The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 22, 1928, Image 1

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Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Clasa Mail Matter
Amelia Earhart Tells Her
Experiences During the
Long Hop.
Miss Amelia Earhart, the first wo
man la-cross the-Atlantic in an air
plane said to an Associated Press
"I was too excited to do .much more
than think of the crossing.
" All through the night we were fac
ing bad weather. There was fog and
I did not see the sea for more than
an hour at a time until we reached a
point south of Ireland. We climbed
to be above the fog and a good nsrt
of the way we were flying at 1,100
"I did not eat much, only two
oranges and a few tablets of malted
milk. For other provisions we had
aboard hot coffee, sandwiches and
Stultz stuck at the controls for
practically the whole journey. - He
steered the course entirely by mag
netic compass because a few hours
after leaving our wireless apparatus
went wrong in part. We could re
ceive, but could not send on it. We
received messages fairly frequently
about weather conditions. They were
helpful, but they did not mention fog.
and we had fog all the way across.
"In the night, too, we ran into
heavy squalls of rain. Some of the
moisture reached the engines and
made them miss a bit but they gave
us no real trouble. The wind was
strong, but it was following and help
ing us.
"i shall never forget the coming
of morning and the daylight after
the long hours of night flying with
out knowing for a moment how far
we were.
"I did not bother Stultz with many
questions. I was content and was
never frightened for a single .minute
with such a pilot and such a machine.
"I would do the flight again to
morrow with the greatest confidence.
"The only ship we saw all the way
across was the America. We came
down over her and dropped notes
asking them to give us a bearing so
Stultz could figure our position.
When we were above the ship and
the notes were being dropped, I was
lying on my tummy trying to get
a picture of that great liner and I
think I got a good one.
,'We went on after that, flying
blind, although we knew, we were
pretty well across. When we saw
land, we were not sure what coast
it was but the weather ahead look
ed bad, with dark clouds and rain
coming up, so Stultz decided to come
down and we landed near shore and
taxied in.
"I did not know if we were in
England, Wales, or Ireland. But I
did know that I was the first woman
to fly the Atlantic and my heart was
in my mouth with excitement.
"I wish now that I had cheered
when the first boat came alongside.
It was a most ordinary greeting that
they gave us. One man in the boat
said: 'Ship ahoy.' He asked what
we needed. Stultz leaned out of the
window and told him we had flown
across the Atlantic and after that
people began to gather around us.
"I stayed in the plane until af
ternoon, but although I had been
more than 24 hours without sleep I
did not lie down. I was too excited.
Every girl in the world will know
something of what I felt,"
Mrs. Gillis Here
Mrs. J. C. Gillis of Los Angeles,
mother of Mrs. Frank Williams and
James Woodruff, who is employed at
the Huffman Garage, arrived in Ath
ena Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gillis is
staying at the home of her daughter.
She plans to stay and visit with her
friends and relatives here for a few
months. -
Back to Sacramento
Mr. and Mrs. Phil DePhillip left
Sunday for their home in Sacramento
after ten days spent with Mrs. Minnie
DePeatt. Mrs. DePeatt accompanied
them to Portland. From there she will
go to Everett, Washington, where sha
will visit her daughter and family
Mrs. Ortis Harris.
Ribs Fractured
Lavelle Gagnon seven year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Gagnon met with a painful accident a
week ago Sunday, when a coaster
wagon in which she was sitting ran
off the porch backwards, breaking
two ribs for the occupant.
Campfire Lunch
Your patronage is solicited for
lunch, Saturday 12th given by the
Wauna Campfire girls at the Masonic
dining room on Main St. Lets go,
help the good cause. Tickets on sale
at the door.
Arnold Wood Is Up
For Election, Oppos
ed By G. R. Gerking
Arnold Wood chairman, and out
going member of the board of di-
rectors of Union High School Dis
trict No. 7, is up for re-election, and
George R. Gerking is a candidate for
the office, a petition nominating him
having been filed with the district
clerk, as -was the nominating petition
for Mr. Wood.
With two names on the ballot,
there promises to be an interesting
contest at the polls next Monday
afternuon.-vhen'1 the voting booths
open at the school house at two
The polls will be open from 2
o'clock p. m., till 7 o'clock p. m. ,
Any person, male or female, who
is 21 years, of age, and is a legal
voter, is qualified to vote in this
election. The voting will Be done by
ballot under supervision of duly
authorized chairman and clerks.
Athena Defeated In the
Picnic Exhibition Game
Against a Weston strengthened
baseball aggregation, Athena lost
Saturday's picnic exhibition game 9
to 4. At, that the game was well
worth seeing in spots. Both teams
pulled .off clever double, and at times
put up gilt edged fielding.
Athena batters found the redoubt
able Joe Bettles, Indian twirler, for a
total of ten hits, and made two
scores in each of the fourth and
sixth frames. In the fourth, hits by
Kretzer, Hodgen and Harden were
responsible for the runs, and the runs
in the sixth resulted from smashes
by Hodgen, Harris and Lieuallen.
Weston scored one tally in the first
inning, and won the game in the sec
ond. Bannister fanned Johnson and
Minthorn. Bettles hit for two bases,
and scored on Graham's single.
3nir)or vm safe an L. Ban
nister's error. Kirkpatrick singled
Graham scored, Snider on second.
Jackson singled, Snider in and Kirk
patrick going to third, when Harden
winced the ball to home plate. Elk
merged a single for two bases, when
Lieuallen, running in from left mull
ed Kirkpatrick ' and Jackson coming
over with tallies. R. Bannister, pinch-
hitting, went out L. Bannister to
Kretzer. Six runs, five hits, two
errors. Waston made one run in the
fifth and one in the sixth. The score:
Wpstnn 16001010 9
Athena 00202000 04
Batteries: Bettles and Motanic;
Bannister and McPherrin.
Wauna Campfire Girls
Hostesses to Mothers
Wauna Campfire ' girls were host
esses to their mothers, Miss Florence
Craven and others Tuesday afternoon
on the C. M. Eager lawn. Guests
were as follows, Mrs. Ethel Mon
tague, Mrs. Leon Miller, Mrs. C. M.
Eager, Mrs.' Retta Potts, Mrs. Roy
Cannon, Mrs. B. J. Spencer, Mrs. R.
N. Brown Roberta Cannon, Mrs. Wm.
Campbell, Mrs. Sheldon Taylor and
Miss Florance Craven. Miss Craven
talked to the girls abuot their camp
trip which will be at Kiwanis Camp
one mile above KoosKoosKie on
Mill Creek, from July 1st to July
7th. A goodly number of the local
camp will make the trip. There were
twenty three to enjoy the afternoon
and Miss Cravens remarks created
much enthusiasm. Light refresh
ments were served after business
Father Passes Away
Mrs. B. D. Taylor and Mrs. Mollie
Thomas were called to Silverton Mon
day of last week on account of the
serious illness of their father, Mr. A.
E. Smith. They arrived an hour be
fore he passed away. Mr. Smith was
83 years old and was the oldest mem
ber of the Masonic order in Silverton.
Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Thomas re
turned Friday. They report that their
mother and- sister contemplate moving
to Athena to live, as soon as possible.
McEwen Boys Home
Edwin and Ralph McEwen have re
turned from Portland, where they
were students at Washington high
school, and will remain here for the
summer. Mrs. McEwen will return
to Athena in about a month. She
accompanied her father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff of Newberg,
on a motor trip to California.
Poor Prospects
Crop prospects on mountain
ranches are poorer at the present
time than for several years past, is
the report that comes from that dis
trict Spring sown grain and potato
ground is in serious need of moisture,
and unless there is rainfall soon, the
crops on mountain ranches will be a
Championship Game
It has not been definitely decided to
play a championship game between
Athena and the winners of the Walla
Walla Valley League.
Noted Educators Coming to the University of Oregon
i- , " Mi "'"'";" .U f ..Hi .. i i.i I H J II .IN"". . i .11 .."!
UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Engene. Left to right James I. Brown
recommended for assistant professor of business administration at the Unlver
sity of Oregon; E. L. Moser, for associate professor to specialize in finance, ad
John M. Rae, for assistant professor to specialize in marketing, all in the school
of business administration. All aro from Harvard.
Gail Anderson And
Genevieve Baker Wed
At Walla Walla, Wash
Gail Anderson of Athena and Miss
Genevieve Baker of Walla Walla.
were united in marriage in that city,
bunday mornme at the Darsonace of
the Congregational church. The
bride and groom have a host of
friends in Athena who extend con
gratulations. Both are Athena high
school graduates, class '26. The fol
lowing acount of the marriage is
taken from the Walla Walla Union:
Miss Genevieve Baker, daughter of
Mrs. Effie M. Baker, 605 east Rose,
became the bride of Mr. Gail V.
Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Anderson of Athena, Oregon, Sunday
morning at 8:30 o'clock, at the Con
gregational church parsonage. The
Reverend Theodore K. Volger read the
ring Ceremony in the presence of im
mediate friends and relatives.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served at the home of
the bride's mother. ' Covers were laid
for twelve guests at the table which
was attractive with a centerpiece of
pink rosebuds and sweetpeas, about
which were arranged pink tapers.
Both bride and groom are well
known in Walla Walla. Mr. Ander
son is employed at Beck and Winans
Grocery, andMrs. Anderson is a form
er employee of the Spokesman Re
view Agency in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Read Re-Elected
At the school meeting of District
No. 29, held at the school house in
Athena Monday afternoon at two
o'clock, Mrs. Lenna Read was re
elected as a member of-the board of
directors. During her term of office
Mrs. Read has performed valuable
and capable services and in reward
for her persistant effort to improve
Athena grade schools, she was the
unanimous choice of the meeting.
Two nominations were made for dis
trict clerk. Henry Barrett proposed
the name of E. C. Prestbye, and O.
O. Stephens that of Clarence Zerba.
The ballot gave the nomination to
Mr. Zerba, he receiving 20 votes, and
Mr. Prestbye 3 votes.
Bridge Club
The 3 o' 4 Bridge club met at the
home of Mrs. Dean Dudley on Thurs
day afternoon of last week. The
house was charmingly decorated with
a profusion of spring flowers. The
favors and cards carried out the
gay spring time colors also. , Four
tables were in play. Mrs. Glenn Dud
ley won high score, Mrs. James Lieu
allen consolation and Miss Hilda
Dickenson the guest prize. Mi's.
Sheldon Taylor assisted the hostess
in serving at the tea hour. Guests
included Mrs. Victor McDonald of
Long Beach, California, Mrs. A. W.
Logsdon, Mrs. James Cresswell, Mrs.
Penn Harris, Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn,
Mrs. Henry Dell, and Miss Hilda
Picture Program
Tomorrow night John Gilbert and
Jeanne Eagles will appear at the
Standard Theatre in Monta Bell's new
Metro production, "Man, Woman and
Sin." The play is an absorbing story
of the newspaper world. Sunday
night the Duncan sisters will be seen
in "Topsy and Eva."
Surprise Shower
A surprise shower was sponsored
by the Etude club in honor of Mrs.
Paul Lieuallen, Thursday afternoon
when gifts, ices and cakes were taken
to Mrs. Lieuallen's home in Adams.
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton, mother of the
honoree and Miss Hilda Dickenson
were invited guests.
Izaak Walton League
Representative Recent
Visitor In Athena
Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins spent
Thursday of last week in Walla Wri-
J. A. Cushman, national field repre
sentative of the Izaak Walton
League of America, was a recent
visitor in Athena. He was here for
the purpose of securing local inter
est in a general survey of existing
outdoor conditions, and is said to
have received encouragement.
The Izaak Walton League, which
has recently directed its attention
here and is endeavoring now to as
certain just what is necessary in
order to carry out in this community
a part of its nation-wide conserva
tion program, has received the en
dorsement of many leading Ameri
cans, according to information made
President Coolidge, on the occasion
of the beginning of an expansion pro
gram by the League, said.
"The Izaak Walton League, appeal
ing to every lover of the out-of-doors,
has proved itself an effective
educational force for intelligent con
servation in this country. I take
pleasure in endorsing the efforts of
your organization to stimulate a wid
er appreciation of, and participation
in, the unexampled opportunities for
out-door recreation afforded by our
country." i
Writing in Outdoor America, of
ficial organ of the Walton League,
Zane .Grey made a powerful argu
ment for the need of the League. In
this article he asked: "Do you want
to preserve something of America
for your son? Do you want him to
inherit something of the love of out
doors that made our pioneers such
great men? Do you want him to be
manly, strong, truthful, and brave?
Do you want him to be healthy? Do
you want him, when he grows to
manhood, to scorn his father and his
nation for permitting the wanton
destruction of our forests and the
depletion of our waters?"
The League is backed by virtually
all leading economists and conserva
tionists, as well as by the great mass
of American outdoor lovers, accord
ing to those interested in the movement.
The Weston Picnic
Despite cool weather, the reunion of
Umatilla County Pioneers held at
Weston last Friday and Saturday was
successful in point of attendance and
entertainment offered those in attend
ance. The dances and carnival con
cession proceeds were sufficient to
finance the picnic. T. L. McBride was
re-elected president of ' the associa
tion. Roy Rltner was elected vice
president; S. A. Barnes, secretary; P.
T. Harbour, treasurer.
Adams is Winner
Adams won from Milton-Free-water
on the Athena grounds Sun
day in playing off the tie for second
place in the Big Six league, score
13 to 3. Adams led from the start
and played one of the best gomes
seen on the local lot this season.
Milton-Freewater used three pitch
ers, but all looked alike to the Adams
batters, and the winners excelled in
fielding, as well.
Sunday School Picnic
The Baptist Sunday School par
ticipated in a picnic at Walla Walla
Park, Wednesday. A fine picnic din
ner was enjoyed by the large lumber
present. Several automobiles' were
required to transport the picnicers,
and the young folks made a merry
day of it.
Mountain Strawberries
John Pierce and sons are harvest
ing their strawberry crop on their
Wildhorse Mountain ranch. They ex
pect to market 100 crates of high
grade berries for canning purposes.
Educational Chats
By -
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall
President, University of Oregon
TT .::' .awww
We are all constantly preparing.
Everything we do, every thought we
think, every victory we win and every
battle we lose tends to
prepare us for the
struggles that an
ihead. If we culti
vate habits of ignor
nice, slovenliness and
indifference, we ar
preparing for failur
ind defeat.
If one is to prepim
mccessfully to taki
his place in this world
ho must first devcloi
habits of industry, oer
Dr. A. B. Hall severance and mastery
The men of industry, the farmer, tin
store keeper, or the doctor succeed to
just the extent that they bring t
bear upon the performance of thoii
duties these splendid habits which re
sult in mastery and achievement.
Then too, if we are to prepare foi
material success we must learn to think,
to plan, to use our heads. We must
study the problems of life, the prablemi
of our business and our profession and
bring to bear upon the solution of thesj
problems not only industry but a keen
intellect and an open mind.
We must work into this foundation
of material success, good health and
physical fitness. No man is equipped
to grapple with the problems of life,
and particularly with the strenuous
problems of this strenuous ago, unless
he has learned to keep himself physic
ally fit, to conserve his energy and to
come to his task in the prime of phy
sical and intellectual vigor.
To succeed today a man must also
have personality. He must learn to win
the confidence and friendship of men,
be must learn to make friends, he must
loarn that one of the elements of ma
terial success is to be a leader of his
fellow men.
1'here has never been a poriod in
our history -hen there has been such
a dramatic call for service to the best
ideals and purposes of our democracy.
To prepare ourselves for this service
we must mobilize our spiritual re
sources for our country. We must de
velop a passionato lovo for liberty, for
righteousness and for justice until we
find our deepest pleasure and our
greatest exhaltation in sacrificing for
thcBO noble aims.
This means we must cultivate our
instincts of human sympathy. We must
learn fo recognize that we are .our
brothers' keeper. We must come to the
vital, vivid realization that in a democ
racy the burden of securing justice and
enthroning righteousness is a burden
that belongs to everyone.
If the citizens of our democracy can
build for material sue '.ess upon these
groat corner stones and in addition, if
they can develop a genuine dynamic
patriotism, one that will marshall their
forces and their hopes and their aspira
tions to the defense of America and all
the great things for which it stands,
We will have prepared oursolves for
citizenship and built aa impregnable
basis and bulwark for democracy
against which the forces of anarchy,
lawlessness and bolshevism will beat in
Swimming Pool Opening
A large crowd was present at the
opening of the Legion swimming pool
at City Park Sunday afternoon. The
fancy swimmers and stunt divers of
Walla Walla, who were announced on
the program, failed to put in an ap
pearance. Aside from a swimming
race, which was won by Donald Mc
Connell of Walla Walla, ordinary
swimming was the diversion of the
Boy Scout Saves Girl
William Selby, 40-year-old' Pilot
Rock farmer, was drowned in the
Lehman Springs pool, Sunday and
Violet Mathes. 14. was saved bv
"resuscitation administered by Loren
Hensley, 16, Pendleton Boy Scout.
Selby and the girl, who were un
able to swim, ventured into the deep
part of the pool after partaking of
Sunday dinner.
