The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 27, 1928, Image 6

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    I Prezz Paraoraohs II
1, r
Joan Crawford in "Rose Marie"
Standard Theatre, tomorrow night.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rothrock of
Pendleton were Athena visitors Sun
day. Miss Hazel Hopper of Pendleton
was a guest of Miss Pearl Ramsay
Ralph Singer local electricion,
was in Waitsburg in that capacity,
Mrs. Ethel Montague and Mrs.
Flint Johns visited friends in Pend
leton Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McPherrin of
Walla Walla visited relatives in Ath
ena Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Tom Mosgrove of Milton
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre, Mrs.
Potts and Mrs Clifford Walker were
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins of
Walla Walla were week-end guests
at the A. L. McEwen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of
Pendleton attended the Scotch dance
at Legion hall Saturday night.
Miss Marjorie French of Heppner
is in Athena, visiting at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Orel McPherrin.
Mrs. J. B. Saylor of Butter Creek,
was in the city Monday, attending
the funeral of the late James Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Armond DeMerritt
of Walla Walla visited at the Henry
Pell home Saturday evening and Sun
day. C. C. Proebstel of Pendleton Re
publican candidate for District At
torney was a visitor in Athena Tues
day. Norman Mclntyre who is a stu
dent at Whitman College, was recent
ly pledged to Beta Pheta Pi, frater
nity. Mrs. Vern Smith entertained the
members of the J. T. Club at her
home in Weston, last Friday after
noon. Those who have fished in the Uma
tilla river and its tributaries, report
poor success on account of high
Mrs. E. J. Burchill of Pendleton
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
daughter Mrs. C. M. Eager and
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Zerba and
,1.,,-nVt"". Wnisburg spent the
Mrs. Mue Walker and daughter
of Waitsburg were week-end guests
at the home of Mrs. Walker's brother,
Ralph Singer.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Little
john at a theatre party in Walla Wal
la Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald and
daughter Annabclle and Mrs. Flint
h:i:i an1 "a;i;ily i itod Mrs. Ethel
j! nAngt.e Miiulay.
Mrs. P. ury Tompkins of Lone
Beach, California is spending this
week at the home of her son John
Tompkins in town.
Roy DoFreece after a few days
illness is improved and returned to
school this week. Roy spent last
week at the W. J. Kirk farm.
The Scotch dance at Legion Hall
Saturday night was well patronized,
;n! the VX netted a satisfactory
; iji ifr. swimming pool fund,
now fanners telephone line has
been built on Tine Creek, with Ralph
McEwen, II. A. Barrett, H. I. Watts
and C. D. Morey as the subscribers.
Julius Levy, old-time Athena
merchant, was in town Friday last
meeting friends. Julius is living
near Walla Walla, on a small farm.
Miss Mary Hattell of Pendleton is
here in the capacity of stenographer
at the Preston Shaffer Milling Co.,
in the absence of Miss Foster who is
he We; ton Leader reports that
Mrs. Minnie Gelette who has been
quite ill is improving and was able
to be taken to Pendleton Thursday
for treatment.
C. M. Eager and family and Mrs.
E. J. Burchill of Pendleton spent
Sunday in Dayton, Washington
visiting Mr. Eager's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Eager.
Helix fans liberally putronized the
ball game Sunday and vociferously
rooted for their home team. However,
the deep bass voice of Jim Bryan was
missing in the chorus.
Mrs. Paul Lieuallen of Adams
visited her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Pinkerton Monday morning and
with her mother were Pendleton vis
itors in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon enter
tained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Beamer, Mr. and Mrs.
James Beamer and family and Miss
Lucille Staggs, of Weston.
Loraine Shiek who has been em
ployed at the Preston Shaffer Mill
lor a short time, was taken suddenly
ill Tuesday morning. A physician was
called and the patient taken home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Anderson and
son. Mr. and Mrs. Turpening and
Mrs. Goodman of Clinton Court,
Walla Walla were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Watts at Sunset Inn, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bond and
children. Marv and Bob of Pendle
ton were guests at the C. M. Eager
home Sunday evening. Airs, uurc
hill, mother of the ladies, returned
with them.
Athena schools are not represented
in the district or county track meets
this year. Due to lateness of the
season, weather conditions prevent
ed proper training, with the result
that it was decided not to attempt
participation in the events.
Zane Grey's "Nevada"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
The Senior class of Athena High
School will hold a cooked food sale
at Steve's Grocery, Saturday morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
Edward J. Warren, for three years
assistant principal of Pendleton high
school, has been elected superin
tendent of the Weston schools. R.
A. Nixon was re-elected as director
of athletics.
James Wilson met with an accident
Sunday, while riding a motorcycle
near the Koepke farm, it turned
turtle, giving James a bad knee
bruise making it necessary to use
crutches for a time.
