Water Really Chief Constituent of Eody Water Is a more important' sub stance than we are Inclined to admit. Besides its value as a . beverage, its utility as a home for fish, its function as a common carrier of the world's shipping, its use as a washing medium, It plays an important role in human life as the chief constituent of the body. The human body is approximately two-thirds water. An nverage person of 150 pounds weight carries around with him at nil times about 100 pounds, or 12 gallons of water. This water supply Is very delicately ad justed so that the intake of water and the water resulting from oxidative processes balances the losses occur ring from the various excretory proc esses. This compensatory balance some times falls. The extremes of mal regulation which result are represent ed by thirst and anhydremia on the one hand and edema on the other. Skelton of the University of Min nesota found that the muscles con tain about half of the total water sup ply of the body, the skin about , one fifth and the watery blood only about one-fourteenth of the total. When marked loss or withdrawal of water from the body occurs the resultant drying up is taken care of principally by the muscles and not by the blood. The muscles lose only a small propor tion of their water even in the ex treme cases, and the loss per unit of weight is smaller than for other or gans, but the total is larger because of the large capacity of the muscular system. Ancient Chinese Tombs Gigantic in Extent Some 200 miles west of Peking,. China, says the Pathfinder Magazine, Garl Whiting Bishop, curator of the Freer gallery, examined tombs of the North Wei dynasty, which was found ed by Tartars from Mongolia and pasted from the Fourth to the Sixth century B. C. The enormous amount of labor which went into the construc tion of these tombs is indicated by the size of one of them. It is 80 feet high and has a circumference of near ly half a mile, being made entirely of earth. In front of this was an altar and impressive temples undoubtedly marked the site: , . These temples, as Is common In China, were of wood and so have dis appeared. China had no stone archi tecture. This is a distinctive feature of Chinese civilization and explains the absence of such ruins as the Bo man Coliseum, the Athenian Parthe non or the Egyptian Sphynx. The Chinese used wood altogether. Very Embarrassing A professional model was one night posing in the nude before a dozen men who were intent on getting every sec ond of the fleeting hour, in a silence broken only by the nervous scratch ing of charcoal on paper, when an incident occurred which throws an odd light on feminine psychology, re lates Walt McDougall, the cartoonist, in "This Is the Life!" Only a minute or so remained be fore the period of rest, when, with a sharp shriek of genuine alarm, the lovely model leaped from the stand and ,fled outside the circle of light focused upon her form. "I saw a man looking down upon me from that window next door!" she managed to explain 'when her agita tion had subsided. Watch Care Before winding your watch after a cold snap warm it for at least a quar ter of an hour ; winding it immediately after exposure to cold may break the spring. During the night, the watch will run better if it Is in about the same position It occupies during the day. The timepiece shoulo. be wound in the morning instead of at night It is directly after winding that a watch works best and can thus stand the vi brations during the day. It should be wound slowly, carefully avoiding jerks. Count the number of turns the spring will allow without undue strain. These hints were recently given by a Inrge watch manufacturer as practical ways to Impove the performance of the timekeeper and prolong its life. According to Hoyle Even among the elders we see so little of the old-fashioned fastidious ness nowadays that we were attracted by an incident on the street last week. We saw a white-haired gentleman ap proach two boys who were playing with a kitten and join them. Then we saw him extract from his pocket a pair of gloves, return one of them and pull the other carefully over bis right hand. This completed, he employed his gloved hand to pat the kitten and tickle its ribs for a minute or two. He then arose, carefully removed his glove, replaced it In his pocket, bowed to the two boys and strolled on. New Yorker. Would You Be Rich? So many want to be rich. Are you sure you want to be rich? Don't you get your greatest happiness from do ing the everyday things that bring you a living? Aren't the very things at least some of them that you bave to do because you are not rich, the things that bring you your greatest content, your greatest peace of mind? Think of your life without the neces sity of earning a living, without the necessity of work. Would It be a full, complete, happy life? Grove Patter son, in the Mobile Keglster. Visiting It's always a gamble to take chll dren calling, as many a mother has found out to her sorrow. Sometimes they behave according to Hoyle, and then sometimes they do or say very strange things. The other afternoon mother and 5-year-old Dorothy went calling and were served tea. This didn't bother mother, because she had frequently had her little daughter with her when serving tea at home, although, of course, the child's repast was limited to the cakes. On this oc casion the hostess had sandwiches in stead of cake. When she asked Doro thy if she would have some, Imagine her surprise, and mother's chagrin at the youngster's reply: "I like cakes better, but they'll do." Philadelphia Record. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Divine worship at 11:00 A. M. Topic, "Crowns of Christ." Young peoples meeting at 6:30 P. M. Song and praise at 7:30 P. M. Topic, A sure Refuge. Midweek meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 P. M, All are invited to services. "Were half the power that fills the world with terror, Were half the wealth bestowed on camps and courts, Given to redeem the human mind from error,. There were no need of arsenals and forts. , - The warrior's name would be a name - . abhorred! ' ' ' And every nation, that should lift again Its hand against a brother, on its forehead . , Would wear forevermore the curse of Cain!" , Taken Up In accordance with the provisions of Section 3, Umatilla county herd law, providing for the taking up and sale of live stock running at large, the following described livestock was taken up by the undersigned at Ath ena, Oregon, and unless redeemed by owner as provided in said law, the same will be sold as by law provided: One black horse, weight about 950 pounds, age between 7 and 8, brand E on right shoulder. Said sale will be held at the home of Henry filler, in Athena, Oregon, as above stated, on March 26, 1928, at 4 o'clock, P. M., for cash in hand, to the highest bidder, to pay for ad vertising, damages, cost of sale and all other " expenses and charges regularly and legally incurred. Dated at Athena, Oregon this 13th day of March, 1928. WALTER HUFFMAN M17&24 ' Athena, Oregon. j 22 Years Ago For Your Home or Shop It is well worth while to be prepared to give first aid in case of minor inju ries that are not serious enough to go to the doc-for. ii Emergency Packet $3.98 contains in compact form just what you need to treat bruises, cuts, burns, etc., to prevent those mi nor injuries becoming se rious. , Mc Fadden's Pharmacy Athena, Oregon. ' March Ifi. 192fi . Jerry Swart, O. R. & N. agent at Aoams, was in town Saturday even inc. " D. H. Preston left this morning for waitsburg. He will return tomor row. Sand storms on the Columbia river delayed all trains on the O. R. & N vesterdav. - Hi-ia, came up from Pendleton Sun aay ana spent the day in Athena. Six inches of nnnw fpll nt. Pilot Rock yesterday. This is said to be tne Heaviest snowfall of the season there. Wm. McKenzie. clerk for the Ath ena Mercantile Co. for several vears past, will leave tomorrow for Nanton, Alberta. Millard Kelly, Chas. McFarland and Fred Flint have returned from a sheep shearing expedition in the south part of the county. -Tonight the annual ball of the Athena fire department takes place at the Athena opera house. A large number of tickets have been sold, and the fire boys expect a good attend ance. A. L. Jones has sold his drayage and express business to the Athena Truck Co. If Mr. Jones can" sell his ciiy property hereJie will engage in the ht-tel business at Echo. "Jinks" Taylor is the owner of an exceptionally fine saddle horse, a re cent purchase made by him at Hepp ner. Yesterday Mr. Taylor gave him a" "work out" on the breaks of the Umatilla and he "made good." The members of the Adams K. of P. lodge tendered Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ferguson a farewell party at the I. O, O. F. hall in that city Wednesday evening. Mr. Ferguson expects to leave in a few days for Helix, where he will issue a weekly paper. The water pipes in the Press office were found to be frozen this morning, and when the devil thawed them out by blowing his breath on them, a leak was discovered. With the assist ance of City Marshal Gholson and "John" Dobson, the presses were put in operation shortly after noon. Jim Foss writes home that he, in company with Ora Rhodes has arriv ed at their homesteads after a some what rough experience. At a point twenty miles from Madras, the stage broke down and the passengers were compelled to walk the entire twenty miles into Madras. A pleasant party was enjoyed by the young friends of Miss Grace Johnson, at her home just east of town last Friday night. A large number from town and the country were present and a jolly time was spent with games, tome of them be ing original and most entertaining. A delicious lunch was served the guests by the hostess. DR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Athena, Oregon Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J DR. J.L.GEYER Dentist Post Building, Athena, Phone 582 DR. W. G. COWAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon WATTS & PRESTBYE Attorneys-At-Law Main Street. Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Walla Walla Valley General Hospital SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE r All Graduate Nurses, Modern Reasonable Rates COAST RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS Direct from Producer to Consumer Buy Collectively Address, N. Bolvig, Box 454' Walla Walla, Washington Let Well Enough Alone! luspect our New Spring Stock and Satisfy Yourself Neustadter Shirts, Socks, Spring and Summer Union and two-piece Suits for young men. Ladies' Bloom ers, Vests Etc. Ladies, Remember we positively guarantee our Dur ham Hose. Prices: 1151.502.00 STEVE'S GROCERY Quality Quantity. Service. Phone 171. Athena, Oregon Bit am tux m m mi mi mi m wm mi mi m The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Special Attention Given to Home Patrons Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon "He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted." Insurance of every kind and description. Farm Loans at rates and terms that satisfy. B.B RICHARDS, Athena Conoco Gasoline Quick Starting Packed With Extra Miles Motor Oils Greases Bryce Baker, Agent Phones 761 and 31F11, Athena THE ECILGORE CAFE GERALD TULGORE, Proprietor MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. WHITE HELP ONLY, EMPLOYED. GOOD SERVICE COURTEOUS TREATMENT. Gerald Kilgore, Proprietor Athena, Oregon J. L. Harman Blacksmithing , We Carry the Pendleton Machine Works Hinged Weeder Main Street Athena. Oregon Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. Bell & Venable Phones 125 and 24 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service City and Country HAULING and Horse Team Work THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. i A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. Foley's Kidney Cure nakex kidneys ead btad-Jer rinlv. The Lumber You Need If you are planning alterations or ad ditions to your building, let us give you an estimate on the Lumber need ed. You will be pleasantly surprised at the reasonble total we will quote. Wood and Coal Fence Posts Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Main Street, Athena