The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 15, 1928, Image 1

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    Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Becond-Clasa Mail Matter
Successful Demonstrations
Held At Several .Towns
In County.
At school lunch demonstrations at
Umapine, Weston and Stanfield on
May 24th and 25th, and June 6th,
given by Miss Lucy A. (Jase, of Ore
gon State Agricultural College Ex-
tension Service, a great deal of in
terest and support was shown for the
proposition of a hot lunch dish in
several more of the schools next
winter, and several committees
were appointed by the chairmen, to
. talk over the possibilities of a hot
lunch dish in these communities, and
if possible to put it into operation for
their children's welfare by the time
cold weather comes again.
In some of the smaller schools,
mothers take turns in bringing a ket
tle of hot soup or other suitable dish
t J school from home. At Island City
each mother went to school once a
week and prepared the one hot dish,
and no charge was made. The food
was contributed at "pound parties"
given by the parent-teacher associa
tion. Teachers and girls share the
work in the successful Hermiston ar
rangements. At Milton, which is
operating the hot school lunch very
successfully under the direction of
Mrs. W. S. Ahearn, the Woman's
Club pays a good cook $10 a month
to make hot soup, and the older girls
serve it in very orderly fashion. Mil
ton parents who can afford to pay,
contribute 50 cents per month, and
the club gives an entertainment to
earn the remaining expense money,
which amounts to about $14 per
month. v
At Imbler and Cove, the girls' cook
ing classes prepare a hot dish, which
is sold at around five cents per serv
ing. Another method is for each child
to bring a small glass jar from home
containing food to be warmed over.
The glass jars are placed in water
at school and the water is , heated
shortly before noon. Thermos bottles
are found useful by some, but chil
dren usually enjoy more the things
that they share together.
Miss Case believes that the hot
lunch dish does most good when every
child gets a serving of one hot dish
from a common kettle, and where the
children are not required to bring
cash each day, and where only one
dish is served and that one dish is a
hot one.
Better school work, better discipline,
fewer days lost from school, and less
malnutrition was reported from these
schools that have the advantage tf
the hot school lunch. It is believed
that much of the indigestion and
either weakening digestive! troubles
among adults, has its orgin in the ir
regularity of eating by the school
child, the hurried eating, the in
adequate noon meal, and the "piecing"
on sweets after school. The hot lunch
dish at noon at school means a more
balanced meal, slower eating, and
better digestion, eating more at meal
time and less in between meals, bet
ter digestion, eating more at meal
time and less in between meals,- bet
ter manners, and more enjoyment of
the noon hour.
Bulk Handling Of
v Grain Gains Favor
On the Pacific Coast
"The change from sack to bulk
handling of grain is slowly but "sure
ly taking place on the Pacific coast,"
E. N. Bates, U. S. department of
agriculture grain investigator for the
Pacific coast, declared Saturday in an
address before 100 grain growers of
Umatilla county, reports the East
"The grain trade is gradually turn
ing its attention to the more efficient
handling method and the quicker the
bulk system is made available' at
country shipping points the sooner
the grain farmers will profit, by very
substantial savings," Mr. Bates said
' Mr. Bates presented tables showing
the growth of bulk grain exports at
Pacific coast ports and cited figures
showing costs of sacks and labor
costs under both systems.
George 3. Baer, executive secre
tary of the Pendleton Commercial as
sociation, explairied the present In
terstate Commerce Commission hear
ings and stressed the point that farm
ers should represent their side of the
Albert F. Nelson, U." S. department
of agriculture supervisor of grain in
spections illustrated the various
phases' of grain handling with
motion picture film. Seymour Jone3,
state market agent, gave a brief talk
on the state grain inspection depart
James Hill, president of the Uma
tilla County Farm bureau presided.
W. C. T. U. Election
Of Officers For Year
Miss "Razor" Is Barber at the University of Oregon
Another Carload
Another carload of International
Trucks was unloaded Tuesday in the
Union Pacific yards for Rogers &
Goodman, local distributors. The
popularity and recognized superiority
of the International over other trucha
being offered for sale to farmers
here is demonstrated in the number
of sales made by Rogers & Goodman,
as compared with the number of
sales of other trucks in this district.
Schwald Barn Burns
The barn . belonging to Charles
Schwald on his Pleasant View farm
was burned to the ground last Wed
nesday night reports the Freewater
Times. The fire was caused from
defective wiring, it was determined,
and Mr. Sehwald lost much valuable
contents including separators. In
surance -to the amount of $1000 was
carried on the barn.
Regulating Traffic
Stop signs at intersection streets
fronting the highway have been put
up in Athena this week by the main
tenance crew. Also turning signs on
the highway at Third and Main have
been installed.' The signs are yellow
background with lettering in black.
Stop signs have been placed at the
intersection of Second, Third, Fourth
and Fifth streets.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home
of Mrs. C. L. McFadden Friday last,
and after a business meeting elected
the following officers for the' ensuing
President, no election; vice-presi
dent, Mrs. W. O. Read; secretary,
Mrs. C. L. McFadden; treasurer, Mrs
L. M. Keen; reporter, Mrs. H. Jack
son Perry.
Dainty refreshments were served
by Mrs. McFadden and Mrs. Charles
Betts, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Haynie
in serving. An enjoyable time was
had by all present. ' The women of
Athena and vicinity are cordially in
vited by the W. C. T. U. to attend all
meetings. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. W. O. Read,
Tuesday, June 26, at which it is hoped
all members and many visitors will be
League Magnates Hold
Business Meeting Here,
Award Cup To Athena
Managers of the teams comprising
the "Big Six" baseball league met at
Athena Tuesday evening for the pur
pose of adjusting matters which had
accumulated during the present play
ing season.
It was found , that the league
schedule worked out satisfactorily
with a six team lineup, and the at
tendance at games was as large or
larger than anticipated at the begin
ning of the season. While forfeiture
of games is not desired in any league,
the league officials noted with pleas
ure that all entrants remained
throughout the entire season.
The Athena team was awarded a
cup as the winner of the ten game
series, with nine games won and one
lost. A proposition coming from
Walla Walla to stage a championship
game at that place on July 4th, be
tween Athena, winner of the pennant
in the "Big Six" and the winer of vhe
Walla Walla county league was con
sidered, but no definate arrangements
were made. The winner of the Walla
Walla game would be declared champ
ion, receive a cup and one half the
gate receipts. "
School Election Monday
School election in District No. 29,
will be held at the school house Mon
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, for the
purpose of electing one member for
the board of directors, and district
clerk, and for the transaction of such
business as may come before the
meeting. Mrs. Lenna Read, the
present chairman, is the outgoing
member of the board.
Wreckage Removed
Workmen have moved the remain
ing wreckage of the old Wright
livery barn, which in the main was
moved to the Barrett farm north of
town. This removes a fire hazard to
residences and further notes the pas
sing of the horse. The Wright barn
was for years an active center for
Hay Harvest
The first alfalfa hay crop has been
harvested in this section, and the
yield per acre was satisfactory. The
quantity of second crop production
will depend entirely on rainfall. Har
vesting of wheat hay is near at hand.
Athena At Picnic
Many Athena people are attending
Pioneers' picnic at Weston today. To
morrow with suitable weather, a larg
er number will attend. As usual, Ath
ena talent is taking part in the pro
gram for both days of the picnic.
Mr. John Walker, Miss Jennie and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker were
dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Booher in Pendleton.
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- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene.-What more appropriate t Bernic.
UniveVSHygrfeb7eagon bWber W Bex year' eior
The aenior barber has an all-year job, but functions only once, at the frosh
ephomor. mix ia the fall, when the barber shave, a senior mustache as a .ignal
for all seniors to remove their mustaches and start growing new ones.
Farm Market Review
Week Ending June 11
Summarizing recent forecasts of
wheat production it appears that the
total production may be about 100,-
000,000 bushels less than was har
vested in the United States last year.
During the month of May, winter
wheat generally improved in condi
tion, except in the western states, but
Geissel Brothers 100
Per Cent in Baseball
Geissel brothers were about 100 per
cent in representation in baseball
throughout the state in games playftd
Herman Geissel played a stellar
game against the Pacific Power &
Light Company team on the home lot.
