The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 16, 1928, Image 4

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    Press Paragraphs
Mrs. Clifford Walker is ill with the
Dr. Geyer spent Sunday with
friends at LaGrande.
Lawrence Pinkerton is a sufferer
from the flu this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Catron were in
Walla Walla Wednesday.
E. C. Rogers was in the Helix dis
trict Monday, on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Zell Lockwood were
Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Lewis Stewart has been ill
this week, a victim of flu.
Mrs. S. F. Sharp visited friends in
Pendleton, Tuesday afternoon.
Barney Foster transacted business
at the Indian agency, Tuesday.
The Etude club met Thursday at
the home of Mrs. 0. H. Reeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon spent
Sunday with relatives at Weston.
See "The Crowd" at the
Standard Theatre tomorrow night.
Bebe Daniels In "Swim, Girl Swim
Standard Theatre, Sunday night
Mrs. W. J. Kirk and Miss Edna De
Frecce were Pendleton visitors Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman of
Walla Walla, visited relatives in Ath
ena Sunday.
Marble contests are just now ab
sorbing the attention of the average
Athena small boy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harwood were
guests at the Victor Hirsch home in
Freewater, Sunday.
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton and Mrs.
D. A. Pinkerton were in Milton
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. C. M. Eager, Miss Lucille
Smith and Rov Johnston were in
Walla Walla Tuesday.
The Campfire Girls will hold their
food sale tomorrow morning at
Eager's Cash Grocery.
Mrs. Dean Dudley is in the St.
Mary's hospital, Walla Walla, receiv
ing medical treatment.
Roy Alexander, prominent life in
surance man of Pendleton, was an
Athena visitor, Monday.
Dorsey Kretzer is here from The
Dalles, and will work oh the M. L.
Watts ranch this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haworth arid
nephew Jean Haworth, are leaving
soon for Salem to reside.
Sidney Crabill of Holdman, spent
Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Crabill, in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jenkins and
family spent Sunday at Fumley,
Washington visiting friends.
Miss Marie Foster spent Sunday at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Foster, south of Athena.
Gale Anderson of Walla Walla
spent Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson.
Mrs. Jesse Myrick was in Athena
Tuesday from her home near My
rick Station, en route to Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bond and Mrs.
E. J. Burchill of Pendleton were
visitors at the C. M. Eager home Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lieuallen of
Adams, spent Monday evening at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Cress
well. Colder weather prevailed during the
week, after the rain. Lower tempera
ture has put a stop to early garden
ing here.
Mrs. Stella Keen and Mrs. Cather
ine Keen visited at the home of Mrs.
Zola Steen near Milton, Thursday of
last' week.
After the meeting of Rebekahs
Tuesday evening, Mrs. Estella Keen
and Mrs. H. II. Hill served the mem
bers with refreshments.
Mr. Chas. Murray of Freewater
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stockstill
were dinner guests nt the home of
Mrs. Ora Smith, Sunday.
Misses Lois und Blanche Johnson
will spend the Easter vacation at
their home in Athena, coming up
from University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and
little daughter Charlotte, have gone
to Condon to reside, where Mr. Russell
will work in a barber shop.
George Lieuallen held a sale at
the II. G. Murray place near Milton,
Monday. Mules, horses and farm
implements were disposed of.
Mrs. Flint Johns and two little
daughters have spent the past week
visiting in Vancouver, Washington,
at the home of Mrs. Johns' mother.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parris were
over from Walla Walla Thursday
visiting their son, Sterling and family,
and preparing to reseed a small acre
age. Mrs. F. B. Boyd is visiting at the
home of her daughter in Portland.
Before returning home, Mrs. Boyd
will visit her sister, Mrs. W. A.
GrHham, at Albany.
Marion Hansell and Henry Koepke
drove to the Koepke ranch near
Helix Monday. Investigation reveal
ed that reseeding will be required on
a part of the Koepke land.
Mrs. Armond DeMerritt and little
son Dee have returned to their home
in Walla Walla after three weeks
spent with Mrs, DeMerritt's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell.
Gertrude Ederle, the girl who swam
the English channel, is in the cast
supporting Bebe Daniels in "Swim,
Girl Swim," which comes to the
Standard Theatre, Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Catron and Leo
Johnson drovo to Yakima Saturday
bringing back the Al Johnson car
which was stolon from a parking
place in Pendleton last November.
Tho Weston Leader reports thai
Mrs. George W. Winn has been con
veyed to the Walla Walla Valley
General hospital, where she is gain
ing in strength and resting comfort
ably. .
Mrs. W. K. Wall has been ill at
her home for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley re
turned home last week from Long
Beach, Caifornia, where they spent
most of the winter. "Jinks" says he's
ready to go fishing when the season
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mrs. H. I.
Watts will entertain the bridge club
members at a one o'clock luncheon
today, at the home of Mrs. LeGrow,
The afternoon will be devoted to
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Toole were
host and hostess to the High School
student body Friday evening. Cards
were the diversion of the evening.
