The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 23, 1928, Image 3

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    ((c), 1928, Western Newspaper Union.)
Now blesi-.ings light on him who
first Invented this same sleep!, It
covers a man all over, thoughts
and nil, liki a cloak; It Is moat
. for the huriffrjr, drink for the
thirsty, heat for the cold, and cold
for the hot. It Is current coin
that purchases all the pleasures of
the world cheap, and the balance
that sets the king and the shep-
' herd, the fool and the wise man
even. Cervantes.
A cnle tl.nt is a little different and
one that will be enjoyed is: ,
ifimwt L0htning Cake. Cream
feliitaja ,lulf a cuPful of butter
h-sfcDj .jth one-haif cupful of
sugar until well mixed,
add four beaten egg
yolks, three tablespoon
fuls of milk and one cup
ful of flour sifted with
one teaspoonful of bak
ing powder. Spread the
" mixture In a shallow pan
- and over It spread the
frosting given, below; dredge with
sugar nnd cinnamon and bake thirty
minutes. For serving cut into strips
two inches long and one Inch wide.
Frosting for Lightning Cake. Beat
four egg whites until light, gradually
add three-fourths of a cupful of sugar
and a half cupful of blanched almonds.
Spread on the uncooked cake and
sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Codfish Balls. Put hot boiled po
tatoes through a ricer enough to
make two cupfuls. Have ready one
cupful of salt codfish, parboiled and
, shredded ; add to- the potato with a
tahlespoonful of butter, seasoning of
paprika and a teaspoonful of lemon
juice. Heat with a wooden spoon until
light and fluffy. Shape into balls, roll
in egg mixed with three, tablespoon
fuls of cold water, then in crumbs.
Fry in deen fat. Drain on hrnwn nn.
per, If the balls are made the day
previous to serving they will cook
better nnd keep their shape.
Ginger Cream. Make a custard of
the yolks of four eggs and the whites
of two, four tablespooufuls of sugar,
two tablespooufuls of sirup from pre
served ginger and one pint of milk.
Just before the custard Is done add a
tahlespoonful of dissolved , gelatin.
Stir until well dissolved and turn
into cold molds to chill. Sprinkle each
moid witli chopped preserved ginger;
Occasionally serve a few raisins
mixed with cracked nuts for dessert.
It is easier and less expensive of time
than mure elaborately made- dishes. -
" ; ' " , Taken Uo " -
' In accordance with the provisions
of Section 3, Umatilla county herd
law, providing lor the taking up and
sale of live stock running at large
the following described livestock was
taken up by the undersigned at Ath
ena, Oregon, and unless redeemed by
owner as provided in said law, the
same will be sold as by law provided:
One black horse, weight about 950
pounds, age between 7 and 8, brand
& on right shoulder.
Said sale will be held at the home
of Henry Miller, in Athena, Oregon,
as above stated, on March 26. 192s
at 4 o'clock, P. M., for cash in hand,
to the highest bidder, to pay for ad
vertising, damages, cost of sale and
all other expenses and charges
regularly and legally incurred. Dated
at Athena, Oregon this ldth day of
March, 1928.
M17&24 Athena, Oregon.
Drifting Sand Dunes
Menace to Railroads
As one makes the ascent of the
Andes from the Pacific port of Mol
Icndo, hi Peru, following the line of
the Southern Pacific railway, the climb
to the divide is broken by two great
steps or wide-spreading shelve? of
desert or pampa.
On the first of these steps, about
two hours' steep climb from the sea,
and at an altitude of from 4,000 to
5,000 feet, are located the famous
drifting sand hills of Peru. The
plateau Is here about 20' miles wide,
the air thin and dry and no trace of
vegetation to be seen, only these
. gigantic crescent-shaped sand dunes
dotting the pampa as far as the eye
can see. Composed of fine gray crys
tal sand, they gleam white ngalnet the
. brown of the desert, and their horns
point toward the prevailing south wind
of this region. They are from 15 to
23 or even 30 feet high, 20 feet In
breadth across the thick part of the
crescent and sometimes 100 feet from
hnin tn Itni'n 2n tfrrhlir la fha etmrl
pvu aw a. v.... JJ At. tali; OHUU
packed that the feet of the horses or
mules make little impression on It.
There sand hills, called nienanos,
travel with almost imperceptable slow
ness, and when they threaten the rail
way track they can sometimes be di
verted by piling up blocks of stone In
their paths, otherwise the railway bed
has to be altered to go around them
An analysis of the soil of this region
shows that it would be very fertile if
irrigated from the available snow fields
of the Andes, so that it is possible
there will come a day when its deso
late sand dunes will cease to be.
Ccd News .
Jenkins married, uud in due course
his wife presented him with a son and
heir. His friends flocked round to
tender their congratulations and, In
cidentally, smoke Bill's cigars. '
Jones was on his way to the house
when he met Brown returning.
"Where are you going?" asked the
"Oh, I'm just going round to see
Bill and wish him luck with that
youngster of his."
"Then you're too late."
"What? Surely it hasn't died?"
"No, the youngster's all right, but
the cigar jox Is empty." ...
