The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 10, 1928, Image 3

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    -w iAi.ifi2MlWMU
Funds Supplied by Banking Organizations in Many States
to Finance Studies and Contests.
The nationwide movement being
conducted by county and state bank
ers' associations and the American
Bankers Association in co-operation
with the state agricultural colleges
and county agents tor the purpose of
bringing about both local and national
solutions (or (arm economic problems
has shown notable results during the
past year. A review ot these actM
ties in the Bulletin of the Agricultural
Commission, American Bankers Asso
ciation, summarizes some of the chief
points as follows:
In Missouri a meeting was held at
the College of Agriculture at which
the bankers again appropriated $1,600
tor boys' and girls' club work. Saline,
county bankers have raised $500 to
stimulate beef calf clubs and repoTt
definite results obtained in getting
- farmers to lime their soil and grow
alfalfa. County "key bankers" to pro
mote banker support of farm better
ment projects are being appointed and
another Short Course in Agriculture
for bankers is being planned.
In Kansas no less than fifteen coun
ties are reported by the Extension
Service as engaged In definite banker-
farmer work. County key bankers at
tended four district conferences dur
ing the year.
The Louisiana bankers' agricultural
committee met at the College of Agri
culture in connection with a bankers'
farm course. The bankers are thor
oughly aroused to the wisdom ot tick
eradication and are co-operating to j
that end. County key bankers are be-;
tng selected and county meetings with,
bankers throughout the state will be
arranged. )
Cleaning, Pressing
Why have your suits pressed by the
old style method ? When you can
have them pressed on the New
Valeteria Presses for the same price.
The press will stay in longer and the
suit is pressed better than it can be
pressed with the old style presses.
All work is guaranteed. Leave
orders at
Athena Hotel, Phone 493
Dye Works
Walla Walla, Washington
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
In Kentucky key bankers have been
appointed in each county with the
result that the bankers ot the state
are co-operating with the College ot
Agriculture more specifically than any
other croup of business men. Some
ot the fruits ot this co-operation Is:
demonstrated by the fact that the!
number ot dairy cattle in the state
has Increased seven per cent and thO
production per cow twelve per cent.'
Three counties In the state have ellm-
lnated all scrub bulls.
In North Carolina the oustanding
accomplishments have been the honor
ing of "Class A Farmers," that Is,
those attaining a degree of proficiency
In a well balanced and sound system
of farming as Indicated by a score
card prepared by the College ot Agri
culture and the Bankers Short Course
given there. Future plans provide for
the continuation of the county key
banker system and the arrangement
of county banker-farmer tours.
In Virginia $15,000 has been raised
by subscription for boys' and girls' club
work, largely from bankers. A group
meeting was held at the College of
Agriculture with two hundred bank
ers in attendance. The Committee on
Agriculture of the State Bankers As
sociation voted to continue and check
up on the county key banker wdtk.
The reports from New York on the
activities for the past year included
the distribution ot 20,000 short form
farm credit statements prepared co
operatively by the agricultural col
lege and bankers. The bankers' ag
ricultural committee also arranged td
end suggestions to the banks ot the
state to aid in financing purchase of
dairy cattle to replace those lost by
the tuberculin test
Bankers' Farm Schools
Bankers' Farm Schools or "Short
Courses" continued popular during the
year. Several colleges held such
courses under the auspices of the
state bankers' agricultural commit
tees and are repeating them this year.
"Minimum 01 Talk Maximum ot
Demonstration" was the character of
program put on by the Kansas Agrl
cultural College for the second Bant
ers' Farm School in April. Four rep
resentatives were Invited from each
of twenty counties, consisting ot the'
county key banker, the county agent,
the secretary of the county bankers
association, and the president ot t&e
farm bureau. Proper farm methods
were brought out by demonstrations,
then tours were made to farms whose
owners had followed the practices and
methods outlined by the college to
illustrate the lessons. Emphasis was
placed on the important part bankers
can play In developing agriculture.
In South Dakota specific plans for
.the ensuing year are the appointment
iOt county key bankers, co-operation
in boys' and girls' club projects and
'group meetings ot county agents and
key bankers. In Minnesota the county
key bankers system Is to be continued
with special emphasis on bringing the
jcounty agent and key banker into
closer co-operation.
V h At a banker meeting at the North
v TViVnti Agricultural .College it sraa da-
Jensens h-
. tubes
Blacksmith shop Vulcanized
Repair Work at
Prices Reasonable Athena Service Station
Athena, Oregon C. B. MOORE, Prop.
1 t
It Pays to look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683.
. - i n s si n n
t; k it E R 5 a 1 1 4
nn - i-r. :i i
I i 6 1
? P( ff P ' ! W V f l
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients.
X-Ray and bacteriological labortories, washed air
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480.
mm That me Key Danker '-oTgsmw
tlon would be completed and la order
to acquaint the bankers with agricul
tural needs county bankers' meetings
were planned during the year.
At a conference held at Montana
State College it was reported that
county key bankers had co-operated
In arranging for a livestock special
train which ran for seventeen days,
made twenty-nine stops and came In
contact with 22,000 people; that bank
ers had assisted in six district con
ferences that led to the formation ot
a state agricultural program, and that
twenty-eight counties reported definite
work under the leadership ot the
county key bankers such as assisting
in the purchase of purebred livestock
and loans to club members.
Idaho Coirege"rAgrIcuUure was
the scene ot a special meeting at
tended by thirty-five bankers and col
lege representatives. The conference
Toted to Join the key banker ranks.
In Oregon the first banker-farmer
short course was held in January with
a good attendance and marked en
thuslasm. A meeting of the state
bankers Agricultural Committee beld
in conjunction with the course Toted
approval ot the banker-farmer con
test sponsored by Agricultural Com
mission, American Bankers Associa
tion, and appointed a committee' to
confer with college authorities on
methods to prevent spread of con
tagion in dairy cattle. .
California held twenty-two success
ful county tours during the year and
as a result it is planned to extend the
tours to every county in the state
and also to arrange a state-wide tour.
The county key bankers played a big
part in pushing this work. At an Ari
zona College of Agriculture meeting
ot bankers county key bankers were
appointed and plans made for com
munity conferences of bankers, farm
era and others where ;local agricul
tural needs will be discussed.
In New Mexico bankers and county
agents met at Clovls as a step in the
plan to acquaint bankers In different
sections of the state with agricultural
conditions and to bring about greater
'co-operation between them and the
county agents. At the Colorado Col
lege of Agriculture plans were formu
lated to select county key bankers, to
follow up work with key bankers and
'county agents and for chairman of
the state bankers' committee to at
tend and address group meetings.
' In Nebraska four "farm outlook1!
tneetings were held, largely attended
by bankers. Sixty-nine county key
cankers were appointed during the
rear and follow-up work between them
land county agents is to be pushed,
j For Iowa effective co-operation Is
! reported between bankers and the
Extension Service ot the state col
lege in their farm bureau programs.
I Every third farmer in the state is a
member ot the bureau. The key bank
fit system is to be continued and spe
cial emphasis is to be placed
jjrork between county agents and key
Director D. H. Otis of the Agricul
tural Commission American Bankers
.Association attended many of the
Air Expert at U. of O.
gene. Further recogaition of the im
portance of aviation is soen in. the
recommendation for
appointment as as
sistant professor in
mathematics at tlio
University of Ore
gon of Harvey C.
Hicks for a year
has been studying
in this field as a
fellow at the Cali
fornia Institute of
Technology under
the Daniel Guggen
heim Foundation.
He had a prominent Harvey O. Hicki
part in planning the laboratory of aero
nautics at the California institute.
4f d I
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Solista
N. Pickett, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been . appointed
executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Solista N. Pickett, deceased,
by an order of the above entitled
All persons having claims against
the estate of said decedent are here
by notified to present the same to me
at Athena, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice. All claims must be
verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 27th
day of July. 1928.
Viva Pickett-Prestbye, Executrix
of the Last Will and Testament of
Solista N. Pickett, Deceased.
and Vegetables
Are now at
Quality Peak
FRESH n ... u , ,
and On the Market
and We have the
'very best
orkingmen's Clothing
We make special effort to satisfy the wants and needs of the workingmen and
have a complete line of clothing for harvest wear. Our prices are right.
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
" " 1
n n
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Comer Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles I
Motor Oils , Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Trnck Tires
"Pink's" Place Third Street
"Service with a smile"
Something New
Gedunk Sundaes, Golden Glow Sherbet. All kinds
of Cold Drinks for hot days.
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs. Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mar
tha J. Shick, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final ac
count and report in the above en
titled matter and that the above en
titled Court has fixed Saturday, the
1st day of September, 1928, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said
day, as the time, and the County
Court room in the County Court
house at Pendleton, Umatilla county,
Oregon, as the place, for the hear
ing of said final account and report.
Objections to said final account and
report, if any there be, should be filed
on or before said date.
Dated at Athena. Oregon, this 3rd
day of August, 1928.
Executor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Martha J. Shick, Deceased.
Watts & Prcstbye. Athena, Ore
gon, AtttirneVs" fdr EtfCCutor. A3A31
Bell Venable
Phones 125 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote. is.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena