The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 13, 1928, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year. i nn
One copy, six months 10
One copy, three months.
Athena, Oregon, April 13, 1928
One of our exchanges says edi
toriullv: "No business today, regard.
less of how thoroughly it may be in
trenched in the progress and prosper
ity of the community, can stand alone,
A loss of efficiency in one industry
not only hurts that enterprise, itself
hut slows uo every other key in
dustrv. shaking the credit foundations
of the town and causing unemploy
ment, lower wages and eventually
higher prices. The link between all
industries, therefore, must be par
ticularly close and dependent. The
closer the relationship becomes, the
greater the efficiency and progress
that can be developed until we have
an inter-relationship of all business
life that is the backbone of progress,
In the report of there being 155
inches of snow at the rim of Crator
Lake, it is easy to surmise why the
crater is a dead one.
Tho nark Continent cast its spell
upon Trader Horn, and in turn Trader
Horn has cast his spell over an lovers
of a good book.
With Italy replacing the hand
clasp with the fascist salute, may we
not expect the French to substitute
a nod for cheek kissing?
After lodge a delightful lunch was
served. The large tables were very
effective with class bowls of jon
miilla and vellow taDers in very at
tractive candle stick's decorated with
vellow and ereen crepe paper re
sembling large lilies, yellow napkins
fnlrlerl and standine as place cards.
Salad, sandwiches, pickles cake and
coffee were served. At the tables
were seated about eighty guests and
Ats off to Wales. 'E 'as won a
steeplechase without being spilled..
Press Paragraphs
has been ill
"Faith in the ability of the people
collectively to make sane, orderly
nlans for the future, is the very es
of continued national existence,
We must stop lurching back and
fnrth from one desired expenditure
of money to another, and like grbwn
men and women, learn to stick to
nronortion and to plan," says Al
bert W. Atwood in the Saturday
Evening Post.
In competition for a prize given
in Germany for human mass pro
duction, a cooper and his frau with
their little family of fifteen kiddos,
worn awarded the coveted emblem of
'ir.vMhit n." Entries of tens and
twelves, didn't have a look-in when
the cooper displayed his wares.
Yen. there is tainted money, and
just to prove it about $5,000,000 of
Soviet Russian gold shipped to JNew
York in February and refused entry,
was sent back on the liner Dresden
the other day. The incident should
greatly encourage Senator Borah in
his undertaking. ' '
Having one on his hip caused the
wedding of a Portland bridegroom to
be halted at Vancouver until he could
be fined for possession. The fine was
naid. after which 'Mrs. Mary F. Mill'
er became the bride of M. Walter
R. Porath. Congratulations are in
Paris "flop houses," where mendi
cants sleep on the floor and on ropes
stretched across rooms, offer but lit
tle better accommodations than rustic
seats in city parks, only occupants
are free from disturbance by the
Mrs. Edgar Adair
M.a T-i A Rnrrett and Mrs. Flint
lAhna onont TuPsHav in Walla Walla.
tfUllllO jjjy w w 1 ,
The next meeting win neiu un
April 20 at the home of Mrs. desse
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott of Pend
leton were Athena guests Wednesday
Mr Mnrv Tomnkins of California
ia visiting her dauehter, Mrs. Arthur
Coppock and family this weeK.
Ponri'a Reautv Shop ha3 under
gone spring house cleaning and hot
water facilities nave Deen inauuieu.
Mr nnrl Mrs. S. S. ParriS Of Wal-
io Woiin snent Wednesday on the
farm with Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
"Pike" Miller's Athena graders
,;u nlnv the Weston grade school
team on the Athena Dan grounas w
morrow afternoon.
Mr orvl Mrs. Fred Beckner and
A:unn nf Nolin are visitors this
week at the home of Mrs. Beckner's
C.hnn. William
Mr anil Mrs. Charles Betts enter
tained Rev. and Mrs. Bollinger and
the Misses Dorothy and Margaret
t o at dinner Saturday evening.
TWn Pinkerton. who has been at.
tonHW Walla Walla Business coi
lege has taken the position as book-
keener for Rogers uooaman
Mr and Mrs. Clifford Walker
nnfortninod at dinner Sunday Mr. and
Mr Oscar Wallace of freewater
and Mr. and Mrs. Ball of Walla Wal
t. n r. O. Club was very
rJoatmritiv entertained last - Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. A.
M,.Ttvro with Mrs. Lawrence mc
Intyre as assistant hostess. Easter
rlaprtmtinnfl and favors were used in
serving a delicious lunch at 4 o'clock.
Mignonette Rebekah Lodge met
TWaHnv eveninz with a large attend
ance. Helix lodge were gueawj,
about forty in number, lhe uegree
staff of the sister lodge conierrea
the degree upon two candidates,
Lucille Smith and Lorena ocnuDeri.
In the County Court of the State of
rtracnn for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of O. W.
B. Zerba, Deceased.
Mti.o hprphv civen that the
unborn; cmorl has filed his final ac
count and report in the above en-
i . 1 i iL. - 1
titled matter ana tnau me auuve en
tirioH Court has fixed Saturday, the
28th day of April, 1928, at the hour
of 10:00 oclocK A. M. oi saiu uay, s
the time, and the County Court room
in tVm c.nuntv Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place, lor hearing oi saia unai c-
rpnnrt. - Ohifictions to Said
final account and report should be
filed on or beiore mat date.
Tinted at Athena. Orearon. this COth
dav of March. 1928.
Ernest A. Zerba, Administrator oi
the Estate of O. W. B. zeroa, ue
Watts & Prestbye. Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Estate. M30A27
Now We Can Show You the
NEW McCormick-Deering
Cream Separator
mi 350 to 1500 lbs. of
Mi nilh
ftnnifv Nn. 4K29
In the Curcuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Cnthprinfi Foster. Plaintiff. VS
fharloa Fnnfrnr. TlpfpnrtAnt.
To Charles Foster, Defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
vnn era hprphv rpnuired to aDDear
and answer the complaint of the
n aintiff Tiipn ncrainsr. vou in uie
JCU11 hi.. ."VI. - O .
ahnve entitled suit, within four
weeks of the date' of the first publica
tion 01 tms summons w-wii-.
or before Friday, the 20th day of
A 1-411 1 1998? and vou will take notice
that if you fail to appear and answer
the said compiaini or uuiwwioc
nlnal 4-Viarotn with in Raid time, the
plaintiff for want thereof will apply
to tne uourt ior me reucx f0"
XV1 m&U uciiiuiiuvw x""---
MAmin;Mf nomaiv fnr a. decree of
CUlllkiCtltlVs I -.v w .
thA Court forever dissolving the
UJ r4 mnfiiimnnv linw Anil hftrGtO
fivicf inn- hptwppn nlaintiff ana
defendant, for the care and custody
of their minor cmid, viaa ruei,
and for other eauitaDie renei.
Tlii aiitnmnna ia nublished l)Ur
suant to an order made in this cause
1... Tomna A lorpr r PP. V jT-
.,: r.n-a tho nhnvp entitled
Court, dated March 21st, 1928. The
first publication 01 tms buihiuwi
11 i.- in Athena Press on
Will IKS lliouo " v..v - ,nno
i:j ti. oqJ Aav nf March. lyZo.
and the last publication will be made
n .. , i rr.l r Anvil
nn iiridav me sum ui
Bated at Freewater, Oregon, this
21st day of March, 1928.
G. H. Bishop, Attorney for Plaint
iff. Post office address: Freewater
Oregon. , M23A20
at all
vM i,' i fv,'u, m;i
, nun
Belted, or
OI ou may have seen the Harvester
Company's announcement of their New
McCormick'Deering Cream Separators. We
now have the first of them in our store.
The New McCormick'Deering has many
remarkable improvements. The machine now
has high-grade ball-bearing equipment
at all high'speed points. Its operation is the
last word in light-running ease and durability.
A rnmnletelv new bowl of skillful design.
with a skim-milk-regulating screw controhng
the cream density, combines with other
features to produce what we believe to be
the cleanest'skimming machine on the market.
Splash lubrication that completely lubricates.
A supply can with outside faucet Every
provision for sanitation and easy cleaning.
The six sizes of the New McCormick'
Deering fit every need "from one cow to a
hundred." You are bound to like this new
machine. We will demonstrate here or on
your farm with no obligation to you.
A poisoned well at Fouke,
Arkansas, put the populace in the
hospital, and sent Nancy Lynn, 70,
and her. brother to jail, charged with
assult with intent to kill. Brain
storms affect people in different
Mrs. Alice Eager, Owner
ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust,) ATHENA, ORE'
America's grand after-dinner speak
er, Chauncey M. Depew, has passed
on at the age of 94. Famous as an
industrial leader and statesman, the
loss of his wit and optimism from the
banquet hall will long be felt.
Kentucky once fumous for whisky
and race horses, having lost her whis
ky bids for air plane achievement
in presenting a native . son to hop
from Seattle to Tokio. Here's hoping
the son may win.
In taking a full out of Mayor Bill
Thomnson. the Morning Oregonian
pushes the big, fat substance over by
saying, "and the weariness of Chicago
is as nothing to the weariness of th
British undertakers boast that
their funeral charges are the lowest
in the world. There's nothing like
horn, no matter
Dill VY llls
what line of business you pursue.
Salem has made up with the weath
rr man and annouees that her blos
som day date has been set for April
15. Maybe the capitol city will tell
us what she has on the ball.
Coimty, State and City
Tax Statements Are Now Here
One-half of your taxes should be paid prior to May
5th, 1928. If you have not been getting your tax state
ments thru us, we will be glad to get your statement
for you upon request. Payment of these taxes may be
made here.
You will receive
Efficent Service
C. B. MOORE, Proprietor
American Beauty Bread
Baked by the most modern and up-to-date process known to the
art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask
your grocer.
MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop.
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut-your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
Up in British Columbia they have
found that catnip lures cougars into
traps. By the same process why not
put an end to the backyard concert
of the domesticated feline?
Talkative Senator Reed has turned
his vocal artillery on the Coolidge
policy of flood control, giving aspir
ing democratic presidential candi
dates a rest.
1 1 S('i '- 1-w -ix,.
Big Bill Thompson says he will re
sign if District Attorney Crowe is not
re-elected. Others than King Ed
ward are interested in the statement.
In rgn n -i
L.i hi LU WLM V'.?, V
conn njru?XP-OJLs i-
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern -hospital facilities for the care
of patients. . , , , . r. j
X-Ray and bacteriological labortories, washed air
ventilation. , , , .
Onlv graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices arc included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 4S0.
We Handle Genuine
Goods-No Substitutes.
Try Our
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore. -
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
SPECIAL-Men's suits cleaned and
pressed $1.50 Starting March 15
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
U mad in Aihcaa, b- Athena labor, in one ol the venr b
quipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat pown anjrwbera. Patron Ue home industry-. Vour
irocer sells the famous American Beauty Floor
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon. - - Waitsburg, Wash