The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 11, 1928, Image 5

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    Silly Idea Prevalent
That Idleness Is Sin
America is the only country In the
world where Idleness Is one of the
seven deadly sins, according to Irwin
Edman, novelist and essayist, writing
in Harper's.
"With us leisure has been a melo
dramatic escape Into excitement," he
points out, "or a moralistic flight into
self-Improvement. We oscillate be
tween night clubs and outlines of cul
ture. Every one has at some time
or other been present at a determined
ly gay party. He has seen ordinarily
quiet, intelligent people become will
fully noisy nnd stupid. He has Been
men and women, separately delightful
and entertaining, prance about, loudly
screaming vulgarities, acting like
grown-up babies of the age. And his
pain has been Increased by a sense
that none of these people cared to do
the silly things they were doing. They
drank more than they really wished
to, and uttered hiccoughing nonsense
that they themselves despised.
"Every on-, likewise, has listened to
a group of people at dinner or after
ward, talk with obligatory boredom
about the modish books and plays
and ideas. Spontaneity, which is the
essence of any truly spiritual life,
flies out of the conversation and out
of the window when 'culture' becomes
Message Not Exactly
Connected With Love
"Yon are wanted on the telephone,"
said friend stenog as she laid aside
her powder puff and pjoved her vanity
case to one side.
He responded.
"la that you?" he asked In his best
"This Is I," she responded.
"You don't know how happy I am
to hear from you. Yon have bright
ened my whole day by calling."
"What's that?"
"Ob, is that you', Hattlet I thought
at first it was my sister."
"Tes, this is Hattle." He thought
he detected a little Ice In her voice
he wasn't Just sure but he thought
so. "I wish that on the way home
you'd stop In the market and bring
home that salt mackerel I ordered.
The clerk toloVme it would be a late
delivery and I wanted It for supper."
Berkshire Eagle.
Cold Responsible for
Error of Stevenson's?
Robert Louis Stevenson never was
in sympathy with those to whom snow
ana ice brought Joy. During a cold
spell In Edinburgh he wrote: "I feel
fit for little else besides nraver. I
can not be comforted; my wits are
frozen. ... Life Is an amuse
ment totally unsuitable for winter. I
place a claim to Immortality on that
phrase. How can yoq mind about
Shelley? STou wouldn't If you were as
cold as I am."
It may have been' this loathing of
cold which, by some psychological
twist, betrayed Stevenson's wits Into
his worst literary blunder, the Man
chester Guardian suggests. When
Marcel Schowb sought permission to
translate "The Master of Ballantrae,"
Stevenson implored him to make a
variation In the original.
"Pray do not let Mrs. Henry thrust
the sword up to the hilt In the frozen
ground," he wrote; "one of my Incon
ceivable blunders, an exaggeration to
stagger Hugo. Say she sought to
thrust It into the ground."
Much Good in Laughter
Laughter Is to life what yeast Is to
bread. It Is a leaven that lightens
and makes palatable an otherwise sod
den, lifeless mass. Don't be afraid to
smile and "pep" things up a little.
Coming to
Dr. Meilenthin
in Internal Medicine for the
past fifteen years
"Shopping" Made Easy
Probably nowhere, unless it is In
China, is the wandering vendor of ev
erything Imaginable so numerous as
In Slam, where nearly every small
householder does all his or her shop
ping at home.- The wares offered from
door to door cover a wide range, pass
ing from beans and the smallest forms
of foodstuffs on to combs, footgear and
other necessities of life. Garments of
all kinds, too, and the material for
making ttiem are offered by peddlers
at department store prices.
Official health figures attest that the
peddlers' wares are in every way up
to the standard of those" handled by
stores, says the Bangkok (Slam) Dally
Mall, and, in short, are of real benefit
to the great majority of the city's Inhabitants.
Will be at
Thursday, May 17
Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
One Day Only
No Charge for Consultation
Pocket Sundial
A pocket sundial Is among the many
curios in the collection at Old Court
house, Hampton court, where Chris
topher Wren lived.
It has a hinged style with a mov
able pointer. At the top end is a
compass and on the back are the
names of several towns in various
countries, each indicated by a num
ber. To tell the time at any particular
place, the number of the town Is as
certained from the list at the back,
and the style adjusted so that the
pointer corresponds to the number
of the town. The dial is then turned
so that it faces north, and the time
fs given on the dial. London Tit-Bits.
"Ash Me Another
Questions were being put to an In
dianapolis lad, age six, from one of
the intelligence test books with which
saleswomen canvas the neighbor
hoods, and he wondered why bis an
swers to two of the questions brought
Here are the actual questions and
answers :
"From what animal do we get
"The porcupine."
"What do we get from bees?"
' -y
For Sale A good, fresh Jersey
Milk Cow. Phone 25.
For Sale Good bundle hay. John
Tompkins, Helix, phone 16F2.
For Sale A Hamilton , Player
Piano. Phone 561, Athena.
For Sale Thoroughbred Jersey
bull calf, eligible" to register. Phone
26F5 Athena.
Sheep For Sale 70 head ewes and
lambs, September delivery. Phone
25F21 Athena.
For Sale Three-bottom self lift
P. & 0. gang plow. Henry Koepke,
Athena, Oregon.
Pasture I have good pasture for
a few head of stock until harvest at
10c per head per day. Ralph Allen.
Phone 24F11.
Team Work I am prepared to do
all kinds of team work at reasonable
prices. I will give special attention
to plowing garden grounds, CLAUD
Dr. Meilenthin is a regular
graduate in medicine and surgery and
is licensed by the state of Oregon.
He does not operate for chronic ap
pendicitis, gall stones, ' ulcers of
stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re
sults in diseases of the stomach,
liver, bowels, blood, .skin, nerves.
kidney, bladder, bed wetting, weak
lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers
and rectal .ailments.
Below are the names of a few of
his many satisfied patients in Ore
gon who have been treated for one
of the above named, causes:
H. H. Blake, Marshfield.
Elmer Booher, Condon.
Bessie Eckles, Empire.
D. G. Horn, Bonanza.
W. C. Helyer, Kent. '
P. M. Koster, Mt. Angel.
Mrs. L. H. Martin, Moro.
Davis Steinon, Allegany. .
Fred Shields, Klamath Falls.
Joe Sheoships, Gibbon.
D. I. Wagenblast, Portland.
Remember above date, that con
sultation on this trip will be free and
that his treatment is different.
Married women must be accomp
anied by their husbands.
Address: 224 Bradbury JJidg., uo
Angeles, California.
has as nice assortment of
They add to the looks of your car
and shade you from the sun come
in and look them over.
"Pink's" Place Third Street
"Service with a smile"
Few Readers Who Do
Not Enjoy Pictures
There Is a Chinese1 proverb, the pur
port of which is : "One picture Is
worth a thousand words," says Rear
Admiral Snow In the Antiquarian
Magazine. A reason for this saying,
centuries old, may lie in the fact that
the written language of the Chinese
peoples, though truly pictorial, can
only be mastered by prodigious exer
cise of the memory. However out of
perspective are their drawings and
pictures, it Is much easier to gain an
Idea of a situation from one of their
pictures than It is to commit to mem
ory the Chinese Ideographs used to
describe the episode.
The oriental people are not, how
ever, alone In their estimation of the
value of illustrations as a means of
quickly conveying Information. Any
.occidental who has observed at all
carefully the action of children upon
picking up a new book, or running
through a favorite old one, must have
remarked their InclinnC .i, first and
last, is to look through the pages and,
from the pictures scanned with concen
trated attention, fix in their minds the
persons, places and incidents about
which they are going to read.
We are often told that "grown-ups"
are very much like children wearing
a' mask. In looking at pictures or old
prints we older people do gain useful
Information and experience much
pleasure; we are like children.
, Inattentive
Suddenly a cloud seemed to over
cast the bride's features and with an
anxious note in his voice the groom
asked what was wrong.
. "What Is It?" he cried, tremendous
ly perturbed. "Why are you sobbing
like that?"
"Be-be-because you are growing
cold towards me. You don't love me
any more!"
"Oh, my dear," he walled, "how
could--you say that?"
"Well." she said. "1 saw vou look
out of the window twice.'?
Republican Candidate for
t 1
Oregon has five lawyers
at present in Gongress.
Eastern Oregon is an
agriculture district. Elect
a farmer who under
stands its problems.
Write the name in thus:
X Roy W.Ritner
(Paid Adv.)
Athena, Oregon
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Rayon Bloomers
The quality, fashion and fit of these Bloomers at such a low price is indeed
remarkable. They're made of an extra heavy, durable quality of Rayon and
are fashioned in a way that marks them unmistakably worth a much higher
price. .
H, CORAL, PEACH, AND ORCHID. Choice of Five Colors; NILE, FLES
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Main Street. Athena. Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep .your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Perm Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
"He that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loans
at rates and terms
that satisfy.
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Icy Pi
Something New-Try it Today .
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
Bell & Venable
Phones 125 and 24
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Claras, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena