The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 21, 1928, Image 3

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    Body Can Get Along 'y
Without Special Food
When John oversleeps and misses
his morning orange or Junior gets
i away with hiding his spinacb under
the potato skins, don't bare instant
i visions of lack of vltamines resulting
; in scurvy for one and rickets for the
other, advises Mllo. Hastings, director
of the food research laboratory of
Physical Culture Magazine.
"The human animal was not evolved
n a basis that makes it needful for
him to have a complete supply of
every element his body uses three
times a day, or even once a day," he
declares in Physical Culture Maga
zine. "The body can endure for weeks
without any food element, and some
times even may benefit' from the
process. No doubt there are some ele
ments on which we could exist on the
store already in the body, for months
or possibly years. I even suspect spin
ach might be eaten one month to cor
rect the acid tendencies of eggs eaten
the month before."
Wordsworth speaks of the "man of
hope and forward-looking mind." The
attitude that brings happiness and
success in this strange and mysterious
life is the attitude of the "forward
looking mind." After we ore grown
we should have sense enough to know
that we are not going to live very
long, but we should have vision
enough to know, also, that life goes on
and on, reaching steadily upward. Not
far upward or quickly or drastically,
but yet perceptibly. To make life In
any sense worth living, to give our
own lives meaning and purpose and
direction, we must have forward-looking
minds. The belief in a better dny
is what makes possible and profitable
the work of this day. Grove Patter
son, in the Mobile Register. '
Mount Lassen Active
Mount Lassen, America's principal
active volcano, is still asleep, but the
spectacular effect producad by blow
ing clouds of snow mixing with the
steam that the crater Is continually
emitting may give the illusion of a
return to activity. The effect is es
pecially striking vhen It occurs neur
sunrise or sunset, reports It. II. Finch,
associate volcnnologist of the United
States geological survey, whose Job it
is to keep his finger on the pulse of
the slumbering volcano. That it is
merely slumbering, and not dead, is
indicated not only by the steam, but
by frequent earthquakes. Sometimes
several shocks occur on the same day.
Pathetic Death Message
A deutu message of pioneer days
which never reached its intended re
cipients was revealed at Dover, Ohio,
with the finding of a heart-shaped
stone, on which the following inscrip
tion bad been laboriously scratched:
."Let be known if found. I'm bleeding
to death. May, 1S18.-F. B. W." The
entire surface of the stone was occu
pied by the message, which was al
most effaced by erosion. The stone
was found near a culvert where It Is
believed to have been uncovered by re
cent high waters.
Need of Nourishment
of Trees Overlooked
More than half of the trees In the
world are sick. Many o' them are
afflicted with incurable eases, tike
human beings trees arc the victims
of numerous ills, declares a writer in
Thrift Magazine. They are constant
ly the prey of deadly parasites which
attack every part; from roots to top
most branches and work into the very
heart of the wood. v
" Millions upon millions of fine trees
every year die needlessly because
thefr owners fall to appreciate their
mute appeals for help.
" Seventy-five per cent of all shade
and fruit trees are aflllcted with V
shaped crotches, which are sure to
spread and kill the trees unless taken
care of In time. '.
Many trees die ot hunger or thirst,
or both. Trees are living things and
they must have water and nourish
ment The top of a tree is a perfect
Index of the general health and ' vi
tality of the trunk and branches al
though the health of the top has no
direct connection with Internal decay.
Good rich green foliage Indicates, as a
rule, excellent vitality and an active
condition of the roots. ;
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
See Modern Alphabet
as Thing of Accident
The Latin alphabet, now in world
wide use for printing and writing,
probably was invented about 4,001)
years ago by some Semitic man who
had been taught by an Egyptian ac
quaintance how to write his name in
the Egyptian hieroglyphics, much as a
modern traveler might teach a savage
how to write his name in the white
man's letters, says the Detroit News.
Somewhere in Ifgypt or Arabia there
may still exist an ancient hieroglyphic
inscription that this savage inventor
studied occasionally to refresh his
memory of the strange signs.
It probably was the accidental order
of the words and signs in this Egyp
tian Inscription that determined the
order of letters in the modern A, B, C's.
The modern alphabet was obtained
by the Romans from the Greek?, who
got it, in turn, from the Phenlclans.
That great seafaring people had al
ready borrowed it from the still more
ancient Semitic peoples of Syria and
Leaving the Farm .
If you' wei?3 willing to be u farmer,
and have sense, Tlirnsonides. and
obey your father, you would be carry
ing the gods ivy and laurel and myrtle
and the flowers of the season, and us,
your parents, sheaves of wheat, and
wine pressed from grapes and a pail
ful of milk whenever you milked your
goats. But now you scorn I he country
and farming and are always singing
the praises of the triple-crested hel
met and the shield you love, us If you
were some Acarnanlnn or Malian mer
cenary. ... Don't, jny son. but come
back here, and stick to a peaceful
life (for farming Is sure and safe, and
has no battalions, or ambushes, or
regiments) and he our support In our
old age. preferring assured safety to
an uncertain life. Alciphron.
An improvement
Ellen Terry waj once rehearsing a
Shaw play, and G. B. S. was standing
in the wings. Some one said to him:
"Is Miss Terrj speaking the lines
as you wrote them?"
Shaw, greatly Impressed, replied:
"No, she Is speaking the lines as I
ought to have written them."
