if Tift 4 r.-: ! I I , Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Claes Mail Matter .' VOLUME 49. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON; FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7. 1928 NUMBER 36 ENROLLMENT Oil SH IflGREASE Last Year 136 'Enrolled School Begins This Year With 151. Thft Athena schools opened for work Tuesday with a. total enroll hient of 151 pupils, fcjinjit a total of 136 last year. This year's enroll . ment divided between the grade and high school departments, stands vi enrolled in the grades; 58 registered in Viiirh school. Enrollment in the err a Apr in as follows: First and second grades, Miss Brvant teacher. 26. , Third and fourth grades, Miss Thorsen teacher, 23. Fifth and sixth grades, Mrs. Rom inr teAcher. 15. . Seventh anrf eiehth srrades. M. I. Miller teacher, 29. In the high school division, the en rollment of 58 is distributed as f ol lows: Freshmen, 16; Sophomores, 15 Juniors, 12; Seniors, 15. Tuesday was taken up mainly by registrations and preliminary de tails and Wednesday morning the school was settled down to its rou tine work. : A course in shorthand is being of fered in Athena hieh school this year which completes a full commercial course of study, which according to Superintendent Meyer, places the Athena school on a par with leading schools of the state. The department of athletics is look ing up remarkably well, and Coach Miller is optimistic over the school's prospects for this year. Already light football practice is under, way, and several new men are giving a good account of themselves in their try-out positions. Two Are Burned To : Death In Auto Crash Eddie Wognild, 22, and Clifford Underwood, 20, of Arlington, Wash ington, near Everett, were return ing home from a dance when their machine was struck in the rear by one driven by W. G. Countryman. The youths' machine turned over and instantly burst into names. The fire beat back those who tried to rescue Wognild. They threw a rope to him, but, with one foot pin ned under the machine, he was un able to move and he cried: "Kill me, kill me I can't stand it." When finally rescued, his legs and lower part of his body severely burn ed, he was rushed to a hospital, where he died a few hours later. The charred body of Underwood was found when the death car was right ed. ' A Big Fish To date victory in competition for the prize fishing rod offered annually by Rogers & Goodman of Athena, for the largest trout caught in the streams of Umatilla county, is held t by Amos O'Dell who brought home 11 a 24-inch Dolly Varden trout, dres sing five pounds and four ouncea, from Salmon river. Mr. O'Dell was accompanied on the fishing trip by Herbert Parker. The O'Dell catch outpoints one from the same river taken by Fred Hendricksen, which measured 23 inches, and weighed three pounds and six ounces. Death of Grover Hayes Grover Hayes died at Portland Saturday, after a short period of ill ness. Announcement of his death was received in Athena by his sister, Mrs. Berlin, who was accompanied by her daughters immediately de parted for Portland. Mr. Hayes had long been employed by the city of Portland in its street improvement department. The deceased was a son of the late J. M. Hayes, a former resident of this, city, and he grew to manhood in Athena. Morton-Kennedy A recent event of interest was the marriage of Miss Alta Kennedy, daughter of Mrs. Henry Schroeder of Weston, and Fred Morton - of Wrangel, Alaska, which took place at Ketchikan, Alaska, reports the Weston Leader. The groom 'holds a responsible position in fishing in dustries of the north country and the young couple will reside at Wrangel. May Issue Proclamation Governor Patterson has determin ed to issue a proclamation deferring the opening of the deer season Mon day, unless rain comes in time to counteract the present fire hazard exisiting in the forests of the state. A number of Athena hunters have made preparations to be in the mountains for the opening of the season. CASH REWARD IS DIVIDED UP Sixty Per Cent of Hickman Money Goes To Pend leton Men. ar The two Oreeon officers who rested ;. William Edward Hickman, bringing, to a close, the man-hunt lot the kidnapper and : slayer oi ; ntue Marion Parker, have been awarae atvtv ner cent of the $27,728.38 re ward collected by a radio broadcast iner station. . The division of the reward was allocated bv the award committee headed bv Mavor Georee Cryer Under its provisions, the two Pendle ton, Ore., officers, x. ts. uuraane ana C. L. Lieuallen will receive $it,oH or $8,318 each. ; The remainder of the reward was ollnfod hv the committee as follows: Ten percent, or approximately $2,- . - i t rj. 772 t.n (iporce v. wiuouenDy. seat- tie haberdasher who received in pay ment for clothing one of the $20 bills of the Parker ransom money, anu then gave the police the information which turned the man-hunt to tne northwest. Ten percent to Fred King, operator nf a casoline service station at Port land. Oreeon.. who sold Hickman cnsnline and who eave the police in formation as to the road taken out of that city by the fugitive. Five ner cent or $1,336 to Koy w McHueo earage' owner of Kent, Washington. . . Five Der cent to be divided be tween James T. Nelson. Jr.. and Irwin A. Mowrey, who were given a ride by Hickman on tne slayers flight north, and who notified the Seattle