vfl. Few Little SrresO oiviy PAur of it ' Fred, six, in school his first day was asked by his teacher what his father's occupation was. Fred did not know, so the teacher told him to find out and tell her nest day. That night Fred's mother explained to him that his daddy was a telegrapher. Next day Fred told his teacher his 'daddy was some kind of "grafter." Be couldn't remember the whole word. Capper's Weekly. Attet and Liability "So you want to marry my daugh ter?" "Yes." "Do you know much about busi ness?" "Not much." "Do you know the difference be tween an asset and a liability?" "No." "Well, you will after you marry my daughter." SATISFIED lie How about you and me getting taarried? She No, 1 think I'll make my pres ent husband do for another year. In Turn A hero worked himself to death, The publlo wag quite vexed. Fame fur a moment held her breath; Then simply hollered "Next!" There's a Profit Aby These vatches are too cheap. They must' cost you more. Levy No, Aby, I Just sell them at cost price. Aby Rut that's not business. Vere'g your profit? Levy Repairing them. Getting Even "I don't understand your letting young Terklns mnrry your daughter. I thought yon were enemies." "Yes. And now he will have my Wife os his mother-in-law." j COULDN'T HELP IT 1 Father Daughter, 1 told you to keep away from that young scoundrel. Duughtcr And I did, but he didn't keep away from me, so what cou'd 1 do? A Dream of Avarice AH patiently h saved hit pay And said In tones elated, "I may get rich enough tome day To be Investigated!" Shrewd Householder (to persistent sales man) This Is the third time you have called about au electric washing ma chine. How may times do you want me to refuse you? Sulesnion Well, madam, I think twice Is sufficient. Slapt Slapt Mae I like the way you dance. My boy friend Is so jealous I have to dance with only plain-looking boys. Johu I follow the same plun. Loomed Large Lady (at theater, to man In seat be hind) I hope my hat Is not worrying you. The Man It la worrying me a lot my wife wants oue like it I'nrls Journal Amusant An Ideal State White They say that broadcasting has now passed the infant stage. lllnck If my neighbor's Infant would pass the broadcasting stag (everything would be perfect. Good, Job for Hermit Washington. The lighthouse keep er, the. prospector, the sheep herder hare lonely Jobs, but what is probably the loneliest of all Is that of the for-est-flre observer. Perched high on some towering mountain top in the cabin of his steel tower, surrounded for miles about by almost Inaccessible forest, the fire observer goes for weeks, often months, without seeing another human being. Not all contact with the world, how ever, Is lost, for by the very nature of his work he must be In dally and sometimes hourly telephone commu nication with the ranger's or forester's headquarters. Equipped with the In dispensable telephone, his maps, range finder, binoculars and meteorological jJtJCH IS LEADERSHIP By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois. IT WAS Amll the Goth who said to Wulf, the chief of the tribe, when he was hesitating as to his own ac tion : "If the bison-bull He down and wal low, what will the herd do for a leader? If the king-wolf lose tha scent, how will the pack hold It? If the Ynling forgets the 'Song of As gard, who will sing It to the heroes?" Example Is the strongest Influence In leadership. Clayton had charge of seven thou sand men whose Job was ship build ing during the World war untrained, Illiterate men most of them were, who were used to hard work and a rough life, and to be ruled with an HOBBY IS LIFE SAVING Wilfred Whiting of London, Eng land, with some of the medals he has received for saving the lives of bis fellowmen. Whiting has saved 105 persons from drowning without assistance. Instruments, the towerman keeps con stant watch over the thousands of acres of forest land spread out be low him for the first .telltale signs of smoke. The job of lookout, lonely and usu ally poorly paid as It Is, nevertheless demands a type somewhat above the average in intelligence and fortitude to fill it He must understand tele phone line repair, must be able to read maps and know enough about triangulatlon to locate forest fires by taking their bearings, must be able to make temperature and humidity read ings on a wet and dry bulb thermome ter, and he must be able to cook his own meals. Some states and the federal govern ment have employed women observ ers with good results. A woman look out is quick to detect fires, accurate In locating them and definite when re porting them to headquarters. Where fire towers are situated near settle ments or farms, women will often be found "manning them. These towers, the more modern of which are of galvanized steel, vary in height from 20 to 100 feet, though there are some even higher. When built on the highest peak of a moun tain range a 60-foot tower will usu ally permit a view of ail the surround ing forest. In clear weather the ob server may be able to see 40 miles or more, but the average visibility is be tween 10 and 20 miles. PjPT oAO k f viea, ef room- Goblin on Guard? Natural Tunnel, Va, Weird leg ends of a goblin, deranging the minds of marauders seeking treasure which tradition says Is buried far up In the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, where nature has formed a natural tunnel for railroads, are told by resi dents here. The treasure Is said to have been burled In a cave In the rock walls of the tunnel. White men, pursued by Indians, placed the treasure there, the legend says, and only one at tempt has been made to recover It A box, rigged with ropes, was low ered from the top of the wail. The man in It was about fifty feet down when be saw the cave contained an eagle's nest. The eagle attacked him and In striking at the bird one of the ropes was severed, suspending the treasure seeker above the yawning cavern. The other rope held, the story re lates, but when the man was pulled to the top he was found to be de mented as a result of the terrifying ex perience. . Another tale Is that an Indian prin cess leaped from the towering wall of the tunnel to her death 600 feet below, because of her love for Cochesa, an Indian brave from tiie sea, whom her father, a Mingo chief, refused to permit her to marry. The spirit of the girl Is said to live In the tunnel. The waters of Stony creek flow through part of the tunnel Into Linen river. The picturesque beauty of the. section and the many Indian legends! attract numerous tourists. ; Superb Mosaic Found Washington. Burleo under the dust of centuries, a superb mosaic disk con taining a thousand or more beautl-l fully polished pieces of turquoise has been discovered by excavators In Yu-j catan. Cork Industry Hurt 'Madrid. After supplying two-thirds of the world's supply of corks, the Spanish cork Industry finds Itself In straitened circumstances, due to a greatly reduced demand. DIPPING INTO SCIENCE Volcanoes A very plausible theory re garding the activity of vol pnnnps In that the water of the ocean enters an opening in the $1 earth caused by an earthquake, forms gas or steam under great pressure, and finds its outlet through the crater of the vol cano which seldom lies far from the sea. ' (, 1128. Westers Newspaper Onion.) j ........... ... ... . ... -i. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... TTtTTtTTTTTTTTTTTtTTtTTTTT Iron wrist, and Clayton was a man of education and refinement He had seen the world; he had known men of prominence and Influence; ne was a gentleman In every sense of the word, but for all his refinement of taste and education, be had no diffi culty with his men, and the. reason was that he lived with them, he ate the food that they ate, he slept as they slept, he worked as many hours dally and as hard as they worked, he lived soberly and discreetly as he would have liked them to live. They respected his character, they recog nized his leadership, and they fol lowed as the pack follows the king-, wolf. The boss gave Williams very good advice when he took him on in a subordinate position. He emphasized the fact that regular and temperate habits were necessary to success. He gave Williams to understand that drinking and gambling were not con sonant with progress In their firm. The advice was excellent and Wil liams listened to It with respect But he had not been long with the firm until he learned that the boss was not following the advice which he had given his subordinates. His breath did not always suggest a respect for the Volstead, act; his stories of what be had won In a friendly game with one of his neigh bors did not Indicate that be himself refrained from gambling, and If he did not, why should Williams? The boss had succeeded and had been neither temperate nor always scrupu lous as to how he won his money. His example told strungely In niold- RI5 I YOU SAV HE EARUEP I fTl C "" L IPS IaMICKELWPMOWJ ful&SMOwl w TOOK t2fcffl pP ing Williams' character. He was the bison-bull lying down and wallowing, and the herd was following bis ex ample. Gaston, who was head of his fraternity, was worried about the freshmen in the house. It was bard to keep them in at night they were crazy about dates. It was difficult to keep thera at their books, and tbelr scholarships were not what It should be. He wanted advice. 'How many nights a wee:: are you In?" Tasked. He colored a little and hesitated. "I am out a good deal," he con fessed. "You see I am engaged, and she likes to see me for a while every evening." "And your grades?" "Not ull that they should be, I'm sorry to say." It was the king-wolf losing, the scent, and I tried to show him. ((c). 1928. Western Newspaper Union.) Light on Crabs Washington. An Indication that at least one family of North Carollnu sand crabs has an extremely aristo cratic lineage, dating back about 25. 000,000 years, is contained in a re port on new fossil discoveries in the Grand canyon by Dr. Charles W. Gil more, noted paleontologist of the Smithsonian Institution. Tracks of the ancient creature that roamed uround In the ooze which formed the foundation of the moun tain before it was cut by the Colorado river were first found in 1903 by the late Dr. Charles D. Walcott In the Coconino ctandstone on Grand . View trull. Another specimen was found 12 years later by Trot. Charles Schuch- Scientist Wages War on Plague f. J J J -- I ? i - r ert of Yale, and a third was discov ered last year by Doctor Gilmore. Using this as a type specimen for his study, he has concluded that the truckway probably was made by some crustacean In the Permian period of geological time. The sandstone slab rhows two parallel lines of Imprints In groups of four, arranged in a row of three regularly spaced tracks with the fourth offset Inward. The similarity of this arrangement to the tracks of living sand crabs was called to Doctor Gllmore's attention by Remington Kellogg of the United States biological survey, who observed these creatures reeently on Hatteras Island, N. C IXfivw The average man i v-R spends a lot ot time I ((5'x prosecuting the work I jrLZjKyij ' others that he Fr" would better spend In prosecuting his own. r'Vfi'Wftii'iiifi iiif Dr. Tlmrvnld Madsen, director of the famous Serum Institute at Cown hngen, IVninnrk, where constant war is being wnteo ogulnst cholera, tuber culosU und other plagues. I Chinese Reds Torture, t Then Massacre Rich Hankow. Chinese sources. In t giving details of the recent mas- snore at Lelynng, said Commu $ nlsts and disbanded soldiers fired the houses of all the well It to-do citizens who were penned t Inside with women and children. t and burned to death. Everybody who appeared to be X prosperous was murdered to tne southern Hunan city. Usually the victims wire tortured first 1 their eyes being gouged out their ears cut off. Whole faml $ lie 3 were so treated, parents be- Ing compelled to watch their X chlldnn being mutilated and f children to watch the torturing of their parents. J Several foreign missionaries were In the l.elyang area at the t time and their fate was nol ? known. S ! tttTTtTTTttTTTTTTTTTTtttt- Explorer Discovers Strange Wild Race New York. A visit to a mys terious race of warriors, possibly the descendants of South Sea Islanders who came to South America many centuries ago, was described by A. Hyatt Ver rlll of the Museum of the Amer ican Indian, Heye foundation, on his return from his sixtieth trip to South America. Verrill said he found the tribe, numbering about 350 men and women, In almost Impenetrable wilderness between Brazil and Bolivia. None of the tribe wears clothing, Verrill said, and the men have developed long beards of the type commonly seen In the Solomon Islands. The tribe members are nature worshipers, be said. X Bad Spelling Shows How Jews Talked Latin Austin, Texas. Bad spelling on tombstones in the Jewish catacombs of Rome Indicates how the Jews who lived In Rome In the early Christian centuries pronounced Greek and Latin, according to Dr. Harry J. Leon, of the University of Texas. Scholars have wondered whether the Jews who formed a settlement In Rome clung to their Hebrew ways or whether they did as the Remans did. Doctor Leon explains. Six Roman cnta combs where the Jewish residents burled their dead are now known, and study of the inscriptions on the slabs and the gallery walls shows fhat the writing Is three-fourths Greek and one fourth Latin. Often words in the In scrlptlous are confused with other words of similar sound, so that they are misspelled in characteristic ways. Jewish ritualistic symbols on the tomb- guage than the average Jew of. today. The more cultured among them spoke! Latin as well as the popular Greek.j the recent Investigations Indicate.! Their Inscriptions afford valuable ma-j terial In tracing the history of the; Greek and Latin languages in their! development from the classical tongues of antiquity to the modern Greek and the romance languages of' our day. Doctor Leon states. NEW IN SPORTS WEAR Vl.noil.irl ... i i i iiii-mi- i i iT For practical sports wear the brushed wool costume Murceline Day wears for golfing Is e..treme)y good. stones were indeed written by Jewish j It Is a two-piece model with the people using foreign languages, Doc- i blouse striped with peasant colors. n f iAn nAlnts nw- " A knAtnn InntVtA halt In ivnun nrl t K tor Leon points out The Jewish population In Rome, which grew to about 40.(100, was no more familiar with the Hebrew tun- A brown leather belt in worn with the frock. Turkeys were raised by the Aztecs, Getting Their Master's Voice