House, May Be, Shrine, I Elizabeth, N. J. One of the oldest homesteads In New Jersey Is the stanch Hetfleld house, built on ' the banks of the Elizabeth river at the jfoot of Pearl street here before Co lonial times. Sold recently by a de scendant of Its second owner with the provision that the house, rich In leg end and the homeof nine generations, be preserved, It has been offered as a Colonial shrine or headquarters to the historical and patriotic societies IDEAL FOR SPRING ill 1, trf inllMiiniii mi Foulard and flat crepe makes the Ideal spring ensemble. This model Is In red and white foulard trimmed with a Jabot of white flnt crepe and worn with a red flat crepe coat, lined and trimmed In the foulard. of this city by Mason Eirkland, the present owner. Miss Emily Hetfleld, of the ninth generation of the Revolutionary fam ily, will contribute to the shrine from her store of Colonial furniture, pic tures, legal documents and other rel Ics. A wealth of historic material re mained In the house from the days before the Revolution until 20 years ago, when Miss Hetfleld and her moth er moved to a more modern home. Built by Skipper. The house was built In 1066-7 by Abraham Lubberson, skipper of a Hud son river fleet and a resident of New Amsterdam. After a few years he sold the property to Matthias Hatfield, who had come to Elizabeth from New Haven, Conn., although originally the family lived In Hatfield, England, whence was derived the name. The change of the second letter in the name from "a" to "e" occurred during the early days of the Revolu tion. . Many houses were divided against themselves in those times and the Hatfleids were not an exception. Several members of the family chose to remain loyal to the Crown and left the homestead to Join the British col ony on Staten Island. The others, conceived the Idea of changing the spelling of the name to sever kinship with the royalists. The revised ver sion has been retained by all succeed ing generations. Tradition tells of exciting doings at the house in the days when the Republic was in the making. Many of these are confirmed by the papers and parchments that Miss Hetfleld re tains. One chapter In the historical lore transmitted tells of the secret tunnel. This chapter Is sufficiently clear to enable Miss Hetfleld to eay that the tunnel once existed, although Its lo cation is unknown. Whether It has been entirely filled np, or whether only Its entrances have been sealed by time or by Intent Is not known. The legend says that it led from the house to the water's edge in the river. Among the objects In the house were glass platters from which five been served ; a Hessian cannon ball, "generations" of wedding cake have five Inches In diameter, but of great weight; sconces, elaborate tn gilt about the huge, round mirrors; a tom ahawk left on the homestead by a marauding Indian and pictures juade by processes no longer known. Better Grade Diamonds to Be More Expensive London. Good diamonds are to be more expensive, according to S. B. Joel, member of the diamond syndi cate here which controls the price. "Stones of three carats and upwards will be affected and the minimum Increase will be 5 per cent," he said. "This Increase has resulted from the big demand for good stones. There is a glut of the small stones produced from the alluvial workings, but for the big stones there Is a big demand. ONCE MORE CHAMPION v. .,. 111 -- ' J Marines on Their Way to Nicaragua ' list ; A view taken from the bow of the D. S. S. Milwaukee, en route from luutmou, e. u., to uorinto, Nicaragua. The Forty-seventh company of tf niln rn 1 1K 9 n M - .. ... iMuwucs, iuu uitru uu a umcers, was oDoara. xne u. 8. s. italeich Is od uucau. j-ijc amps are passing uirougo ine rearo Miguel locus id tlie Pan- uuja uuuui. Collage Men Give Advice to Coeds The photograph shows Ralph Green- leaf, who, falling to crack under the strain of a bard tournament at Chi. cago, regained his national pocket bil liard championship. In addition to giving him the title. the major share of $5,000 prize money. and a large percentage of the care re ceipts, Greenleaf won the $250 month ly pay which goes with the title. Rochester, N. Y. Feeling that It Is easier to tell a woman "what not to do" than "what to do," members of the men's college of the Cnlversity of Rochester have assumed the role of bfg brother to their fair sisters of the women's college. Through the medium of the Campus, college undergraduate publication, the men are offering their advice to all coeds free. Some advice has been offered In the following list of "don'ts," which ap peared In the Campus: Don't look over our shoulder to read our newspaper. Go buy one they only cost a few cents. Don't say you "Just adore" any girl who is your rival. Don't accept an Invitation to have a sandwich and then order a whole meal. Don't keep us waiting more than a half hour, especially when a to-be- pald-for chariot awaits you without. On the way to a picture show, don't rave about what a wonderful musical comedy is In town. Don't say you are reducing and then eat everything in sight Don't ask us whether or not to let your hair grow. Don't explain that you know Ife bad form, but that you Just like to chew gum, anyway. Don't poise your cigarette grace fully and then puff the smoke out before you have time to taste it. Don't be afraid to accept a date at the last minute, especially when you want It We know we're supposed to thinn