The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 08, 1928, Image 4

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Sentenced To Hang At the
Walla Walla Prison
August 31st.
Walla Walla. Wallace C. Gaines
the slaver of his 22 year
old daughter, Sylvia, arrived last
night at nine o'clock at the Washing-
ton state penitentiary here in the
custody of Sheriff uauae cannicK
and Deputy N. M. Struben of King
county. The parly made the trip
here by train coming trom rasco on
the N. P. motor coach. The car stop
ped at the foot of the hill just south
of the penitentiary and Gaines, who
was unshackled, was lanen im
mediately to the prison in a car.
Gaines showed no evidence of fa-tio-nf
after his iourney and his step
was unfaltering as he was escorteii
into the prison office, lhere oaptain
S. E. Bunker, acting in the absence of
Warden Long, received the commit
ment papers from the officers and
without further ceremony Gaines was
escorted by chief turnkey Frank
Gemmill to his cell for the night. To
day he will don prison garb and as
sume the number 12,141.
The officers stated that on the way
over Gaines had discussed the case
freely with them always maintaining
his innocence. He was sentenced yes
terday in King county superior court,
to be hanged here on August 31. His
only hope for his life lies in the ex
ecutive clemency of Governor Hart
ley. Gaines was taken directly from the
courtroom where he was sentenced
yesterday morning to the train which
was overtaken about 80 miles out of
Seattle by a high powered car.
As the party stepped off the train
here last night they were startled by
the flashlight in the hands of a party
of newspaper and cameramen and
some excitement prevailed for a time
among the guards wh.o feared at first
an attempt to escape. The camera
men were quickly pursuaded and,
Bell S Venable
Phones 125 arid 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
failing to make their get-away, their
equipment was confiscated .until the
plates could be removed.
A court order issued in Seattle pre
vented any pictures being taken.
Ancient Ceremonial Mama
What is believed to be the first col
lection of ceremonial masks ever gath
ered from the regions of the upper
Amazon has been brought to America
by Arthur H. Fisher, a Philadelphia
naturalist, who made an expedition
Into South America In the Interests of
the Museum of the American Indian,
Ileye foundation. The pieces repre
sent beasts and birds as well as hu
man subjects, and are curiously fash
ioned and painted. They were ob
tained from a tribe In Peru. Pieces of
pottery were also collected. To the
uninitiated, the masks bear a strange
resemblance to the figures appearing
on totem poles, or to the crude designs
made by children. Popular Mechanics
Magazine. , v
Defect in Mental Te$t
Doctor IJInet, the French psycholo
gist, Is called the father of Intelli
gence tests, now so much In vogue in
American schools and colleges. Blnet,
after prolonged experiments, Is quoted
as having cautioned educators that
tests are never absolute and cannot
be wholly depended upon to give a
pupil's true mental rating. - Teachers,
he urged In effect, should rely to a large
extent on their own Judgment, using
Intelligence tests not as a crutch but
rather as a convenient point of de
parture In any effort to help youth
find Itself.
Athena Boy Scouts
Press Paragraphs
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns and sons
returned home Monday from Van
couver, Wash., and valley points.
Miss Hazel McFarland, who came
up from Portland last Friday to visit
her parents, will return to that city
Miss Lela Schubert of Freewater,
spent Tuesday evening at the home
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Amiel
Mrs. Jack Bowman and daughters
and Mrs. Frances McCool of Walla
Walla were visitors in Athena
Team managers of the Big Six
league will meet in Athena next
Tuesday evening to close up the sea
son's league business.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Port
land arrived in Athena, Wednesday
evening and will visit relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Littlejokn re
turned Wednesday from their motor
trip to California, where they spent
several weeks at Mr. Littlejohn's boy
hood home.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miller, there is now in full and gor
geouse bloom a .Mt. Hood lily. Mj.
Miller secured the plant a couple of
years ago in the Mt. Hood district.
Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. B. B. Rich
ards, Mrs. Tom Carrol who is a visit
or at the Richards home from Por t
land, and Mrs. Lloyd Michener were
Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Mrs,
Michener attended the Washington
Rebekah Assembly wbile in the city.
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
cR.ea Weeder
All Steel
Self Dump-Light Draft
Made in 12 ft. Size No Skips No Bunches No Stop
to Dump
In a demonstration on the Barrett place the light
draft of this Weeder was shown when it did perfect
work hitched to a 4-cylinder Dodge car.
Truck Bodies
Made of good material and made
Right for any purpose you Want.
Fourth Street JENS JENSEN Athena, Oregon
(By H. W. LeRoy) .
At the Tuesday evening meeting of
the scouts Walter Edger and Gail
Zerba completed their Tenderfoot
tests and are now full fledged mem
bers of the troop. The others that
were out to the meeting were work'
ing on their tests and Leland Jenkins
qualified before the examiner to ap
pear before the next court of Honor
for two Merit badges.
The Athena Scouts will have charge
of traffic at the Weston Pioneer pic
nic and also will put on two per
formances during the programs. They
will be on the afternoon program be
tween three and three thirty both
Friday and Saturday afternoons.
The scouts will do their good daily
turn several times during the picnic
in directing parking, pedestrians and
auto traffic and any other assistance
that they render will be rendered with
the scout motto and laws in mind.
Douglas" Hawley the Blue Mountain
scout executive was in Athena Fri
day afternoon and again after the
scout meeting Friday evening and is
planning a very intensive program at
the scout summer camp and is pleas
ed with the progress the Athena
scouts are making and the program
they have for the summer camp. In
stead of contributing their regular
quota of cash to the Blue Mountain
Council the Athena Scouts are buttl
ing a scout cabin at the summer
camp and this will be credited for the
troop's quota this year.
Mr. Hawley inspected the local
swimming pool and was very pleased
with the fact that the local scouts
will have a very fine opportunity to
develope their talents in swimming
and life saving drills. This Is a
heavy part of the first class scout re
quirements and the Athena scouts are
very fortunate to have such a fine
pool so conveniently located.
The Court of Honor of the local
scout troop met Friday evening at the
Christian church for the advancement
of scouts to second-class and .merit
badge ratings.
Leland Jenkins and Stafford Han-
sell passed their second class tests
and Carl Calvert qualified for the
carpentry and personal health merit
The boys are very interested in the
advancement tests now that school is
over and there will be another ses
sion of the court the last of June.
After the session of the court the
mothers served the ever popular re
freshments of strawberries, cake and
cream. As the mothers had planed
on more being out for the program
than were there, several cakes were
left over and these were auctioned off
by Mr. Stephens for the nehefit of the
scout fund and netted $6.55.
gene. A total of $800 was added to
the funds of the Fine Arts Building
of the University of Oregon as a result
of dances given at many Oregon cities
on University Day, March 23, it is an
nounced by Miss Edith Dodge, chairman
of the committee. All affairs were
very successful it is stated.
22 Years Ago
Just taken out of pit.
$1.00 per sack
Bathing Suits
Yes We have them for Men, Women and
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
been badly damaged. No damage was
done at the Thompson place to speak
of. The water raised almost to ttie
house. A tent was streched on high
ground and the family was prepared
to go in in case of emergency. The
road at the bottom of the Ryan grade
is washed out to a considerable de
gree and along the river road to
Bingham Springs the roadway in
places is completely destroyed.
For Sale Good bundle hay. John
Tompkins, Helix, phone 16F2. '
Sheep For Sale 70 head ewes and
lambs, September delivery. Phone
25F21 Athena.
Cream For Sale Mrs. W. J. Crabill
will sell cream to a limited number of
customers during the berry season.
For Canning Chris. Thoeny of
Weston is taking orders for straw
berries. He has a fine crop of non
irrigated berries, the best for can
ning. Order now.
Team Work I am prepared to do
all kinds of team work at reasonable
prices. I will give special attention
to plowing garden grounds, CLAUD
June 8. 1906
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Zerba,
June 2, 1906 a son. .
Miss Bessie McDaniel, the well
known teacher, was in the city Wed
nesday. '
Mitt Bush and sons, Dick and Floyd
are at Walla Walla with their teams
working on the water work's ditch.
Miss Kittie Gholson left yesterday
morning for a two weeks visit with
relatives in Walla Walla and vicinity.
Alf. Johnson came up from Pend
leton yesterday and swirled about in
the election . maelstrom between
Mrs. Wm. Tompkins and daughter
Mabel, went to Waitsburg Academy.
Roy Tompkins was a member of the
graduating class.
O. G. Chamberlain, justice of the
peace, went down to Pendletou Wed
nesday and assisted in the official
count, of the county vote. ;.? '
Mr. and .Mrs. T. J. Kirk left Tues-
la evening for Eugene and. other
"Willamette valley points "where they
will ,isit relatives and friends.
Miss' Etta Leach arrived from Pen
,n . Msterrinv and will snend a few
j. ... tth Miss Eva Rider, at the
home of P Whiteman, west of
James lVStten and wife arrived in
u i t amidav from Seattle, air.
Britten is . ry poor health,
spent the v. ater in California
experienced t le benefit.
tv. rw-t. m-Parton Muling
efoKkut t.n thai V bir barley rolU yes
tprrfAv with st un power. A traction
engine has bee P ced in cmmia
Mrs. Fred Kn l-wlton and son Cleo,
left yesterday tnorninj for
mond, Washingto n, where one expects
to remain. Mr. I tnowlton has resign
ed as bookkeeper at the First Nation
al Bank. ,
It is expected th t electric light , and
m-mro!- will K Mir irmi bv the middle
of next week. Th roads have be'en
made passable up the Walla Waiw
river to the power . plant and material
f f VA-v n vB 1 a VnS IMP TxUlllpH ttM A
large force of men are employed in
the work of repai ling the damage
done by the flood.
Reports were heai ?d liere soon after
the flood that the home of John
Thompson on the I) tmatilla river bod
For sale or Trade 230 acres, 2 1-4
miles east of LaGrande. Modern
bungalow; plenty of good , spring
water for irrigation; 100 acres in alf
alfa under irrigation; 20 acres grain;
90 acres summer fallow; 10 acres blue
grass pasture. Write R2, Box 18, La
Grande, Oregon.
Standard Theatre .
ton Chaney
Laugh, Clown, Laugh
This one can be matched against
them all for drama and thrills.
The Man of a Thousand Faces
adds another impreishable portrait
to his screen achievements. Here
is an unusual story, masterfully
acted by the greatest of character
stars, superbly directed by the man
who made "Beau Geste" and "Sor
rell and Son."
Admission: 10-25-35c
Richard Dix
Shanghai Bound
Ftfmdom's most popular male star
in a peppy drama that will carry
him still further! If you liked Dix
in "The Quarterback," "Woman-
handled." or "Man Power"
"SHANGHAI BOUND" is the pic
ture for you! America's favorite
in a stirring tale of Oriental
mystery! A story of pirate at
tacks and heroic rescues! A pic
ture that youH like!
Admission: 10-25-35c
t A J jr
Color harmony
adds to the smartness
of the Jantzen-clad
COLOR. HARMONY! That's the keynote of fashionable
apparel thij day! For swimming attire, Jantzen has created
wondrous colors to enhance the beauty of each individual type
. . . blonde, brunette, titian. Pastel shades, harmoniously blend
ing; vivid hues in subtle contrast . . dashing, youthful, flat
tering. . "'
In such a way does color
add to the inherent smart ap
pearance of Jantzen swim
ming suits. Smartness com
bined with perfect freedom
for swimming which only
Jantzen can give you.
Tightly knitted from long
fibred wool by the Jantzen
stitch process, a Jantzen fits
you lightly, comfortably,
smoothly . . . without a wrin
kle. Being extremely elastic,
it graces your body perfectly;
retains its shape.
See the new models now on
display here. Newest is the
Jantzen "Twosome." Solid"
colors, bright hues, distinctive
stripings. Color fast; being
literally dyed -in- the -wool.
Jantzen's size-by-weight sys
tem assures you perfect fit.
Ask for your copy of the
'Jantzen Color Harmony
Quid?, Your Jantzen .swim
ming suit it here . . . your
size, your color! May we show
it to you? 4
Men'l - $ 6.00
womtn'f $ 6.00
Youths' $5.00
Children1! f 2.50
Erie suit that charged
athlng to swimming
; Now is canning time. We have a complete line of
jars and trimmings. Fresh berries every day.
Mrs. Alice Eager, Owne