AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy , three months 7S Athena, Oregon, April 6, 1928 TAX REDUCTION POSSIBLE The recent statement of Governor Fuller of Massachusetts that the state will collect but $8,500,000 from cities and towns this year, as com pared to $12,000,000 in 1927, shows that tax reduction is a practical pos sibility. Furthermore says an Ex change, it is expected that the state indebtedness, which was $40,000, 000 eight years ago, will be reduced to $13,000,000 by the end of 1928. There is no secret about this suc cess. Governor Fuller and Massa chusetts legislators have no ready panacea to cure the tax evil that is denied other states. What they have done is to replace politics with busi ness and the result has been economy. Any community or state can do the same thing. Massachusetts is a good example, as is the city of Baltimore, of govern mental competence that should make citizens living in many other places sit up and take notice. Tax reduction can be accomplished by the right methods without neglecting state, national or municipal necessities, and even, a few luxuries. Those of us who "kick" about high taxes will do well to remember that we elect our own public officials, and reform comes mostly at our own bidding. Scientists agree that ductless glands are factories where Hormone is made and distributed throughout the body. If these factories break down or work overtime, the quality of blood nourishment of the cells in the skin and muscular tissues be comes impaired and beauty fades. Now they are planning for efficiency in these little factories. o Hereafter French shipbuilding en gineers will be required to take a trip at sea before passing over their appliances to the navy. By applying this method the French government hopes to transform the grouch of its tars into smiles, besides giving the engineer a holiday with his pet con trivance and a bath in his own medicine. o A Rising Sun, Indiana blacksmith has suddenly) beamed into local prominence by being awarded the contract to make the electric chairs for the Illinois state prison. After losing a whole night's sleep the blacksmith came to the conclusion that some time Illinois might need them, so he decided to make the chairs. o Dessert in Hungary is a tart, described as something like a cream puff, with very thick sides, sliced in half, stuffed with cream, then seal ed again under a heavy coating of chocolate, and crowned with very rich whipped cream; a dish for a king. And maybe this is the reason why there are so few kings left. o The Morning Oregonian sees no significance in the fact that Lloyds is a Scotch concern and its refusal to underwrite the proposed German flight from Ireland to New York. Nor do we, remembering that the Scotch got along very well with the Irish, but prefer Scotch to beer. o Thirty acres of corn is a fairly good sized patch, but thirty acre3 of rose slips stuck five inches apart is a darned sight bigger, and don't you forget it when the time comes for each slip to be budded. o In this country, time was when an army general made a failure of his command, he was relieved and pensioned. In China such failures end at the beheading block or in a Buddhist monastery. o Spurred to action by Eugene and Medford having airports, dear old Salem is clamoring for one. Other Valley towns will eventually spur the capitol city into the procession of progress. -o Coast guardsmen, always brave, have brought fame to the Siuslaw station, when five of their number were tossed about in a heavy sea for three days, in search of a disabled ship. The ancient city of Smyrna, after ...... .fiou .f Kimir nf one nature and ii;iiiw4 v.v another is now sweltering in tho throes of earthquake shocks. Her tribulations have been many, her joys lew. o Thev're fighting over the merger ' :'x '.'ompames ai ronmuu. ..ois of lot.ic is sizzling from both sides of the question. Turn on the juice, McDuffI , It seems that Mussolini told the Pope where to head in, in about the same language he used in telling everyone else over in Italy what to do. With the field of industrial chemis try rapidly broadening for women, may we not hear of a new face powder, soon. o Sure it's raining at Portland; only it's a warmer cold rain than we have here. LAW ENFORCEMENT (The Manufacturer) In considering a remedy for crime, the following statement constitutes the key-note of the report made by the subcommittee of the National Crime Commission: "There is now a tendency to insist upon harsher pun ishment as a cure-all for all crime, whereas of far more importance, it will be found, is the building up of police and court management cap able of catching and convicting a far larger percentage of the individuals who commit crime." Law enforcement is the real an swer to crime prevention. Arrests for robbery in England, Wales and Canada average 84 per cent. In the United States, Cleveland and Balti more top the list with 49 per cent and 47 per cent respectively, while other cities dwindle down to as low as three per cent. The ratio of con victions to known crimes of robbery and the ratio of convictions to the number of arrests made, run as strongly in favor of England and Canada as do the first figures men tioned, and make as unfavorable a showing for the United States. Such figures tell a striking story and show that there must be, first, efficient police and, second, elimi nation of loopholes in legal procedure to promote the escape of the male factor. Commenting on the situation, the Portland Oregonian says the crime situation has reached a point in many of our cities where the luckless law breaker who is occasionally caught and convicted actually attributes his misfortune to an act of God, as he would in case of a disastrous storm, shipwreck or earthquake. As a crime remedy, the public is generally offered a law prohibiting trie sale of small arms to law-abiding citizens. The trouble with such laws is that they are contrary to the sec ond amendment of the United States Constitution, and the criminal pays no attention to them. The honest citizen is, however, harnessed, with another prohibitive measure. Students of the crime situation feel certain that prohibiting sale and ownership of small arms to lawabid- ing citizens would in no way check the crime wave, but would make more lawbreakers out of honest persons who felt they had a right to ow.i a gun, and leave the criminal more free than ever to carry on his depredations without fear of oc casional injury by home owners or persons protecting their property from unlawful attack. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of O. W. B. Zerba, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final ac count and report in the above en titled matter and that the above en titled Court has fixed Saturday,, the 28th day of April, 1928, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court room in the County Court house at Pendlt ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place, for hearing of said final ac count and report. Objections to said final account and report should be filed on or before that date. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this SOth day of March, 1928. Ernest A. Zerba, Administrator of the Estate of O. W. B. Zerba, De ceased. Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon, Attorneys for Estate. M30A27 SUMMONS (Equity No. 4529) In the Curcuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Catherine Foster, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Foster, Defendent. To Charles Foster, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the . complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled suit, within four weeks of the date of the first publica tion of this summons to-wit: on or before Friday, the 20th day of April, 1928; and you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for and demanded in plaintiff's said complaint, namely, for a decree of the Court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and hereto fore existing between plaintiff and defendant, for the care and custody of their minor child, Vida Foster, and for other equitable relief. This summons is published pur suant to an order made in this cause by Honorable James Alger Fee, Cir cuit Judge of the above entitled Court, dated March 21st, 1928. The first publication of this summons will be made in the Athena Press on Friday the 23rd day of March, 1928, and the last publication will be made on Friday the 20th day of April, 1928. Dated at Freewater, Oregon, this 21st day of March, 1928. G. H. Bishop, Attorney for Plaint iff. Post office address: Freewater, Oregon. M23A20 CLASSIFIED For Sale Gocd horses and mules. Also dry fir wood. Frank Watkins, Athena. For Sale 60 one-day old chicks with two mother hens. Mrs. Earl Martin. Good Mountain Pasture I am pre pared to furnish good mountain pas ture, plenty of water, for horses and Cattle, horses $2.50, cattle $1.25 per month. Good fences. Chester Fer guson, Weston, phone 15F2. Team Work I am prepared to do all kinds of team work at reasonable prices. I will give special attention to plowing garden grounds, CLAUD DICKENSON. QUALITY CASH GROCERY WHY NOT TRADE AT HOME, YOUR LOCAL STORES HAVE BETTER QUALITY AND IN MANY CASES SAME PRICES. SECURE OUR PRICES BEFORE GOING OUT OF TOWN. A FRESH LINE OF CHILI MEATS AND TAMALIES. PHONE 561 AND FREE DELIVERY Mrs. Alice Eager, Owner Walla Walla General Hospital A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care of patients. . X-Ray and bacteriological labortories, washed air ventilation. . Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser vices are included at the regular rates which are $3.50 to $6.00 Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage is solicited. Phone 4S0. County, State and City Taxes Tax Statements Are Now Here One-half of your taxes should b paid prior to May 5th, 1928. If you hav not been getting your tax state ments thru us, we will be glad to get your statement for you upon request Payment of these taxes may .be made here. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA Now We Can Show You the - . . cCormick-Deering Cream Separator NEW M Ball-Bearings at all High-Speed Points Capacities: 350 to 1500 lbs. of milk per hour '4-' A ' Hand, Belted, or Electric OU may have seen the Harvester Company s announcement of their New McCormick'Deerine Cream Separators. We now have the first of them in our store. The New McCormick-Dcering has many remarkable improvements. The machine now has high-grade ball-bearing equipment at all high-speed points. Its operation is the last word in light'running ease and durability. A completely new bowl of skillful design, with a 6kmvmilk'egutat:ing screw controling the cream density, combines with other features to produce what we believe to be the cleanest'skimming machine on the market. Splash lubrication that completely lubricates. A supply can with outside faucet. Every provision for sanitation and easy cleaning. The six sizes of the New McCormick Deering fit every need "from one cow to a hundred." You are bound to like this new machine. We will demonstrate here or on your farm with no obligation to you. ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust,) ATHENA, ORE NOW is the time to hare your OIL CHANGED and your CAR GREASED for Easter Let us do it for you C. B. MOORE, Proprietor ATHENA SERVICE STATION RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St. H. H. HILL Athena Jensens Blacksmith Shop Repair Work Prices Reasonable Athena, Oregon 1 1 1. Id We Handle Genuine Goods-No Substitutes Try Our d.r.shampoo Shaving and Baths Up-to-the Minute Bobs Hair Cuts and Shingles DUFFIELD'S BARBER SHOP Athena, Ore. American Beauty Bread Baked by the most modern and up-to-date process known to the art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask your grocer. MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop. It Pays to Look Well! To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line. Come in and see Herb Parker and I. Penn Harris Barber Shop Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners. Phone 583. WE GALL FOR AND DELIVER Monday, Thursday, Saturday SPECIAL Men's suits cleaned and pressed $1.50 Starting March 15 Twin City Sanitary Cleaners F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co, AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR U made in Athena, b ' Athena labor, in one ol the very best equipped mill in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem wheat crown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sella the famous American Beauty Flour Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash