The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 31, 1928, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rate.
One copy, one year $2.00
Jne copy, six montns t.uw
3ne copy i three months 73
Athena, Oregon, August 31, 1928
"The appalling number of fatalities
resulting from the operation , of
motor vehicles in this state during
July is such as to give reason for
pause and occasion on the part of
every motor vehicle operator to in
quire of himself or herself what he
or she may do in order that this
startling loss of life may, at least, be
reduced", was the comment of Sam
A. Kozer, Secretary of State, upon
reviewing the reports of motor ve
hicle accidents which under the law
are required to be rendered to the
Secretary of State. During the past
month there were 32 fatalities, a
greater number than during any
month in any year since motor ve
hicles have been driven over the
Btreets and highways in Oregon.
There are now over 12,000 licensed
chauffeurs in Oregon. The records
of the Secretary of State show that
there are more than 450,000 licensed
motor vehicle operators. The opera
tion of this large number of motor
vehicles by the residents of Oregon
and in conjunction therewith the ve
hicles of those of the other states
who visit this state during the sum
mer months and which number in the
tens of thousands, add very materially
to the problem of traffic movement
and regulation.
A review of the causes of accidents
shows that most of them are the re
sult of carelessness on the part of
operators. In view of this, it would
seem that every motor vehicle opera
tor should exercise the greatest cau
tion at all times while driving his
vehicle, having in mind the safety not
only of those who are in other ve
hicles, but as well of pedestrians who
must of necessity use the streets and
highways of the state. The large
number of fatalities resulting during
the past month should act as a
stimulant to the exercise of greater
care in the operation of motor ve
hicles and thus bring about a mater
ial reduction in the loss of life oc
casioned therefrom. Of the 32
fatalities in July, seven were caused
by collision of motor vehicles with
pedestrians; sixteen resulted from
motor vehicles colliding with each
other; two were from - collision " of
motor vehicles with railway trains;
one from collision with an electric
train; one from collision with a fixed
object and five resulted from the
operation of the vehicle occupied by
the persons killed.
O i i
Dan C. Freeman, writing of Ore
gon industries, asks the question, who
owns the fruit business in Oregon?
His answer is Business. Mr. Free
man concludes that there are, say five
million boxes of apples produced in
Oregon for world patronage. The
manufacturing, 1. e. production cost,
is one dollar per box. That means
$4,000,000 in labor .spray material,
orchard equipment, trucks, gas and
tires, baskets, boxes, printing, wrap
ping paper, lithographed labels, nails,
exclusive of freight and selling ex
penses and all put into business
channels in Oregon. This amount
first must be invested in this one
item of crop before anything can be
taken out by the growers. Labor and
business get theirs first. After that
the producers get whatever is left.
Obviously, if there were more boxes
of apples there would be greater busi
ness; also, any move to better the
marketing of these apples so that
the growers would profit more should
command and receive hearty interest.
The attention of Oregon voters is
called to the Dunne measure which
will bo placed on the ballot through
initiative petition as Nos. 300 and
301, inasmuch as the measure has
been declared unconstitutional, and
its sponsor has issued a statement to
that effect, advising voters to not sup
port his measure. Mr. Dunne spon
sored the measure, having for its pur
pose an increase in the tax on gas
oline to five cents per gallon instead
of three cents, but when he found it
to be unconstitutional it had keen
printed in the voters' pamphlet and
scheduled in its proper place on the
ballot. Hence, should the voter vote
on the measure he should vote 301
will get their product on the market
at satisfactory prices.
" o
Sam A. Baker,' governor of Mis
souri, in a recent public address paid
high tribute to the use of public
utilities propaganda in public schools.
Of course it would be easy for Sam
to pay tribute, provided he owned
stock in a going public utility con
cern. Out here in Oregon they are
throwing public utility propaganda
out of the public schools.
A couple of years ago, the Walla
Walla fruit district and the orchard
owners of Southern Idaho sent tl.eir
prune crops to market at the fame
time, with disastrous results to both
districts. Instances were numcrou3
that season, where returns from
prune shipments were less than the
freight charges. But this year by
agreement, the Walla Walla valley
prune crop has been moved, all ship
ments to cease at the end of this
week, when the prune shipments
from the Southern Idaho section will
begin. Thus by organized sales
system, both fruit producing sections
The open season on cows is being
enjoyed along the Pacific highway.
One bovine near Rainier was killed
outright by a night-driving autoist,
while another failed to kill the cow he
hit, and crawled into a garage with
a wrecked machine. If the supply of
cattle will hold out long enough over
there, maybe human fatalities will
"Pay for what you get" must be
the motto of the Fox Picture Corpora
tion; leastwise that is the conclusion
arrived at by would be spectators of
the filming of the picture, "Our Daily
Bread" out on the Harold Barnett
ranch. To get anywhere near loca
tion one must have credentials for in
spection by the man who guards the
works .