police of their identification of the hunted man. ' Three ner cent iointly to H. H, Antle. a. W. Marshall and W. H, Rappold, Los Angles First National Rank emnloves. who informed the Dolice of their suspicion that Hick man, a discharged employe was guilty of the murder of the daughter of an official of the bank. Douglas Fairbanks In Black Pirate Douglas Fairbanks will be at the Standard Theatre tomorrow night in his big super-picture, "The Black Pirate," which will be played at regular admission prices. Fair banks is a popular screen favorite with Standard patrons,' and the fact that the "Black Pirate" is one of the best pictures the great actor has ap peared in, presages large attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence rmkerton, violin and piano, will interpret the music score for the "Black Pirate presentation. Sunday night, two favorites oi tne screen. John Gilbert and Joan Craw ford will be seen iii "Four Walls," Matro-Goldwyn's stirring human message from the narrow environs of New York's East side gangland. A splendid picture bringing to you the interesting story of the regeneration of a boy who went wrong. No finer acting on the screen. . , Campfire Officers . The first meeting after summer dispensation of Wauna Campfire Girls was held on the lawn at the Fred Pinkerton home, and the officers for the ensuing year elected: Presi dent, Nylene Taylor; vice-president, Arlene Mynck; secretary, Betty Eager; treasurer, Mildred Hansell; song leaders, Esther Berlin and Mar- jorie Montague; scribe, Marjorie Douglas. " The Campfire girls will go to Bingham Springs this week-end and will be chaperoned by mothers of the girls, Guardian Hilda Dicken son and assistant Guardian, Mrs H. Wade LeRoy. Douglas County Turkeys Douglas county will have approx imately 75,000 turkeys for the Thanksgiving and Christmas market this year, present estimates indicate. Fairly good prices last year, coupled with the fact that the present season has been a good one for the maturity of turkeys, with-a larger crop than normally. Funeral of Mrs. Kidder Mrs. Ruth C. Kidder, widow of the late B. C. Kidder, a former resident of Athena, died August 25 at San Anselmo, California at the age of 84 years. The body was shipped here for burial, and the funeral services were held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon. Orchestra Returns Bob Fletcher's Round-Up orches tra has returned to Pendleton after a tour of 500 miles through seven states in the Northwest. The orchestra is composed of members of Mr. Fletcher's family, and is a popular organization. University of Oregon Sorority lias High Scholarship Rating 'ha Js fry 1 .is ' i If I. team 5 ' . I . f t NIL. f I I t 1 rr S wattes rr I. Mtol'.'FIMiYHili.l.vijam, fL"1,6" 2 8ht EosaUnd Lorenz irurtland; Holen Ostom, Portland; Dorothy Barthel, Pen flleton; Wilms Enke. Portland: THa annvnm. n MiU.nt ... ... an t,ij. c.,i. L -Ui,J11,UUw, i.uiuw Auumysoa, jjus Angelas; Aaa Ail- kI:Tai Socond w-riorenceorimea, Portland; Kay Rochester, 5SX P,f7 p T POrt" Margaret HaU - Portland5 Doroth Portl"; Harriet c n a?dV Ba J,0Wr Xo' Batotoa, Albany; Edltha Barthel, Pendleton; Doris Oramm, land ntm' 1' Euby HayM' BurnB! lncUe Portland; Shirley Magolre, Port! Port'lan? Portland; Maizle Richards, Portland; luclle Brown, Burns; Edna EUei Bell, University of Oregon, Eugene. Tho Alpha Phi sorority placed high eit in scliolastie rating of all living organizations at the University of Oregon for the past term, it Is an nounced by Earl M. Pallet, registrar. Members of the organization are also active in campus activities. Highest place was won in competition with more than 40 living organisation!.' ' Advance Ticket Sales Indicate a Record Attendance Pendleton. Pendleton wears an air of expectancy these, days and in deed, there's a reason! For the Round-Up, September 19, 20, 21, 22, isn't far away and heaps of work and preparation -is going on. . Pendletonians have donned their Round-Up attire and bedazzle the eye with' their colorful splendor. On September 8 the decorations go up and the whole city will be in gala dress for the annual autumn epic. Cowboys and cowgirls are arriving and the livestock is here for tKe show. Besides the Round-Up's buck ing horses and Mexican steers big aggregations of relay horses, buck- ers, roping horses, etc., are arriving from outside. The buckers are fresh from the range and promise some un usual entertainment for the cowboys. Advance ticket sales show a decid ed increase and a record crowd is expected. Among distinguished vis itors will be Philip Ashton Kollins ol New York, author of "The Cowboy" and other books, and notable as a magazine writer also. Mr. Rollins has seen the show on other occasions and it was he .who conceived the novel idea of giving a sack of oats to the most notorious bucker at the Round-Up. This trophy was won by the celebrated No Name, who died last year after nine glorious year3 of the very choicest bucking at the Round-Up. The sack of oats, most appropriately, bore a casket plate with fitting inscription when present ed to the late No Name. . Bull fights in Spain have been seen by Miss Elizabeth C. Bridge, promin ent resident of Maine, and she has witnessed the Passion Play of Oberammergau; now she wishes to see bulldogging and to witness the Round-Up, the epic drama of the West. Miss Bridge and party will motor here. Miss Bridge, in making reserva tions, said: "I keenly anticipate see ing an exhibition which is so typical ly American- Petition to Move Office ; Postmaster Barrett of the Athena office has been circulating a petition for the removal of the office from its present location on Main street, to the vacant Athena State Bank build ing at the corner of Third and Main. The specific reason for the removal of the office as set forth by Mr. Barrett is that the bank building is equipped wih vault facilities for taking care of stamps and postoflice records, which be is deprived of at the location now occupied. Labor Day Labor Day 'was observed in Athena by a general closing of business houses and almost complete exodus of workers and their families to out of town points. Walla Walla and La Grande put on extensive programs for the entertainment of visitors. Goes to O. A. C.. Clifford Wood, member of Athena high school graduating class of last year, will enter Oregon State Col lege at Corvallis, where he will take rpecial course in agriculture. State Hospital Echo Postoflice Grocery Robbed A series of robberies in Umatilla county, beginning at Athena last week, when the meat market, Kil gore's Cafe and Steve's Grocery were Entered ' presumably by yeggmen, culminated this week with robbery of the Echo Postoflice, the safe at the State Hospital and a Pendleton grocery store. : v , The East Oregonian says the three recent robberies netted the thieves over $1400 in cash. Over $160 in silver was taken from the safe at the Cox and Howland grocery store 823 Main street. En trance to the store was gained through, a sliding door at the rear of the building. The door was pried open with a crowbar, taken from a truck parked near the rear of the premises. The sheriff says that he has few clues to work on at present, but he is continuing his investigation. The combination of the grocery store safe was worked by fhe yeggman and only the money taken. . ; Silver and currency, totaling over $1200, was taken from a cash draw er in the vault at the Eastern Ore gon State Hospital some time Satur day night or early Sunday morning No arrests have been made and there is but little evidence offered which might lead to the apprehension of the criminal. According to Sheriff Cookingham, who was called Sunday morning to investigate the robbery, the book keeper at the hospital had been negligent in handling the large sum of money there. On receiving word of the hospital robbery, C. W. Curtis, criminologist at the Washington state penitentiary at Walla Walla, was called to Pend leton to assist the sheriff in his probe of the robbery. Efforts were made to locate finger prints. The third robbery of the week-end took place at Echo, according to re ports reaching the sheriff's office. Charles Hoskins, chief deputy sher iff, received the call and went to Echo immediately to look into the robbery. Though few details of the case reach ed Pendleton it was rumored that the Echo postoflice had been entered and money taken from it. Sheriff Cookingham said- that in his opinion a professional yeggman is operating now in Umatilla county. In both cases at Pendleton, the rob bery was done quietly and meth odically. Fix-McMinimee Walla Walla Union: The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Fix, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fix, and Mr. Clayton McMinimee was solemnized at, the home of the bride's parents, 118 Newell street, Sunday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. T. F. Wittrock in the pres ence of immediate relatives. Walla Walla Fair The Walla Walla county fair is in progress, having started yesterday morning, and will close tomorrow night. The livestock exhibit is said to be exceptionly good, and the races have attracted many visitors. ' Finley Plays Goat To Take Pictures In High Rockies William L. Finley, noted natural ist, author and lecturer, returned yes terday from a long expedition into the northern part of the Rocky moun tains with Arthur N. Pack of Prince ton, N. J., president of the American Nature association. He brought back, says the Oregonian, 10,000 feet of motion pictures of moose, mountain goats, bighorns, bear, elk, deer and other wild animal life taken along the roof of the Rockies. The photo graphs of big game are but part of the story which was full of thrilling adventures such as filming goats that' play the part of expert steeple jacks on the highest cliffs of the continent and bull moose that proved dangerous subjects. ; .' Finley has tried for many years to get pictures of what he considers the most difficult of American game, the mountain goat. This time he played the trick by dressing up in a white goat costume with imitation ears, horns and beard and stalking along the ledges with an Eyemo mo tion picture camera tucked in next to his chest His ' strategy " worked almost .too well one day when an old billy disputed his right - to a certain high ledge on Chapman peak. The real billy looked at the imi tation, twiddled his tail, lowered his horns and started for his rival. But the buzz of the camera halted him and the telltale wind gave the secret of human scent. "I got near-up pic tures," said Mr. Finley, "but it was perhaps fortunate . I didn't smell goaty for I was on the narrow ledge of a very high cliff." By making a blind near a lick where