, aged 63. the Kidder property on Fifth street, t . . . . VtT 4-I.a nifi. Ulan HiiA T" Tl 11 ! vuimng 10 uregon as a logging " v"c o. muuue XJCi vaii, la .. . , , " ; camp laborer he became a millionaire having a new concrete sidewalk put uns 8nd events of the, evening, so in 21 vears. He retired frnm the down in front of her residence nrotier. a. Iar&e crowd is expected out to show lumber business in 1906, and there- ty on Adams street, east of Fifth tne cal2 organizations that the Com. alter devoted mnoh nf hia i street, ana a new walk is nemo- mirt mem cause of good roads. He was active at Mrs- Willaby's home on Jefferson in the construction of the Columbia street, River highway, and was for some years a member of the state highway Oregon State College Successful Hunters Return From Selway Death Hastened By passing of Her Sister Announcement was made last week in the columns of the Press of the death of Mrs. G. W. Proebstel, Sr., formerly of Weston, at her recent home in Portland. Shock, attributed to the death of Mrs. Proebstel, was given as the cause of the death Saturday of her sister, Mrs. Effie Olive Gardner, 72, old-time business .school teacher, at her home in Portland. Born in Maine, Mrs. Gardner spent a number of years in Boston before coming to Portland 40 years ago. Her husband died in the East before she made her residence there. The sisters had resided together for many years. Double funeral services were set for Monday at the Unitarian Church Welcome Rain Stops Seeding A welcome rainfall put a tempor ary stop to seedjng on Athena farms Monday. Moisture was badly needed to put the seed bed in proper shape to receive the seed and sprout the planted grain. Back From Hunt Fay LeGrow, Sam Pambrun, Her man Geissel and Everett Rothrock re turned Sunday from their Idaho hunt ing trip. They had ideal weather for hunting and brought home their elk and deer meat in splendid condition. The party had for transportation fa cilities the Pettybone pack outfit from the point where they left their two trucks, into the hunting country over a trail blazed through magnificent scenery, which took them five days of travel commission A monument to his name is the Yeon building, in the heart of the Portland business district. ne was born April 24, 1865 at Plantaganet, Ontario, and came to the United States as a youth. He learned English in a night school at Defiance, Ohio, after working 11 hours a day as a logger. He arrived in Oregon in 1885 with $2.50 in his pocket, and his first work in this part of the country was as aa logger ot uathiamet, Wash., at $1 a dav. He made his start on the road to wealth by obtaining twelve oxen with which he carried on logging operations. wnen he retired he ' employed 250 men. On October 8 he was stricken with an acute intestinal trouble and an operation was performed. For a while he showed improvement but Monday he suffered a relapse. Farm Market Review! Wheat markets were generally a little weaker last week under influ ence of rather liberal supplies nnd less active demand. The October of ficial estimate of the total United States wheat crop was 904.000.000 bushels, That the! Selway National Forest in Idaho is an ideal hunting ground, has been proven quite to the satis faction of the party which has just returned to Athena. F. S, LeGrow, Sam Pambrun, Her man Geissel and Everett Rothrock of Athena, with Frank Pettibone and James Geary, of Grangeville, Idaho, a fima I increase nver September. The Canadian estimate we'e .successful m bagging four elk remained unchanged at 550.000.000 ana S1X. aeer- lne Party W8S ,n the iiiuuuuuiis iur uireu weeKs, ana ine bushels, but condition was the poor est in recent years. Commercila wheat stocks in Canada and the United States are now the largest for this date on record, al- entire trip was marked by excellent weather. Twenty-ceven head of mules and horses were useu for transportation thouc-h the nenk nf the mnVement t of camp supplies, and trophies. market may be over. vamp was maae on tne Clearwater Exports from the United Stales :iV?La . :ne..t,ex,tend! total only about 42,000,000 bushels , L 1 , IOr ,5 out of 200,000,000 to 225,000,000 i8,8a.ld the hnhei av.iiLM.' ' a and is made up of a series of ranges i t vii rxrrnH wt mmto met nnA Hnnn Mrs. Mary Tompkins Passes At Hot Lake eluding flour, ago 80,000,000 bushels had been ex.. ported out of total exports which amounted to 207,000,000 bushels, in- can- yons. Ihe government has construct ed trails to the extent of about fifty miles. At many of the higher points the trails are very narrow, peaks Friends of Mrs. Mary Tompkins Walla Walla DHvav !! were Khnolred e0fd ." 