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
We Recommend
Corona Coffee
for its superior quality
Shaw Coffee sold only in bulk
J"ii4 J jzzlzLsv a --
3 till-BJLB X
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients.
X-Kay and bacteriological' labort'ories, washed air
ventilation. .
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480. -
Loom Has Played Big
Part in Civilization
The Chinese claim that Bilk weaving
was practiced in China in 2.tOO B. C
and the art of weaving was certainly
known to the tigyplians at a still
earlier period. Some scholars believe
that weaving wus invented In Egypt,
but In all probabllty it was invented
In at least four different places by a
primitive white man, a primitive
yellow man, a primitive red man,
and a primitive black, mun. The
earliest attempts at weaving were
simply the plaiting of grass blades,
reeds or rushes, done by hand
without the aid of a loom. With
the invention of the loom even of
the simplest kind, such as is still used
among American Indian tribes of the
Southwest great strides were made
In the art of weaving. Our great
grandmothers used the hand and
treadle loom. The eame was in gen
eral use until Doctor Cartwright, an
Englishman of whom It was said that
he had never seen a loom in his life,
Invented the power loom In 1787.
Since bis day the loom has been al
tered and Improved until it has now
come to a high state of perfection.
Altogether Too Many '
Tenors on "Pay Roll'
An actor tells this one: "A good
many years ago," he says, "a theatri
cal troupe left Chicago with Just
about enough money to reach the first
stand on their route. After several
nights' bad business they found them
selves getting deeper In the hole and,
being unable to pay the hotel bill, they
took the landlord along with them,
promising to settle when business
picked up. ! '
The company's manager discovered
that the landlord sang tenor, and, be-.
Ing short of tenors, they had him sing
ing In the chorus after a few days.
Business still continued to be poor, and
at the si'cond stand they had to tafcp
that 'landlord along, too. He also sang
tenor and was given a job in the
chorus. The situation remained the
snme, and they were soon carrying
eight landlords who sang tenor. Final
ly the manager became discouraged
and wired his advance agent, 'Get a
rate at a hotel where the landlord
sings bass." "Washington Star.
, Batik Process
Batik Is the name applied to the
wax-dyed fabrics that have lately be
come popular In America. Wax dye
ing Is a process of dyeing fabrics by
band after a pattern Is formed by
covering a part of the cloth with was
so that It resists the action of the dye.
For example, take for your pattern a
yellow butterfly sitting on a green
leaf. Use yellow cloth and with a
paint brush dipped In hot beeswax
draw the butterfly and cover it with
wax. Dip In green dye. The wax
covering the butterfly will resist the
action ,of the dye. After the fabric Is
dry draw the leaf and cover with hot
wax. Dip the fabric In a dye that you
wish for your background. Neither
leaf nor butterfly will take the color.
When dry wash In gasoline to remove
wax and the process Is complete.
Considerate of Mother
Hobble had Just been cleaned tip for
the afternoon. As it was raining his
mot her told him not to go off the
porch and get his feet wet. Some
time Inter she missed him. and going
to tfie door she called. A neighbor
answered saying Bobble was at her
house, and she would like to have
him stay. Hobble's mother explained
that he was not to leave the porch,
nnd so he must come home at once.
A minute later In came Bobble with
a stick In his hand.
"Here, mother." called Bobble, "I
hrought yon this stick so you wouldn't
have to off the porch and get your
feet wet,"
Easy to Remember
In one of the large downtown stores
a clerk was telling a customer from
where he had come. "Briefly," he said
with a delightful accent, "I come from
Cork, nut to be more specific I come
from Karrandalmdoremore, which Is a
little smaller than Farranadahadore
more, which Is a little smaller than
Farrandahadorberg. My father came
front the village, or suburb of Gur
teenasplgmore. which Is larger than
iiiirrecii.'ispij.'lipg " in Ireland there are
a great many places with names a
atl deal bigger than they are. De
t roil News.
It wus ilurlrc he dollar day rush
Hint little Perry was separated from
li!s niofliri nnd before long his sobs
made him the center of nn Interested
A ntimlici o the women tried to con
nole hint, and told him that his moth
er wax clie hy, but the little fellow
would not believe It. Finally he blub
iiereii "I look an' I look, an I cry an'
I listen, an' not one of you has my
imivver'K face."
Not Mated
Hilly was very much excited over
the arrival of a new baby brother and
-preiul the news all over the neighbor
hood. I lie look like yon?" asked the
cornet griN-eryman, trying to be so
luble with one of his best penny cus-
I'.illy thought It over for a few mo
ments aud then replied seriously: "Oh
ao, he la a much deeper shade than I
am." '
Steve's Big 10 cent
Is the Best School Supply Buy In Town
Including Pens, Pencils, Tablets, Note Books, Spell
ing Forms, Examination sheets, etc., in fact a full
and Complete Line.
A fresh stock of Candies for school Kiddies and
' . '. , -' i ?i '.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171 - ' Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, , Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Main Street.' Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils M Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena .
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 682
You can get the best
Candy Bars
' Cigarettes
"Pinks" Place
Bell & Venable
Phones 22 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
THE : '
Special Attention Given to School Children
Chicken Tamales Chile Beans
... .
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street ' Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad-
ditions to your - building, let us give ;
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena