Press Paragraphs Mrs. Will DeFreece of Willows, California, has been visiting relatives in Athena. Wauna Campfire Girls will be free from campfire activities during the hot weather. Mayor Stephens went fishing on the Umatilla river Sunday. He .re ports poor luck. Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris were huckleberrying Sunday. Their pick was very successful. Mrs. Arnold Wood and Mrs. Eidth Lumsden have gone to Langdon Lake for a few days outing. Mrs. Naomi Dickenson is coming from Portland to visit with relatives here and at Freewater. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hall motored to Stage Gulch Sunday and visited at the Ernest French home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were guests Thursday evening at the Ray Gordon home in Weston. Mrs. Bowman and children of Walla Walla have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFreece. Clyde Willaby of Condon, Oregon, called on his mother, Mrs. Minnie Coo! Refreshing Satisfying The finest sodas in Town Really good sodas how de licious they can be. Tast them at our fountain. Sodas made with rich, smooth flavors and pure fruit surups, luscious ice creams, delect able sundaesall your favorite hot weather "treats" prepared with a real desiie to please you and served in surroundings at tractive and clean. Let our fountain be your summer soda headquarters. McFadden's Pharmacy Willaby for a short time Tuesday evening. Miss Mildred Bateman came over from Milton and visited friends in Athena, this week. Mrs. Henry Dell and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn motored to Cold Springs Tuesday and picked hucklaberries. A number of Athena people motor ed to Milton Sunday to see the dam age done by Sunday morning's fire. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Bowman and two children of Walla Walla, are visiting at the Will Kirk home this week. Mrs. Velma Cox arrived in Athena, Saturday, from Endicott, Washing ton. She will stay at the M. I. Miller home. The sun was just right Sunday to cause a good many swimmers and bathers much discomfort from tun burn. Harry B. Rees, republican nominee for county recorder, was in Athena Saturday, and called at the Athena Press office. Mrs. C. A. Barrett arrived in Athena Monday after spending the winter in Portland with her daughter, Areta Barrett. Charles Wilson was over from He lix Sunday, to spend the day with his parents. Charles is the manager of an elevator at Helix. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Radtke and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd spent Sunday and Monday at Camp McDougal, in the Blue Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross and daughter, Mrs. Claude Dickenson were among the huchleberry pickers in the mountains Sunday. Till Beckner was overcome by heat one day this week, while working in the harvest field. He has recovered and no ill effects are noted. Ethel Pittman has discontinued her services at the Kilgore Cafe and is now working at home. Thelma Schrimpf has taken her place. James Hodgson, who has been farming east of Weston, has moved to Kennewick, Wash., where he has acquired a fruit and produce farm. Jack Harman has sold his black smith shop to C. M. Jones, of Pend leton. Mr. Jones took over the establishment Monday. Herb Parker, Amos O'Dell and Lorain Shick were fishing on the Umatilla river, Sunday. They report their luck not so good. Mrs. Mclntyre, Lois Mclntyre, Mrs. Estes, Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and Mrs. Homer Watts were huckleberrying in the mountains Saturday. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Solista N. Pickett, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the last will and testa ment of Solista N. Pickett, deceased, by an order of the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are here by notified to present the same to me at Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims must be verified as by law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 27th day of July. 1928. Viva Pickett-Prestbye, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Solista N. Pickett, Deceased. J27A24 Low Summer Fares are Good on Hort It Coast Limited YOU will enjoy your trip East through the historic and scenic Northern Pacific country on this luxuri ously appointed train, now on a new, fast schedule to Chicago. Low round trip summer excursion tickets permit liberal stopovers. Return limit October 3 1st. May we help you with your plans? F. B. WooJ, Asent, Athnna, Oregon. northern Paeifiie Ey "First of the Northern Transccntinentals" 3iz Mr. and Mrs. H. Goodwin, Mrs. Jennie Bulfinch and Mrs. Lillian Fredericks were in Athena Sunday from Weston, visiting Mrs. M. M. Johns. J. W. Wineman of Portland, was in Athena Wednesday and called on two old-time friends, George Lieuallen and Charles Kirk. Anna Johnson, and Indian wt man, was in town Monday with about 15 gallons of huckleberries. She Bold them at various places in the city. Mrs. O. E. Venable and children and Mrs. Earl Martin and children are huckleberrying in the mountains this week. They will return Sunday. Dr. Sharp spent a couple of days in a hospital at Walla Walla, last week, where he took medical treat ment. The Doctor is at his office as usual. Mr. and Mrs. M. Coons, of Trout dale and Mr. Miles Shurte of Arling ton, who have been week-end guests at the W. 0. Read home returned to Arlington, Monday. Mrs. H. A. Barrett and children and Mrs. Frank Ames were huckle berry pickers Saturday. High Ridge was their destination. They report good luck in finding berries. . Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keen went huckleberrying Sunday. They report good luck. They were located at High Ridge. Bert Ransay, Northern Pacific sec tion foreman, says he encountered hot winds north of Athena, during the hot days of this week. Bert says the winds "were hotter than Pasco." Mrs. Janey Riley of California has been visiting relatives in Athena for sometime. Mrs. Riley is a sister of John Tompkins and Mrs. Arthur Cop- pock, and mother of Mrs. Frank Wil liams. Mrs. C. L. McFadden and children are spending the week at McDougal's camp in the Blue Mountains. Mrs. Fisk and Mrs. Smith of Weston, sisters of Mrs. McFadden, are camp ing with her. Jack Vincent, who formerly was en gaged in the jewelry business in Athena, was here Saturday, and call ed at the Press office. Jack is now a traveling salesman for a Seattle jewelry firm. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockburn have gone to Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Cock burn will return shortly, but Mr. and Mrs. DeFreece will remain at Sea side for the summer. Lew McNair, who returned Satur day from Malheur county, reports that the towns of that section of the state are quite lively, due to the as surance of the completion of the Owyhee -irrigation project. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hegg and son, Miss Francis Hegg, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stendal and three sons of Sedro Wooley, Washington, were visitors at the A. W. Douglas farm home Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. W. L. Rayborn, a well known matron of the Weston Mountain neighborhood, who has been ill for some time, was recently taken to Portland for treatment, and is re ported to be in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Eager and family were in Walla Walla Sunday visiting Mrs. C. A. Gilbert from Portland, who is in the hospital. Mrs. Gilbert recently came here to visit and was suddenly taken ill and was operated on. Henry Frazier, well known Milton pioneer, was in Athena Wednesday for a short while. Mr. Frazier re cently made his annual fishing trip to the Deschutes, and had fairly good luck fishing in East Lake for brook trout. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Douglas and family have enjoyed a visit the past ten days with Mrs. Roy D. Ward ot Portland, sister of Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Ted Ludtke also of Portland, a niece of Mr. Douglas. They return ed to their homes Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore and family motored to Pomeroy . Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Craig, Mrs. Moore's parents, and Mrs. Flor ence Moore, mother of Mr. Moore. A picnic was arranged and the families went to the mountains to spend the day. Mrs. Chas. Warner returned to her home in Arlington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Warner and daughter will soon leave for Hollywood, California, where they will meet Mr. Warners son, James Warner. James was the radio operator of the the Southern Cross. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. M. Coons, Mr. Miles Shurte, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Vel ton Read and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc Pherson motored to the Colman Winn cabin Sunday and picked huckleber ries. They report berries to be very plentiful, and they were rewarded with about 16 gallons. Mrs. Velma Cox and son of Endi cott, Washington, Miss Hazel Land, Cheney, Washington, Miss Effie Land, Tacoma, Washington, sisters of Mrs. M. I. Miller spent several days at the Miller home this week. Mis Effie Land is a nurse in Tacoma and re turned to her duties after four days spent with her sister. Miss Hazel Land expects to return to Cheney Sunday, Mrs. Miller and sons ac companying her. Lee Hiteman recently returned from a trip to California, and was accompanied home by Mrs. Hiteman, her son and two daughters. Mrs. Hiteman is a teacher of many years experience, and will teach the third and fourth grades in the Athena school this year. Her son was gradu ated from high school last year. One daughter will enter Athena high school this year, and the other daugh ter, the grades. JUST ARRIVED Another Shipment of Mouse Dresses In all sizes. Get yours while the Assortment is Complete Phone Your Order To 152 Athena Department Store CLASSIFIED For Sale An International Com bine Harvester. Cut only 560 acres since purchased last year. Has been overhauled and is in perfect running condition. Inquire of Henry Koepke, Athena, Phone 32F12. For Sale Beautiful piano near Hanford must sell immediately. $10 per month. A rare bargain. Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Oregon, for particulars. Logan Berries Logan Berries $1 per crate and pick the berries; luscious, juicy berries. F. Heath, Read & Hawley Mountain. Notice Those desiring to puschase Hybrid No. 128 seed wheat from me, should order" the first of next week, as I will sa(k only that which is spoken for at that time. . H. A. BARRETT. McHea Weeder All Steel Self Dump-Light Draft Made in 12 ft. Size No Skips No Bunches No Stop to Dump In a demonstration on the Barrett place the light draft of this Weeder was shown when it did perfect work hitched to a 4-cylinder Dodge car. SI "IF" THE STANDARD THEATRE Saturday John Gilbert and Renee Adoree, Stars of "The Big Parade" In HIE (COSSACKS A GIGANTIC AND SPECTACULAR ROMANCE TO WHICH THE FAMOUS RUSSIAN RIDERS CONTRIBUTE MUCH DRAMA AND IN NUMBERABLE THRILLS. One of the year's best pictures. Never has John Gilbert crowded so many thrills into one picture as in this galloping romance. The thunder of gal loping hoofs runs through this great picture as the irresistible Cossacks sweep on to a stirring climax. John Gilbert in Tolstoi's famous drama, made into a stupendous spectacle that leaves you breathless. The great stars of "The Big Parade" together again, in a fascinating picture. Comedy and News Reel Admission 10-25-35c 13 Sunday Rin-Tin-Tin In A Dog of the Regiment With Tom Gallery and Dorothy Gulliver Flying Film of the World War! Dog Hero Hops to Glory! Exciting story of the World War in Rinty's Homeland France! Rinty as German Red Cross aid saves his pal an American ace from a burning plane! The ! . . .A 1 ! A-i. ill ureaiesi aog in ms greatest mm. Grantland Rice Sports Reel Admission 10-25-35c hi