The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 24, 1928, Image 2

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    Wat Stitern
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months .75
Athena, Oregon, February 24, 1928
(Clipped From Exchanges)
Pretty nice lineup already in Doug
las county for the various state and
county offices. Looks like 1928 is go
ing to bring the political pot to the
boiling point before the campaign
ends. Here's hoping the "boys" will
have a lively time, and least 50 per
cent of them go over the top.
The power of the navy is felt if
ever a naval officer dares to criticise
his department. This muzzle should
be put on officers who plead for the
expense of naval expansion. A little
more efficiency and economy and
less bluster and pomp would be acceptable.
Latest press reports tell us of the
largest surplus on record in the na
tional treasury. We are glad to hear
this, but wonder why Uncle Sam is
in such a hurry with his income tax
questionnaire. Did you also get yours,
last week?
A judge in Kansas City ruled that
a woman has a right to bend her
husband's toes back to make him
get up to go to work. The trouble is
too many of the ladies turn up the
mate's toes permanently.
"Girl with curves best bet now,"
Flo- Ziegfield asserts through the
medium of the headlines, adding th?
weight of his opinion to that of the
country's leading baseball managers.
Senutor Dill wants the senators'
speeches broadcast. Wonder if he
wants Will Rogers to announce the
"spasms." All these funny men
should hang together.
(Portland Telegram)
Superstitious natives of Tibet grind
out on their prayerwheels a repeated
ritual that is supposed to bring good
luck. Here in America we employ
an abracadabra that can be depended
upon to bring bad luck, every time.
It's a simple thing but amazingly ef
fective, and it goes like this: "Busi
ness is rotten." Those three words
are responsible for more of business
stagnation and "hard times" than all
the mistakes of legislation or crop
failures that ever happened.
Here today in Portland we have all
the materials of an assured prosper
ity. The trade of the port in January
jwas better than January of last year
i by nearly a million dollars. Woolen
mills are running full blast, one mill
reporting that all its year's output
I will be sold before spring. Money is
I still pouring into the Northwest to
pay for the record-breaking wheat
crop of the past season. Banks re
jport more private money on deposit
than ever before
Several Portland factories are en
larging their plants to take care of
increasing business, and new in
dustries are starting. Large building
I enterprises are projected or under
iway. With a good price for beef, the
I long-suffering cattle men of the
; Northwest are paying off their
mortgages and buying new cars and
radio sets, not to mention new barns
jand farm machinery. Lumber is look
jing up. Even that old bugaboo of
I bad business in a presidential year
has been proved false by a survey uf
I the Literary Digest, discovering that
'presidential years have been more
prosperous than others.
Business in Portland and the North-west
is so soundly backed by a funda
j mental prosperity that it would be
hard to spoil it, even by the most
J doleful whispers of the rumormong
jers. There is more business to be
done, more profit to be made and
greater opportunities to be found
than ever before in Portland's hist
ory. Business is good, and the more we
say so, the better it will get.
and the like for their members, des
ignating certain 'official' stations in
outlying districts where such dis
counts are said to be obtainable. It
is a significant fact, however, that
legitimate business concerns rarely
fall for such 'sucker' games.' Legit
imate, business cannot operate success
fully on a discount basis.
"The Oregon, State Motor Associa
tion and. the. Portland Better Busi
ness Bureau have united their efforts
I in the endeavor to protect the motor
ists and automotive establishments of
this state from 'being robbed by such
unscrupulous methods. Motorists when
solicited to join unknown organiza
tions of the type mentioned would do
well to consult either of these organ
izations before investing their
A Swiss historian claims women
wore short skirts and exposed their
knees to the weather in the 16th cen
tury, and that accounts for the looks
of some seen nowadays.
When the sun comes out these days
we begin to think that soon spring
will be here; even the larks and
robins seem to be laboring under the
same impression.
Thomas A. Edison, electrical wiz
ard hus become the champion cocoa
nut grower of Florida. There seems
to be no limit to the practical uses of
The greatest optimist we know of
is the statesman who believes it is
possible to increase appropriations
and reduce taxes at the same time.
Choosing the proper jewelry is a
very difficult problem, a fashion ex
pert tells us. We wish we could
make the payments just as easy.
Small girl's can't see the logic of
the argument that they should wash
their faces so often when mother
only applies a little more powder.
Advertising keeps business out in
the open, compelling it to set up
public ideals of quality and service
that have to be lived up to.
The day may not lie so far off.
after all, when they will throw an
automobile or two in when one buy
a gallon of gasoline.
Spring makes the open season for
"Gyp" motor clubs and so-called
motor service club promoters who
make it a practice to gain an easy
living at the expense of a more or
less gullible motoring public, is the
substance of a warning notice just
leleased by the Oregon State Motor
Association which represents the A.
A. A. of this state.
"These illegitimate or 'Gyp' motor
clubs invariably are long on promises
and short on delivery;" says George
O. Brandenburg, secretary of the
Oregon branch of the A. A. A., "they
are in the game only for the purpose
of reaping a harvest of easy money
for themselves. Always privately
owned, and with no affiliation that
binds them to make good on their
promises, misrepresentation is the
bait they invariably use in their en
deavor to trap their victims. Auto
mobile owners, garages, auto camp
grounds and gasoline service stations
are their particular prey, and from
such sources a harvest of millions of
dollars is 'reaped annually.'
"'Gyp' motor club promoters," ac
cording to Mr. Brandenburg, "use
various means of subterfuge in their
operations. Some issue contracts on
a basis of promised discounts in the
purchase price of gasoline, oil, auto
mobile accessories, cheap insurance
ork Yotir ..Groun
with P 0 Plows aid International Discs
; Harrows and Springtooths
(Equity No. 4512) ,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Mabel Keelin, Plaintiff, vs Robert
G. Keelin, Defendant.
To Robert G. Keelin, defendant abbve
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff filed against you in
the above entitled court and cause
within four weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit, on or before Friday the 23rd day
of March, 1928; and you will take
notice that if you fail to appear and
answer or otherwise plead thereto
within said time, the plaintiff, for
want thereof, will apply to the above
entitled court for relief prayed for in
plaintiff's complaint, namely, for a
decree dissolving the marriage con
tract now and heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant, and
for an absolute divorce from the de
fendant; for a change of plaintiff's
name from Mabel Keelin to Mabel
Pickens, her maiden name, and for
other equitable relief.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order made by Hon.
James Alger Fee, judge of the above
entitled court on the 21st day of.
February, 1928. The first publication
will be made on Friday the 24th
day of February, 1928, and the
last publication on Friday the
23rd day of March, 1928; and
this summons will be published for
four consecutive weeks in the Athena
Press, a newspaper published weekly
at Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon.
Dated this 21st day of February,
Will M. Peterson George R. Lewis,
Attorneys for plaintiff, residence and
post office address, Pendleton, Ore
gon. F24M23
m i5
air 4 - . -i?v
4 i
ey are Dependa
None Better!
ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust,) ATHENA, ORE
Baby Chicks Try our baby checks,
B. W. D. tested White Leghorne and
R. I. reds. Hailey Hatchery, Free
water, Oregon.
For Sale Good 'horses and mules.
Also dry fir wood. Frank Watkins,
Wanted Hear from owner Ranch
for sale. State cash price, particu
lars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn.
In the County Court of the State .of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Min
erva D. Vaughn, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his final ac
count and report in the above en
titled matter and that the above en
titled Court has fixed Saturday, the
24th day of March, 1928, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, as
the time, and the County Court room
in the County Court house at Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
place, for the hearing of said final
account and report. Objections to
said final account and report should
be filed on or before that date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon this 24th
day of February, 1928.
A. H. McINTYRE, Administrator.
Watts & Prestbye, Attorneys for
Estate, Athena, Oregon. F24M23
Dressed chickens For dressed
chickens, phone 26-F-15, Athena.
Custom Hatching I have installed
Clark's system of ventilation in my
incubator room, and with the assist
ance of dependable help, I can assure
my customers good hatches. Order
early. White Leghorne baby chicks
for sale. Donald McFadden, Athena,
Turkeys Turkey hens for sale.
Phone 29F22.
Weed Chains
and Federal Tires
We Repair All Punctures
in. Tires Bought Here
American Beauty Bread
Baked by the most modern and up-to-date process known to the
art of baking. Insuring you uniform quality the year round. Ask
your grocer.
MILTON BAKERY, H. W. Kreiger Prop.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing, Dyeing
Rugs Cleaned and Sized
Twin City Sanitary Cleaners
F. E. Smith, Milton-Freewater
Our Agency is at Penn Harris Barber Shop. The home of good
Haircuts and Shaves. Phone 583. ,
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
To t:ure Coii!iipHo(i l'orovic.
fuUc ILiMi'incts utility fJtttfrortlc. 10c .r2St
; Z " f )r"ic.'--i' " fnil tw
With Remus trying hard to keep
out of the asylum and Hickman try
ing to get it, it's a busy and varied
Benson for homicides.
Those pioneers we have heard about
would not have stayod a week in
other countries if their wives had not
been vyith them.
The easiest way to swindle a man
w to. tell him he is capable of certain
great things, when be knows it is a
doggone lie.
Women are said to be more forgiv
ing than men, but that is probably
due to the fact that men need more
Although silver is essentially a
money metal, it is being consumed
more and more by industries and the
We heard a Banks bachelor say
that a man doesn't have to be a biga
mist to have one wife too many,
Where low prices and courteous
treatment await you
Make your selection from
our line of Fresh Vegetables
for Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Alice Eager, Owner
Don't keep your mind so open that
every wind that comes along will
blow right through it.
The only way to pronounce the
woul automobile is to call it u motor
J. H. ROOHER. Prop.
Quick Service and Good Work
"We Cull or Clothing on Monday and Deliver on Thursday. Agency
at Whitehead's Shop.
Blacksmith Shop
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Athena, Oregon
m WeHandleGenuine y
A Goods-No Substitutes.
A Try Our-'
Up-to-the Minute Bobs
Hair Cuts and Shingles
Athena, Ore.
It Pays to Look Well!
To look well you should keep your hair properly cut your face
shaved and massaged In fact everything in the Barber line.
Come in and see Herb Parker and I.
Penn Harris Barber Shop
Agency for Troy Laundry and Twin City Sanitary Cleaners.
Phone 583.
SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For rent from $1 per year up.
These boxes are kept in our fire-proof and burglar-proof
vault, and. they are accessable to you at any time during
banking hours.
INTEREST ON DEPOSITS We will pay you interest at the
rate of 4 per cent per annum, compounded semi-annually
if you wish, on our certificates of deposit. In the last five
years we have paid our customers over $75,000 in interest
on deposits.
WE OFFER FOR SALE Insured mortgage bonds, insured by
the National Surety Company of America. These bonds
are in $100, $500 and $1,000 denominations and draw in
terest at the rate of 6 per .cent coupons payable semiannually.
' 1
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
is made in Athena, b- Athena labor, in one ol the very besi
equipped mills in the Northwest, of the best selected Bluestem
wheat crown anywhere. Patroniie home industry". Your
grocer sells the famous American Beauty Flour
Merchant Millers & Grain Buyers
Vthena, Oregon. - -,. Waitsburg, Wash