The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 06, 1928, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Ratea.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1-00
One eoov. three months 73
Athena, Oregon, July 6, 1928
Speaking of English as she is
BDoken. Sid Harris says in the Ot
tawa (Kan.) Herald: "We recently
spent several hours in the company
of some Kansas University students
and beg to state that we are now
well alone with the latest in slang
"Like nobody's business" denotes pro
ficiency among other things; is a
favorite and can be used most, any
time and in nearly every manner.
"She dances like nobody's business,"
etc. "Go to town" is another new
phrase adaptable in every day col
legiate talk. "I'll go to town on you,"
can be translated as nearly as we
could tell, "I'll get the best of you."
Having a "hooper dooper" or a foij
horn" means taking a drink of any
thing from soda water on up or
down. "Let's fold" means "let us go
home." "I gave a buggy ride" means
"I told her a string of lies." Would
n't these make Webster tear his
Among the movements towards
conservation of waste materials, thi
making of by-products into useful
marketable commodities is exem
plified by the recent drying process
of buttermilk in this stage, according
to the Oregon Manufacturers As
sociation. Dried buttermilk has all
the food elements of fresh liquid but
termilk with further advantages of
economy in freight. It proves to be
a valuable constituent when incor
porated in a feed mix for cattle, hogs
and poultry. Dried , buttermilk is
produced and marketed at a splendid
profit, whereas in the past a vast
amount of buttermilk went into the
sewers except a small percentage
which brought but two cents per gal
lon, or less. It is such ingenious ef
forts as this that make for prosperity.
lines, saying at the outset that the
republican party, after eight years
of control of the government, pre
sented the "remarkable spectacle" of
feeling compelled to apologize to the
country for its failure to enforce the
dry laws. Then it adds: Speaking
for the national democracy, this con
vention pledges the party and its
nominee to an honest effort to en
force the eighteenth amendment and
all other provisions of the federal
constitution and all laws enacted pur
suant thereto." The republican pro
hibition plank declares for the rigid
enforcement of the 18th amendment,
while other planks call for public
economy, publicity of campaign con
tributions and expenditures, con
tinued tax reduction, maintenance of
the Coolidge policies in Latin
America and China and continued
efforts for the outlawry of war, up
ward revision of the tariff, particu
larly on farm products, reduction of
the public debt, continuation of the
effort to maintain ' present standards
of wages and living conditions, main
tenance of a merchant marine, con- j
tinued development of highway and
waterway systems, maintenance of
the navy at 5-5-3 treaty ratio
strength, enactment of an anti-lynch-ing
law and full and adequate re
lief for disabled veterans.
know how to fail. It is the heroism
of daily life, the doing of things well,
the accomplishing of the duties that
lie next, that make for the highest
type of those engaged in civic and na
tional duty.
Rev. G. II. McDonald, Baptist, of
Flint, Michigan, estimates there are
37,000,000 persons in the United
States who are not reached by the
religious educational program of any
church, and he advocates week-day
religious programs to be carried on
in cooperation with the public
The automobile is not safe in which
to stage family fights. This fact is
illustrated by a Portland incident,
where a wife having an altercation
with her husband, who was driving
the car twenty miles an hour, jumped
to the highway and was picked up un
conscious with a fractured skull.
Dr. Pierson of New York, president
of the American Audubon societies,
in pleading for international bird
protection t Geneva, stated that one
American sportsman (?) had killed
60,000 ducks. Well, "ducks is ducks"
and it is possible that the game hog
shot the 50,000.
o .
Apparently it will take more than
the dry plank used in constructing
the democratic platform, to mollify
the Southern drys. We understand
it is easy enough to get along with
a Southern wet; but a Southern dry
is the dawggondest dry you ever met.
It costs lotsa money to publish
newspapers. Cornelius Vanderbilt,
Jr., has relinquished another million
of his inheritance in his effort toward
repaying stockholders in his bank
rupt publishing enterprises.
Thea Rasche, German aviatrix, has
definitely abandoned her attempt to
Kly the Atlantic in a monoplane.
Sensible Thea.
It's Hoover & Curtis vs. Smith &
It was a sane Fourth of July in
The platform framed by the reso
lutions committee of the democratic
national convention was adopted by
the convention by viva voce vote in
cluding the much discussed prohibi
tion plank, over which a floor fight
threatened almost to the last.
Throughout the four thousand word
pronouncement the shortest nation
al political platform in recent years
the republican party is assailed, with
especial attention given to its treat
ment of agriculture, its foreign
policy with especial reference to deal
ings with Latin America, its taxation
and tariff systems and its failure to
enforce prohibition. No mention is
made in the platform of either the
league of nations or the world court,
but there is a strong declaration
against entangling political alliances
with foreign nations. Endorsement
of the league led to a bitter fight
four years ago in the Madison Square
Garden. The law enforcement plank
of the democrats consists of only ten
(Portland Telegram)
When we speak of those who dar
ed death for duty's sake, who sacri
ficed life in the service, our first
thought is of our country's flag and
of the roar of battle on land and sea.