Refreshments were served by the
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton and
family moved to Athena Saturday
from Milton. Mr.. Pinkerton is oc
cupying the Hamp Booher home and
will operate the new service stateion
at the City Park.
Dean Pinkerton who is a student at
the Walla Walla business college
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton, Dear;
is soon to take up his duties in one of
the Walla Walla banks.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dickenson en
tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr.
and Mrs. T. P. DeFreece, of Walla
Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Sims Dicker
son, Misses Hilda and Phyllis Dick
enson and Roma Charlton.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barrett enter
tained at dinner Sunday Mr. andMrs.
J. S. Norvel, Mr. and Mrs. Letcher
Norvel and Mrs. Leila Rice of Helix;
Mrs. A. B. McEwen of Portland, and
Ralph' McEwen of Athena.
Guy Taitinger of Charesholm, Al
berta, was registered at the Athena
Hotel, Friday. Mr. Taitinger is the
son of Nick Taitinger, a former
reservation farmer, who removed to
Alberta some twenty years ago.
Dale Stephens and Fred Radtke
arrived home this morning from Uni
versity of Oregon to spend the Easter
holiday season with their parents.
The boys look well and are getting
along fine with their studies at the
Mrs. Lowell Harder and daughter
Mary Jane of Milton, were Friday
visitors at the Frank DeFreece home.
Mrs. Francis McCool, returned to her
home in Walla Walla, Sunday, after
a week spent in Athena visiting
friends and relatives.
The B. Y. P. U. of Umatilla county,
comprising about 75 members, met at
the Baptist church in Athena Sunday
afternoon, and after an interesting
session, enjoyed light refreshments.
The next county meeting will be held
at Milton the second Sunday in June.
Athena-Weston Legion Post will
observe St. Patrick's Day with a
dance tomorrow night at Legion Hal),,
Roy Dore's Walla Walla orchestra
furnishing music for the occasion.
Tho dance is given as a benefit for the
swimming pool fund, and a large at
tendance is expected."
Cliff Banister was up from his
ranch in the Cold Springs section,
Tuesday. Mr. Banister says all fields
in his district sown last fall with
Federation seed is frozen out and will
have to be reseeded. He is fortunate
in having sown Hybrid and has a
good stand of growing grain.
Portland alumnae of Kappa Alpha
Theta will enjoy a "pot luck" supper
at the home of Mrs. Ralph McEwen,
28 East Sixtieth street, Wednesday,
March 14, at 6:30 o'clock. The host
ess will be assisted by Mrs. A. H.
Helfrich, Mrs. Leighton Steele, Mrs.
Ralston Moore, Miss Betty Lively and
Miss Sophia Sheik. Portland Ore-
Plowing in the light land district
north of Athena, which has been
under way for some time was dis
continued thas week on account of
rain. Farmers in the vicinity of Ath
ena are making preparatings to be
gin plowing as soon as weather con
ditions will permit. A number of
two 4-bottom gangs, to be pulled by
tractors have been delivered to farm
ers by Rogers & Goodman, local
' J. A. Murray, Pendleton manager
of the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph company, was an Athena vis
itor, Tuesday.
Neil Mclntyre is home from a
Walla Walla hospital, where he was
treated for several days for relief
from an abcess in his head, contract
ed from a severe cold.
Lowell Zerba has been home for
several days from the hospital at
Walla Walla, where he was confined
for some time with pneumonia. Lowell
shows the effects of his illness, and it
will be some time before he will be
able to work.
On March 9, fourteen members of
the 0. D. 0. club met at the home of
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton and a very
pleasant afternoon of "Slitch arid
Challer" was spent. Mrs. Nalilda
Gray, of Milton was a guest. The
hostess was assisted by Mrs. Virgil
Zerba in serving refreshments. The
next meeting will be held on March
23 at the home of Mrs. Ross Catron.
Residents . in the vicinity of Third
and Current streets, were greatly an
noyed all of Wednesday night by the
howling, fighting and barking of a
group of dogs that had been impound-
ed in an enclosure adjacent to' the
city jail. The dogs were being held
because tax had not been paid by
their owners, but protests from the
neighborhood, will doubtless lead t.
a change in the location of the dog
Mrs Willard Crabill celebrated her
52nd birthday Sunday with;a bount
uous dinner served to a large company
of friends and reliatives, including
Mrs. Ida Olsen, Mr. Mark Wilsey
Miss Frye and Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Crabill of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs.
Ray OHarra and Master Willard of
Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown,
Mrs. Boylen, Mr. Harvey Brown, Mr,
Sidney Crabill and Mr. Art Brown of
Helix; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McFar-
land, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bennett, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Crabill and Mr. Oril
McPherrin and Mrs. Jannet Sleeman
of Athena.
Farmers Grain Elevator customers
and prospective customers who are
buying trucks are requested to come
and measure the elevator scale dump,
before arranging for their bulk grain
tanks. LEE WILSON, Manager.
That Lay Earlier
Now is the time to order Collins
Chicks for winter layers. Collins
Chicks lay sooner than ordinary
chicks. They have a country-wide
eputation for reliability of breed and
apid development into profitable
Collins Chicks are from purebred
flocks which are rigidly inspected,
blood-tested and culled.
The chicks are guaranteed vigrous,
big and husky. We can now supply
you Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Black
and White Minorcas 15c and up.
Safe arrival by Parcel Post
100 per cent live chicks guaranteed.
Get Collins Chicks for profit.
freewater Hatchery
C. T. Collins, Prop.
Freewater, Oregon
High School Notes
Junior News Staff.
Faculty..... Wilford Miller
Classes Areta Kirtc
Student Body Pearl Green
Boy's Athletics Oral Michener
Girl's Athletics Alberta Charltoii
Personal Marjorie Wilson
Grades.... Mildred Street
Alumni Weldon Bell
Entertainment Emma Ringel
Advisor -Miss Bateman
Kathleen Radtke, a student of sec
ond year typing, has recently been
awarded a Gold Pin by the RoyaV
Typewriter Company. This pin is
awarded to students who write fifty
or more words a minute for fifteen
minutes with five or less errors. In
qualifying for this pin Kathleen pass
the requirements for the Certificate
of Proficiency (30 words a minute)
and the Silver Pin (40 words a
minute) and received these two
awards also. Her record was . 53
words a minute with 5 errors. Kath
leen is the first student to receive a
typing award this year.
Jessiedeane Dudley, Kathleenc
Radtke and Dorothy Geissel were
visitors in Pendleton Thursday.
Jessiedeane Dudley, Dorothy Geissel
and Arberta Charlton were in Walla
Walla Friday afternoon.
Lorena Schubert, Emma Ringel and
Marie Foster attended the Weston
High School play Friday afternoon.
Helen Foster was in Pendleton
Wednesday afternoon.
Pearl Green and Virgie Moore at
tended the Weston High School play
Friday night. .
Grades '
The local declamatory contest was
held in the grade rooms, Monday
afternoon, March 12. In the fourth
grade Genevieve Barrett won in the
dramatic division; Teddy Miller won
in the patriotic division; Doris Jenk
ins of the fourth grade and Aaron
Douglas of the fifth grade tied for
the winner of the humorous divi
sion. The results from the seventh and
eighth grade were: George Pittman
and Helen Barrett tied for the win
ner of the patriotic division; Arleen
Myrick won in the dramatic division.
The boy's and girl's basketball
teams were entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Toole, Fri
day evening, March 9. Card playing
and dancing were the features of the
evening. A delicious dinner was
served by Mrs. Clarence Toole.
Singing was the feature at the as
sembly Friday morning March 9, in
the high school auditorium.
Dean Pinkerton and Norman Mc
lntyre spent the week-end at their
homes. Dean Ilnkerton has secured
a position in the First National Bank
of Walla Walla and is working there
part time while continuing his school
work at the Walla Walla Business
Miss Bateman was in Walla Walla
Monday, where she received medical
Mr. Meyer spent the week-end in
Mrs Fredricks substituted in Miss
Bateman's plaec Friday and Monday
1 Lot 32 in. Ginghamsl reg. 30c at 19c
Mens full Cut bib overalls 1.19
Men's Canvass Gloves per pr. 10c
3 Large Cans Hawaiian Pine apple 79c
3 Cans Fountain Logan Benies 50c
quart Water bottle full of Cane and Maple syrup. 6 Tumblers to Match 89c gj
Phone Your Order To 152
Athena Department Store
Saturday, March 17
King Vidor's
e crow
A great Drama of Everyday Life!
Perhaps in your own home this problem exists. The husband who starts
with promise of greatness. . . .beaten down in the. struggle of life. . . .the
wife who tries to lift him up from the crowd. Here is the true story of the
millions of average men and women, told as only the director of "The Big
Parade" could tell it.
International News
Admission Prices, 10c-25c-35c
Sunday, March 18
Bebe Daniels
Swim Girl Swim!
Gertrude Ederle, James Hall and Josephine
The sprightliest comedienne on the screen today Bebe Daniels; with the
girl who conquered the English Channel "Trudy" Ederle and Jimmie Hall,
Bebe's hero in both "Senorita" and "The Campus Flirt!" What a combina
tion! Comic campus capers plus the most exciting swimming race ever seen.
Pathe Review Admission Prices. 10c-25c-35c
Wednesday, March 21
Lillian Gish
Nathaniel Hawthorne's
The Scarlet Le
This has been hailed as one of the biggest pictures of the year! And what a
production this is starring Lillian Glsh First Lady of the Screen, in a Mag
nificent picturization, directed by Victor Seastrom, from Nathaniel Haw
thorne's thrilling classic! SEE IT!