Mr. Archie and Marvin Bayles and
Mrs. Bayles, mother and brothers of
Mrs. H. M. Hale of Brownsville are
visiting at the Hale home, having
been called here on account of the
illness of little Mary Jean.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon and
daughter Dona and Lawrence Stamp
er spent Sunday at the Delbert
Barger home near Walla Walla,
Lawrence visited his sister and
brother while there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott of Pend
leton were in Athena Monday, at
tending the funeral of the late James
Scott of California. The deceased
was an uncle of Mr. Scott and Mrs.
Retta Potts of this city.
Gary Cooper, new screen star who
is the hero in the big picture "Beau
Sabreur," has the leading role in
Zane Grey's "Nevada" which comes
to the Standard Theatre, Sunday
night. Thelma Todd has the leading
feminine role.
The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs.
Jesse Gordon Tuesday afternoon with
nine in attendance. Mrs. Ralph
Haynie of Burns, was a visitor. A
short program was followed by re
freshments served by Mrs. George
Banister and Mrs. Louis Stewart.
Joan Crawford and James Murray,
supported by House Peters, have the
greatest parts in all their screen
career in "Rose Marie," one of
Metro-Goldwyn's finest pictures of
the year, which will be presented at
the Standard Theatre tomorrow
The 0. D. 0. Club met last Fri
day at the home of Mrs. Jesse Gor
don with 16 members present and
three .visitors present. After a few
social . hours, refreshments were
served by Mrs. Ross Catron. The
neext meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. L'Hiis Stewart.
to furnish farmer customers wil.
the famous International truck. It
is said that for farm use, the Inter
national is taking the lead wherever
introduced. It is manufactured in
carrying capacity to suit the pur
chaser, and is priced right.
Mrs. Roy Beck of Portland, Mrs.
Nellie Montague of Arlington, Ned
Gerking and Ben Gerking, attended
their uncle, James Scott's, funeral
in this city Monday afternoon. They
are children of Mrs. Susie Gerking,
who has beeen living with her brothe;
and will now make her home witl;
Remember the Silver tea to be
held Wednesday May 2nd at 2:30 in
the Christian church basement, by
the Ladies Missionary Society. A
(rood program has been prepared
Your patronage is solicited and will
be greatly appreciated. The proceeds
are to go to the boys and girls Junior
College at Eugene.
The Wauna Campfire girls met
Monday evening on the Fred Pinker
ton lawn. Making May baskets was
the diversion. Twelve girls and
Hilda Dickenson, guardian were
present. A hike up Wild Horse
Creek, is planned for Saturday morn
ing leaving town at 7:30 a. m. pre
paring breakfast on their arrival.
This afternoon the County Sunday
School Educational Committee will
conduct a rally at the Baptist Church,
with Dr. W. T. Milliken in charge,
The program consists of an after
noon session at 2:30 o clock, a pot
luck dinner served by the ladies of
the Athena church at 6:30 and an
evening session at 7:30. Everyone
is invited to attend.
Rebekah lodge met Tuesday eve
ning with a good attendance. Mrs.
Colin Harden and Mrs. Verva Baker
were elected as delegates to Grand
Lodge which convenes in May at
and Mrs. Lilla Kirk was
elected as alternate. Games were en
InvoH nnd daintv refreshments were
served by Mrs. Bell Pinkerton, Koma
Charlton and Phvllis Dickenson.
The young man who caught for
the Helix team m bunday's game,
wns a son of the late Jesse Vaughan.
The father lived in Athena when a
boy, and when he grew up was much
nf n hall nkver himself. In "Yellow
Kid" days, he played first base for
that team when it was first organ
ized. The son resembles his father
very much and plays ball with the
same vim and vigor.
The S. D. Club met Tuesday eve
nine at the home of Myrtle Camp
bell with Arleen Myrick as hostess.
Roll call was answered witn current
events. Mrs. A. W. Douglas was
elected as new guardian to succeed
Mrs. Rnllincrer. A party was plan
ned for May 18th at the home of
Mr. nmitrlas. After business, light
refreshments were served by the
hostess. Next meeting May via win
ha with Mariorie DouelaS.
A. A. Foss has traded his Main
street business building, occupied l ty
h Thnmnsnn Garare. to a Mr. Gal-
whpr nf Freewater. for a 20-acre
alfalfa and fruit ranch near that city.
The place is highly improved ana nas
miuli'i-ii eonveniencics. Mr. and Mrs.
Foss are leaving Athena at once to
reside on the ranch.
is is vu enem
A bitdseye view of the 1245 -acre Proving Ground maintained by
General Motors to assure the quality and value of its' cars and trucks.
