The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 23, 1928, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Lon Chaney tomorrow night
At the Standard Theatre.
Mrs. Venard Bell of Pendleton was
in Athena. Monday.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson was a Walla
Walla caller Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Duffield were
Pendleton visitors Monday.
Mrs. Nellie Taylor of Pendleton
was an Athena visitor Tuesday.
Frank Ames is the proud possessor
of the first new Ford in Athena.
The Campfire girls pastry- sab
Saturday netted them the sura of J18.
Miss Lois Mclntyre and Miss Lavms
Marcus spent Monday in Walla Walla,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Catron were
guests at the Al Johnson home Sun
The W. J. Kirks have moved to the
farm after spending the winter in
II. W. LeRoy is a patient in Walla
Walla, suffering from an abcess in the
Mrs. Graden Herndon and daughter
of Weston were Athena shoppers
Brooks Anderson was at Walla
Walla this week, taking medical
E. A. Zerba and family of Waits
burg were visiting at the Hargett
home Sunday.
Miss Lucille Smith spent the week
end visiting Miss Sadie Pambrun at
her country home.
Edna DeFreece is spending the
week-end with her sister Mrs. Lowell
Harder of Milton.
Wade Goodman, of Rogers & Good
man, was here Sunday for the first
time in several weeks.
Mrs. J. C. Walter is a patient at
St. Mary's hospital, Walla Walla, be
ing a sufferer of quinsy.
Dorothy Burke is spending a time
at the home of her grand parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and
daughters spent Sunday at the Chas.
Bond home in Pendleton.
The H. I. Watts farm north of town
is being further improved by re
fencing the entire holdings.
Dan Stumbaugh a former resident
of this vicinity is a visitor at the
Wra. Read home south of town.
The Junior Boy's Class of the Bap
tist church made about $35 from their
pastry sale a week ago Saturday.
Gale Anderson came over from
Walla Walla Sunday and spent part
of the da at the home of his parents.
Emery Staggs, well known young
farmer of the Weston district was in
Athena Monday, transacting business).
The Misses Reta and Mabel Adair
returned Sunday from Princeton,
Idaho, after spending the week-end
Mrs. C. A. Kahlcy of Ophein, Mon
tana, has been a visitor this week at
the home of her sister Mrs. R.i A.
Miss Elsa Ringel, accompained by
Miss Blanche Eickworth, is at home
from Oregon, State College for a few
day's vacation.
Tom Gilkey has began the season's
work for Amiel Schubert. Wilber
Harden has taken his place at Har
den's billiard hall.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece of
Walla Walla and Miss Roma Cnarl
ton were dinner guests at the Sims
Dickenson home, Sunday.
Mrs. Dean Dudley, who underwent
a minor operation at a Walla Walla
hospital, returned to her home Sun
day, and is getting along nicely.
Mrs. H. A. Barrett drove to Helix
Monday, hur mother Mrs. A. B. Mc
Ewen returning with her after a week
spent with relatives-in that city.
Mrs. William Rice of Ashland, visit
ed friends in Athena and vicinity over
the week-end. Mr. Rice is engaged
in the real estate business at Ashland.
Melvin Coppock was taken to Walla
Walla Monday evening by Dr. Cowan
and underwent a surgical operation
Tuesday morning for relief from ap
pendicitis. Mrs. Theresa Berlin and family
spent Sunday in Athena. Mrs. Berlin
contemplates moving to Athena from
Walla Walla, where the family have
resided for several years.
The Misses Blanche and Lois John
son arrived home Saturday evening
from Eugene, to spend the Eastor
vacation at the home of their parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Johnson.
The tiny babe of Mrs. Velma Cox
who has spent the winter with her
brother and family M. I. Miller, was
taken seriously ill Saturday and rush
ed to Wttllu Walla for medical caro.
James Woodruff of California is
here visiting his sister Mrs. Frank
Williams, and other relatives. The
young man in on his return honj'-'
after a visit with another sister, who
resides in Idaho.
Ethel Adair, youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Adair met with
a painful accident Saturday, when
she caught her right hand in the
electric wringer, injuring the hand,
but fortunately no bones were broken.
About fifteen Campfire girls of
Wauna group with their guardian,
Hilda Dickenson and several ladies
who generously furnished their cars,
attended the Grand Council Fire held
in Walla Wulla, Saturday evening.
The local girls received several
Five girls were guests of Marjorie
Montague Sunday, when Mrs. Ethel
Montague prepared a bountuous
chicken diner, which the girls did
justice to. Guests were: Dorothy
Burke, Jean Zerba, Mary Jane Mill
er, Helen Barrett and Berniee Wilson.
After dinner the girls enjoyed sports
suitable to th country side, then hik
ed home in th evening.
Jack Cunningham was in town from
Pendleton, Wednesday.
Cliff Culley was in town Wednes
day evening from Weston.
0. H. Reeder was a business caller
in Walla Walla Tuesday evening,
Mrs. 0. 0. Stephens and son Dale
were guests of relatives in Pendleton
A small tractor and grader was
utilized this week in leveling off the
school tennis court.
