Sintered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Claea Mall Matter VOLUME 49. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, 1928 NUMBER 17 LEARNS HE MUST HANG Judge Holds That Verdict of Jury Fixing Death Is Mandatry. Walla Walla. Preston Ray (Slim) Clark must die on the scaffold at the state penitentiary on Friday Jiane 8; according to sentence pronounced in W.-erior court by Judge John L. Sharpstein. Clark was convicted of murder in the first degree, with death penalty, in connection with the death of Alpeus Bidwell, who was poisoned December 30, 1927. Mrs. Bidwell, widow of the dead man, is now serving ten to 30 years in prison for murder in the second degree. Clark's only hope lies in an appeal to the state supreme court and while one has not been determined upon, it is possible it will be sought, Clark's attorney, H. B. Noland, stated. Judge Sharpstein pronounced sent ence after denying the motion for a new trial. In the last affidavit in support of the motion for a new trial, objection was made to some of the arguments alleged to have been made by counsel for Mrs. Bidwell. Judge Sharpstein held that no ob jection had been made at the time of the trial, hence the present objection was too late. Clark was ordered to stand up. His attorney asked if the judge held that the verdict of the jury, inflict ing the deathpenalty, was man datory, and Judge Sharpstein stated that he believed it was . mandatory, and that he had no other course to pursue. " Had it not been mandatory he stated, it would have made a dif ference in sentence. Clark's attorney then asked for a delay as long as pos sible in the execution date to per mit of plans for an appeal, and was filed, an order would be signed stay ing the execution. Judge Sharpstein . then ordered Clark' taken to be turned over to the warden of the penitentiary by the sheriff and executed on June 3. Mrs. Hager, Pioneer County Resident Dead Mrs. Nellie Hager, a pioneer resi dent of Umatilla county, died at her home near Gibbon, Sunday, at the advanced age of 81 years. She had lived in Umatilla county for over 40 years, most of that time at the old homestead on the banks of the Uma tilla river. She passed away after six days illness from pneumonia. She and her husband R. C. Hager, had been married 59 years on Jan uary 19 of this year. Mrs. Hager was a kindly woman, who will long be remembered by her many friends and fishermen, who have passed many times before her door in quest of trout to be found in the famous Hager "riffle." Mrs. Hager is survived by her husband; one son, John Hager, of Gibbon; two daughters, Mrs. Lee Drake of Astoria, and . Mrs. Bert Geer of Toledo, Oregon. Funeral services were held at Pendleton, Tuesday, interment taking place in Olney cemetery." Scouts Will Select Sjte for Their Cabin a- Athena Boy Scouts will go to their summer camp grounds on the Walla Walla river, south of Milton tomor row for the purpose of selecting the site for their troop cabin, which is to be constructed in the near future Funds are being raised by Athena business men to pay for building the cabin, the estimated cost of which is $150, and a subscription paper is now , being circulated for signatures. The Rotary Club of Walla Walla is behind the building of the kitchen and mess hall for the Scouts at the summer camp grounds, and will finance this part of the camp con struction. In all nine buildings are expected to be completed this sea son. : j The Wheat Market On the whole, wheat markets, both domestic and foreign, were stronger last week, although more unsettled than the week previous. Weather conditions in the United States and Canada were unfavorable for spring planting. Wheat stocks in Canada are reported 43,000,000 bushels more than a year ago and in Argentina 10,000,000 bushels less. Chapter Will Entertain McKenzie Chapter O. E. S. will en tertain the members of Helix Chapter at Masonic HaH next Wednesday eve ning, at which time all local Chapter members are requested to be pres BacJrWhen Athenal -iWas Centerville In the Late Ws :v,. r; ' D. F? ."Mansfield has been r.ontribut- ing some interesting pioneef, history to the columns of the East; Oregon ian pertaining - to - early days in and around Centerville, ; now Athena. We quote from . Mr.;.Mansfield's pioneer reminiscenc$stif . . " AthenaTfrfSt called Centerville, was beguwHir 1878. Later, a man named Kose bought 20 acres of land there from Uncle; BillWiHoughby and through his influence "thename wits .chanced to Athena; S. Kirk. Mose Woodward, who lived farthest West of any of the settlers, as his place was at v hand Hollow; the Sturgis and Taylor families; Al Johnson: Bill Willoughby, who bought Dave Taylor out, after which Taylor moved to Gerking Flat be cause he thought the Athena region was getting too thickly populated; George Reed and John