The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 10, 1928, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Harold Lloyd in "Speedy"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Miss Betty Eager has been confined
to her home this week with illness.
Mrs. W. J. Kirk is at Walla Walla,
where her mother is seriously ill in
a hospital.
The Athena street department has
been engaged in cutting the grass and
weeds this week.
Harry Saulsberry and Matt John
son were huckleberry pickers in the
mountains Sunday.
Jerald Kilgore has given the inter
ior of his cafe a new coat of calso
mine, this week.
Miss Blanche Johnson is in Portland
this week, where she is visiting
University friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Hill were guests
over Sunday at the C. 0. Whiteman
home in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke and son
Fred, spent Sunday in the mountains,
near McDougal Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Finley, former last week.
residents of this county, are at Pend
leton from their home in Glendale,
California, visiting at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. A. 0. Carden.
"Mademoiselle From Armentieres"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night. -Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Richmond and
son Junior were guests at the John
Walker home, Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Ames and Mrs. H. A.
Barrett and daughter Helen, were
Walla Walla visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rigby were in
Athena Wednesday from their sum
mer home at Bingham Springs.
Mrs. Stella Keen has returned home
from an extended visit with her
daughter, who resides near Milton.
Cleve Myers is now employed at
the Thompson Garage, taking over
the duties there Thursday morning.
Chance Rogers and Billy Pinkerton
drove up to the Ferguson sawmill on
Weston Mountain, Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. F. B. Boyd and Mrs. M. M.
Johns are guests this week of Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Dudley, at Bingham
A sister of the late Mr. Burton,
pastor of the Christian church at Ath
ena, was in the city Tuesday, from
A number of girls have contracted
earache as the result of swimming in
the pool while the water was cold
Delicate Scents
Summer time is talcum time!
There's nothing so refreshing on
a torrid relentless day as the cool
ing whisk of one of these frag
rant powders: Georgia Rose, Cara
Nome, Shari, Narcisse des Alps
and Gentlemen's Talc exquisitely
scented powder in distinguished
containers. Sold only at Rexall
Drug Stores.
McFadden's Pharmacy
Phyllis Dickenson, Edna DeFreece,
Dale Stephens and Wilber Harden at
tended the carnival in Pendleton Fri
day night.
Marion Hansell, Herman Geissel
and Dean Pinkerton fished on the
Umatilla river Sunday. They report
a good catch.
Herman Hoffman and Louis Stewart
motored to Baker Sunday and visited
with Mrs. John Herr, Mr. Stewart's
George Wall has discontinued his
services at the Thompson Garage and
is now employed at N. A. Miller
furniture store.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew have
i-eturned to their home in Pendlton
from a recent visit to relatives and
friends at Tillamook.
Sanford Stone, who has been
harvesting in the Walla Walla valley
this season, returned to Athena the
fore part of the week.
There is still a plentiful crop of
huckleberries in the mountains east
of Athena, report berry pickers who
spent Sunday in the patches.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison are
spending the summer at Binghanj
Springs. Mr. Morrison will build a
cabin at the Springs this fall.
Mrs. Flint Johns gave a party yes
terday afternoon for her son Maurice
and daughter Helen. A number of
little folks greatly enjoyed the event.
Dr. S. F. Sharp and daughter, Mrs
McSherry are home from the hospital
and both are improving. Dr. Sharp
is able to be at his office a portion
of the time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read and
Charlie Williams and daughter Ruth
are camping in the mountains east
of the toll gate, where they are pick
ing huckleberries.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dowd of Wash-
tucna, Washington, and daughter
Mrs. Hazel Smith of Hawaii were re
cents guests of friends in the Athena-
Weston neighborhoods.
Ralph Saling, who formerly resided
at Weston is here from California
With friends, he is taking an ex
tensive motor tour, which will in
clude the Eastern states.
Lorain Shick has discontinued his
services at the Continental Oil Com-
t ! KfiVfcil23S
i 1 1 mzi$s$ii.
Low Summer
Fares are
Good on
Nocth Coast Limited
YOU will enjoy your trip East through the historic
and scenic Northern Pacific country on tin's luxuri
ously appointed train, now on a new, fast schedule to
Chicago. Low round trip summer excursion tickets
permit liberal stopovers. Return limit October 31st.
May xyq help you with your plans?
F. B. Woo 1, Agent,
Athcn, Oregon.
Blortheffti Pacific liy.1
"First of the North cm Transcontinentals" m
pany, which is managed by Bryce
Baker. George Bannister has taken
over his duties at truck driver.
John Lumsden was in Athena from
Weston, Wednesday.
Mrs. M. L. Watts and Miss Dorothy
Lee were Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Omar Stephens and Miss Belle
Anderson were Pendleton visitors
The Bert Logsdon and Sheldon
Taylor families are spending a few
days at Wallowa Lake.
It was warm enough again this
week to require the road crews to
spread sand on the highway.
Billy Baker, employed at the Mont
gomery-Ward store in Portland, is at
her home in Weston, enjoying her
summer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Alder of Santa
Rosa, California, were guests at the
Ralph Singer home Wednesday eve
ning. They were en route to Dayton
Washington, to visit relatives. .
The C. L. and Geo. B. Woodward
families will soon leave Walla Walla
on a motor trip through the Eastern
states. They will go as far as New
York, before returning home.
Miss Marguerite Hereford of Step
toe, Washington; Miss Alice Ledford
and Miss Dora Hereford of Tekoa
Washington, were week-end guests of
the Misses Margaret and Dorothy
The crop of sweet corn in Athena
gardens has been seriously damaged
by the excessively hot weather. The
corn while in roasting ear stage was
retarded in maturing when the stalks
dried up.
Leon Miller and family will go to
Portland and Seattle next week. At
Portland Goldie Miller will receive
treatment for ear trouble. At Seat
tle they will visit at the home of Mr.
Miller's sister.
Miss Lenore McNair is taking an
advanced course at Walla Walla Busi
ness College, beginning her studies
there this week. Miss McNair took a
business course at a college in Ken
tucky last year.
George Pittman and Raymond Mur
phy are two Athena boys of the
smaller group who have made good
in the harvest field this season. Both
lads have put in full time, and are
still going strong.
Ora Rhodes, well konwn in Athena,
writes friends here that he will start
from his home at Owensboro, Ken
tucky, for a short visit in Oregon.
Mr. Rhodes is manager of a J. C.
Penney Company store in Owensboro.
Miss Nita Forrest arrived this
week from Los Angeles and is visit
ing at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Forrest, near Thorn
Hollow. Miss Forrest is a saleslady
in one of the large stores in Los
Noah Remillard, who formerly
farmed on the reservation, is here
from Los Angeles, California, visit
ing at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Edgar Forrest. Mr. Remillard has
been working at the carpenter; trade
in Los Angeles.
Mr. D. H. Jones and family of Pen
dleton were visitors at the C. M.
Jones family in Athena Sunday. D.
M. Jones conducts a blacksmith shop
in Pendleton and C. M. Jones has his
blacksmith business in Athena. The
two men are brothers.
Jens Jensen motored to Lostine
Thursday morning to visit with a
friend, C. Page, a former resident of
Athena. Mr. Jensen also went to
Wallowa Lake, where in a short
time had a nice mess of "Yanks." He
returned Sunday evening.
Mrs. D. T. Stone is preparing to
take care of 2500 white Leghorne
hens at her farm home, west of Ath
ena, this winter. Mrs. Stone has
made a success of the egg business
commercially, and is engaging in it
more extensively than ever.
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Harwood are
leaving Athena soon for their old
home at Huron, South Dakota. Dur
ing their residence here they have
made many friends who will be sorry
to learn of the contemplated depart
ure of Mr. and Mrs. Harwood.
Harold Hatton of Pendleton, swim
ming instructor of the natatorium in
that city, has been instructing swim
mers at the Legion pool here this
week. A large class of beginners
availed themselves of the opportunity
to learn new strokes in swimming,
under Mr. Hatton's direction.
Glenn Arbogast, who is a cattle
man from Ritter, and Leo Geissel, an
Athena school boy who is spending
his vacation on the Arbogast cattle
ranch, arrived in Athena Saturday.
They returned to the ranch Tuesday.
Leo and Jack Miller will be guests at
the Arbogast home until the 1st of
Tomorrow night the Standard Ihe-
atre presents Harold Lloyd in his
latest super comedy, "Speedy. The
production is contracted for under
road show provisions and it is neces
sary to raise tne admission prices to
10-35-50 cents. "Speedy" is report
ed by those who have seen it, to be
on a par with "Grandma's Boy" and
Safety Last."
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shick have
moved to Walla Walla. Mr. Shick
has purchased half interest in a fur
niture business, which has been con
ducted by his nephew, Arthur Shick
Mr. Shick has been in the employ
ment of N. A. Miller's furniture store
for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Lorain
Shick have also left Athena to make
their home in Walla Walla. '
Jack Harman and wife left Satur
day evening by motor to Seat
tle. They will leave immediately
upon their arrival in that city for
Australia, where Mr. Harman will be
engaged in farming in the Western
part of that country. Mr. Harman
has been conducting a blacksmith
shop in Athena for the past three
years and during his stay in Athena
he has made many friends.
We just received a shipment of Jack Tar over
alls with red waist band and large bell bottom trim
med in red. Sizes 8 to 16 years. Price,
115 and 1.35
5 per cent Discount for Cash
We are agents for Hostess
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
For Sale An International Com
bine Harvester. Cut only 560 acres
since purchased last year. Has been
overhauled and is in perfect running
condition. Inquire of Henry Koepke,
Athena, Phone 32F12.
For Sale Beautiful niano near
Hanford must sell immediately. $10
ner month. A rare hareain. Write
Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon,
tor particulars.
Logan Berries Logan Berries $1
per crate and pick the berries;
luscious, juicy berries. F. Heath, Read
& Hawley Mountain.
Those desiring to puschase Hybrid
No. 128 seed wheat from me, should
order the first of next week, as I will
sack only that which is spoken for at
that time. H. A. BARRETT.
McR.ea Weeder
All Steel
Self Dump-Light Draft
Made in 12 ft. Size No Skips No Bunches No Stop
to Dump
In a demonstration on the Barrett place the light
draft of this Weeder was shown when it did perfect
work hitched to a 4-cylinder Dodge car.
Harold Lloyd
the King of Comedy at his best! Harold Lloyd in his long awaited new
comedy is here at last to spread a big broad smile all over Y0URT0WN.
Lloyd and laughter are the team supreme. If you are a professional grouch,
here's where you lose your reputation foreever.
straight into the heart of every picture fan in THISBURGH. You'll grin
with a gurgle when "Speedy" sets out to save old Pop Dillon from the villain
and win the girl. He travels like the wind and there's no keeping up with the
laughs. A joy-jerked, tickle-tugged trip through entertainment town.
Comedy and News Reel Admission 10-35-50c
New Faces Are Seen in
John Stewart and Estelle Brody
Wheather you're an ex-soldier or not, wheather you "parlez-vous" or not,
here's a picture you'll love. The humors, the thrills, the love of the fighting
men in a film that will hold you from first foot to last! The romance of a
French mamselle and a soldier set in a stirring war background crowded
with humor truly "The Big Parade"of the British.
Grantland Rice Sports Reel Admission 10-25-35c