you re popular. Don't be avidly Interested In the things you say shock you. Say everything Is "cute" If you he was not afraid? He could not have been otherwise, but he bad courage Id spite of fear. ISUCH IS LIFE: By Charles Sughroe - This Promise Was a Treat ?ff AVZBUO HAS A MEW j MT f W (9 kU W2f?2?f- T I JUST PLAV IT WHEul 1- J """"" : : , 1 , I '; Can Count Atoms : Definite Pattern for Cities Seen as Vital The growing practice of fiftlnor American cities to a definite pattern rather than allowing them to grow as they will Is disclosed ln report of the civic development department of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States on city olannine and zoning accomplishments. This practice, which originated twenty or more years ago, has stead ily grown until at the present time more than 600 American cities have adopted some form of city planning. City plaunlng ," the report explains. "Is the proper co-ordination of civic development, to the end that a city may grow in a more orderly way and provide adequate facilities for living. working and recreation. "To serve the community best a comprehensive city plan must co-or dinate all physical Improvements, even at the possible expense of sub ordinating Individual desires. City planning applies the fundamental principles of business corporations to civic development. It means the bud geting of future Improvements to ob tain an orderly and uniform growth for the entire community and prevent overexpansion of one phase of de velopment at the expense of others." Health Department Is County's Great Need Are you living in a county without an organized health department? asks Dr. R. G. Beachley In nygela, the health magazine published by the American Medical association. If you do, you are not receiving proper health protection from your local government State departments of health cannot carry on Intensive health work In every county In a state. Therefore the only way to maintain proper health standards Is to have an efficient health department in every county. No Investment can yield greatet dividends than money for public health, Doctor Beachley continues. A whole-time health department will re duce the amount of sickness from such diseases as typhoid fever, diphtheria, smallpox and scarlet fever by almost 75 per cent during the first five yean of its existence, he declares.. The typical health department con sists of a physician who is a graduate of a medical college with special train ing In public health work ; one or two graduate nurses who have studied pub lic health; one or two sanitary In spectors and a clerk-stenographer. 11 possible, a laboratory should be provided. 'lr .1. it Sweden to Teach Children to Save Stockholm. For the benefit S of Swedish school children with P out money In the bank, the pos J tal savings authorities will open J 25,000 new accounts, depositing 2 two crowns In each. Permission l4 has been asked from the gov- ? ern merit to use $13,400 of the 2 postal savings Income for 1927 j to defray the expenses. Swe- j den's private savings banks have j Z made similar distributions of $ money for several years in or- J J der to teach the school children jj bow to save. . $ I WXjBXlIl No ronn8 man can i xlijl' succeed If he Is 1 M"T afrall to 1 little jft )jb more tnan ne 18 Pa,(J Cambridge, Mass. Atoms and mole cules now can be counted with greater accuracy than the population of a large city, Dr. Miles Sherlll, professor of theoretical chemistry at the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology, re ported In a Society of Arts lecture In the Institute recently. "We no longer doubt the existence or reality of atoms," he said. "It Is possible to determine the number of molecules In one gram molecular weight of a substance which Is equal to the number of atoms tn one gram atomic weight of any element This huge number Is six hundred and six and two-tenths sextillions." The lecturer showed a screen pic ture of the motion of mercury parti cles. Study of this motion, Doctor Sherlll said, made it possible to count atoms and molecules. He also dem- The Impatience of Youth REMEMBER, i50M A FLYFR',5 HELMET DOESMY makf a FLYER I CAN FLY JUST LIKE LlttDY IF YOU'LL LET ME - 5URE HE CAfl FLY- v ' onstrated the Gelger counter, an In strument so sensitive that it will de tect even a single electron. "Dr. H. 0. Blumgart of the Boston City hospital has made a very won derful application of the Instrument" said Doctor Sherlll "He Injects a trace, one quadrillionth of a grain, which Is about three million atoms, or radio-active deposit Into the arm of a patient Then with the aid of the Gelger counter he measures the time taken for It to be carried to the heart and again through the lungs back to the heart and on to a point in the other arm corresponding to the original point of Injection. "The counter, protected from prema ture radiations by a sheathing of lead, Is placed over the heart where It de tects the arrival of the radio-active substance, and again in the other arm by means of a second Instrument "He is thus able to measure the rate of blood flow through the lungs. Such studies bold far-reaching possi bilities for research In diseases of the heart" COURAGE By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois. (f In parts of South America It Is still the custom to erect wooden crosses on the outskirts of the villages to frighten away evil spirits. DIPPING INTO t SCIENCE Z Storms on the Sun t T tira nft&n tan tfmoa as (Ann t 4 the earth's-diameter and sclen- The flames of fire which shoot out from the surface of the sun Mats in their vigils have seen me flame which measured more than 33.000 miles and traveled J at the rate of 3.00 miles a rain- nte. These flames are seen only J through a nr;iiij constructed !rnmfnt J El tit Wntcro Newsptpet Onion NOW be a brave boy," mother used to nay tn mo when. In sending me to bed alone to the awful dark rooms above, she saw that my heart beat a little faster and that fear of something unexpected and unknown gripped me. "There's nothing up there to hurt you." And I went not realiz ing that in going and facing the dan ger that I feared, I was not a coward, but that 1 had courage, for courage consists in facing danger or supposed danger that you fear. Aristotle, one of the wisest men in the world, has said so. "Courage," he tells us, "Is not fear lessness, but the recognition of danger and the power of self-control In spite of fear." The man who faces danger without fear Is not courageous ; he Is fool hardy; his Judgment Is faulty. After the marines had made their courageous attack at Belleao woods I had a long letter from Martin telling me all about It though I had before seen an account In the newspapers of what happened. "If anyone who was in the awful carnage tells you that he had no fear," Martin wrote, "don't believe bim, for he Is either not human or a liar. Every man knew when be went Into the attack that be faced death, or. If not death, a torn, mangled body to be carried through a life, that might be worse than death. As far myself, I was white and trembling for a time, and then my heart began beating like a triphammer, but terrified as we were, we went on, and you know the result." Here was courage of the highest order not fearlessness but the recog nition of awful danger, and the power to go on and meet It There was a fire In one of the apart ment houses In town not Ions aero. Three little children were alone in one of the rooms, helpless and stupe fied by the smoke. Their case seemed hopeless when one of the vouna fire men forced bis way through the flames ana smoke and brought them out and down in safety. He real zed his dan ger more even than the crowd did who stood at a safe distance and nn- plauded his action. He hod n fomiiv oi bis own at home, and he must have thought of his little boy and elrl and the possibility of Ihelr being father less ir ne risked his life. Moral courage Is not unlike physical There Is a gambling game going on In the dormitory In which Blake lives, with drinking and salacious talk. "Come on, boy," one of the fellows says to make, "and sit In with us. He will be laughed at If he says no, ana tsiake, like most young boys, is sensitive to ridicule, ne fears the Jibes and the jokes Of his cnmnnnlnna They cut him like whiplashes, but he has the courage to say no, and It does taice courage in such Instances. (& t2. Wratern Newspaper nnlaiU WINS HIGH HONORS Shade Trees a Necessity "The city of fine shade trees is the city beautiful" Charles Lathrop Pack talking "When the traveler gives thought to the world's mosl beautiful cities, he thinks Instinctive ly of Washington and Paris; and In thinking of them he delights in the memory of their wealth of trees. In each of these cities great architect and gifted rtlsts have created build ings of rara splendor and stately grace. The chief charm of both cities, however, is found in the magnificent shade trees which line their street! and beautify their lawns, parks and public grounds. Who can picture Six teenth street or Massachusetts ave nue, or any of the streets of Wash ington deprived of shade tree beauty I Visualize without their trees the city streets and parks with which you are familiar, and see what becomes oi the City Beautiful I" ixmm j I '.:.-.i -tJlh"",r"j Western Architecture The western, or prairie, type of architecture derives its chief char acteristics from the western prairies on which It originated ; the horizontal elements In the design being heavily accented, as against the more usual practice of emphasizing vertical lines, such as Is done In French and Eng lish small holne planning. The western type of home usually Is built In square, box-like shape, the roof low-pitched and with a widely spreading overhang. Detail work Is heavy, and the win dows carry out the squareness of the home in their own shape. They are used with or without dividing mul Hons. Exchange. No Aid to Walls Bureau of standards tests have demonstrated that wetting the bricks will not add to the compressive strength of brick walls. Clay brick walls will be as strong when aged In air for GO days as they will be If kept damp for a period of about one week after construction, the tests reveul. Unfair to Home Town When a boy from a country town I goes to a city and mokes good, his neighbors seem to think that some miracle has been performed, or that he acquired all his prowess away from nome.-Waldport (Ore.) Trib une. Miss Hutli Houghton ot Westfleld, N. J., of the class of 102!), who was elected chairman of the Judicial board one of Smith college's highest hon ors. She olso was elected to Phi Beta Knppa recen'ly. Resists Rot and Vermin Sheet steel, because of: its resist ance to rot Is coining into wide use age for pergolas, trellises and other garden furniture. Bugs and gnats do not Infest the steel products and korlng birds have no effect ou them.