The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 12, 1928, Image 2

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    Hit Mwa f tm
F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year lJ-
One copy, six months H-jJO
One copy, three months
Athena, Oregon, October 12, 1928
This is Fire Prevention Week, and
by proclamation of President Coolidge
is becoming nationally observed. In
this connection one of our exchanges
pertinently says:
A fire prevention artist aptly pictur
ed a great cross amid a sea of flames.
Upon the cross he lettered the word
CARELESSNESS and called the
completed sketch "America's Great
Cross". There is a fire every minute
of every day somewhere throughout
the length and breadth of our land.
If, from above, we could photo
graph simultaneously all the fires
that rage in the course of a year,
America would indeed appear as a sea
of flames. Two companion crosses,
however, should be reared alongside
the first one and be labled False Econ
omy in Building Construction and
False Economy in Fire Protection.
These factors, with carelessness, are
largely responsible for our shameful
annual fire loss which amounted to
nearly $500,000,000 in 1927.
The organizations that are en
deavoring to "lift America's great
cross from her shoulders" advocate an
all-year prevention campaign, but
special efforts are put forth during
Fire Prevention Week, which this year
falls on October 7th to 13th. An in
tensive program at that time aims to
center public interest upon the things
people should practice all year to
make America safer against fire.
In the front rank of the organiza
tions enlisted in fire prevention ac
tivities is the National Board of Fire
We read that at the recent Nation
al Shoot, conducted by the United
States Government at Camp Perry,
Ohio, to give training in use of re
volvers and rifles, there were present
a great many hundred rifle and re
volver shooters from all over tho
In addition to other contestants,
there were 75 police officers compris
ing 14 teams of at least five men each,
representing such cities as Lob
Angeles, Portland, New York, De
troit, Seattle, Toledo and Hartford,
Connecticut. They were sent to bet
ter fit themselves to carry out their
official duties in the communities they
serve, and thus render better public
service. The results of instruction
received by these men will be far
reaching and each year the number of
police officers sent to take this course,
Police officers, fully trained in the
correct use of small arms, and private
citizens who receive similar training
in these National Shoots, and who go
out and create enthusiasm for this
branch of sport and defense, auto
matically increase the number of
citizens who are better able to pro
tect life, liberty and property in this
nation. Never did we have a greater
need for a straight shooting police
force to handle abnormal crime con
ditions such as now exist in some of
our leading cities.
A republican contemporary is elated
over the indifference manifested by
both the republican and democratic
parties over the tariff as an issue in
American politics, and gleefully ex
claims: "What a pity some of our
other important industrial and econ
omic questions cannot be settled in
this same manner free from political
jealousies and mud-slinging." Righto!
Why have more than one political
party anyway?
"Sword Hangs Over Big Radio Net
works." Headline. Well, anyway,
our old-time friend Damocles has
nothing whatever to do with it.
The island of Oahahu, Hawaii, re
cently held a primary election. Oh-
ho, they did? Uh-huh.
Freezing to the controls of an air
plane is surer death than shivering in
Alaska or Montana.
seem to point to the need for authen
tic information on which to base a
practical remedy. -
For Rent Newly refin'ished and
furnished five-room cottage on Third
street. Mrs. Lila Kirk.
Lotsa pep dowh Astoria way just
now; they're harvesting the pepper
mint crop.
(Morning Oregonian)
The significant note in Dr. Dublin's
review of automobile fatalities as
given in an Associated Press dispatch
to The Oregonian is the disclosure
that 65 per cent of all accidents in
this group in 1927 occurred to pe
destrians, a surprising minority be
ing attributed to collisions between
automobiles and railroad trains.
"Beating the train to the crossing"
has been mistakenly assumed to be a
chief cause of disaster, perhaps .for
the reason that it is more spectacular.
The man not in the car is shown, how
ever, to be the chief sufferer. To what
extent is the latter to blame for that
which to him is not a theory but a
most serious condition?
Dr. Dublin's silence on this question
is in itself illuminating. One reason
why we are making no progress to
ward reducing either the number or
the ratio of accidents of this sort is
that there is nearly complete lack of
data on which to base a conclusion.
The fact that the past fifteen years
have meanwhile seen the accident rate
reduced by 49 per cent on railroads
and by 53 per cent on street car lines
is, if not a clear indication, a sug
gestion as to what can be done under
the spur of adequate incentive. The
cost of accidents to railroads is con
crete and easily visualized, with the
result that measures to ascertain
their cause have been followed by
methods calculated to reduce them to
their lowest terms.
Everybody's business, as the adage
has it, is nobody's business. We shall
not have begun to approach the solu
tion of the problem of a new order,
which has come to stay, but whose un
favorable aspects we may hope some
day to regulate, until we have made
a comprehensive survey and a scien
tific analysis of causes. A showing
of 25,800 fatalities in a year in a
single department of human activity
while other departments are moving
toward comparative elimination would
Range For Sale A first-class
kitchen range for sale reasonably. W.
P. Littlejohn, Athena.
Dressed Chickens Dressed Rhode
Island Reds and White Wyandotte
spring chickens. Phone 26F15, Ath
ena. .
