The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 21, 1928, Image 4

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    Press Para
Mr. Wilcoxson of Pendleton spent
Sunday in Athena. '
Mrs. Forrest Zerba was a Pendle
ton visitor Monday.
Glenn Scott of Helix was a business
visitor in Athena, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley motor
ed to Pendleton Monday afternoon.
J. R. Murray of Pendleton -was ,
business visitor in Athena Monday.
H. A. Barrett spent Tuesday
transacting business in Walla Walla.
Miss Roma Charlton will take up
her studies at Cheney Normal next
Dr. Geyer was a week-end visitor
in Portland, making the trip by
motor. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell are spend
ing the week at Seattle. They made
the trip by motor.
Mrs. Henry Knight and her sister
Miss Phyllis Dickenson spent Tues
day in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Henry Keen who is seriously
ill in a Walla Walla hospital is still
in a critical condition.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is visiting at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Belnap'in Nampa, Idaho.
Aaron Douglas, deminutive horse
man of Athena will ride in the West
ward Ho parade Saturday in Pendle
ton. . .
. ,'j - . - f
C. C. Conner of .Walla Walla wtb
a business visitor here Tuesday.
Jack Cunningham of Pendleton
transacted business in Athena Mon
day. ,
Pearl Ramsay's Beauty Parlors will
be closed all day Saturday of the
MisS Margaret Lee will return to
Cheney- Normal to continue her
studies in that institution.
Mr. Jim Nelson who makes his
home in California was a visitor at
the William Pinkerton home last
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFadden left
for Portland Monday morning for a
few days, visit. They made the trip
by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Micheals of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Boyd are spending the week at Bing
ham Springs.
Fred Pittman and son George will
leave Sunday for Bobsled Canyon
where they .will spend' several days
hunting deer. ' 1
Several parties of Athena people
motored to Pendleton Saturday night
where they attended the dance at
Happy Canyon. 1 . i .) ;
Miss Lydia Bridgeham is spending
her vacation at the home of her
brother at Yakima. She will be away
about two weeks.
Mrs. Edwards is here from the Wil
lamette valley visiting her sister Mis.
Dick Thompson. Mr. Edwards is away
on a hunting trip.
Standard Theatre
Two Nights
Starting, Wednesday, September 26
Idaho's Famous Salmon River Movie
Three Years in the Wilds to Make
Guaranteed Attraction for Every Man, Woman and Child
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
School Supplies
l Complete line of the newest tablets with the
golden glow paper note books of all kinds, cray
ons, inks, pencils, etc. Everything for school.
Parker Fountian Pens and Pencils in all the latest
' shades
$2.75 and uo
other pens at $1.50
McFadden's Pharmacy
juim iiy iwu ! iwm "" iuh mil imn mu m iw iuu iwfl
hound tw to y Sunday, Sept. 30 u the last day
SLIM? tnii vou can bo East on these exceed
des NtoiS"'' iVlo 'ow excursion fares. Final
st. i.oiiiS .'.'...;; uom return limit Oct. 3 1st. Still time
octroi? iwie? for long, economical trip, Stop.
lo? Si ver. going and returning. Full
Toronto jaw information from local agent.
NKMT VOBK 14.t j"s8ov.. n.1TTrlHf fr
oston., Mifc
-at m wi a a
i . m. rjAiic. Afrpnr.. i
Miss "Billie". Baker, who has been
visiting friends and relatives for the
past month, left Monday morning for
her; home in Portland. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hayden of Pen
dleton, were recent visitors at the
Koepke ranch. Mrs. Hayden and
Mrs. Koepke are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Frazier and
little daughter of Milton motored here
Tuesday and visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkerton.
Louis Ringel, well known farmer,
is recovering satisfactorily from a
mastoid operation performed at a
Walla Walla hospital last Friday.
Chance Rogers, Glenn Dudley,
Arnold Wood and Jens Jensen have
returned from a deer hunting ex
pedition in the John Day country. !
Mrs. Arnold Wood who has been
visiting her sister , Mrs. Alec Shaw
at North Powfler ' returned to her
home south of Athena Saturday.
Mrs. Flint Johns and children and
Mrs. Henry Barrett and children
visited at the home of Mrs. Lee
Whitehead in Walla Walla Sunday.
The Methodist Missionary Society
will meet at the home of Mrs. H. H.
Hill Wednesday, September ; 26. ' All
members are requested to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFreece were
in Athena the first of the week en
route from, Spokane to LaGrande
where they are now visiting relatives.'
' Herman Geissel will leave Monday
on his annual hunting trip in the John
Day countryt He will be a guest of
the Arbogast family, former Athena
residents. ,
Clare Montgomery who graduated
from Berkeley High School and who
is now making his home in Athena
will enter Cheney Normal as fresh
man next week. .
Mrs. John Thompson of Gibbon will
go to Walla Walla Monday, where she
will undergo treatment preparatory
to a operation to be performed some
time during the week.
Clifford Wood who was graduated
with the 1928 Class at Athena High
School will enter Oregon State Col
lege at Corvallis as a Freshman
majoring in Commerce.
Among the young men of Athena
who are working for the Fox Film
Corporation are, George Bannister.
John Pinkerton, Tom Kirk, Neil Mc-
mtyre and Dudley Rogers.
Ernest Koepke of Seattle who has
been in Athena for several days left
Thursday for his home. Mr. Koepke
is planning a hunting trip , in the
Cascades in the near future.
