Experts Attend Opportunity Day At University Students Get Tips on Jobs; Session to Be. Made Annual Affair UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu gene. "Business men and women of ability, initiative and originality are needed all over the world, and oppor tunities in this field were never great er," declared Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University of Oregon speaking recently at the banquet of leading business experts of Oregon and students of the school of business ad ministration of the University, gath ered for the first annual "opportunity day' to be held here. This "Opportunity Conference," ; at which the school of business adminis tration each year brings together ex perts in the field of commerce and stu dents here, is designed primarily to ac quaint the young men and women with present day conditions. Through hear ing speakers and by private confer ences, the future business men and women obtain definite ideas on what they should study in order to prepare themselves for efficient work. Accountants Needed Skilled accountants are in great need at present, and upon men who can do this work largely depends the prosper ity of the future, declared Walter D. Whitcomb, librarian, and Ross Bras. It is the accountant of a firm that keeps the people operating efficiently, checks losses and by knowing what is going on all the time, enabling the ex- ecutives to prepare for the future, he , stated. Business as a career for women is becoming more and more attractive, said Miss Avis Lobdell, director of the women's welfare division of the . Union Pacific railway. Freedom from housework, due to modern invention. has enabled even married women to en gage in commerce successfully, and there are many fields in which women are even better adapted than men, she declared. A successful career in business awaits the young man who is willing to start at the bottom and work tip, declared Allen Meier, of Meier and Frank company, Portland. Doing more than is expected, , learning by experi ence every day, and watching for.op portuniteis should bring success to any person who enters the business world equipped with a university education, Mr. Meier said. Foreign Field Good Opportunities in the field of business for students who 'prepare themselves for foreign trade were 'outlined by James F. Fcebles, district manager of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and D. P. Miller, who has just returned from the post of assis tant commercial attache of the Ameri can ambassy in Berlin. Diet of Fish and Meat Keeps Eskimos Healthy The MacMilhur Arctic expedition of 1020, visiting the Eskimos of northern Labrador and of Greenland, was ac compnnied by a physician who used his time In nnikliij; studies of the . Eskimos' diets to determine some im portant facts. The., e Eskimos live for the most part on1 diets conslstins largely of meat and fish. The meats concerned are those of the whale, wal rus, seal, caribou, musk ox, Arctic hare, polar bear and fox, as well as those of geese, ducks and gulls. ThB fish are varied. This food is usually eaten raw. The physician, Dr. William A. Thorn-, as, reports that, contrary to the gen eral opinion, the Eskimos eat relative ly little fat or blubber, using these portions for oil In lighting their homes, in melting Ice and snow, for drinking, and, to a very little extent, for cook ing food. Doctor Thomas did not find any scurvy or rickets among these Es kimosconditions that are known to -3 due to absence of certain vitamines from the diet. Dr. Morris Fishbeln, In the Scientific American. ' , Easter Program at The Baptist Church An interesting Easter program is announced for 7:30 p. m., Sunday, at the Baptist church, to " which the general public is invited. The pro gram is as follows: Instrumental solos, Jean Zerba, Arlene Foster; Prayer, Rev. Bolling er; Scripture reading, Mrs. Bollinger; Instrumental solos, Marjorie Mon tague, Bernice Wilson; Address of welcome, Roberta Cannon; Recita tions, An Easter Lily, Barbara Mc Fadden; The Call, Lora Jean Payne; In a Happy Way, Iva Mae Booher; Eggs, Billy McFadden; Sunbeams, Maebelle demons. Song, "He Is Risen," juniors. Recitations, A Little Brown Seed, Paul Kibby; New Bon nets, Ida demons; The Children's King, Natelle Miller; Spring, Cecil Clemons; His Easter Piece, Alvin Kibby; How Do They Know, Beverly Barrett; Clever Chicks, Bryan Kibby. Instrumental, Robert E. Lee; Drill, Easter Sunbeams, primary; Duet, Arlene Foster, Mary Jane Miller; Recitation, Maurine Edger; Dialogue, Junior department; Solo, Kohler Betts; Recitation, Helen Barrett; Song, Easter Bells, juniors; Tableau, Valerie Cannon; Prayer, Rev. Bol linger. - - ' CHICKS That Lay Earlier Now is the time to order Collins Chicks for winter layers. Collins Chicks lay sooner than ordinary chicks. They have a country-wide reputation for reliability of breed and rapid development into profitable layers. Collins Chicks are from purebred flocks which are rigidly inspected blood-tested and culled. The chicks are guaranteed vigrous. big and husky. . We can now supply you Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Black and White Minorcas 15c and up. by Parcel Post Safe arrival guaranteed. 100 per cent live chicks guaranteed Get Collins Chicks for profit. frcewater Hatchery C. T. Collins, Prop. Freewater, Oregon Athena " Leather Shop Shoe Repairing Sewed Soles a Specialty. Harness and Auto Work. PERRY HALL Open For ' Business ' Red Crown & Conoco GASOLINE All grades of Oils FREE SERVICE "Pink's" Place Third Street 22 Years Ago April 6, 1906 Miss Katie McEwen was up from her school at Pendleton Sunday. Mrs. Frank Baker of Adams, was the guest Saturday of Mrs. G. W. Bradley. Dr. A. B. Stone and Mr. Barger, the insurance man, drove down to Adams yesterday. Mrs. U. M. Castleman came up from Pendleton Friday evening and attended the club banquet. Jack Bigert, who lives near the Tompkins farm, will this week move his family to Lewiston, where they will reside in the future. On the Athena diamond Saturday the Milton " Bumblebugs" were wal loped to a frazzle by the Athena I MJiumu i-MiiiiiMWMB mmmf Let vy . T I'ure Cuiirttipif lion r'orevur. fi-kcc'iHCiiiets uuw.v OnUianre. 10c.ir25fe - 3 2 a!l to i:ue. Irr.iiirr.ts in Yurnl mi-nea II "Grasshoppers" the score being 22 to 11., Mr. and Mrs. Abe Jones, who were recently married in Pendleton, were visiting relatives in Athena yester day. They had been in Elgin before coming here. Carpenters are rushing to complete the fine new residence to be oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Preston went up to Waitsburg yesterday for a few days visit with relatives. D. B. Jarman has received a letter from Ora Rhodes, who is holding down his ranch near Madras, Ore. Ora writes that prospects are bright in that section and all former Ath enaites are getting along nicely! Yesterday witnessed another hegira to the king's domains. Those leav ing Athena were Will Mosgrove, Mal colm Mclntyre and family, T. P. Mosely and family, and Archie Mcln tyre, who has been down on a visit. Mrs. W. .H. Reeder is down from her home in Tacoma, visiting her sons and friends in Athena. Mrs. Reeder reports the family well, ex cepting Miss Velma Backus, who has not been .in robust health for some time. The Naylor estate was appraised Wednesday by T. J. Kirk, D. A. Pink- erton and James Zerba. The ap praised valuation of the estate amounted to $4,615. In addition to this there is 400 acres of growing grain, land leases, etc., which not appraised and which will bring the valuation up to about $6,000, Laurance Lieuallen was in town Wednesday with a couple of strings of mules. One of the teams was worked with a "jerk line" with Laur ance at the other end of the line. The mules - were . from Missouri and had never been in town before and of course there ( was something doing, Laurance,' however, was equal to the occasion and pulled "haw" and "gee" applying a liberal use of the black- snake, finally persuaded the muletts to pass along Main street. ell Enough Alone! Inspect our New Spring Slock and Satisfy Yourself Neustadter Shirts, Socks, Spring and Summer Union and two-piece Suits for young men. Ladies' Bloom ers, Vests Etc. Ladies, Remember we positively guarantee our Dur ham Hose. Prices: 115 1.50 2.00 Phone 171. Athena, Oregon I STEVE'S GROCERY Quality Quantity, Service. DR. W. G. COWAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, . Phone 706 Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street.. Athena, Oregon , State and Federal Court Practice Perfect Easter Gift The Delightful Quality of All Artstyle Chocolates is the same. But the as sortments vary You are sure to find your favorite in some Artstyle package. Maybe it's Sweet Pickin's Delicious chocolate' -with a shredded cocoanut coat ing. $1.50 v PER POUND Mc Fadden's Pharmacy Athena, Oregon. 0 RITNER K Candidate for Joint Representative Umatilla and Morrow. Counties REPUBLICAN Paid Adv. The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Conoco Gasoline Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles Motor Oils , Greases Bryce Baker, Agent Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon Foley's Kidney Cure uakes kidneys and hhdu'ar rlsrhi DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon DR. J. L.GEYER Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 682 COAST RED CEDAR. FENCE POSTS Direct from Producer to Consumer Buy Collectively Address, N. Bolvig, Box 454' Walla Walla, Washington "He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted." Insurance of every kind and description. Farm Loans at rates and terms that satisfy. B. B RICHARDS, Athena THE KILGORE CAFE GERALD KILGORE, Proprietor Icy Pi Something New-Try it Today Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. Bell k Venable Phones 125' and 24 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country HAULING and Horse Team Work I THE ATHENA MARKET S We carry the best ( ih I li That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena