J High School Notes Junior News Staff. Faculty .'. r. Wilford Miller Classes Areta Kirk Student Body Pearl Green Boy's Athletics Oral Michener Girl's Athletics Alberta Charlton Personal... Marjorie Wilson Grades Mildred Street Alumni Weldon Bell Entertainment Emma Ringel Advisor .Miss Bateman Entertainment . The high school enjoyed a weiner roast at .Thorn Hollow, Wednesday evening, April 11. The boys had a football scrimmage before the ioast Ihe refreshments were wemers, buns, pickles, marshmallows, and cof fee. Games were played until dark when every one returned to town. High school assembly was held in the auditorium Friday morning. April 13, where alterations to the new student body constitution were made and the altered constitution was permanently accepted. Singing was the feature till the end of the period. Miss Bateman served refreshments to the members of the play . cast Monday evening after practice. Student Body A student body meeting was held in the auditorium Friday morning, April 16, at nine o'clock to talk over the student body constitution and change or add points that were necessary. , A meeting was held Monday morn ing, April 16, at nine o'clock to nominate student body officers for next year. Those nominated for office were as follows: . -'President: ... George Gross, Wilford Mill er, and Eldon Myrick; Vice Presi dent: Alberta Charlton; Secretary and Treasurer: Areta Kirk, and Virgie Moore. - Personal Helen Hansell was in Walla Walla. Saturday. Walter Huffman and Wilford Mill er spent Saturday evening in Walla Walla. . Areta Kirk spent Saturday in Pen dleton. - Alberta Charlton was in Pendleton Friday night. Oral Michener, Armand Bell and Weldon Bell spent Sunday in Walla Walla. Marjorie Wilson and Thelma Schrimpf were in Pendleton Satur day. 1 Clara Bow in "It" - At Standard Theatre Tomorrow nirfit Clara Bow will be seen at the Standard Theatre in her much heralded photoplay. "It." Antonio Moreno plays opposite Miss Bow in this fine Paramount produc tion, and the cast includes William Austin and Julia Gordon. Karl Dane and George K. Arthur the fun-factory team in "Rookies," will be at the Standard Sunday night with Charlotte Greenwood in Metro Goldwyn's - screamingly hilarious comedy, "Baby Mine." On the tapis the Standard will soon offer its special mid-week pre sentation for benefit of the swim ming pool fund, when it will show a novelty program, which will in clude "40,000 Miles With Lind- berg," "The Yoke of the Past," "The Flag" and "Secrets of the Sea" t big nine reel novelty show- embrac ing four distinct subjects. Oregon Industries Will Be Shown : In Movies Washington. Methods of prune growing and flax cultivation in Ore gon will be the subjects of new "educational movies" to be filmed by the bureau of agriculture. Officials of the bureau have grant ed the request of Senator McNary that both those agricultural topics be made the subject of motion pic tures, in order that farmers through out Oregon and other states may study them. McNary has had urgent calls from Oregon for films showing the best methods of range and flock manage ment for production of beef cattle and sheep, and movies on those sub jects are being distributed in the west. Another film of Oregon inter est deals with co-operative market ing of Pacific coast eggs. - - Alumni ' Dean Pinkerton has accepted ; position as bookkeeper at Rogers Goodman Hardware Store. Faculty Mr. Meyer took the news for the high school annual to Walla Walla Saturday. V . - ' Classes The senior class met Tuesday, April 17, to discuss the class gift. Passenger Auto Buses Exempted From License Salem. Secretary of State Kozer has filed the ballot title for the re vised Stallard $3 automobile license' fee bill. The title, prepared by At torney General Van Winkle reads as follows: i "To provide a ' $3 annual license fee for motor vehicles of all kinds except trucks, trailers, semi-trailers and electric vehicles for com mercial purposes, for .which classes such fees remain unchanged; ' also except passenger buses which it ex empts from all license fees now paid except the present seat tax: also ex empting motor vehicles not common carreirs used primarily . for com mercial purposes from additional license fees which they now pay; ex empting for hire cars of all kinds from any and all license fees whatso ever and abolishing all fees based upon the . weight of motor vehicles. CLASSIFIED For Sale A Hamilton Player Piano. Phone 561, Athena. Strayed A Jersey Milk Cow from the Henry Koepke place. Phone 32F12. For . Sale 60 one-day old chicks with two mother hens. Martin. Mrs. Earl For Sale Thoroughbred Jersey bull calf, eligible to register. Phone 26F5 Athena. Sheep For Sale 70 head ewes and lambs, September delivery. Phone 25F21 Athena. ' For Sale Three-bottom self lift P. & O. gang plow. Henry Koepke, Athena, Oregon. Laundry I am prepared to do custom and family washing. Mrs. Bunn Moore, Athena. Team Work I am prepared to do all kinds of team work at reasonable prices. I will give special attention to plowing garden grounds, CLAUD DICKENSON For Sale: Refrisrerator, extra good for conserving ice; sanitary folding couch, full bed size; bed mattress and springs, cheap; Howard heater and board; Peerless range, cooking utensils; kitchen table, high chair; tubs, wash boards, clothes basket, etc Phone 601 -TakoCucsreu Cim. Cathartic 10c or 28 CHICKS That Lay Earlier Now is the time to order Collins Chicks for winter layers. Collins Chicks lay sooner than ordinary chicks. They have a country-wide reputation for reliability of breed and rapid development into - profitable layers. Collins Chicks are from purebred flocks which are rigidly inspected, blood-tested and culled. The chicks are guaranteed vigrous, big and husky. We can now supply you Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Black and White Minorcas 15c and up. Safe arrival- by Parcel Post guaranteed. 