The heroism of the common service
around us is so familiar that wc
scarcely think of it as heroism..
We travel with all the speed steam
can give us along our iron roads; we
ide in airships, trusting only to the
skill and faithfulness of men whom
we have never seen before; we be
lieve that they will hold their posts
and give their lives, if need be, for
our safety.
We watch our firemen in their maJ
rush to the sound of the alarm and
we never question whether a thought
of personal safety will hold them
back from any effort to save life and
Even the slender young teacher,
who shows us the working of the
fire drill in the great school build
ings, expects and is expected to
stand quietly in her place should
danger arise until all under her
charge are saved.
Faithfulness before safety, duty be
fore life, is the teaching daily reiter
ated everywhere, and it is because
of this because common heroism is
so common that our country can al
ways in its hour of need turn to a
volunteer soldiery that does not
(Walla Walla Union)
Some of the causes of automobile
accidents are shown in a statement
just issued at Olympia from the in
surance department. While the re
ports are on automobiles upon which
insurance was carried, yet they are
quite representative.
Three drivers went to sleep; "skid
ding caused 2,4G3 accidents; -1955 ;
parked cars were damaged; 1739
were hit in backing; 1268 were struck
at intersections; 1268 were damaged!
when drivers were hogging the right
of way that' belonged to somebody
else; 662 were damaged in. cutting,
in and 46 met injury because tail
lights were out or obscured. There
was a total of 935 unavoidable ac-a
cidents. '
The report shows most accidents
from skidding. Skidding comes often
from failure to coordinate speed and
road conditions, loose gravel being
especially dangerous. Icy streets,
rain on oily streets and many other
things result in skidding.
The figures are worthy studying
for they reveal a great deal.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of H.
McArthur, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given- that' the
undersigned has filed her final ac
count and report in the above en
titled matter and that the above en
titled Court has fixed Saturday, the
7th day of July, 1928, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, as
the time, and the County Court room
in the County Court .house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place, for hearing of said Jinal ac
count and report. Objections to said
final account and report should be
filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this Stn
day of June, 1928.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of H. McArthur, Deceased.
Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Executrix. J8J6
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
Foley's Kidney Cure
mskeft kidneys bhc'.W rich?
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Dolvig, Box 454 Walla Walla, Washington
Farmers Grain Elevator
Company .
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Bingham Springs
Umatilla County's Favorite Resort
Splendid Dining Room Service, Cabins and Camp
ing Privileges.
Good Hotel Accomodations
Swimming, Fishing, Hiking, Dancing,
Hunting in Season
Groceries and Provisions, Milk and Butter are on sale at the store
on the grounds, for convenience of. cabin guests and campers.
J. II. LUCK, Manager
Write: Bingham Springs, Gibbon, Oregon
- : , ;
jPsW; 'riTTV' . ; . J" P O W E It F U lTI
1111,1' A few minutes and this 60-bushcfgrBln bodr , H
converted into the roomjr stock rack ehown X''"- v I III
U I below. Tbie feature of the combination body U M& ll'i III 9
III ! much appreciated by practical farmer! who aim f " v , '. TxSl rl III B
III tomakethelrtruckinveetmentpaybigdividendt. . y ' iFHi III I 1
The new SU-Speed Special gives you speed, f. "-7lS!S., 1 II
ill I P0W''',PPeara0Ce' efV'Ceal''l','' ' I II I
.11- 'km! 1)
We Blow Have the Rfew
on Display Come and See St!
COME in and see this new, different
International truck. See the new, trim
lines, the powerful 4-cylinder engine, the
roomy enclosed cab, the convertible body,
the long flexible springs, and the heavy-duty
International constructioa
... j-.'.'.
Sit at the wheel and drive it yourself feel
New Combination Body!
'The new combination body of the Sis
Speed Special is sure to please you. Think
of it in a few minutes you can change the
body from a tight, sound, 60-bushel grain
body to a serviceable, money-saving stock
rack. Commercial bodies also available.
the riding smoothness that distinguishes this
new Six-Speed International. Steer it and
learn what easy truck steering really is. Throw
it into "high-high" and the swift, smooth,
steady 35-mile speed will surprise you. And
when you get into tough going, mud, hills,
holes, or bumps, shift into low range and
know what it means to have six speeds ten
times as much pulling power at your com-'
mand when needed I ..
This new truck for hauling in town and
around the farm is here on display ready
for demonstration. Come in and see the new
Six-Speed Special and find out what this
fast, powerful truck looks like and what it
will do for you. Nothing like it has ever been
offered before!
Rogers C& Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
Concrete Work
Done Right
At Reasonable Prices
Special attention given,
to Cemetery Work
J, E. Crawley
Phone 363 Athena, Oregon
"He that tooteth not his own born,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
. r -
Farm Loans
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
SPECIAL-Men's suits cleaned and
pressed $1.50 Starting March 15
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
if H
tar HI
f II a m
we Handle Genuine m
Try Our fA
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
Preston-Shaflfer Milling Co.
Is made in Athena, b ' Athena labor, iq one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
theia.. Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash
Capitol Surplus
$50,000.00 $60,000.00