Leonard Geissel played in left field.
spring wheat declined to the lowest where he took a high dive backwards
condition on record except in 192C
There may be as much or more
hard red winter wheat as last year,
but there will be a very short crop
of soft red winter. Stocks of old
wheat are believed to be larger than
a year ago, with soft, low protein
kinds scarcer. World supplies are
said to be smaller than a year ago,
stocks of spring wheat being rela
tively more abundant than of winter
wheat. No important recent changes
in wheat prospects abroad have been
The rye crop is expected to be very
small both in the United States and
in Europe. In fact it is 'said that the
rye prospect is the poorest since the
small crop of 1924. This gives ad
ditional strength to bread grain, off
setting to some extent the weakening
influence of somewhat improved crop
conditions last week which caused
some decline in cash and futures
Rawlind Morrison, well-known
young farmer of the Athena-Adams
district, was united in marriage to
Miss Mildred Grice, a popular young
lady of Pendleton, Thursday after
noon of last .week. The ceremony was
conducted by Rev. Wire at the
Methodist Episcopal parsonage "in
Pendleton. The couple were attend
ed by. Mrs. Tom Grice, matron of
honor, and John Hales was best man.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will reside at
Adams. ,
The McRea Weeder
Anyone interested may see the McRea
all-steel selfdumping McRea weeder
at work under normal conditions, at
the John Bannister place east of Ath
ena, where three of the weeders,
drawn by a tractor, are cultivating
summer fallow land. A carload of
these weeders was recently unloaded
at Pendleton and Athena, and are now
offered for sale.
The Pheasant Crop
Numerous covies of young China
pheasants are reported seen on Ath
ena farms at this time. A favor
able winter permitted the game birds
to come through in fine shape, and
indications point to better hunting
conditions this fall, than was had by
hunters last season.
Pest Ravages Ranches
Caterpillars are doing much damage
to crops and foliage on ranches along
the Tucannon river, say Walla Walla
reports. Fishermen back from the
Tucannon reported that near Rocky
Comfort ranch there was a stretch of
country five miles in length which
"looked like November."
into Homerun creek chasing a high
Fred Geissel pitched five innings
for a St. Johns-Portland team, allow
ing but three hits, and was named
winning pitcher of the game.
Leo Geissel, debonair mascot for
the Athena Big Six league team was
on a vacation at the Arbrogast ranch
in Grant county, but its dollars to
doughnuts that his thoughts were
with Athena in the Sunday game.
Chicken Thieves Again
Chicken thieves are again active in
the Walla Walla valley, where 300
White Leghorne pullets were stolen
from a poultry farm, according to
reports received at the Sheriff's of
fice. Former systematic raids on
poultry were stopped by the capture
of Freewater thieves some weeks ago,
who were sent to the penitentiary.
During their operations a large num
ber of chickens were stolen in this
vicinity. Two visits were mada to
the E. A. Dudley poultry yards and
the flock taken entirely.
Y. W. C. A. Conference
Miss Margaret Lee will leave Sun
day for Seabeck, Washington, where
she will represent Cheney Normal
School at a Y. W. C.'A. conference,
which will be held June 19-29 in
clusive. Universities, colleges and
normal schools of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho will be represented at
the conference. Miss Lee was active
in Y. W. C. A. work at Cheney during
the school year, and was also a
member of the reportorial staff of the
school paper.
Missionary Society
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and Mrs. J.
W.. Pinkerton were hostesses to the
Christian Missionary Society Wednes
day at the home of the latter. Mrs.
Gerking presided at the meeting and
the program was led by Mrs. Retta
Potts, the subject being "As the Twig
is Bent." Miss Hazel Parris gave a
pleasing vocal solo. The July meeting
will be with Mrs. Flint Johns.
Teams Are Tied
Adams and Milton - Freewater
teams are tied for second place in
the "Big Six" league, and it is pro
posed to play off the tie game on
the Athena grounds.,, The game will
be played next Sunday afternoon, be
ginning at 2:30.
Mrs. Louie Porozzi of Ashland,
president of the Rebekah Assembly
of Oregon and Mrs. Etta Sanderson
of Freewater, past president of Re
bekah assembly and Mrs. Nellie Bean
of Freewater, were visitors of the
local Rebekah lodge, Saturday evening.
P. L. & P. Team Easy
Pickings For Athena
In Exhibition Game
The Pacific Light & Power Com
pany baseball team was easy pick
ings for Athena, in an exhibition
game on the home grounds Sunday
afternoon; score 14 to 6."
Bannister pitched well when he had
to, but he got powerful support at
the bat and help when he needed it
in the field. With a lead of 14 to 4
in the 7th, Kretzer went in and the
opposition scored one in the eighth
and another in, the ninth on a. two
base hit and three walks.
Three hits and a fielder's choice
netted Athena three runs in the first
inning. In the second, G. Bannister
rolled one to Ross, who tossed him
out at first. Herman Geissel slashed
out a three-bagger. L. Bannister
scored him with a single. L. Geissel
was safe on Wood's error, Bannister
going to third. Kretzer went out,
Koss to Wheelhouse, Bannister scor
ing. Moore singled, Geissel going to
third. JMcPherrin hit, scoring Geis
sel, Moore on third. Shick scored
Moore with a two-base hit. My tick
struck out. Five runs, five hits, one
Athena scored two in the third.
In the sixth four tallies were put
oyer by the home guard. L. Geissel
singled and Kretzer homed. Gross
followed with a two-base hit. Mc
Pherrin was safe on an error. Another
error put Shick on first. Bases loaded.
McPherrin and Gross scored on Har
ris' two-bagger. Harris was caught
off second. G. Bannister died at first.
H. Geissel safe on fielder's choice. Lee
Bannister flew out to Parr. Four
runs, four hits, two errors.
The visitors uncovered a clever
baserunner in Parr, left fielder, who
walked three times and hit once for
two bases. Once on the sacks he
sure knew what to do and did it,
scoring three runs in four times up.
The other feature of the game was
an exhibition of fielding by Leonard
Geissel out in left garden. A high
fly-ball drew Mr. Geissel backward
onto the brink of Homerun Creek. As
suming a real grandstand poise, when
he was in the very act of glommmg
the sphere, Mr. Geissel went over
kersplash on his broad back into the
creek. No, Jenny dear, he did not
hold on to the ball and Mr. Parr
The score:
Athena 35200400 14
P. L. & P. 0010111116
Batteries: Bannister, Kretzer and
McPherrin; Ross, Brown and Woods.
Opening of Swimming
Pool to Public Next
Sunday Afternoon
The formal opening of the swim
ming pool at City Park will take
place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
announces C. L. McFadden, command
er of Athena-Weston American Le
gion Post.
Ted Walker, Pat Dunningan and Ed
Boyle of Walla Walla have been en
gaged to put on an exhibition of
fancy diving and swimming stunts.
They are experts and are well known
to the patrons of the Walla Walla
natatorium where they frequently ap
pear in exhibitions.
Also there will be swimming races
for the kids, for which prizes will be
awarded to the winners. A large
crowd is expected for the opening and
liberal patronage is anticipated.
At Sunset Inn
Mrs. W. S: Ferguson was hostess
at a delightful bridge luncheon at
Sunset Inn when sixteen ladies en
joyed her hospitality last Friday.
Sweet peas in pink and lavender and
tiny baskets and place cards of the
same combination made dainty and
attractive tables. Guests of the
club were, Mrs. C. O. Whiteman, Mrs.
Marcum Anderson and Mrs. barah
Bowles, Walla Walla; Mrs. G. II.
Bishop, Freewater; Mrs. Alma
Koontz, Portland; Mrs. Marion Han
sell, Athena. Mrs. C. M. Eager won
high score, Mrs. C. O. Whiteman high
guest score and Mrs. LeGrow the
Miss Scott Graduates
' Miss Margaret Scott was one of
the class of eighty, graduating from
the Pendleton high school this week.
Miss Margaret who is the eldesi
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott,
received the award of the National
Honor association, with several others
of her class. She will attend Oregon
University next year, majoring in
Journalism and Dramatics.