Under Knute Rockne
"Pike" Miller writes from Corvallis
that he is signed up for a seven hour
daily course in athletics at Oregon
State College, four hours of which
are under Knute Rockne, famous
Notre Dame football coach. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller and the boys are comfort
ably located at 142 Kings Road.
An Eagle Delegate
Art Jensen of Athena was one of the
delegates from Pendleton Erie No. 28,
who attended the sessions of the
grand lodge of Eagles at LaGrande.
The sessions were held last Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
Glass Cuts Hand
Mrs. C, O. Henry had her hand
seriously cut Wednesday as the re
sult of i-loaning a lamp chimney. The
chimney broke while in her hands,
the glans making a severe cut which
was dreaatd by Dr. Sharp.
Columbia Union Sponsors a
Program At Christian
The Columbia Christian Endeavor
Union has announced definitely that
they will be with the Athena En
deavorers next Sunday evening.
The program for the evening looks
to be one chuch full of action for the
young people of the community, and
an effort is being made to get a
personal invitation to every girl and
boy under the age of 30 that are un
married to attend the Social hour, be
ginning promptly at 6:30. Misu
Hazel Parris of Helix will be in
charge of the entertainment, and the
church will furnish the refreshments
for the hour.
Beginning at 7:30 o'clock the union
will give a program as follows:
Singing, by the audience, directed
by Mrs. Peny of Athena.
Devotional, "C. E. Pledge," Mrs.
Ritchey of Milton.
Special musical number by Milton
Christian Endeavorers.
"C. E. Activities" Cecil Olinger,
Milton, speaker.
Special music by Athena.
"Social Activity" by Claude Pevey,
Special number by Mrs. Ritchey,
"Missionaries, Quiet hour" by
Juanita Crawford, Adams.
Music by Helix Endeavorers.
"C. E. Membership Lookout com
mittee," by Hazel Parris, Helix.
Closing music.
The local Endeavorers are inviting
everyone old and young to attend the
program beginning at seven thirty
State College Weekly "
Farm Market Review
Wheat crops generally throughout
the northern hemisphere made good
progress last week according to trade
reports and the markets inclined to
weaken. Unofficial estimates now
place the Canadian crop at 400,000,000
bushels. The Italian crop is figured
at 257,000,000 bushels or the largest
on record. The crop in Tunis is large.
These figures indicate that hard
spring wheat and durum will be quite
plentiful. There is a large crop of
red winter being harvested in this
this country. The principal shortage
appears to be in soft red winter and
similar grades of wheat,
soft red winter and similar grades of
The St. Louis market closed at $1.77
on No. 2 soft red, winter which was
materially lower than the previous
week. Substantial premiums were
continued on high protein. Rye
markets were firm because of the
poor prospect for that grain.
Barley was firmer on the coast with
poorer crop prospects but weakened
slightly in the eastern markets and
in Europe because of favorable new
crop prospects for feed grains. Flax
was slightly lower.
Valley Cherry Crop
The Freewater Times says Walla
Walla Valley fruit men estimate that
there will be at least 100 cars of
cherries from the valley this year.
The Northwest crop is estimated ut
1000 carloads, and prices will average
about 10 cents, a fair price in view
of the fact there is a normal crop.
However, no actual prices have been
quoted, the local shipping houses be
ing in conferene daily and are work
ing hard to obtain the best returns
for the cherry crop.
Itolin-Ilai Infield
W. F. Bolin of Athiina and Mrs.
Laura Hartsfield, of Cleborne, Texas,
were united in marriage at Walla
Walla, Monday. The bride was ac
companied from Texas by Mrs. W.
Booher, who is visiting friends in
Pendleton. Mrs. Booher attended the
couple when they were married. Mr.
and Mrs. Bolin will reside at the home
ef the groom in Athena.
Miller Cloning Out
N. A. Miller is closing out his
furniture business in Athena. His
closing out sale starts tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock, and will con
tinue until the entire stock is dis
posed of. Mr. Miller will continue
the undertaking department, but will
go out of the furniture business entirely.
Shoulder Dislocated
Clint Holcomb suffered the dis
location of his left shoulder when his
car went into the ditch on the road
leading south of Athena, Friday fore
noon. His ranch foreman came along
soon after the aeident and brought
Mr. Holcomb to Athena, where Dr.
Sharp attended him.