moose were accustomed to come. Finley and Pack got an old bull too close to get photographs. They were in his trail and were near ly stepped on. When tho huge antlered bull discovered the camera men, he lowered his head and shook himself from head to foot, with the brisles of his neck standing erect, which is the challenge before a charge. With only brush for pro tection, the photographers had to lie perfectly quiet and this saved the day, for them because the moose finally turned his attention to a cow and calf that came in to the water hole. Morning Glory Treatment Weston Leader: After a compre hensive campaign against wild morn ing glory on the York and Killgore holdings north of town, the pests have all received a liberal dOse of the K. M. G. treatment. The weeds have since turned brown, indicating that the chemical has taken hold. K, M. G. is tough on shoes and clothing as well as morning glory, as Jess L. York is in a particular position to testify . Seattle. A last salute was fired for Wallace Gaines as his bodv was low. ered into its crave in the vptprnn'a corner of a cemetery here today. wniie Kev. William J. Getty read the funeral services, the little chapel was crowded with friends .if tho man who was hanged Friday for the mur- aer or nis daughter. WALLA WALLA MAN OUTLINES SOLUTION ! ; - Problem, of Lower Priced I Wheat Helped Out By Machinery. i Walla ; Walla. .What would tha , wheat farmers of the Walla Walla valley do if , the price of wheat be came constant at 80 cents, a bushel tl Would the great grain fields be abandoned or could the farmers meet the situation and raise wheat for less than 80 cents? Farmers who say they cannot pro duce wheat at the present price of about a dollar, declare they will walk off their ranches if the price goes lower. Others, more optimistic, think the solution for the wheat farmer is riot higher prices but more efficient methods. ' F. S. Dement, rancher and grain dealer, , when asked whether the farmer could evolve a method of rais ing wheat for 80 cents replied that they have done it before and could, and undoubtedly will, do it again: However, a radical improvement of methods will be necessary for sur vival he declared. Perhaps the jnost important and certainly the earliest step in the more economical production of wheat is the substitution of mechancial power for men and horses. An indication that the farmer is realizing this fact is shown in the tremendous increase of production of tractors and tractor driven machinery. At first the trac tor was used merely as a substitute , for horses, but with the adaptation of machinery to tractors, the capacity of man power is being increased. Thomas D. Campbell, who as presi dent of the Campbell Farming cor poration directs the farming of 95, 000 acres of land in Montana, telle in the June issue of the Magazine of Business, his own experience with the economy. of motor driven machinery. "Labor costs per acre on our' job," he says, "at $6 a day for engine operators, are less than they were 30 years ago when the standard wago for hired help on the farm was $ 26 a month and board. "We have developed large power units and hitches whereby we can plow an acre of land at a labor cost of 27 cents, seed it for about 7 cents an acre labor cost,, double disc it for ten cents an acre, and harvest it and thresh it at a iabor cost of 40 cents an acre." As the labor cost is the chief ex pense it stands to reason, Mr. Dement points out, that ,"ith such use or tractors, wheat can be raised at a profit at rather low prices, where land is adapted to their use. Some land of course, he says, cannot be worked with tractors and if more careful farming will not increase the profits, perhaps would have to be abandoned with continued 80 cent prices. However, he points out, much larger crops might be raised on al most all the land now larmed with a more careful conservation of moisture by the proper care of fallow land. Chemical research and engineering progress will undoubtedly aid the production of cheaper wheat, and with the decreased cost of labor per bushel, the grain farmer will sur vive, Mr. Dement is sure. There is another side to the medal of lower labor costs, Mr. Dement ad mits. It is perhaps largely due, he says, to the lower production costs of wheat raised on the large tractor powered farms of the mid-west prairies that has lowered the price of wheat to the level at which it stands today. If this is the case the only possible solution for the Walla Walla country is to adopt the same methods and by careful farming, out produce the mid-vest grain fields. Killed Two Bear Two bear, mother and cub. were . shot and killed by Bob Cutler and Charley Payne at their mountain wood camp, east of Weston, tho fore part of the week. The second cub made its escape. The mother bear was a large one, weighing over 300 pounds. Leased Adams Ranch Rich Thompson and Barney Foster have leased the Walter Adams ranch, southeast of Athena, the deal having been closed a couple of weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton, who were employed by Mrs. Adams, have re moved from Athena to the ranch, and will reside there. Fire At Tollgate Fire covering six acres broke out Sunday in the territory about six miles south of Toll Gate between that place and Elgin. The fire is the worst this season in the Walla Walla district. ...