Adams. "Of these. Al Johnson is the only settler who still lives on his origin al homestead. Mr. Johnson is past 80 years old. He moved to town for a time but returned to his old resid- ence. Mr. Johnson, wno is one oi those eood old pioneers who com mand the respect of everyone, is a fiddler of no mean ability and can wheedle sweet strains from that instrument. "Other old residents included Uncle Joe Lieuallen, father of J. T. Lieuallen of Adams and OSorge Lieu allen of Athena. George Lieuallen lives on the old home place which first belonged to his father. There was also William Scott, father oi Joseph N. Scott. Grandpa Gerking and his sons were among the early settlers and Gerking Flat was named for Grandpa Gerking. "There were also the families of Robert Conpock, A. R. Price, Jack Crigler, John Stamper and T. J. Watts. The latter was the father of Homer Watts and M. L. Watts, prominent Athena residenets, and Staffords. Fnn sorial life in old Athena days, dancing was our greatest diversion. We used to start dancing at o ciock and dance until morning. Fathers and mothers used to take their children to dances with them, we danced to the music of the fiddle and somtimes had an organ also, ine old-fashioned square dances were danced, and a caller called the One of our callers was Jimmy Carden, of Pendleton. Picture Program At The Standard Theatre Crawford. James Murray and House Peters will be seen in the im portant screen production of Kose Marie," at the Standard Theatre to iirVit. Murray will be re membered here as the young lead ing man in King Vidors ine Crowd." firmlav ni ffht. Zane Grey's "Ne vada" will be presented at the Stand orA with the. new screen favorite, Gary Cooper, in the leading role, playing opposite lneima ioaa. novf Wednesday evening the A Ul v".w ' " Standard has selected for its mid week special, the comedy-drama, "Partners Again. The standard's benefit merit for the swimming pool fund has been erosion for Wednesday. May 16th, when a glorious mid-week novelty program will be presented. The novelty program numbers include the thrilline screen showing oi -ju.uuu Miles With Lindbergh," "The Yoke of the Past" showing farming irom its very beginning up to the present; "History of the Flag" and "Secrets of the Deep," a big program that is sure to please every one. Two Physicians Die Tm nhvsirians who had practiced medicine at Pendletoen, died over the week-end. Friday at Pasadena, California, Dr. D. J. McFaul passed away. He had been a leading physi cian of Pendleton for many years, going to that city from Adams. Mon day, Dr. E. B. Waffle died at Astoria, where he went from Pendleton sever al years ago, and opened an office. Frost Danger Great Desnite the cold, backward season, Walla Walla valley fruit is making almost normal advancement. Apple VniHa are showine color and cherries are past the full bloom stage, and in the Milton-Freewater district tne are shedding their petals. Just now, the susceptibility of fruit to frost damage is at its height. Repairing Pavement r,itv Marshal Tavlor and a force of men were at work Wednesday, re moving the broken slabs of pave ment at corner of Third and Main, which were broken up last fall to make repairs to a water main. A rock base will be made and soon the standard bitulithic surface will be added. James A. Scott Passes On Humorist and Cartoonist Known To Press Readers As "Scribbler." The funeral of James A. Scott was held Monday at 2:30 p. m. at the Christian church in this city, the ceremonies being conducted by Rev. M?Quarry of Milton. , A quartet furnished appropriate music, Mrs. D. T. Stone singing a solo. Mr. Scott, who was with his sister, Mrs. Susan Gerking, took critically ill on the train en route from Long Beach, California and arriving at Portland, his nepehew, Joseph N. Scott was notified who drove down from Pendleton, taking his uncle to the Good Samaritan hospital, where on April 21st he passed away. He had been in failing health for many years but thought he could stand the trip back to his former home, to visit friends, many of whom remem ber him as a clever writer and car toonist of much local favor in Athe na's earlier days. His contributions to the Press over the name of "Scrib bler" were keenly appreciated in the lang syne. Endowed with a vein of humor, the writing of Mr. Scott was turned on local events of the day which he cleverly emphasized after a bur lesque manner with cartons. During the time he was writing for the Press, The Morning Oregonian was running a department in which it printed biographical sketches of Ore gon newspaper men together with their photographs. "Scrib" immedi ately introduced his famous "News paper Gallery of Own-With Apologies to the Oregonian," in which he car tooned the late C. S. Jackson of the Oregon Journal, then of the East Oregonian, astride his single tax