The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 24, 1928, Image 1

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    Entered at the Post Office at Athena. Oregon, as Second-Claaa Mail Matter
Spirited Address Made By
State Commander Love
At Banquet.
Delegates from thirteen American
Legion Posts participated in the con
ference of the 6th district,- hJ in
Athena Monday. The business ses
sions were held during the day in the
K. P.-I. 0. O. F. Hall, the banquet,
served by the ladies of thje Baptist
church, took place in Masonic dining
room, and the big Legion dance was
given at Legion Hall.
B. B. Richards presided as toast
master at the banquet and after a few
prelimenary remarks, introduced
George Love, State Commander, who
delivered a' spirited address. Com
mander Love gave in detail his ob
servations of existing conditions in
European countries visited by him last
fall after attending the National Le
gion convention at Paris.
Contrary to the general impression
prevailing in America, the condition
of France as a result of the World
War is deplorable as compared with
conditions in Germany. War-torn
France is yet deeply in the throes of
reconstruction, and is greatly retard
ed in reclaiming her land back to
cultivation in the war zones, said
Commander Love, because of financial
In marked contrast, Commander
Love observed on his visit to Germ
any well organized production in agri
culture and industry, and on October
2, Hindenberg Day in Berlin, he wit
nessed the greatest military pageant
he ever saw in time of peace any
where. The 'speaker said that all
statues in Germany face toward
France, and he gave it as his opinion
that another war was inevitable, de
claring that at the end of the World
War, Germany merely went into a
15 year armistice to prepare for
another attack on France.
Other speakers were Carl Moser,
State Adjutant; Earl McSherry, vice
State Commander; Harold Warner,
past vice-Commander; Edward Ivers,
past State Commander and past
National Commander of the "40 and
8," and Judge Fee of Pendleton.
After the banquet, a mass meet
ing was held in the lodge hall where
a number of Legion men and Athena
citizens made short addresses.
The conference was held primarily
to inform ex-service men of the bene
fits and privileges that the State and
Federal government has made avail
able for them. One of the greatest
privileges extended is hospitalization
of all veterans regardless of the
nature of disease or wherever he may
be. There are 51 government hospit
als in the United States at this time
and they are free to any and all vet
erans when sickness or disability
overtakes them at any time.
The matter of state loans to vet
erans was discussed and explained in
detail, as also was adjusted compen
sation. The dance at Legion Hall was the
most successful one given here for a
long time. Music for the occasion
was furnished by the Pirate orchestra
band of seven pieces and the hall was
literally jammed with dancers. Legion
Hall was beautifully decorated for the
occasion, and dancing continued un
til one o'clock, a. m.
General comment is heard in ex
pression of the splendid spirit engend
ered by the conference and the cap
able manner in which arrangements
had been made for the event by C. L.
McFadden, commander of the locul
Post and the general committeeman,
Glenn Dudley, Penn Harris and Allen
The Pendleton drum corps was
present early in the evening and its
inspiring music greatly enlivened the
In relation to the membership drive
which is now being made, it develop
ed that the 6th district leads in the
state by a margin of 1 l-10th points.
Entertained Bridge Club
Mrs. Frank Ames entertained the
Bridge Club Friday afternoon at her
home on Fifth street. Three tables
were in play and the hostess served
lunch. Mrs. Ralph McEwen, Mrs.
Glenn Dudley and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye
were guests. Mrs. McEwen won the
guest prize.
Funeral Services Here
Funeral services for the late A. M.
Roche, who died February 13 at Port
land, were held in the Baptist church
Sunday afternoon. The deceased, who
was the father of Mrs. Harry Allen,
Mrs. Jeanette Taylor and Mrs. John
Peebler, former residents of Athena,
died at the age 77 years.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon were
week-end visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clark Mace at Richland,
A new and especially posed portrait
of Mrs. Everett Sanders, wife of the
secretary to President Coolldge, who
Is a frequent hostess In the official
circles pf the National capital.
Splendid Boy Scout
Program Rendered for
Their Parent's Night
Athena Boy Scouts rendered a
splendid program for their Parent's
Night entertainment at the Standard
Theatre Wednesday evening, the pro
ceeds from which totaled $55.45.
B. B. Richards introduced Dr. Her
man S. Reichard, pastor of the
Presbyterain church at Walla Walla,
honary president and Scout commis
sioner of the Blue Mountain Boy
Scout Council, who delivered the
principal address of the evening. Dr.
Reichard explained the Boy Scout
movement from its inception down to
the present time, and in detail
enumerated Scout qualifications and
the splendid achievements accrued by
the organization as a whole and the
advantages every boy has when he is
master of the tests required to be
come a first-class Scout.
The speaker paid high tribute to
the personnel of the Athena troop,
saying he had never met a finer look
ing lot of boys, and he also compli
mented Scout Master LeRoy for his
capabilities in scout leadership and
for the splendid spirit he has in
stilled in the members of his troop.
An outstanding feature of the pro
gram was the presentation of the
flags to the Athena Boy Scout troop
by Athena-Weston American Legion
Post. Post color bearers, supported
by a color guard, marched down the
aisles of the theatre to the stage
where the flags were presented.
The audience was intensely interest
ed in the fire-building test, signaling,
first aid appliances which were en
acted on the stage by Scout members.
"Be Prepared," an exceptionally
fine motion picture, which graphical
ly depicted the stages of boy scout
work from the time the member joins
the troop until he becomes a full
fledged scout, was greatly enjoyed by
the audience. The feature picture
was supplemented by a merry "Our
Gang" comedy. The Pendleton Music
House had one of its Orthophonic
Victrolas at the theatre, which furn
ished the music for the occasion.
Hosts to Party
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker were
host and hostess to a party of friends
at their home Friday night when four
tables of 500 were at play.' The
prize for high score was won by Mrs.
Ross Catron, Mrs. Sterling Parris re
ceived the consolation gift. A dainty
three course luncheon was served at a
late hour by the hostess. Guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potts, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Saulsberry, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Catron,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McEwen and Mr.
and Mrs. Sterling Parris.
Pendleton Here Monday Night
Athena High School will play its
deferred game with Pendleton High
School on the local floor, Monday
night. This game was orginally
scheduled for Wednesday of last
week, but through a misunderstand
ing by the Pendleton management, it
is stated. The matter has been
adjusted satisfactorily to all concern
ed, and the game, will be played Mon
day night
. Boy Cuts Knee
Percy Hoggard, a boy employed as
helper at Jensen's blacksmith shop
had the misfortune to cut his knee
with a drawing-knife. The blade
made a deep gash in the kneecap, and
had it struck lower. Dr. Sharp says
the ligaments would have been sev
ered and the boy a cripple for life.
While the cut is a seerious one as it
is, only a scar will be the result
Arrangements Made At a
Meeting Held Here"
About thirty land owners and
tenants residing north and northwest
of Athena held a meeting at the office
of Watts & Prestbye Monday evening,
and discussed the proposal to com
plete road construction by organizing
the district affected and levying a
special road tax.
The proposed road improvement in
cludes the new road leading north
from Athena and partly graded last
year, to the Tom DeFreece place,
thence west to Wayland Station on
the Northern Pacific, thence down
Gerking Flat south to the Sheldon
Taylor farm, intersecting the sur
faced road leading west from Athena.
Saturday last the County Court
viewed a part of the proposed roads
and suggested the loop combination
as being the practical construction
program to follow out. Everyone in
attendance at the Athena meeting
favored the loop road, which would
serve a district comprising approxi
mately thirty-eight sections of land
with a tax valuation of $2,000,000.
The loop road going up the flat
north from Athena, and down Gerking
Flat, would give convenient outlet
for a large number of farmers. Com
pleted, the road would be about fif
teen miles in length, and its cost is
estimated at $70,000. With the forma
tion of a road district, a tax levy for
road purposes of ten mills would be
levied and matched by the county. It
is figured that two levies would pay
for the road.
The next step will be definite loca
tion of the road at a meeting to be
held in the near future and submitted
to the legal voters of the proposed
- It is expected that the road will be
designated by the County Court thte
year and completed next year.
Committees appointed at the meet
ing Monday night were Alex Mcln
tyre, Frank Sanders, H. I. Watts and
Virgil Zerga, from the district north
of Athena, and Henry Keen, Louis
Keen and Joe Cannon from the Gerk
ing Flat district. Voting to tax the
district will take place in November.
Observing the anniversary of the
Pythian Order, the members of Pyth
ian Lodge No. 49, Knights of Pythias,
their families and invited friends
participated in the annual banquet at
the lodge hall, Thursday evening of
last week.
Dinner was served by lodge mem
bers at 6:30, covers being laid for
over 100 members and guests. After
the banquet dinner a fine program
was enjoyed by those present.
For years past the local lodge has
celebrated the Order's anniversary by
holding open house to visiting mem
bers and friends, and the event of
Thursday evening was in keeping
with the pleasure and success usually
enjoyed on those occasions. After
dinner the following program was
Selections by an orchestra the per
sonnel of which was Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Pinkerton, J. C. Harwood,
Kohler Betts, C. M. Eager, J. F. Ker
shaw, Lee Meyer and Lawrence Liau-
allen; Dutch monologue, Mrs. Frank
Williams; piano solo, Marjone Doug-
as; musical readings, Miss Mildred
Bateman; piano duet, Marjorie Mon
tague and Bernice Wilson; Orchestra
selections. .
Ye old time Virginia Reel ac
companied by Ethel Montague and
Lee Johnson.
Games followed until a late hour.
"Ben Hur" Coming
To the Standard
"Ben Hur," General Wallace's
great story, filmed by Metro-Goldwyn
into a screen classic, will be at the
Standard Theatre for two nights next
week, Wednesday, February 29 and
Thursday, March 1.
In all the annals of screen pro
duction, critics agree there is only
one other motion picture that com
pares in magnitude and measures in
excellence with "Ben Hur," and that
one predominant photoplay epic which
still stands on the pinnacle of per
fection is D. W. Griffith's "Birth of
a Nation."
Like "The Big Parade," the con
tract for presenting "Ben Hur" is
on a road show percentage basi3,
necessitating a raise in admission
prices to 50 cents for adults and 25
cents -for children.
Tomorrow night the Standard pre
sents Marion Davies in "Quality
Street," a beautifully presented
photoplay which screens a splendid
story played by quality actors and
, Sunday night Paramount presents
W. C. Fields and Mary Brian in "Run
ning Wild," a sparkling comedy-drama.
Mrs. Steen Surprised
The home of Mrs. Retta Pott3 was
the scene of a delightful surprise to
Mrs. Glenn Steen of Milton, Friday
afternoon, when the Study club gave
her a special reception. A buffet
luncheon was served, the table be
ing gayly decorated. Mrs. Stella Keen
poured tea and Mrs. Boyd pre
sided at the coffee urn. Mrs. Steen,
who came over from Milton for the
occasion, was presented with a hand
some present by the club. She re
signed as secretary-treasurer, and
Miss Myrtle Potts was elected in her
Are You Registered
Voters will not be registered at the
polls in the primary election this year,
and unless you are registered on or
before Tuesday, April 17, you will
not be eligible to vote in the pri
maries. B. B. Richards informs the
Press that he has the registration
lists of three precincts at his office,
and advises that all voters call there
between now and April 17th, the last
day on which registration may be
made, and satisfy themselves whether
they are registered or not
Members and Families and
Friends Observe Anniversary.
Thin Alfalfa Stand
Is Hard to Handle
It is not economical to try thicken ¬
ing a poor stand of alfalfa, finds the
experiment station, except when thin
patches or strips may be disked and
resown. The best method is to plow
and crop the land with grain for a
year or two before reseeding.
A poor stand of new crop may
sometimes be improved by the addi
tion of seed if the soil is moist enough
to insure germination and growth.
Seeding with a disk drill is usually
the most certain as the seed is cover
ed more uniformly resulting in more
prompt and even germination. Good
results have been obtained by scat
tering seed early in the spring, when
small cracks appear in the ground
and covering with a weighted harrow.
The first crop is cut high to avoid
killing the young plants.
A thin seeding of oats over a field
reduced by winter killing or other
causes usually produces a good crop
of hay. The field is then plowed and
reseeded to alfalfa or some other crop
the following season.
. Mrs. Glenn Dudley entertained at
bridge Saturday afternoon compli
menting her house guest, Mrs. Ralph
McEwen and Mrs. C. H. Smith, both of
Portland, the latter a guest of Mrs.
C. L. McFadden. Three tables were
in play, the high score going to Mrs.
McEwen, second to Mrs. Smith, and
the consolation to Mrs. W. S. Fergu
son. A delicious luncheon was served
at five o'clock, the hostess being as
sisted by Mrs. Verne Dudley of Day
ton. Guests were:
Mrs. H. A. Barrett, Mrs. J. F. Ker
shaw, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, Mrs. C.
L. McFadden, Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mrs.
E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. Max Hopper, Mrs.
Dean Dudley, Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen
and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen of Adams,
Mrs. Verne Dudley of Dayton, Mrs.
Smith and Mrs. McEwen, the honor
Mrs. Dudley's rooms were prettily
decorated with pussy willow sprays
and many colored spring flowers.
Mrs. Hill Surprised
A pleasant surprise was given Mrs.
H. H. Hill, Thursday evening when
her daughter Mrs. B. B. Richards
gave a birthday dinner in her moth
er's honor. The guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. Will Rider of Yakima; Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Whiteman and Mr and
Mrs. Manrice Hill of Walla Walla;
Mr. H. H. Hill, the honoree, and host
and hostess and son Roland. Afte'
dinner Mrs. Hill was presented with
a lovely breakfast table and chairs
Hostess to J. T. Club
Mrs. Flint Johns was hostess to
the J. T. club last Friday afternoon,
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton and Mrs.
Max Hopper serving refreshments,
Plans were made for a bridge party
on the evening of March 2nd, when
the husbands of members will be in
vited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ravella Lieuallen of Adams. Request
is made that those being unable to
attend will notify the president, Mrs,
C. L. McFadden.
1 V f
El Nahhas Pasha has been elected
president of the Wafd of Egypt. He
succeeds the late Zagloul Pasha.
Athena Base Ball
Team Enters Into
"Big Six" League
"Pike" Miller and Wilber Harden
represented Athena at the meeting of
the "Big Six" Baseball League at
Weston, Tuesday evening, and put
Athena's name on the dotted line as
an entrant for pennant honors of the
league for the 1928 season.
Other towns holding f ranchsises ( ? )
in the "Big Six," Pendleton, Helix,
Adams, Weston and Milton-Free-water
were strongly represented at
the meeting which elected Charles
Hendricks of Walla Walla, president,
and M. I. Miller of Athena, secretary
treasurer. League directors comprise
the managers of the respective teams.
The season opens Sunday, April 8
with Athena playing the Pendleton
Eagles on the Round-Up grounds at
Pendleton; Helix at Adams, and Wes
ton at Milton-Freeweater. Location of
the opening games was chosen by
drawing. It is understood that Pilot
Rock and the Mission Indians wanted
berths in the league, but the decision
of the meeting was for a six-team
league, and the more compact the
circuit the better.
Athena will support a strictly
amateur team in the league, as will
the other towns on the circuit. A sum
of money to start the local boys off
financially will be raided by sub
scription, and as the time is short be
fore the playing season opens, solici
tation for funds will be made tomorrow.
Frank Parker, Indian Scout
Former Walla Walla
The Pinkerton Service Station and
camping grounds is a new business
venture that will be established in
Athena. Lawrence Pinkerton will
build the station and cottages for the
auto camp on his acreage property
fronting on Third street, adjoining the
City Park on the north.
Henry Schroeder of Weston, has the
contract for the construction of tho
buildings. The sites were surveyed
yesterday and material will be on the
ground for work to begin Monday
The station will be conducted by D.
A. Pinkerton, who for a number of
years has been a resident of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton and family
will remove from Milton to Athenn
to reside as soon as a residence can
be secured.
WALLA WALLA. Colonel Frank
J. Parker, 85, former publisher of the
Walla Walla Statesman died at hi&
home at Kelseyville, California, Sun
day evening after an illness of sev
eral weeks. He was a veteran of tha
Nez Perce Indian war in the late
Mr. Parker was born in Western
England April 28, 1845. At 18 years
of age he came to the U. S. and
crossed the continent to California
where he arrived in 1864 and joined
the California volunteers Dec. 9 of
that year. He served through the
Apache campaign, was twice wound
ed in one day, then discharged and re
turned . to California. From there
he started for the Big Bend mines at
the headwaters of the Columbia river
from where he went to Lewiston, Ida
ho. For 11 years he followed mining
in different camps through the
mountains with various success until
the Nez Perce outbreak in 1877 when
he became a scout, bearer of dis
patches for General O. O. Howard
and correspondent for the California
Associated Press and the Boise
Statesman. His letters through the
press and exploits during the war
brought him prominently before the
people of Idaho and his name became
as familiar in that country as that
of the general who commanded tho
For gallant services in the war he
was given the position of lieutenant
colonel in the Idaho territorial
National guard by Governor M. Bray
man, of Idaho. During the 'Bannock
outbreak lie served again as scout and
carrier for General Howard.