Albany, Oregon, dancers are con
fronted by an ordinance- recently
passed by the city council which de
scribes minutely the position to be as
sumed by the dancers, limiting the
age of persons allowed in the hall
without parent or guardian, and pro-
vidmg for a paid matron to be ap
pointed or approved by the council.
o '
That was a wonderful reception
given by Kellogg and Briand at Paris,
and the fine part of it was when
Stresemann, foreign minister for
Germany was the first of fifteen to
step forward and sign the pact which
renounces war was an instrument of
national policy.
While Hoover is angling for votes,
Cal is fishing for trout. A matter of
three and a half years ago the re
verse was true. Cal had his tackle
strung out for votes and Herb was
reeling in tarpon off Catalina Island.
While North Dakota was shivering
in a minimum temperature of 28 de
grees, Oregon continued to wear
straw hats and eat ice cream cones.
That Vernonia bank robber will
have a harder time "laughing it off"
with the jury than he had with the
crowd that captured him.
Lane county turkey growers have
gobbled up a pool of 3100 birds.
22 Years Ago
August 31, 1906
S. B. Calderhead, general passenger
and freight agent of the W. & C. R.,
was in town Tuesday.
The Booher-Ferris threshing crew,
after a successful season's work, will
finish harvesting today.
F. S. LeGrow returned Tuesday
from his Crab Creek cattle ranch
where he disposed of several carloads
of beef cattle. V
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gross have re
turned to their home in Walla Walla
from Lehman springs, where they
spent the summer months. '
Rawl Miller will become a student
this year at the Oregon Agricultural
college at Corvallis. Mr. Miller will
take up a course in electrical engin
eering. Sack "bucks" are scarce and diffi
cult to secure. Good wages are offer
ed men to handle wheat, but it is al
most impossible to find laborers for
this class of work.
Jerry St. Dennis is minus a pocket
book containing $35 in gold and some
silver. He had the money in town
Wednesday but missed it when he
went home. Diligent search has fail
ed to recover the money.
Owing to the fact that the wheat
market has been 55 cents a bushel the
past few days there has been very
little doinsr in the market. Very few
farmers are selling at this price.
However, many of them are very busy
storing their grain.
B. F. Mansfield, who for sometime
has been afflicted with an abcess on
one of his legs, is again undergoing a
painful attack. He is barely able to
come down town. His brother, who
Hwas injured in a runaway last week,
is improving slowly.
The first trip of the Walla waiia-
Pendleton special will be made to
morrow morning. The train leaves
Walla Walla at 7 a. m., arriving in
Athena at 8 a. m. Returning, leaves
Pendleton at 5:50, p. m.. arriving in
Athena at 6:30 p. m.
Athena passengers on the Pendleton
bound train at Walla Walla describe
an exciting incident which transpired
at the station in the garden city Tues
day afternoon. A passenger named
Cameron, whose home is in Canyon
City, attempted to board the train
while in motion. He carried a water
mellon in his arms and slipping fell
under the wheels. His right arm was
fearfully crushed and amputation of
the hand necessary.
L. M. Akers has purchased an al
falfa farm of 160 acres on McKay
creek, 4 miles from Pendleton, and
with his wife will soon take posses
sion of the same. Athena regrets very
much to lose this popular young
couple, but "sees where they are
right" in acquiring this valuable piece
of property. Mr. McBnde of the
Palace drug store, wherS Mr. Akers
has so long been employed, will now
have to look for another druggist.
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 327, Orting, Washington
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Bingham Springs
Umatilla County's Favorite Resort
Splendid Dining Room Service, Cabins and Camp
ing Privileges.
Good Hotel Accomodations
Swimming, Fishing, Hiking, Dancing,
Hunting in Season
Groceries and Provisions, Milk and Butter are on sale at the store
on the grounds, for convenience of cabin guests and campers.
J. H. LUCK, Manager
Write: Bingham Springs, Gibbon, Oregon
Cream Separator
. -(6" bsP1 fo All i.
Rogers C& Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust) 1
iL 'jE now have these machines
in our store. Opportunity
will be given every farmer
interested in bigger dairy
proceeds to study the new
McCormick-Deering in
detail and to handle it in
operation. We will bring it
fully, or you are welcome
to see this beautiful black'japanned
machine here at any time.
To make the new Ball'
Bearing McCormick'Deering
available at once for any
farm, we will continue the
"iz months payment plan.
Six sizes hand, belted, and
electric capacities 350 to
1500 pounds of milk per hour.
Concrete Work
Done Right
At Reasonable Prices
Special attention given
to Cemetery Work
J, E. Crawley
Phone 363 Athena, Oregon
"He that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loans
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
New Clarifying System
We make a specialty of cleaning Rugs and Carpets. Ladies Hats,
Suits, Dresses, Portiers, Curtains, Sweaters, Skirts. Men's wear
given special attention. Each and every Garment is taken through
three washes.
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Free water
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 683.
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes,
Try Our
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, t' Athena labor, in one ol the very ben
equipped milla in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena. Oregon.
Waitshurg, Wash
Announce ha ifc Jias cpm-pleted the organ
jjsatjpn pf a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
Just think what 37 years of successful banking
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Ask us for Information