The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 21, 1928, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year 12.00
One copy, six months 91.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, September 21, 1923
Rare Book Secured by
Library of Congress
One of the rarest of books on sd
Mice, tlio.lirsl (Million of Sir Isaac
Newton's "I'rinclplii," was obtuined
by the Library of Conf ess, after years
of search. Though only an Inch and
a half thick ami ton Inches high by
seven and n half Inches wide, with
510 pages, It has been termed "the
most important printed work on ex
uct science ever published." It wnr
published in 1CS7 In London, and In it
Newton first gave to the world the
results of his fundamental study of
the laws of gravitation. Two Issues
of the first edition were made In the
year of its publication, one being in
tended for sale In England, and tho
other on the Continent. The Library
of Congress copy Is of the first Isstm.
However, the entire edition was small
and It Is related by contemporary
writers that as early as 1(501 It was
very dlllleult to obtain. At it
is almost completely unprocurable.
The library's copy was bought for
Watson Davis, managing editor of
Science Service, but upon learning of
the library's desire for a copy, he re
Unfinished It. The full Htle of the
book, in Latin, Is "I'hllosophle Nat
uralls rrlncipiii Maihcinallcu." An In
teresting feature of the title page Is
that It bears the Imprimatur, or n
proval, of Samuel IVpjs, famous for
ids diary, who was at that time presi
dent of the Itoyal society.
No Word or Deed but
Leaves an Impression
Kelvin, the great scientist, oifce told
his students, us he put a piece of
chalk on a certain mountain, that It
strained the whole globe. If there
were Instruments delicate enough, its
effect might be measured In the most
remote place.
That Is how science speaks of the
"litlluenci!" of a bit of chalk. That
there are no Instruments delicate
enough to measure the Influence, does
not make It any the less real or far
reaching. A bit of chalk, a child's football,
even u bird's alighting, Is felt right
through tlie earth. Minute Influences
are set going, to which In a real sense
is neither measure nor end.
it Is never true to say In such a
world that tilings don't count or don't
mailer. Kveryililng coiinis, every ob
scure deed, every Imphnxurd word.
Things are not n:-i: rty so Inslgnlllcnnt
as sometimes they seem. Chrlstlun
Minute Eyes
The structure and function of oyer
so small that :UMNi would not (ill the
space occupied hy u plnhead have
hern ascertained after years of stud
by Dr. S. O. .Mast, professor of to
ology at the Johns Hopkins univer
sity. They are the eyes of the volvox,
minute greenish organism which flour
ishes near the surface of still wuler
and is of particular Interest to science
as one of the simplest forms of life.
Kach cell In u volvox, numbering
from 200 to 2,'M), Is equipped with
one of them ranging from .ooi to ,003
millimeters in diameter and working
Independently toward a common objective.
Then He Remembered
A celebrated composer, who had
written u very successful "Itotneo and
Juliet" opera, was paying his lirft visit
to Stratford-on-Avou and being shown
the memorials.
Suddenly he Interrupted his friend's
description of an old-world cottage.
"Shnkospeare?" he queried. "Who
was Sl.akespcare?"
The other was flabbergasted.
"My stars I" he exclaimed. "Didn't
you set bis "Itomeo and Juliet" to
"Oh-h! Now t remember." replied
tho composer. "The librettist, ehV
Always the Improvident
The races and nations i imiuMiul
are not and never have been equally
Intelligent and resourceful In devising
and adopting those institutions and
customs which enable the populations
In some measure to nvol.i wlili'sprcnd
poverty. There are pans ol the world
whose people are ImpinvHcui and Ir
responsible, and the pressure ol until
ngalnst their luclVcrtiml itnIsIhihv 1
a danger to the defenses ol those pen
plea that have for the lime sun-vssful
ly repelled the common enemy. T. N.
Carver In "This Economic World."
Figure This One Out
"Where did you buy that miracle
"I'm sorry, but I Wm't think I know
what hat you are referrlna "
"Well, yesterday you had n new
hat oo and 1 understand wuiie one was
calling It a miracle lint."
"1 remember some one telling me
how well it becomes mo. but I ran t
scorn to recall anyone culling It a
miracle hat."
"Indirectly some one did. It a" hut
can become a girl I certainly would
call It miracle hat."
Waltz Shown to Be
' Akin to. Wallowing
Would you ever suspect that there
was any relation between waltzing in
a .ballroom and vsl lowing Id b mire?
There Is, however, tVi wuliz is dis
tinctly related to i lie Anslo-Saion
word welter, the basic meaning of
which is to roll. Waltz Itself Is Ger
man, where again the bade meaning
Is to roll. In an encyclopedia of 1882
this was noted about the waltz:
"Thoee maniacal turnings and gesti
culations which have lately become
fashionable In this country (England)
under the appellation of German
vaults (or rather, wnlzen)." Waltz
may have come, according to some au
thorities, from the same source as
volte or vault, the turning In horse
munshlp or fencing. This sense of the
word Is also found In volte-face, mean
ing to face suddenly about, Dunce
The religion that makes people re
spect other people's religion; the re
ligion that makes people tell the truth
and pay their debts; the religion that
keeps people from gossiping about
their neighbors; the religion that
makes no difference between poverty
nnd wealth; the religion that makes
men honest and right ; the religion
that is a part of people's everyday
life, exemplified In kind deeds, char
itable acts, cheering win-In, W the kind
of religion the world ne.-ds today. J.
A. Grlllllli. In the Lin (Wyn.) Herald.
Award Made for Lumber Slogan.
Washington, D. C James E. Noble
Jr., Sanatorium, Miss., was announced
as the winner ol the first prize of
!r.OOO In the "Slogan for Wood" con
i est conducted by the National Lum
ber Manufacturers' association, His
.Iogan was: "Ccrtififd by Centuries
of Service." Six other grand prizes
-e:-e awarded and 50 state and region
d awards of $1000 each were made,
"he total prize money was $15,000.
Approximately 400,000 persons entered
'he contest.
Synthetic Wood From Coal
Since coal Is largely vegetable mut
ter, scientists wHI be able to convert
It Into arlillclal wood for the manu
facture of furniture and many other
uses, CNpcrls point out.
Cellulose or vegetable mutter is now
nelng manufactured into synthetic
wood for various purposes. It le dur
able, hard and heavy, and takes a
i!ood polish A large supply Is seen In
the tropics, where trees und plants
now grow in great profusion and are1
serving no useful purpose.
Decline Verb "to Cuss"
The olhei man had daiied to the
door and with his pistol was gestur
ing the manager. John II Ctissen to a
chair. .
As Cusser burst yelling from the
door opposite they leaped up nnd the
four sped nftr the fugitives. . . ,
At police headquarters Cussed Iden
tified both men, ns did Miss Renrdon.
New Tork Times.
Mrs. Laura Froom will have prunes
for sale next week. Call at tha Ath
ena Hotel.
Wanted work by the hour or day.
Mrs.Fern Price, Kidder cottage, Fifth
street, Athena.
For Rent Newly refinished and
furnished five-room cottage on Third
street. Mrs. Lila Kirk.
For Sale F. B. Wood offers his
acreage property in Athena for sale
at a reasonable price. See him at
once at the Northern Pacific depot.
For Sale Beautiful piano near
Hanford must sell immediately. $10
per month. A rare bargain. Write
Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon,
for particulars.
Piano sacrifice in storage near
Athena. Partly paid for piano like
new. Free delivery. Fully guar
anteed. Will accept phonograph or
other musical instrument in part pay
ment, balance terms to suit you.
Write at once to Geo Robison piano
adjuster 208 Oak St Portland, Oregon.
22 Years Ago
September 21; 1906
Chas. Norris, M. M. Johns and D.
H. Preston were in Weston Wednes
day. Jimmy Froome is down from Pres
cott, Washington., visiting his Uncle,
J. E. Froome.
E. L. Barnett and Attorney Peter
son went down to Pendleton this
morning. j
Harry McBride has added a fine
canopy top surrey to his Commercial
livery stable equipement
La Brache Bro.'s orchestra plays for
the dance in Weston tomorrow night.
A good time for all who attend.
Ed Manasse, the merchant, is in
Walla Walla, where he is taking a
week's course of medical treatment
Mrs. A. B. Stone is in the city from
Walla Walla visiting friends. Dr.
Stone is practicing medicine in Port
Down at Charley Norris' harness
olinn there is a S40 Mohair lap robe
that is attracting considerable notice.
It is a beauty.
The manv friends of John onus,
who for several years has been in the
gold mines of South Africa, will be
pleased to learn that he has returned
to America. Mr. Gillis is now at his
boyhood home in Prince Edward's
Island, where his brother, A. M. Gillis
of this city, is visiting.
Frank Swaesrart and Charles mown
will leave Sunday for. a hunting trip
on the head of the John Day river.
Incidentally Mr. Brown will devote a
portion of his time to prospecting.
Ray Gallagher is in town waay
from Walla Walla.
Robt. Jamieson was in town yester
day from Weston. ,
Mrs. Austin Foss, who went up to
Snokane yesterday, will be the guest
of Mrs. J. Bloch and daughters.
Fred Kershaw was taken sick yes-
terday, and today is confined to his
John Benson, who was threatened
with typhoid fever, was feeling some
better yesterday.
Ralph McEwen returned to fcugene
Saturday to attend the State Univer
sity, after spending the vacation term
at home.
Mrs. T. J. Kirk came home from
Walla Walla Sunday evening. Her
son. Grant Erhart. who was operated
on for appendicitis, is getting along
nicely and his permanent recovery is
now assured.
A horse buyer this morning pur
chased the big black dray team from
Sam Hutt, paying for the horses $550.
He also purchased a team of roans
from A. L. Swaggart, the price paid
not being stated.
Tom Caton has been a very sick boy
for the past few days, but is improv
ing now. Tom likes blackberries,
and ate too many for the good of his
stomach. It is safe to say that he
will fight shy of this variety of fruit,
in large quantities, at least, hereafter.
Harp of Ireland
In the "Gold Room" at Trinity col
lege, Dublin, rests the "Harp of Ire
land" that sounded "once through
Tnra's halls." The story Is that "aft
er Brian Born was killed at the battle
of Clontnrf. this harp was given to
Pope Alexander 11. It remained In the
Vatican for nearly .MKI years, and was
given, In 1521, to Henry VIII in reoogni
tlon of his defense of the Seven Sac
raments. Twenty vyenrs. inter Henry
Vin gave the harp ro the earl of Clan
ricarde, an.1 it vns handed down un
til it cam Into the iiossesslon of n
Limerick antiquary. Areheologlsts.
however, say the harp Is not older
than the Fourteenth century.
Lamp's Long Sea Trip
A cuiious-looklim object was seen
bobbing up and down on the waves
at a north Wales const resort. When
landed It was toiiml to be a .solht
brown mnsy nlili a thick salt-like
coating. 'Hils was removed and dis
closed an Osram lamp bearing the
Identity mark ot a place one and a
half miles across the water. 1
Tho lamp was placed in circuit and
lit up In I bo ordinary way. although
It mut have been tossed about In the
sea for a long while.
Foley's Kidney Cure
iJkes trldnevs end M.dJer rfsrh
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Seed Well Today
for Tomorrow's Crop
A McCORMICK-DEERING or. SUPERIOR grain drill is assurance of
getting the best possible yield that soil and moisture conditions will
permit. For. each individual requirement there is a size and type of
drill, quality built, and so carefully designed that it does good work under
all conditions. McCormick-Deering and Superior drills are known by
the service they give. Thousands upon thousands of satisfied users, who
know the value of a sturdy, compact, and convenient grain drill, vouch for
McCormick-Deering and Superior drills that starts' the seed right.
Since the first McCormick-Deering and Superior grain drill was placed on
the market, improvements and refinements have been made until today the
line is recognized by farmers in all parts of the world as a standard of quality.
Everything humanly possible has been done to make these drills as near
mechanically perfect as possible. No opportunity to improve their design
and construction has been overlooked truly, McCORMICK-DEERING and
SUPERIOR drills are built right. Ask us to show these drills to you.
Rogers H Goodmatn
(A Mercantile Trust)
Concrete Work
Done Right
At Reasonable Prices
Special attention given
to Cemetery Work
J, E. Crawley
Phone 363 Athena, Oregon
"Ho that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loans
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
yl We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes.?
ft D.R.SHAMP00
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
New Clarifying System
We make a specialty of cleaning Rugs and Carpets. Ladies Hats,
Suits, Dresses, Portiers, Curtains, Sweaters, Skirts. Men's wear
given special attention. Each and every Garment is taken through
three washes.
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
, F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in one ot the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere, patronise home industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
A then a. Oretson. Waitshurg, Wash
Hr i"rnnmi"Tm pt ir wmw mm "--"- ... ...
Announces that it has com-pleted the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity. Just think what 37 years of successful banking
experience would mean to the executor or. ad
ministrator of your estate.
Ask us for Information