. Colonel Farker -came to--Walla
Walla the last week of 1878 and took
charge of the Walla Walla States
man, the first paper published in
Eastern Washington and which ha J
been published for many years by
William H. Newell. The Statesman
at that time was a daily, but Col.
Parker reverted to tne weekly issue
until Feb. 1880 when he revived the
daily, and operated it until June 1900
when he retired. He continued the
paper in the Democratic column but
was much leas bitter than his pred
ecessor. He set up the first steam
power press in Walla Walla. The
Statesman later was merged with the
Walla Walla Union.
For the last 15 years Col. Parker
has been a resident of California. He
is survived by his widow, Martha
Newen Parker, and four sons Frame
N. Gillbert H. Edward II., and Will
iam Parker.
Athena High School basketball
team won from GriRwood High School
of Helix, in a well played game on
the local floor, Friday evening. The
score was 9 to 7, Athena leading, at
the end of the first half. Scoring
was close all the way. Athena won,
17 to 13. The playing of Miller and
Johnston stood out for Athena, al
though other members of the team
did well. Athena girls lost to Helix,
22 to 14.
Wednesday night the teams went
to Weston, where the olal boys team
defeated Weston High 34 to 19.
Myrick, who was out of the Helix
game, scored 18 points and Miller 8
points against Weston. Athena girls
defeated Weston, 22 to 8.
Monday night Athena plays Pend
leton on the Athena floor. This will
be the last game of the season. The
Athena team will enter the district
tournment, which this year will be
held at Mac-Hi, March 1, 2 and 3.
' Vet Bill Passes
WASHINGTON. The Butler bill
to enable the mothers and widows of
soldiers, sailors and marines buried
in European cemeteries to visit their
graves at the expense of the govern
ment was passed by the house.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rider of
Yakima, Washington, left for home
Saturday afU-r spending the week
end in Athena, visiting relatives.
Mrs. C. , L. McFadden was hostess
to a party of friends Thursday eve
ning when she entertained with three
tables of bridge in honor of Mrs. Chus
Smith and Mrs. R. B. McEwen, vis
itors from Portland. Spring flowers
were used to lend a beautiful effect.
Guests included Mrs. Chas Smith,
Mrs. R. B. McEwen, Mrs. Glenn Dud
ley, Mrs. II. A. Barrett, Mrs. J. F.
Kershaw, Mrs. W. P. Littlcjohn, Mrs.
F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. Max Hopper, Mrs.
E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. C. E. Fisk and
Mrs. Vern Smith. Mrs. F. S. Le
Grow held high score while Mrs. Hop
per received consolation. Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. McEwen each received
guests prizes.
A two course luncheon was served
by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Vein
Mrs. Glenn Steen entertained the
Etude club at her mother's (Mrs.
Stella Keen) last Thursday after
noon. Twelve members were present
The following program was rendered
with Mrs. Bryce Baker and Mrs.
James Cresswell in charge:
Paper on Gypsy Music, Mrs. Lewis
Stewart; vocal duet, "Belles of Scot
land," Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre and Mrs.
Arthur Douglas; Irish Monologue,,
Mrs. C. M. Eager; Piano Duet, "Doll
Dance," Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton and
Mrs. Max Hopper; Vocal Solo, "Hin
du Slumbers," Mrs. O. II. Reeder.
Salad, wafers and coffee were
served by Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Cress
well at the close of the afternoon.
Mother's Banquet
Margarette Moore will entertain the
members of the Mystery Club at her
home noat Tuesday. A matter of ill
treat to come before the club at this
meeting will be the selection of the
date for holding the Mother's Ban
quet, which has been under con
templation for eorne time.