1. Entrance to the Proving Ground.
The group of buildings includes complete
experimental and service shops, engineering
offices and comfortable living quarters for
resident and visiting engineers and for the
driving crews. The Proving Ground person
nel numbers more than 200 men.
2. The 4-mile high-speed loop. The
largest in America, made of concrete, with
turns banked to permit continuous high
speed operation. In addition, the Proving
Ground has two concrete straight-aways 1
milts long, as level as a billiard table, and
miles of brick, tar, gravel and dirt roads
which reproduce every driving and weather
3. The hill-test road. Test hill grades at
the Proving Ground range from 7.26 per
cent to 24 per cent. The grades on public
highways seldom exceed 7 per cent.
4. The "bath-tub." A depressed concrete
roadway which is filled with water at varying
depths to reproduce flooded roadway conditions.
Here each General Motors car must prove its value
ON a 1245-acre tract near Milford, Michigan,
convenient to all its car and truck divisions,
General Motors has the first and largest proving
ground for automobiles.
Here tests are made and facts determined to
a degree impossible when cars and trucks are
tested on the public highways. Here each new
model of General Motors must prove itself,
point by point, before it is produced for sale to
the public.
More than 135 different tests are applied
to each car tested at the Proving Ground,
They involve every phase of construction and
performance: power, speed, endurance, accelera
tion, braking, steering, handling, riding comfort,
fuel economy and so on. In three months a car
or truck covers more miles than you would
drive it in three years.
The Proving Ground is another example of
how General Motors is serving the public. It is
also your assurance that when you buy a Gen
eral Motors product you are getting all possi
ble quality and value at its price and the ad
vantages of a policy of continuous improvement.
Look at these values-then clip the coupon
The current models of General Motors cars are briefly de
scribed below. Never before in the history of the automobile
industry have such performance, such quality, such com
fort and such beauty been offered in their respective price
classes. They have been proved at the Proving Ground!
See which car or cars interest you most, then check and
mail the coupon below. You will receive complete, illus
trated information, together with two interesting little
books telling all about General Motors Proving Ground
and just what General Motors policies are.
CHEVROLET. 7 models, $495 to $715.
Bigger and better than ever before. 4-wheel
brakes. Longer wheel base. Still more power
ful engine. Luxurious Fisher Bodies. Shock
absorber springs. New hood. New Duco
colors. New instrument panel and other
improvements. ALSO truck chassis: Mt-ton,
$395. 1-ton, $495. "
PONTIAC.8modcl8,$745to$875. The
lowest-priced quality "six." Improved from
radiator to tail-light. For example: 4-wheel
brakes, new GMR cylinder head, increased
power, locking device, more luxurious Fisher
Bodies. Finished in Duco in new colors.
OLDSMOBILE. 7 models, $925 to $ 1085.
Entirely redesigned by General Motors, the
new Oldsmobile has earned the title of "The
Fine Car at Low Cost." Longer, roomier,
more powerful and the last word in styling.
Fisher Bodies. 4-wheel brakes. -
(All prices F. O. B, at the factories)
OAKLAND. 9 models, $1045 to $1375.
The All-American Six. Advanced engineering
and precision construction. Longer, lower and
more beautiful. Bodies by Fisher. Every con
venience. 4-wheel brakes. New Duco colors.
Harmonic balancer.
. ...
BUICK. 16 models, $1195 to $1995.
The largest value in Buick's famous history.
Beautiful low bodies by Fisher, etaway
like an arrow from a bow. Vibrationless be
yond belief. Famous 6-cylinder "Valve-in-head"
engine. Sealed-in chassis.
LaSALLE. 16 models, $2350 to $2975.
This beautiful car was designed as com
panion car to Cadillac. Has V-type 90 de
gree 8-cylinder engine which has made
Cadillac the standard fine car of the world.
Built in Cadillac factory. Continental in appearance.
CADILLAC. 26 models, $3295 to $5500.
"What," General Motors asked last year,
"can possibly be done to improve Cadillac?"
The result is embodied in the new models
now on display, representing the high-water
mark of Cadillac's long history. Sumptuous
bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500. color
combinations to choose from.
FRIGID AIRE The Electric Refrigerator.
General Motors has applied the processes
which have made the automobile available
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refrigerators. Frigidaire is the refrigerator
made by General Motors and it is now the
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DELCO-LIGHT Electric Plants. Provide
the conveniences and labor-saving devices
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power plants, water pumps, etc. Used in
more than a quarter million homes. '
For the convenient purchase of tfiesejjrocfucf s. General Motors offers the standard low-cost GMAC Plan.
GENERAL MOTORS (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich.
Please send, without any obligation to me, your Illustrated
Information about the particular General Motors product or
products I have checked at the right together with your booklets
"The Proving Ground" and "Principles fit Policies."