The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 25, 1928, Image 2

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    She Mtnn tm
P. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, sis months ..$1.00
One copy, three months 73
Athena, Oregon, May 25, 1928
We read that the age old job of
rocking baby's cradle has now been
taken over by electricity. No longer
does little Willie, or sister Jane need
to be impressed into a service which
perhaps down the centuries has been
the, bane of juvenile existence. An
attachment has been perfected for
the cradle, or baby buggy, which per
mits rocking from side to side, and
also rolls either vehicle forward or
backward by electrical power. Con
trols are provided for regulating the
action and after the switch is turn
ed no other attention is necessary.
The average run of motor gasoline
now being marketed in the United
States, according to the U. S. Bureau
of Mines, is more volatile than ever,
and the tendency toward a uniform
and standard product is general. Dur
mg the past two years the once
marked difference between "winter"
and summer gasoline has been dis
appearing, and this spring what was
formerly a highly volatile winter
grade fuel is being sold. In other
words, the oil industry is furnishing
a constantly better product to the
Perfect weather availed nothing as
an inducement to draw voters to the
primary polls Friday.' In the past
bad weather conditions were blamed
for light voting at primary elections,
but Friday's weather chart has
knocked all such allusions into a
cocked hat. Fact of the matter is,
Mr. and Mrs. Oregon Voter will lose
more time and burn more gallons of
gas to go to a river picnic, any old
time than he or she will squander to
exercise his or her greatest of all
national privileges, suffrage,
The French are confirmed souve
nir hunters. Telephone companies
over there have found it necessary
to replace wood panels in their booths
with panes of glass, to keep them
from being hacked to pieces. Re
ceivers must be chained to the in
struments, and when operators stick
their wads of chewing gun under the
seat of their chair, they sprinkle
cayenne pepper over it to protect it
from souvenir purloiners.
When New York has a pea soup
fog whatever that is water trans
portation instantly becomes befogged,
Steaming around in pea soup the
other day, six liners crashed. To
save two from sinking they were
beached. It seems quite the proper
thing to do would be to skim the soup
out of the fog, to insure safety in
. (Morning Oregonian)
A western exchange sees in the
Curtis-Reed bill, on which the house
committee on education has been con
ducting public hearings, a conspiracy
to destroy the independence of state
systems of education by placing them
under control of the federal govern
ment. The bill contemplates nothing
of the kind, has no reference to the
competency of the states to manage
their own schools, and would not by
the most liberal possible construction
permit a secretary in the president's
cabinet to dictate in any particular
the content of curricula or regulate
local methods of teaching.
The proposed measure dignifies the
subject of education by creating a new
secretaryship, which is not out of
keeping with its importance. This is,
however, but a subsidiary aspect and
its chief aims are to coordinate ex
isting educational functions of gov
ernment. These are now scattered
among various departments, with re
sultant lack of coordination, with
duplication in some instances and
waste in many. There is a bureau
of education at present, to which
would be transferred numerous ac
tivities which are conceded to be
proper governmental concerns.
In substance, the bill amounts to
little more than a promotion of fed
eral educational matters from bure
aucratic to secretarial status, with
certain readjustments which ought
to have been made long ago. Its
proponents hope for the addition of
a department of research and sta
tistics through which data can be as
sembled and distributed. With this
exception present conditions would
not be materially changed.
enamel ware or carved ana pamtea
wood or colored glass turns out to be
merely molded sealing wax. Pendants
and beads and artificial flowers,
plaques and vases and candlesticks
are among the objects beholden for
h their beauty to this materIaLv Mold
ing it, many an untrained woman has
done something in home craftsman
ship. A lump of sealing .wax on the end
of a steel knitting needle melted over
a flame and cooled in a glass of water,
shaped with a molder and decorated
by melting In other colors becomes a
handsome bead. A metal-rimmed
pasteboard tag covered with warmed
sealing wax, Muiped when soft Into
bunches of grapes or llowers, becomes
a "drop" to finish the necklace. Ear
rings and pins and hat ornaments are
made in the same way.
fishermen stand on a bridge in
Grants Pass and catch 40-pound
salmon. No wonder the stores in
that town open late in the morning
and close early at evening. Also the
reason for school children filling
their lunch baskets with fishing tack
le instead of sandwiches is explained,
Thirteen graduates from Oregon
State College this year, are from
Umatilla county. Benton county
leads with a total of 132 and Mult
nomnh second with 111. More than
500 students graduate from Oregon
State College in June.
- ' ' ' o
Germany always is in a position
to do things on a big scale. For
instance, 40,000,000 men and women
were eligible to vote on the ques
tion of women's rights of franchise,
at the national election.
Maybe the Filipinos wouldn't mind
being excluded from the United
States under the proposed exclusion
clause in the immigration act, if we
would get out of the Philippines, and
stay out.
Athena fans are satisfied with the
standing of the home team in the
"Big Six" league. We are perched on
the top rung of the ladder, one foot
extended, teetering to grab the bunt
ing. o
"Poker Players Robbed." Head
line. In this instance the players
were honest poker players; they
were robbed of $12,000 by bandits.
Whether or not you think Oregon
game and fish amount to much, the
cost of protection for the next ten
years will amount to $5,000,000.
Building permits to the amount of
$110,000 within the last thirty days
would indicate that LaGrande is
among the live ones.
If The Dalles swelters at 90 in the
shade, what does she do when it's 100
and over?
It looks as though Tom Gurdano
will be the next sheriff of Umatilla
(The Manufacturer)
A group of Iowa farmers who keep
careful books, say that the average
farm horse costs them $98.24 a year,
including feed, labor, rent and inter
est on their investment. The horses
averaged 892 hours work in 1926, and
820 in 1925, and farmed, per horse,
23.2 acres of land in 1926.
The modern crawler type tractor
will deliver horsepower at a lower
cost for every item of expense feed
labor, interest, storage. It has speed
in the critical times of seeding and
harvest when a little delay means
damage or loss of crops. The little
garden tractor, now built on the
crawler or track-laying type, is fair
ly revolutionizing gardening and
small acreage farming.
The machine age in farming has
arrived. Cost of operation is having
to be figured, where the old-time
farmer didn't think much about it.
Just as the successful industrial plant
is on a machine basis to save labor
wherever possible, so must the suc
cessful farm eventually adopt ma
chine methods where one man can do
the work of two.
No farm relief law formulated can
take the place of efficiency in oper
ation, and farm relief laws cannot
turn back the hand of time to the day
when wooden plows were used with a
yoke of oxen.
Taken Up
In accordance with the provisions
of Section 3, Umatilla County Herd
Law, providing lor the taking ud and
sale of livestock running at large, the
following described livestock was
taken up by the undersigned at his
ranch hlk miles Northwest of Athe
na, and unless redeemed by the owner
as provided in said law, the same will.
be sold as by law provided: .
One sorrel mare, about 3 years old,!
brand J W on right shoulder.
Said sale will be held at the ranch
home of H. M. Saulsberry as above
stated, on May 26, 1928, at 2 o'clock,
p. m., for cash in hand, to the high
est bidder, to pay for advertising,
damages, cost of sale and all other
expenses and charges regularly and
legally incurred. Dated at Athena,
Oregon, May 15, 1928. M18-25
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Clar
ence Ogilvy, presumed to be dead.
Notice is hereby given that by an
order of the above entitled Court the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Clar
ence Ogilvy, presumed to be dead, i
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena,
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts
& Prestbye, at their office in Athena,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication of this
notice. ' All claims must be verified
as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon this 11th
day of May, 1928.
Watts & Prestbye. Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. M11J8
for the Farm
......, '"- .. -
International Speed Trucks are establishing themselves more f irmlyevery
dav in the regard of farmers. Thev have demonstrated an aDDrecEated
ahilitv to stav ronstantlv on the iob-Ovfr Inner nprinds nnd tri flflliver linfiwJ- .!
inrrlfr OrtnTinmiiol f ron unAvf o f 1AT1 1 '?' . ' I
The qualities, built into every International, are the result of over twenty V
years' experience in the manufacture of high-grade motor trucks. Further-
V more, the extensive resources of International Harvester are solidly behind v
Sus in assuring you permanent parts replacement and after-sales service.
Factory . standards turn out trucks that service is built into. We make
sure that you will get it out of them on the job.
Internationals are built in sizes to, meet every needfrom 1,500 to 10,000
pounds capacity. Let us demonstrate one to you.
Main Street
Rogers & Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
Athena, Oregon
Sealing Wax Is Used
Extensively in the Arts
Sealing wax Is perhaps less impor
tant than it was before mucilage en
velopes came into use, but never was
sailing wax so versatile as now, nor
so useful artistically. Many a delicate
(lacnmllra nhJi-i't that JLUDears to .DO
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mel-
vin J. Canfield, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern: That
George R. Lewis, administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of Mel
vin J. Canfield, deceased, has filed
his final account and report in the
administration of the estate; that the
County Judge, by order duly made
and entered has appointed Monday
the 25th day of June, 1928, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon as
the time and the County Court House
at Pendleton, Oregon, as the place
where all objections and exceptions
to said final account and report will
be heard and a settlement of the
estate made.
Dated this the 19th day of May,
Administrator with the will annex
ed. Will M. Peterson Attorney for Ad
ministrator. M25J22
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
Leather Shop
Shoe Repairing Sewed Soles a
Specialty. Harness and Auto
Concrete Work
Done Right
At Reasonable Prices
Special attention given
to Cemetery Work
J, E. Crawley
Athena, Oregon
Phone 363
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
i rucK
Made of goob material anb made
Right for any purpose you Want.
Fourth Street JENS JENSEN Athena, Oregon
has as nice assortment of
They add to the looks of your car
and shade you from the sun come
in and look them over.
"Pink's" Place Third Street
"Service with a smile"
at the
Athena Service Station
f or
Gas Candy Tires
Oil and Tubes
Kerosene Gum' Accessories
C. B. MOORE, Proprietor
New Million Dollar Valet Auto
Strop Razor with every purch
ase of 10 Blades.
McFadden's Pharmacy
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes.
Try Our
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
. . SPECIAL-Men's suits ' cleaned and
pressed $1.50 Starting March 15
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 683.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
la made in Athena, b Athena labor, in one oi the very ben
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat grown anywhere. Patronise home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 454' Walla Walla, Washington
Capitol Surplus
J50.000.00 $60,000.00