Mrs. James Lieuallen has return
ed to her home in Adams, after a
two weeks absence in Portland where
she underwent a course of treatment
in a sanitarium of that city.
The Misses Blanche and Lois John
son accompanied by Dale Stephens
will leave Friday morning for Eugene
where they will resume their studies
at the University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hansell ac
companied their daughter, Miss
Helen, to Pullman, Washington,
where she will enter W. S. C. for a
special course in physical education.
They made the trip by motor, Sun
day. It is reported that Wild Bill
Switzler, popular Round-Up en
thusiast, has been quite ill in a Seat
tle hospital, and it is feared that he
will be unable to take his usual part
as "pick up" man in the arena this
Bert Logsdon, Lloyd , Akins, Lee
Wilson and Llye Foster have return
er from the Medical Springs country
near Union where they spent several
days hunting deer. A number of the
animals were sighted but the hunters
report no luck.
Out of town people who were in
Athena for the funeral of George
Lieuallen included Dr. Fred Lieuallen
of Bend, J. T. Lieuallen of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard of Waitsburg,
Mrs. Stein of . Spokane and Mrs.
Perry of Portland.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn has received
word that her daughter and son-in-laV
arrived at their future home in
C. M. Jones
Successor to
J. L. Harman
Welding Works
Tk4 Sehool OtMtity TKat Strvtt
tin Entire State
k thoroagh roltural and vroSMiloBai
acholanhlp k tha outatandtnar char
acttriatia of tti Stat UniarHj
Trait it egertd in
22 departments of the Oollaga
of Literature, Sclenca
and the Arts
Arehitwtuia and Allied Art-.
Busineii Administration Edu
atio Journalism Grtduatt
Study Law Medietas Musi
Phyaleal Education Sociol
ogySoda Work Extenaioa
ColWctTaar Otn 8Vt It, IMS
For infrrmetien r ratal writ!
the Rtrmr, Onieeretta el
Omgon. Siatana, Or.
mm z
C ffMM"
i i l" i i i a ai 11
wWho will be the next mistress
of the White House?"
, "And what will shs wear?"
Come and see the beautiful display
( in our window all this week, showine
the brand-new, Fall, Paris-designed
"W will r- f
place any gar- Jft
of Gmnutnm
if it fade:"
3l ta-KXtr
The tea
Feet Color"
on theeelvmge
ore fpr your
and protec
Lovely, Fall patterns created by the cleverest artists in
France l i ,
Alluring color combinations in clear, rich tonea guaran
teed not to fade or run
PETER PAN is the ideal material for indoor use this
Fall and Winter.
Prints, 32 in. wide
Plain Colors, 36 in. wide
Athena Department Store
Chicago last Sunday. The young
people made the trip by motor and
visited Yellowstone Park and other
points of interest en route.
John Thompson well known cattle
man was here Monday from his home
on the Umatilla. Mr. Thompson re
ports the grass on the range recover
ing but slightly from the long sum
mer drouth and declares more rain
would be much appreciated.
Walter Adams who has farmed
south of Athena for a number of
years, has rented his land to Barney
Foster and Richard Thompson.' He
has also disposed of his farming
equipment and expects to make his
permanent home in Walla Walla.
Bible school 10 a. m. communion
service and preaching II a. m.
junior and young people's Endeavor
6:30 p. m. Preaching 7:30. Com
munity sing each Thursday evening
7:30, girls, boys, women and men,
you're all invited.
The young people's Endeavor will
have a : masquerade party : at the
church Friday evening, September
28. A good time is assured all who
come. Come in costume, or you
might be fined.
A question box has been placed in
the vestibule for the benefit of all
who are "searching the scriptures"
if there is anything you want to
know about what the bible teaches,
put a question in the box. "Bible
answers to Bible questions." ' The fol
lowing questions will be answered
next Sunday morning: "Please ex
plain Rev. 21: 16, 17 and 18. Does
Rev. 21: 8 refer to hell? If so, is
this actual fire?"
H. JACKSON PERRY, Minister, '
S. S." Supt.
The Women's Christian Temperance
Union will meet at Mrs. O. H. Reed
er's home Tuesday September 25th.
All members and friends are urged to
attend, "Now is the time for all .
Christian women to come to the
defence of our nation." All women
should exercise their suffrage rights
in the coming general election (Nov.
6) to do this you must be registered
at least 30 days before election date
unless you have voted in your
precinct before. Be sure and register.
If you are in doubt as to whether you
should vote, and how, by attending
these meetings you will loose all
doubt and become a positive force
for the protection of our homes and
The last meeting was held at Mrs.
C. L. McFadden's and-was greatly en
joyed by all.
On account of the Pendleton Round-Up. there will
be no show tomorrow night, bnt
Sunday, September 23,
Marion Davies
.Nils Asther
Her Cardboard Lover
Will entertain a full House -
Broadway shook with laughter for months at the play! Beyond question
the' year's comedy honors must go to delightful Marion Davies for her
charming and irresistible performance in this superbly uproarious enter
tainment. She has made the world laugh heartily before, most recently, in
"The Fair Co-Ed" and "The Patsy", but her many admirers insist that now
she has exceeded her best previous work by many, many, many happy
Grantland Rice Sports Reel
Admission 10-2i-35c
Saturday, September 29; "The Legion of
the Condemned"