Boy Scouts At Weston
Athena Boy Scout Troop is at Wes
ton for today and tomorrow, where
its members will assist in directing
traffic .and participate in numbers on
the program.
Opening Called Off
Owing to cold weather the opfnJng
of the swimming pool to th public
was called off Sunday. However, a
number of swimmers braved a chilly
day and went in anyway.
Father Well Known To
Business Men Here
In Athena.
An accident caused by a tire blowing
out resulted in the death later of Wil
liam, twelve year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Favre of Spokane, when
the automobile crashed into a tele
phone pole on the highway, west of
Boardman, Saturday evening.
Mrs. Favre, mother of the boy was
driving. When the tire burst, the
car catapulted 60 feet along the side
of the highway and collided with the
telephone Dole. Miss Emma Nelson
of Spokane, suffered a broken hip,
and Mrs. iavre and her daughter re
ceived cuts end bruises.
The party who were returnini? to
Spokane from California, where the
daughter, Miss Morice Favre had
been attending Mills College, were
broueht to the hosnital at Pendleton
The boy died in the hospital Sunday
morning, and the remains were ac
companied bv the mother and ulster
to Spokane, Monday. Miss Nelson
remained a patient in the hospital.
Mr. Favre was summoned, from
New York, where he went on busi
ness. , He IS well known to business
men of Pendleton and Athena, and is
a frequent visitor here. Mr. Favre is
neaa oi the loan department of the
Northwestern Mutual Life, of which
B. B. Richards is the Athena agent.
Picture Program At
The Standard Theatre
Tim McCoy comes to the Standard
Theatre tomorrow night in Metro-
Uoldwyn's fine Western picture.
"Wyoming." He is supported by
Dorothy Sebastian and William Fair
banks, an old-time screen favorite.
"Wyoming" is replete with gorgeous
outdoor scenes taken in the real West.
Action in plenty, with thrills and big
bands of Indians.
Sunday night, one of the funniest
comedian teams in the world, Wallace
Beery and Raymond Hatton, have
been booked to appear in "Now We're.
In the Air." You have seen them in
"At the Front" and We're In the
Navy Now." You'll know what to
expect from these premier funsters.
An Enjoyable Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arbon and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindley and family
of Arbon, Idaho were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lee, who reside
on the J. N. Scott farm, west of Ath
ena. Mr. and Mrs. Lee resided at Ar
bon for fourteen years, and the visit
was in the nature of a very happy
reunion. The three families motored
to Dayton, Washington, where an
"Arbon Reunion" was held, with
thirty families in attendance. Robert
Lee participated in the Dayton Days
program, giving a jig dancing num
Big Rainbow Trout
Harry Keller, out at Bend, remem
bered Athena friends and relatives
with a fine lot of rainbow trout this
week, which he caught at Elk Lake.
The trout were shipped by express
under permit from the fish and game
commission, and came through pack
ed with ice in fine condition. Several
of the trout measured 18 inches in
length and weighed two pounds each.
Grass Fire At Park
A grass fire starting from the burn
ing of brush heaps, at the City Park,
severely scorched a couple of young
trees, two lilac bushes and the bush
growth along a portion of the south
bank of the creek, one day last week.
One of the trees ruined by the fire
was a young elm which was develop
ing in healthy growth, and the
lilac bushes had bloomed this spring.
Fruit Varieties
Strawberries are beginning to edge
off the market and cherries will soon
be at the peak of delivery. Straw
berries were of good quality this sea
son and were handled on the market
at reasonable prices. A number of
carloads of cherries have already
been shipped to eastern points from
Milton-Freewater orchards.
Campfire Girln Lunch
For the purpose of raising money
for their treasurery, Wauna Camp-
fire Girls will serve a lunch to the
public at Masonic Hall dining room,
Saturday, June 23, at noon. A charge
of 25 cent? will be made for lunch,
and Campfire Girls will solicit patron
age by selling tickets.
Drives New Truck
Bryce Baker, local distributor for
the Continental Oil company is driv
ing a new truck, recently purchased
to carry his big oil tank in his round
of delivery-