7 . . "'c "i"l wy Ml . ..r viU, u.ut.in.K w ,,1AS 'in,i, ill depths of thousands of feet. Haa fen. L. : 1- I . V a. m. . U.1 I . . f . . I . ' " ucblii, wmun occurred at a-i n.i i-i..- i- eio-ht. n'elnel, U0J..J. : .1 . 8' enjUJ BACUUBIH, Ilfilling in --o - " wvi.iv f Luutouaj evening ttt tne not .Lake feamtanum Portland Fmeat Rnndv ?9 the Clearwater river, and aside from Wollo nrn.. ! - ' . .', the deer and elk which nhnnnd lnno Mrs. Tompkins was taken ill about L " aA"'!u. " splla ne.re the rMa. hunter- find henr -nd i uaiuiuav iiii ill. m low ri lira OTrnr n a - " w - - two weeks ago and after X-rays, an had h' d;'Z. ""Vth hu mountain goat. wa8".l necessary. She burnin overturned truck on the iw The party was most successful in was ianen to not L,ake and the oner- t .i t.. t-,, ,7 i brinciner out the meat, which was ntinn wn. mj uer lusre. Jjeam resulted I . ,; ' . T ,.' , .. '- from terrible second and third de. generously dispensed to tneir lortu- w.wi..6 r iiii.ii me yniieux, grew steadily worse. Relatives were called and were at her bedside when death came. Funeral arrangements have not been made at Villi U UG- ... o-ree hurnu ;h;,.h ,a ,: nate friends. .. ...v.11 VVIW5U "ID ClitltC body. Although the wreck was not wit- "Tne Night Flyer" nessed it was believed that the truck this time fAVST h1 when Sandy fel1 a8leeP e5 w ' ?tUary WlU U publl8h" while behind the wheel. Gasoline in the tank ignited, and the. truck was soon engulfed in flames. three motorists extinguished the Weston Here Today Weston high school football team will be on the local gridiron this afternoon to try conclusions with "Pike" Millers Athena team. Wes ton's strength is unknown, but re ports say that lads from over the hill hmmitoi hero n,!ll - I 1! it ' ttiii yjcBvub a Btruuger lineup man rtaa ooaciuuieu iaii year. Ainena i iooq tih-l . .... ' . I wi.iirn.il n muw iiiuuci mien nas aeieated V Hot Kock and held .Ten. .Tendon ho. a . .U1 .11 . i , . " '"'"""UWU YVUIIV iCou,uiy weu against wa-ni second on manufacturino- hi Is Coming Tomorrow The third of the William Boyd pictures is coming to the Standard Theatre tomorrow night, when this popular screen actor will be seen with flames and extricated Sandy but only .Tnhvnn nUtnn in "The Nii,ht Fiver" after all the clothing had been burn- denictinr the thrill and rival in ed from his body. The motorists early western railroad operations, swathed the truck driver in oil soak- Sunday night Richard Arlen and ed blankets and rushed him to A I Mnrtr T? r 1 o n will Y anon in 7onn Grey's "Under the Tonto Rim," as produced by Paramount FamousPlay ers. A splendid tale of Arizona dur ing the gold rush period, the scenes string team in tum or,j , " iiiuuui ior tne picture nimed in tne lamous Z, aL a a ? game!', ani y hitches for caterpillar tractors. One Tonto Basin lad Tstrong nosidon Pav U cT f iT nw.his 1,88 com" Co" "ext in "tatio". " ed for 1 FScZSktl t afternLn d h 2'" 8eryice in the Mr" "The Last Command" and ed lor d o clock this afternoon. fieW. The new hitch differs material- "The Shepherd of the Hills." ly irom those manufactured in the t.i : rv i i . , . ... u. uukiii in irver mam. An?ie Rteei we n hrnceH i iioert I n r ir-ol, ii t,--.... , 1 , V uuerneys in .,nicago i-i i viimica iaicv aiiu i uiruuifnutiL in Lne Tmme prtnormo. 117 i i t '..j th. ! 4.u. j.-.i.:.! tl i.. "", . . . "r" " oeen receiveu irom rar. IZl 0 u ul"r";i1on ,ine "on- m wooa wnatever being used, and Mrs. Philip Guerney who are rT p u fSr"-mm. gree. mwi w comome pnot wneeis carry the now residing in Chicago. Mr. Guer 7 .eIrJinIPJere Wv0 r n frame proper while smaller, but Ley, while getting out of his car was ZmiZ I V it 8 ;L " . Bia"c" "T661! are P'acea on the struck by a passing motorist and rrfn th'.t hni 0n the, """J 1116 hiU:h ls 82 feet ,n thrown to the pavement. He was trip that weighed 300 pounds and length. .uj . t,.ri ,u v. a-. carried . .of ,.t ..II... I i . u.. w a m u.u UOI, ZCS. 7.:r c"u '" regain consciousness until the foiiow- r..ivo. wan oucaia njiieu a nne Drives New Fnrd a:,i t,r.m i. ..:. k..AU It .1 - i ... , I . 1 "'ft VlJf . IIBI'IC OVVCIC UIU1BCB duck on me soutn lork or the Uma- Mr. and Mm. H H Hill tt1A Wlinr I Via limn i . , , , I ,r tilla, last week. Bert Logsdon and in a new model Ford vnnrh. Mr inn f:,iar t . - - - ..in MUI.1HVI in i i 1 1 j i i n ci iui.iai.ivc uudiliuii Union purchased the new car frnm HHi ultk Vi i o M-'i,,.,. rui;-.: vuMjr, hiwk'uk uuce. Auams, weston aeaicr. Comcanv of Ch capo.