100 per cent live chicks guaranteed. Get Collins Chicks for profit. freewatcr Hatchery C. T. Collins, Prop. . Freewater, Oregon 22 Years Ago Athena Leather Shop Shoe Repairing Sewed Soles a Specialty. Harness and Auto Work, PERRY HALL Men Is that old tire , Safe for the wife to drive? Let us re place it with a new one also check gas and oil. "Pink's" Place Third Street "Service with a smile" April 20, 1906 Mrs. H. B. Nelson and Mrs. Baker, mother of Postmaster M. A. Baker of Weston, were calling on Athena friends yesterday. Parker & Lane are on a deal to sell their barber shop. A couple of gen tlemen, recent arrivals from Kansas, are negotiating for the shop., J. F. Zerba was seriously injured yesterday while engaged in operat in a lever on his plow. In releasing the lever it flew up with much force, striking him in the side. On examin ation Dr. Sharp found two broken ribs. Among the real estate transfers reported this week are A.' L. Jones of Athena to A. B. McEwen, of the same place, for $700, lot 10, block 9, in Athena. Leah. Mansfield to Eliza beth Jones, both of Athena, for $500, lot 11, block 9, in the city of Athena. Saturday afternoon the children of the Baptist Sunday school were given, a grand treat in a straw ride. A four horse team was hitched to a wagon on which was a hay rack, well filled with straw, on which were seated the happy children, to the very limit of its capacity. Marshal Gholson gave his watch a bath this morning . While flushing out the gutters on Main street the watch " dropped from his pocket into the water and after some time spent in hunting it was located near the en trance to the culvert at the intersec tion of Third and Main. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. T. Ellis left last evening tor Baker City for two weeks' stay.; The ladies of the Baptist Missionary society will hold services in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and there will be no service in the evening. Mr. Ellis will be home for the following Sun day. " . . Four persons, formerly residents of this city, were in the California earthquake. C. W. Holils and faml ly reside in Oakland, Reed Hill is at San Jose, Mrs. Fleming, formerly Mrs. W. H. Hawes is in Santa Rosa and' also Mrs." Dr. G. W. King form erly1' lived there but it is not known whether she is there at present of not. Various Athena people have friends in the stricken district. . What will probably be the fastest game of ball in the Inland Empire this season will be played on the Athena grounds tomorrow afternoon, commencing at 2:30 p. m., when Matt Stanley's Spokane team of the Northwest league, i known as the "Indians," will attempt to carry away the scalps of the Yellow Kids, Sunday the two teams play in Pen dleton, the lineup being practically the same except pitchers. Tomor row Osburn or Marquis will be on the rubber for the Kids, and Sun day at rendieton either Butler or Willard will shove the puzzles over. It is conceded that Spokane has the strongest team in the Northwest league, but the Kids will make the "Indians" go some to win. RITNER Candidate for Joint Representative Umatilla and Morrow Counties REPUBLICAN Paid Adv. DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon DR. J. L. GEYER Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 582 COAST RED CEDAR. C FENCE POSTS Direct from Producer to Consumer Buy Collectively Address, N. Bolvig, Box 454' Walla Walla, Washington Unconditional Guarantee Will be given on the following Garments and Hose: Ladies9 "Sealpax" Bloomers All Colors , ' "Betsy Knit" Vests and Ballet Vests Ladies9 Durham Hose 1.15, 1.50 and 2.00 STEVE'S GROCERY . Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. V Athena, Oregon DR. W. G. COWAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR . Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street. Athena. Oregon State and Federal Court Practice wr bm mt am nm vm mx tm m m am m m tMPw-m"'-'fWliTrwrii r mrnm mn The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Conoco Gasoline Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles Motor Oils , Greases Bryce Baker, Agent Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. "He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted." Insurance of every kind and description. Farm Loans at rates and terms that satisfy B. B RICHARDS, Athena THE . KILGORE CAFE ' ' ,' GERALD tULGORE, Proprietor Icy Pi Something New-Try it Today Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon s3 Bell & Venable Phones 125 and 24 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country HAULING and Horse Team Work THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best M That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena