The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 23, 1928, Image 2

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F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
. r
Subscription Rate,
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1-00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, March 23, 1928
This newspaper can see no salva
tion for the Democratic party by an
eleventh hour injection of Senator
Walsh to run against Tammany's
candidate for the nomination for
president. Walsh, one of the best,
cleanest and most brilliant men in the
Democratic party, hus been brought
out too late to stem the Tammany
Smith tide that has for many months
been gnawing at the party ramparts.
Had Walsh been brought out through
proper organization and given the
chance due him as a party candidate,
there is no doubt that he would have
entered the convention at Houston
with a big majority of the party be
hind him. But at this late day the
chances are vitally against him, as
will be revealed when the Tammany
tiger claws up the Houston conven
tion. o
The board or regents of the Smith
sonian institution have come in out of
the wet by according credit to the
Wright brothers for having made the
first successful flight with power
propelled heavier-than-air machine
carrying a man. Coming after long
controversary, and after the machine
had been crated for shipment to the
British museum in London, the
Wrights have speared something
from the air after all.
Lo, the poor Indian, is to get a
square deal. At least two Washing
ton tribes will be permitted to sub
mit claims against Uncle Sum for
$9,125,000, involving 6,500,000 acres
of land in Idaho, Washington and
Montana, valued at .$1.25 per acre
which is alleged to have been taken
by the government without the form
ality of Indian consent.
The "Two Black Crows" would
probably handle the Mayor Baker
Mary Garden kissing incident after
this manner:
"Will Mayor Baker get to kiss
Mary Garden?"
"Wh-What for?"
"Well, do you think he'll kiss her?"
"I-I-I'd rather not be bothered
with that; 'let George do it.'"
The crash of the St. Francis dam
in California has given incentive for
general inspection of all Western
dams covering government projects,
as well as those husbanding the water
supply of the larger municipalities.
Out of great catastrophes are born
caution and piudcnce, else catastro
phes would continually multiply.
The Los Angeles Examiner has been
doing a little figuring itself, and finds
that for forty billions, 15 cities like
Los Angeles could be built. Nope, it
can't be done. Just go out and get
the dough, gather in the building
material, the "location" and all; yet
theie would be the one paramount
clement missing "atmosphere."
It will be remembered that when
Medford's basketball players were
seen in actum in a football game
against Mac-Hi lust fall, that they
gave a good account of themselves.
In the state tournament those huskies
fell only four points behind Washing
ton high of Portland for the champ
ionship. We hear abmit what initiative has
not done for Oregon, but very little
of what it has done for the state.
Measure for measure, the proposed
?;i license tax may be taken as the
equivalent of a fair sample of some
amendments that make their appear
ance on Oregon ballots.
When things go logic for Arthur
liri: bane, we notice that he just goes
back r,000 or 1000 years and finds a
lot of gravy to dish up. Arthur is
a helluva good writer but some of his
stuff is so ancient that many of us
fail to appreciate it at its true worth
For the third time in as many
months a bomb has wrecked a theatre
in a chain of amusement places owned
by John Dnnz at Seattle. Just another
method employed to put the "in
dustry" out of business.
"Th' way to cut out law tinkering
in this country is to quit sendir.t
lawyers to th' lcgislater," remarked
one of our mountaineer friends, re
cently. "Thar's Canady, fer in
stance" .
A dog worth owning is worth pay.
ing taxes on, and from the trend of
recent events transpiring in Athena
we conjecture that nil dogs running
at large in town have the licnse'
i'.rh. to do so.
Two more, Captain Walter Hinch
liffe and the Honorable Elsie Mackay",
British subjects, have paid tribute
with their lives to the god of chance
in crossing the Atlantic by plane from
east to west.
Twenty-five years ago the German
Kaiser gave to a new yacht the name
of Alice Roosevelt, and twenty-five
years later the Kaiser has no yacht
to name.
We know of a little flock of ten
Leghorne pullets that have cornered
the egg market and cut the meat bill
one-half for an Athena family of two.
The next calendar event will be the
opening of the fishing season, April
15. Following in rotation, the Wes
ton Pioneer Picnic, the June rain.
Hippocrates was a Greek physician,
and Arthur Brisbane says he died
2300 years ago; so long ago that mo3t
of us had forgotten all about him.
Rejuvenation of the old-time spell
ing bee might take the kinks out of
the present day art of putting right
letters in the wrong place.
"Molala" must be Indian for trala-la.
(Morning Oregonian)
It would be futile to urge that
Captain Walter Hinchliffe and the
honorable Elsie Mackay might have
served aviation in better ways than
by sacrificing their lives. Coli and
Nungesser were deterred by no argu
ment of cool reason from attempting
precisely the same thing, and with, as
it seems, exactly the same conse
quences. For the truth is of course
that the sport of aviation and the
science of aviation have come to have
two quite different meanings. The
game is played by the principals in
the latest fiasco is pure daredeviltry,
having little or ho relation to the
ultimate security of aeronautics. Not
in that way will final victory over
the elements be attained.
We know of no antidote for the ir
repressible human urge to do that
which, however, inutile, has never
been done before, or to do it in a
different and more difficult way, or
to put the capsheaf on adventure
after others have tried but failed.
Sometimes though not always the
prospect of public adulation gives an
added fillup to enterprise. But there
is ever the challenge implied in the
possibility of holding a place at the
head of the list.
The most recent attempt to cross
the Atlantic by air in a westerly
direction has confirmed only that suc
cess most assuredly lies in the lap of
chance; and if it had succeeded it
would have demonstrated no more.
We may pay tribute to the "pluck" of
the aviators, though in doing ?o we
must realize that pure nerve is not
an attribute of which there is any
present scarcity. We hardly can com
mend their soundness of judgment,
their prudence, their comprehension
of the substantial principles of pro
gress in serious matters in a word
their poise or their common sense.
And so the individual's view of the
whole undertaking must be colored
by whether he sees it solely as a
stunt or regards it in its bearings on
the future of aerial transportation.
The undesirable aspects seem on the
whole to overshadow the good.
We predict that the effort will be
made again. Some day, somehow,
somebody will succeed, and in all
probability by a fluke. Mean while
aviation will go forward, and ever-
day trans-Atlantic flying in either or
both directions will be established as
a consequence of the labors of those
who hold human life in higher esteem.
I On March twen.ty-fourth, Nineteen
Hundred Twenty-eight, up to the hour
of eight o'clock in the evening, seal
ed bids will be received at the office
of B. B. Richards, in Athena, Oregon,
for the purchase of Fifteen Thousand
Dollars of Umatilla County, Oregon,
School District Number Twenty-nine
bonds, dated April Tenth, Nineteen
Hundred Twenty-eight, and due Two
Thousand Dollars on October first of
each of the years Nineteen Hundred
Twenty-eight to Nineteen Hundred
Thirty-four, both inclusive, and One
Thousand Dollars on October first
Nineteen Hundred Thirty-five, said
bonds bearing interest at the rate of
four and three-quarters per centum
per annum. Every offer must be un
conditional and bidder prepared ! to
take delivery thereof upon presenta
tion, the Board reserving the right tc
reject any bids.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Min
erva l). Vaughn, Deceased. : ,
Notice is herehv criven that' 'tha
undersigned has filed his final ac
count and report in the above, en
titled matter and that, tha aWm: on-
titled Court has fixed Saturday, ; the
5tn aay oi lviarcn, lyzs, at the hour
Of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of KniH iav. aa
the time, and the County Court room
in the County Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place, for the hearing of said final
account and report. Objections to
said final account and report should
De iuea on or Detore that date.
Dated at Athena. Owonn thin 9.4th
day of February, 1928.
a. a. MciJNTKKls. Administrator.
Watts & Presthve. Attnrnpva for
Estate, Athena, Oregon. F24M3
(Equity No. 4512)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Mabel Keelin, Plaintiff, vs Robert
G. Keelin, Defendant.
To Robert G. Keelin, defendant above
named :
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff filed against you in
the above entitled court' and cause
within four weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit, on or before Friday the 23rd day
of March, 1928; and you will , take
notice that if you fail to appear and
answer or otherwise plead thereto
within said time, the plaintiff, for
want thereof, will apply to the above
entitled court for relief prayed for in
plaintiff's complaint, namely, for a
decree dissolving the marriage con
tract now and heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant, and
for an absolute divorce from the de
fendant; for a change of plaintiff's
name from Mabel Keelin to Mabel
Pickens, her maiden name, and for
other equitable relief.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order made by Hon.
James Alger Fee, judge"" of the above
entitled court on the 21st day ot
February, 1928. The first publication
will be made on Friday the 24th
day of February, 1928, and ' the
last publication on Friday the
23rd (lav of March, 1928; and
this summons will be published for
four consecutive weeks in the Athena
Press, a newspaper published weekly
at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon.
Dated this 21st day of February,
Will M. Peterson George R. Lewis,
Attorneys for plaintiff, residence and
post office address, Pendleton, Ore
gon. F24M23
Now 'We Can Show You the
NEW McCormick-Deering
Cream Separator
350 to 1500 lbs. of
milk per hour
Ball-Bearings f
- sit. nil ; 1fv3
a;,rL Qhrt til
I L; Vr Is!
' jji
Belted, or
OU may have seen the Harvester
Company s announcement of their New
McCormick'Deering Cream Separators. . We
now have the first of them in our store.
The New McOormick-Deering has many
remarkable improvements. The machine now
has high'grade ball-bearing equipment
at all high-speed points. Its operation is the
last word in light-ninning ease and durability.
A completely new bowl of skillful design,
with a skim-nulk'rcguLniig ixrew controkng
the cream density, combines with other
features to produce what we believe to be
the cleanest-skimming machine on the market.
Splash lubrication that completely lubricates.
A supply can with outside faucet. Every
provision for sanitation and easy cleaning.
The six sizes of the New McCormick'
Deering fit every need "from one cow to a
hundred." You are bound to like this new
machine. We will demonstrate here or on
your farm with no obligation to you.
ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust,) ATHENA, ORE
Being Newcomers
in your community, we would
like a chance to
and get acquainted
For Sale Good horses and mules.
Also dry fir wood. Frank Watkins,
Custom Hatchine I have installed
Clark's system of ventilation in my
incubator room, and with the assist
ance of dependable help, I can assure
my customers good hatches. , urcer
early. White Leghorne baby chicks
for sale. Donald McFadden, Athena,
Team Work I am prepared to do
all kinds of team work at reasonable
prices. I will give special attention
to plowing garden grounds, CLAUD
Main St. H. II. HILL Athena
American Beauty Bread
Baked by the most modern and up-to-date process known to the
art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask '
your grocer.
MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop.
Mrs. Alice Eager, Owner
County, State and City
Tax Statements Are Now Here
One-half of your taxes should be paid prior to May
5th, 1!)28. If you have not been getting your tax state- -ments
thru us, we will be glad to get your statement
for you upon request. Payment of these taxes may be
made here.
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
$ We Handle Genuine p
4 Goods-No Substitutes.!
A Try Our : Jk
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Kerb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 683.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
SPECIAL Men's suits cleaned and
pressed $1.50 Starting March 15
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made tn Athena, t- Athena labor, in one ol the very best
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat frown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Athena, Oregon.
Waitsburg, Wash