. Wyatt and His Cat
It Is said that Sir Henry Wyatt,
who was a privy councillor under
King Henry VII of England, always
had his picture painted with a cat
beside him, because when he was
confined by Richard III in a cold and
dark tower, where he had neither food
to eat nor fire to keep him warm, a
cat brought him resrularly every day a
pigeon for his dinner and kept the
warmth In his body by permitting Sir
Henry to caress her. He was an an-
MMtfw . Rli Wnn'la WvHtf . Aim rtf
the early governors of the colony of
(Equity No. 4529)
In the Curcuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Catherine Foster, Plaintiff, vs
Charles Foster, Defendent
To Charles Foster, Defendant above
named: -
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you. are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you in the
above entitled suit, within four
weeks of the date of the first publica
tion of this summons to-wit: on
or before Friday, the 20th day of
April, 1928; and you will take notice
that jf you fail to appear and answer
the said complaint or otherwise
plead thereto within said time, the
plaintiff for want thereof will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed
for and demanded in plaintiff's said
complaint, namely, for a decree of
the Court forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now and hereto
fore existing between plaintiff and
defendant, for the care and custody
of their minor child, Vida Foster,
and for other equitable relief.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order made in this cause
by Honorable James Alger Fee, Cir
cuit Judge of the. above entitled
Court, dated March 21st, 1928. The
first publication of this summons
will be made in the Athena Press on
Friday the 23rd day of March, 1928,
and the last publication will be made
on Friday the 20th day of April,
Dated at Freewater,; Oregon, this
21st day of March, 1928.
G. H. Bishop, Attorney for Plaint
iff, Post office address: Freewater,
Oregon. . .' M23A20
Temperature at 83
The highest early spririg temperature
since March 13, 1926 was recorded at
Marshfield Sunday, when the ther
mometer hovered at 83 for several
hours up to five p. m.
22 Years Ago
.For Your
Home or Shop
It is well worth while to
be prepared to give first
lid in case of minor inju
ries that are not serious
, enough to go to the doctor.
Packet $3.98
contains in compact form
just what you need to
treat bruises, cuts, burns,
etc., to prevent those mi
nor injuries becoming se
rious. ;
Mc Fadden's Pharmacy
Athena, Oregon.
March 23, 1906
Peter Mclntyre feft Wednesday
morning for Alberta.
Mrs. M. L. Akers was the guest of
friends in Pendleton yesterday.
Mr. "and Mrs. Glen Saling spent
Sunday at the La Brache home in the
Miss Josie Danner has a position a3
saleslady with the Manassee mercan'
tile company.
Johnny Feebler, . of Peebler
Chamberlain, implement dealers, was
in Helix yesterday.
Miss Nettie Cannon, teacher in the
Walla Walla schoolw, spent Sunday
with friends in Athena.
Mr. C. R. Read and family of Free
water have come to Athena to reside
Mr. Reed will be employed in Boddy's
meat market as blockman.
Sheriff Taylor arrested Thomas
Bowman at Weston a few days ago
on a charge of seduction, preferred
against him by Condon officials.
Sam Davidson, the receiving end oi
the Yellow Kid battery, arrived in the
city Tuesday from Genessee, Idaho,
and is stopping at the Athena Hotel
J. E. Stanfield,. of Weston, was in
town yesterday. Mr. Stanfield will
be employed in Buel's blacksmith
shop and will soon remove 'here to
reside permanently.
With its issue of Friday the ld3t
publication of the Adams Advance
was pulled from press. The plant
will be moved to Helix where Editor
Ferguson will commence the publi
cation of the Herald.
A letter to Athena friends an
nounces the arrival of the Robinson
familv in Richland, Wash. Mrs. Rob.
inson had the misfortune to lose her
choice house plants, in transportation.
during the cold snap.
Flying kites is now the pastime of
the Athena youngster. Marbles are
due in a week or two, then the trouble
of broken strings and kite tails flap
ping from telephone and electric light
wires will have been forgotten.
A blanket of snow protected the
growing wheat in this section during
the recent cold snap but in the wheat
growing districts west and north of
Pendleton, a raging blizzard swept
the ground clear of snow and the re
suit is that much of the grain was
frozen out, and farmers will be com
pelled to reseed.
The board of directors in the Ath
ena baseball association has decided
to use the old grounds for the games
this season. The principal reason for
making the change from the Kirk
grounds .was that the character of
soil was found to be too soft for quick
drying after a heavy rain." The old
diamond is one of the fastest in the
state, and considering the fact that
all trains will stop at the depot in
stead of on side tracks, as formerly,
the old grounds are much more pre
ferable in every way.
Athena, Oregon
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Post Building, Athena, Phone 582
Athena, Oregon
Attorney s-A t-Lw
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Walla Walla Valley
General Hospital
All Graduate Nurses, Modern
Reasonable Rates
ell Enough Alone!
. Let W
luspect our New
Spring Stock
and Satisfy Yourself
Neustadter Shirts, Socks, Spring and Summer Union
and two-piece Suits for young men. Ladies' Bloom
ers, Vests Etc.
Ladies, Remember we positively guarantee our Dur
ham Hose.
1.15 1.50 2.00
Quality Quantity, Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Home Patrons
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
it wn wt vs va wis vna ws wt vjir wi iu w
"He that tooteth not his own horn,
the same shall not be tooted."
of every kind and
Farm Loans
at rates and term3
that satisfy.
Conoco Gasoline
Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles
Motor Oils Greases
Bryce Baker, Agent
Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena
Direct from Producer to Consumer
Buy Collectively
Address, N. Bolvig, Box 454 Walla Walla, Washington
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
J. 1. Harman
We Carry the
Machine Works
Hinged Weeder
Main Street Athena. Oregon
, Beji & Venable
Phones 125 and 24
Two Auto
Track Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
and Horse Team Work
Icy Pi
Something New-Try it Today
Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor - - Athena, Oregon
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Foley's Kidney Cure
uake kidneys aad Nud-Jcr rlyh;
The Lumber
You Need
If you are planning alterations or ad
ditions to your building, let us give
you an estimate on the Lumber need
ed. You will be pleasantly surprised
at the reasonble total we will quote.
Wood and Coal
Fence Posts
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Main Street, Athena