Jack Moore has recovered from his
recent illness sufficiently to be able
to walk from his home, down town.
A light shower fell Wednesday
night, followed by warml sunshine.
As a result, gardening is now well
unaer way in Ainena.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke Sr.,
arrived at their farm home south of
Athena, Tuesday from Glendale. Call
fornia, and will remain here several
John Davidson is an interested fol
lower of the racing results at the
Tijuana track. John is a subscriber
to the San Diego Tribune which
gives a complete summary of the
The M. E. Missionary will meet
Wednesday, March 28 at the home of
Mrs. W. 0. Read. All wishing to go
are invited to congregate at the home
of Mrs. W. McPherson, for convey
ance to the country home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamberlain
have returned to their home in Ath
ena, after spending a week at Baker,
visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Chamberlain are leaving Athena for
Haines, Baker county, where they
will conduct a resturant.
The J. T. club met at the home of
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton Friday
afternoon. Many unique costumes
were in evidence when each member
was dressed in colorful costumes to
mark the day. Mrs., Frank Sanders
and Mrs. Zep Lockwood served re
freshments. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Sanders
March 30th.
The Bridge luncheon given by Mrs.
H. I . Watts and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow
at the latters home on Friday after
noon of last week was a happy event
for guests. Three tables of bridge
Were at play. The tables were very
effective with dainty lunch cloths in
pastel colors and center pieces of
spring flowers, and place cards of
St. Patrick's motif. A three course
luncheon was served at one o'clock.
Mrs. Prestbye held high score for
guests, Mrs. C. M. Eager high club
score and Mrs. Lloyd Michener the
consolation. Mrs. E. C. Prestbye and
Mrs. Clarence Toole were guests of
the club.
Miss Lois Mclntyre was honored
at a seven o'clock dinner Friday eve
ning at the Charlton home when Miss
Roma Charlton entertained eight
girl friends. A color scheme of
green and white was carried out with
flowers and place cards. After din
ner Bridge was enjoyed. Miss Lois
Mclntyre held high score while Edna
DeFreece won the consolation. Guests
were: Hilda Dickenson, Phillis Dick
enson, Edna DeFreece, Edna Lien
alien, Pearl Ramsey, Charlotte Dick
enson and honoree and hostess. Al
berta Charlton, assisted by her mother
served a splendid dinner.
Mrs. James Cresswell and Mrs. Penn
Harris entertained at a 7 o'clock din
ner Thursday evening of last week at
the home of the former. The occasion
was Mr. Harris' birthday as well as
Mr. and Mrs. Harris' first wedding
anniversary. Covers were law . ior
eighteen. Green and white color
scheme predominated in decorations
and place cards were in those coloru.
After a three course dinner, games
were indulged in. Forrest Zerba won
first prize and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon
the consolation. The following guest3
were present: Miss Edna DeFreece,
Miss Hilda Dickenson, James Hodgen,
Mose Bannister, Charles Wilson,
Mrs. Velma Cox, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Logsdon, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen, Mr. and
Mrs. Penn Harris, and Mrs. and Mrs.
James Cresswell.
' Zane Grey's "Man of the Forest"
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
W. C. Russell has purchased a new
family car, an Essex of the . latest
Mrs. Ralph Singer and Mrs. W.
McPherson were in Walla. ; Walla
Clark Mace, former manager of
the Athena Standard Oil station, now
located at Richland, Washington,
spent Sunday in the city.
The Methodist Aid society has
quilted 24 quilts since September, and
the ladies extend their appreciation
to all who have been so faithful in
The Weston Leader says Mrs.
Emery Staggs is reported to be
convalescing, following a major
operation which she sustained af St.
Mary's hospital. It is expected that
the patient will be brought home in
a few days from Walla Walla..
Mrs. Lilla Kirk was hostess for a
notor trip to Helix for the sectional
Declamatory Contest Frjday night to
the following ladies: Mrs. Lillian
Frededicks of Weston; Mrs. Wm. Rice
of Ashland, Oregon; Mrs. S. S. Bone
of Spokane,, Washington, and Mrs.
W. McPherson of Athena. .
High School Notes
Junior News Staff.
Faculty ..Wilf ord i Miller
Classes Areta Kirk
Student Body Pearl Green
Boy's Athletics Oral Michener
Girl's Athletics Alberta Charlton
Personal ...Marjorie Wilson
Grades.. Mildred Street
Alumni Weldon. Bell
Entertainment Emma Ringel
Advisor -Miss Bateman
Emma Ringel and Areta Kirk were
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
Jessiedeane Dudley and Alberta
Charlton spent Sunday in Walla
Jack Moore, who has been ill for
the past two months, was able to
visit school Monday afternoon.
Thena Russel, Dorothy Geissel,
Kathleen Radtke, Ethel Pittman, and
Jessiedeane Dudley were in Walla
Walla, Saturday.
Marjone Wilson entertained the
members of the girl's basketball team
at a weiner roast up Wildhorse Creek,
Monday evening. A game of baseball
was played before the weiners were
roasted. Those present were: Areta
Kirk, Alberta Charlton, Ethel Pitt-
man, Thelma Schrimpf, France3
Canon, Myrtle Campbell, Dorothy
Geissel,' Thena Russel, Kathleen Rad
tke, Jessiedeane Dudley, Mr. and Mrs.
Toole, and Marjorie Wilson.
Farmers Grain Elevator customers
and prospective customers who are
buying trucks are requested to come
and measure the elevator scale dump,
before arranging for their bulk grain
tanks. LEE WILSON, Manager.
That Lay Earlier
Now is the time to order Collins
Chicks for winter layers. Collins
Chicks lay sooner than ordinary
chicks. They have a country-wide
reputation for reliability of breed and
rapid development into i profitable
Collins Chicks are from purebred
flocks which are rigidly inspected,
blood-tested and culled.
The chicks are guaranteed vigrous,
big and husky. We tan now supply
you Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Black
and White Minorcas 15c and up.
Safe arrival by Parcel Tost
100 per cent live chicks guaranteed.
Get Collins Chicks for profit.
freewatcr Hatchery
C. T. Collins, Prop.
Frccwater, Oregon
Those in the sixth grade who suc
ceeded in getting their names on the
honor roll for the past month were:
Arleen Foster, Aaron Douglas, Hugh
Steele, and Daniel Reeder.
Those in the fifth grade who suc
ceeded in getting their names on the
honor roll for the past month were:
Walter Singer and Mary Jane Miller.
Mr. B. B. Richards talked to the
eighth grade Monday, March 19, on
the subjects of courts. He explained
different courts and other topics
under the head of the civil government.
A letter assembly was held Thurs
day, March 15, in honor of the boy's
and girl's basketball teams. Carl
Calvert, John Kirk, and Stafford
Hansell, Athena's representatives in
the Declamatory Contest spoke be
fore the high school. The basket
ball letters were presented to the
members of the teams by Superin
tendent Lee A. Meyer.
A song assembly was held Friday
morning, March 16, in the high school
Lois and Blanche Johnson are home
for the spring vacation from U. of 0.
Dorsey Kretzer has returned from
The Dalles where he was helping his
father. He is now employed at the
Watts ranch.
Fred Radtke and Dale Stephens are
home from U. of 0. to spend the
spring vacation. - .
Norman Mclntyre is home from
Whitman College for the spring
Annual News
The pictures of the high school
were taken for the annual Monday,
March 19th. Mr. D. F. Santo, a
photographer from Walla Walla, took
the pictures. The following groups
were taken: Each class, student
body, faculty, annual staff. Order of
"A", girls and boys basketball teams,
and the football team.
Miss Bateman and Miss Brodie
went to Walla Walla Friday after
noon. Mrs. M. I. Miller was in Walla
Wallja Saturday. Mr. Miller spent
the week-end helping fix the baseball
Student Body
A student body meeting was held
Tuesday, March . 13 for the purpose
of organizing work on the tennis
court Work was started that day
and the court will soon be in condi
tion for games.
S A new shipment of Buster Brown , shoes for Wo
men and Children.
Another shipment of Women's Peter Pan and Victoria dresses for Home
and Street wear. Ladies silk Munsing Wear, Silk Hose, Printed Marqusette,
Soisettes, Rayons, Voiles, Dover Prints, American . Pongee, Lace Curtains,
Sweaters, etc.
Earliest of All Seed Potatoes, per 100 lbs
!Phone Your Order To 162
At h e n a 0 e p a rt m e n t St o re
Saturday, March 24
Eon Chaney
Featured last Week at the new Portland Theatre you
see it right off the bat .
A Great Actor
In the greatest Crook story since "The Miracle Man"
Betty Compson, Marceline Day i and James Murray
A GRIPPING story of those who prey on a big city. Chaney at his finest
as the underworld' leader. No one on the screen today , can . equal Chaney
for the thrill of the unusual 1 As Chuck Collins, underworld power, he
weaves a spell of excitement and suspense amazing even to Chaney. What
he wanted he took! The big city paid tribute to the underworld forces he
captained. And then a girl of the underworld w6n his heart. Amazing
drama! A Chaney triumph of thrills you'll not forget.
A Full HouseRegular Prices!
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, March 25
Jack Molt
Zane Grey's
an o
f the
All the classes in high school had
their picture taken Monday, March j
19, for the annual. I
Georgia. Hale and El Brendel
i An Outdoor Special
A "WESTENER" that's a blue streak for speed. A story that never drags
nor becomes too deadly serious. With romance interwoven with the pell
mell action. Jack's beautiful dark horse, Chief, was relegated to the stable
for this picture, and a blonde mount by the name of Betitia carries him
through the play. The new horse has a coat of pale bun.. She was selected
because of the contrast between her coloring and the dark forest back
ground against which the picture was made. .
Pathe Review Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c