hobby horse; Clark Wood of the Wes ton Leader; John Lathrop of the East Oregonian; J. Watermelon Red- dington of the Heppner Gazette; Frank Hull of the Milton Eagle, and others. Locally, he often mentioned the "Two-Jinks," Dudley and Taylor; Charles Henry and "Quill" Gerking were victims of many a funny poke of his pen. He satirized Wood's pro clivities for begging tobacco and his efforts at ranching in Franklin county, Wash. He put Boyd astride a cayuse and bucked him off while in the act of shooting a crow, mis taking it for a grouse. He cartooned Hull in a boxcar, enroute to Salem to lobby for county division, and kept the town laughing at the escapades of a couple of his friends down on "Butter River," (Butter Creek.) James A. Scott was born in Shelby county, Illinois, in June, 1849, died April 21, 1928, aged 78 years and 10 months. He was one of a family of nine children the only surviving one being his sister, Mrs. Susan Gerking, who for several years past has faithfully attended her failing brother. . His father, Andrew Scott, died when James was a small boy and he made his home with his mother, Martha Jay Scott until the time of her death, 18 yearsi ago. He never married, and lived with his sisters, two of whom died at Long Beach a year ago. He lived in the states of Illinois, Missouri and Texas, coming to Ore gon in 1884, where he lived until 1905, when he moved to California. For more than 20 years his home has been at Long Beach. Besides his sister, he is survived by six nephews and nine neices. He was baptized in the old Christian church in Athena some thirty years ago. Stockholders Vote To Keep Weston Bank At a meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers Bank of Weston Tuesday it was decided to keep the bank in operation, when 255 shares of stock out of a total of 300 repre sented, 203 were against liquidation with the First National Bank of Ath ena and 51 shares were voted in favor of the liquidation proposal of the board of directors of the Weston bank, made to and accepted by the First National. Pnilnwina' the stockholder's meet ing, a meeting of the board of di rectors was held. George Kellough j J J ' resigned as president ana airectui, and Lance Kellough cashier, and C. t. Pinkerton. assistant cashier, re signed as directors, but retained their positions at the bank, was followed by the election of J. H. Key as presi dent and J. M. Banister and Marvin Price, directors. These with Frank Price, Joseph Wurzer, Geo. W. Staggs and Sim J. Culley, comprise the new board of directors. Firat. National officials and the Athena public generally are pleased ti,of tha neighbor institution has VllCA u vuv -C5 , been reorganized to continue busi ness. Trust Powers Granted First National Bank tv, virat. National Bank of Athena has been advised by the Federal Re rv RnarH that it has been grant ed permission to act, when not in contravention of state or local law to act aS trustee, executor and adminis trator of estates, registrar of btock3 and bonds, guardian of estates, as signee and receiver. The First National has been grant ed the further right to act in any other fiduciary capacity in wnvn state hanks, trust companies or other corporations which come into com petition with national Danns are pci mitted to act under the laws of the state of Oregon. The exercise of these rights are subject to the pro visions of the Federal Keserve aci and the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board. Mr. LeGrow is pleased to make the above announcement for the local hank at this time, from the fact that in the past those wishing to repose fiduciary matters in trust were re quired to look to outside institutions for requisite facilities. . From Island of Jersey The East Oregonian reports that the dairy herd at the Eastern Ore gon State Hospital received an im portant addition Saturday miprrang when four new Jersey cows arrived, imported direct from the Island of Jersey. W. H. Doughtrey For County Commissioner W. H. Doughtery, pioneer farmer and stockman of Echo, is the repub lican candidate for county commis sioner before the primaries, from the west end of the county. Mr. Doughtery, in company with John S. Vinson, former postmaster at Free- water, and also well known pioneer, was in Athena Wednesday. Mr, Doughtery has a wide acquaint ance throughout the county, and was importuned to seek the office of com missioner by the people of the west end, irrespective of political party affiliations wholly through recognition of his capabilities as a business man, farmer and stockraiser. For twenty years, Mr. Doughtery was manager of the stockyards in Portland. His influence in the west end of the county has left its im pression vividly on the upbuilding and progress of that section for many years, and the people there believe the time has come for them to have representation in county affairs and that Mr. Doughtery is the man to represent them. John S. Vinson John S. Vinson, well known pioneer of the "east end" was in Athena Wednesday and called at the Press office. For many years he was post master at Freewater and conducted a store at that place. Sometime ago his store was destroyed by fire, and he retired from the mercantile busi ness. Mr. Vinson has passed the al lotted three score and ten, but is yet just about as young, as he used to be; wears the same smile, smokes thn same brand of tobacco as always, but in a new pipe. Come again, John. Pendleton Boxing Card Firht fans will attend a five-bout boxing card at Pendleton tonight Topliners are Harry O'Brien and Danny Lewis in a ten-round go at 150 pounds. Tommy Gardner and Willie Green, bantams, are scneauiea fnr i rounds: Steamboat Jackson and Brownie Buskirk, at six rounds and two other four-round prelims ari on the tapis. Month To Seed 80 Acre James Duncan was in town Wednes day from his farm south of Athena. Mr. Duncan says it required just a month to seed 80 acres on his place this spring, on account of bad weath er, which otherwise the two men and 13 head of horses would have com pleted in three days. Leave For Kalispell Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Brower, (Jen nemae Read) have sold their; new home in Pendleton, and will leave shortly for Kalispell, Montana, where they may decide to reside. Athena Takes a Game From Helix Well Played, 7-4 Two glorious innings were all that was required for Athena to place Sunday's game with Helix safely away in cold storage; the score was decisive, too, 7 to 4. The innings above referred to were the first and the seventh. In the first canto, after Banister had retired Helix hitless, Geissel first up for Athena was tossed out to Holmgren. Lee Banister followed with a single, stole secondv and scored on Shick's two-ply swat, i Shick took third when Holmgren' messed up Kretzer's roller. Harden fanned. Toole sent one crashing between Nelson's shins and Shick romped home. Harris struck out. Two hits, two errors, two runs. Helix was blanked in the second. Ditto Athena. Opening in third, Helix made her bid for the game, when Vaughan, 'first batter up took first when he was hit on the arm. He stole second, Pierce drew a pass and both scored on Tucker's two-base hit. Two in, nobody down and Tucker anchored on second. Garrett went out, G. Banister to Kretzer. Scheyer singled, scbring Tucker. Holmgren went out Shick to Kretzer, and B. Holmgren faded from the picture, Kretzer to Shick. Two hits, three runs, no errors. Toole went in to pitch for Athena in the fourth and McPherrin took over the mask and chest protector from Baker in the fifth. Athena tied it up with a score in the sixth, when Harden socked out a three- bagger and scored on Toole's sacri fice. One hit, one run, no errors. Helix could do nothing with Toole's slants in the sixth, Holmgren and Nelson fanned and B. Holmgren flew out to L. Banister. Athena opened the lucky seventh with G. Banister going out at first, and Geissel being stopped, Nelson to Holmgren, after circling the bases on a terrific drive down the third base line, which his Umps declared foul. Then Mr. Pierce, he of the stone age, got a fossilized crink in the good.ol' left wing and issued transportation to Lee Banister. Whereupon Mr. Shick immediately brought his willow ker smack against Mr. Kelley Pierce's next offering for a home run drive Kretzer was safe on second when B. Holmgren dropped his fly out in right. Then Harden pranced up to the plate, facing Mr. Nelson, who had gone into the box in place of Mr. Pierce, whanged the first ball pitched for two stations, Kretzer scoring. Toole was safe when the ball got away on error at short, Harden scoring. Harris was thrown out at first. Two hits, four runs, two errors. Wally Holmgren scored for Helix in the eighth. He went to first on being hit and scored on B. Holm gren's two-bagger. One hit, one run, no errors. Score by Innings Athena .....2 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 7 Hits 2 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 7 Helix 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 04 Hits 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 25 Batteries Banister and Baker, Toole and McPherrin; Vaughan and Pierce, Nelson, Montgomery. Errors, B. Holmgren, Nelson, Tuck er, Shearer; L. Banister, Shick, G. Banister, McPherrin. Runs batted in, Shick 2, Harden. Two-base hits, Shick, Harden, Holmgren. Three base hit, Harden. Home run Shick. Sacrifice, Toole. Left on bases, Ath ena 4, Helix 3. Struck out, by Banister 3. Toole 6; Pierce 6, Montgomery 3. Winning pitcher Toole; losing pitcher Montgomery. Umpire, Martin. HOSTESSES ENTERTAIN TWO BRIDGE PARTIES Mrs. Henrv Dell and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn were hostesses at a series of two afternoons of bridge, Thurs day and. Friday of last week. Spring flowers were used profusely lor decoration. Thursday five tables were at play with the following ladies : Mesdames, G. H. Bishop or Freewater, C. O. Whiteman, Walla Walla. .1. F. Kershaw. H. I. Watts, Frank Ames, H. A. Barrett, C. M. Eager, Lloyd Michener, B. B. Rich ards, W. S. Ferguson, F. S. LeGrow, VreA Gross. D. T. Stone. Arnold Wood, Alex Mclntyre, Fred Pinker ton, F. B. Boyd, Lew McNair, R. A. Thompson and M. W. Hansell. Mrs, Barrett won high score and Mrs. Mc Nair consolation. Friday afternoon four tables of bridge were at play with the following present. Mes dames Bryce Baker, E. C. Prestbye, A W. Douglas. A. W. Logsdon, Max Hnmur Tjmrrence Pinkerton. Clar ence Toole, Harold Fredericks, Shel don Taylor, Dean Dudley, James Lieuallen, Paul Lieuallen, i. ju mc Fadden, Claude Dickenson and Miss Hilda Dickenson. Mrs. Prestbye held high score and Mrs. Pinkerton consolation. A dainty two course luncheon wa served by the hostesses on both occasion. THER JOSIAH ILL RECEIVED Cast Presents the Comedy In Very Acceptable Manner. The annual school nlav. "Brother Josiah," presented at the High acnool auditorium Fndav evening was well liked by the audience, which wanned up to the clever act- ing of the players, meeting the situa tions or the plot with generous applause. The play is an esneciallv well written comedy in three acts, and its presentation by the cast revealed careful rehearsal and coaching on the part of the director, Miss Mildred Bateman. The comdy roles were given the right members of the cast when Clif ford Wood, Wilford Miller and Mar guerite Moore were selected. The leads fell into the capable hands of Weldon Beil, Jessiedeane Dudley and Ray Johnston. Ethel Pittman, Al berta Charlton, George Gross and Eldon Myrick were splendid in their parts, and Curtis Duffield made a perfect butler. Extras in the cast for Act I, were Dorothy Geissel, Marjorie Wilson, Helen Hansell, George Pambrun, Oral Michener and Walter Huffman. Roy DeFreece, originally cast for William Le Blanc, was compelled to drop out on account of illness, Ray Johnston taking the part. A large audience witnessed the play. The Athena Orchestra was well received in the rendition of music for the occasion, its personnel being Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton, Fred Kershaw, Lawrence Lieuallen, Harold Frederick, Roe Eager, Kohler Betts, Lee A. Meyer and Justin Har- wood. National Forest Week Observance at School National Forest Week will be observed with a program at High School auditorium this afternoon at 2:45, when Athena Boy Scouts, the high school department and scholars of the 7th and 8th grades will par ticipate. The glee club and school will give song numbers appropriate to the oc casion, and the principal address will be given by Wade LeRoy, who will speak on "fire control and forest perpetuation. The Boy Scout portion of the pro gram will be given by John Kirk,, who will have "utilization" for his subject; Carl Calvert, "farm wood- lots and wind breaks;" Stafford Han sell, "Flood control." The program will be for the pub lic as well as for the school and the Boy Scouts, and it is hoped that citizens generally will avail them selves of the opportunity to attend the exercises. Chicken Thieves Caught Get Two Years In Pen Athena poultry raisers will rest easier when they learn that Harold Clark. 20. of Freewater. and Archie Preston, 22, of Walla Walla, captured last week by Sheriff Cookingham, are on their way to the pen at Salem, to serve two years each. The men were apprehended by Cookinertam at the door of a produce house in Walla Walla, and caught in the very act of selling stolen poultry. Brought to Pendleton, Clark and Preston were lodged in the county jail and confessed to stealing chick ens at Athena, Milton-Freewater and in the Dayton-Pomeroy districts. They waived the bringing of in dictments by the grand jury, and Tuesday morning appeared before Judge Fee in the circuit, entered of cruiltv to information filed by the district attorney, and were im mediately sentenced to each serve two years in the penitentiary. Kelley and Willos Pay James Willos and Ellsworth Kelley paid the death penalty Friday morn ing at ths Oregon state penitentiary for their participation in the prison break from that same institution on August 12, 1925, in which two -guards were killed. Kelley was the first to mount, the callows and the trap dropped from under him at 8:31. He was pronounced dead at 8:43. Willos dropped through the trap at 8:53 and was dead in 12 minutes. Athena at Adams The Athena and Adams teams in the "Big Six" league will play at Adams Sunday, afternoon at 2:30. Last Sunday Adams defeated the Eagles, 11-10, and Weston lost to Milton-Freewater, 17 to 5.