For Sale Fine Piano in storage
near Athena. Will sacrifice for quick
sale. A snap. Write Tallman Piano
Store, Salem, Oregon, for full particulars."
For Sale Beautiful piano near
Hanford must sell immediately. $10
per month. A rare bargain. Write
Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon,
for particulars.
Reward Reward for information
leading to recovery of one 3 year old
buckskin gelding, no brand; one 3
year old sorrel gelding, brand D; one
5 year old . bay gelding, brand 8.
Phone Athena, 135 or 492 collect.
Piano sacrifice in storage near
Athena. Partly paid for piano like
new. Free delivery. Fully guar
anteed. Will accept phonograph or
other musical instrument in part pay
ment, balance terms to suit you.
Write at once to Geo Robison piano
adjuster 208 Oak St. Portland, Oregon.
The age of airplane pioneering is
exacting a terrible toll in human lives
eight being listed as the number of
sacrifices for last Sunday. When the
time comes that the air lanes are
safe for travel, maybe there will be
a few experienced pilots left to fly
the ships after all the novices have
gone back to the automobile front
seat, left hand side.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of George
W. Lieuallen, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of George
W. Lieuallen, deceased, by an order of
the above entitled Court.
All persons having claims against,
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena,
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts ft
Prestbye, at their office in Athena,
Oregon, within six (6) months from
the date of the first publication of
this notice. All claims must be
verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this J 2th
day of October, A. D. 1928.
Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. 012N9
Foley's Kidney Cure
Bank Statement
Charter No. 4516 Reserve District No. 12
Report of Condition of the First National Bank of Athena in the State
of Oregon, at the close of business on October 3rd, 1928.
1. Loans and discounts 582,402.13
2. Overdrafts ' 76.54
3. United States Government securities owned 57,500.00
4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned 26,763.44
6. Banking house, 6,062.00 Furniture and fixtures, $338.00 .... 6,400.00
8. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 36.069.77
9. Cash and due from banks 136,012.78
10. Outside checks and other cash items 145.00
11. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S.
Treasurer 625.00
Total . 845,994.66
15. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
16. Surplus 60,000.00
17. Undivided profits net 29,417.50
19. Reserves for interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and
unpaid 2,260.08
20. Circulating notes outstanding 12,000.00
21. Due to banks 18,330.00
22. Demand deposits 311,299.27
23. Time deposits 315,187.81
24. United States deposits 47,500.00
Total $ 845,994.66
State of Oregon, County of Umatilla, ss.
I, E, H. Leonard, President, of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and
Seed Well Today
for Tomorrow's Crop
MrCORMICK-DEERING or SUPERIOR erain drill is assurance of
getting the best possible yield that soil and moisture conditions will
permit. For each individual requirement there, is a size ana type 01
drill, quality built, and so carefully designed that it does good work under
all conditions. McCormick-Deering and Superior drills are known by
the service they give. . Thousands upon thousands of satisfied users, who
know the value of a sturdy, compact, and convenient grain drill, vouch for
McCormick-Deering and Superior drills that starts the seed right.
Since the first McCormick-Deering and Superior grain drill was placed on
the market, improvements and refinements have been made until today the
line is recognized by farmers in all parts of the world as a standard of quality.
Everything humanly possible has been done to make these drills as. near
mechanically perfect as possible. No opportunity to improve their design
and construction has been overlooked truly, McCORMICK-DEERING and
SUPERIOR drills are built right. Ask us to show these drills to you.
Rogers , Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
Concrete Work
Done Right
At Reasonable Prices
Special attention given
to Cemetery Work
J, E. Crawley
Phone 363 Athena, Oregon
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 11th day of October, 1928.
E. C. PRESTBYE, Notary Public.
Commission expires July 1st 1932.
E. H. LEONARD, President
Correct Attest:
HENRY DELL, Directors
The latest row between Germany
and Poland is over pigs. The Ger
mans do not like Poland pork, and
have sealed their protest with the re
fusal to permit imports of Polish
swine. A queer matter to scrap over
when it is remembered that "pigs is
A couple of Italian princes sharp
ened their swords and retired to a
backyard "to fight 'er out." One of
them received a scratch, whereupon
the referee stopped the fight. Dis
patches didn't state whether bets had
been declared off.
- 0
The peak of the pear shipping sea
son was reached recently when in one
night 50,000 boxes were shipped, com
prising three train loads requiring
twelve locomotives to haul them over
the Siskiyou's.
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
"He that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loans
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes.!
Try Our
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
New Clarifying System
We make a specialty of cleaning Rugs and Carpets. Ladies Hats,
Suits, Dresses, Portiers, Curtains, Sweaters, Skirts. Men's wear
given speciaf attention. -Each and every Garment is taken through
three washes.
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Athena, b Athena labor, in one ol the very ben
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
rhet grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Vtheua, Oregon. Waitshurg. Wash
Announces that it has com-pleted the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or ad
ministrator of your estate.
1 Ask us for Information