Entered at .the Post Office at Athena. Oreaoii. a 8econd-Claee Mail Matter VOLUME 49. ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10. 1928 NUMBER 6 1 ATHENA GROUP OF GAfilPFiRE GIRLS Organization Effected With Assistance of Walla Walla Executive. ,;.. Athena group of Campfire Girls has been organized with the, assist ance of Miss Florance Craven, Walla Walla executive with th following officers: Jean Zerba, president; Marjorie Douglas, vice-president; Myrtle Campbell, secretary; Nylene Taylor, treasurer; Myrtle Potts, scribe; Mary Tompkins, song leader. - Miss Hilda Dickenson is the guardian of the group, and Mrs. H. W. LeRoy is the assistant guardian. Three meetings of the group have been held. The first was presided over by Miss Craven, and the Athena Orchestra furnished music for the occasion. Monday the third meeting was held in Boy Scout Hall, Jean Zerba the president presided. At this meeting it was decided to hold a candy sale in the near future, the pro ceeds to be used in defraying ex penses of the organization. A name is wanted for the Athena group, preferably of Indian ex traction, and the girls would be pleas ed to receive names from all who care to submit them. From , the Indian names, or words submitted, the girls will select the name of their Campfire group. GEORGE KNAP Miss Zola Keen Weds Glenn Steen of Milton A quiet wedding took place in Walla Walla last Saturday afternoon, when Miss Zola Keen became the bride of Glenn Steeri, of Milton. The nuptials were performed in the Christian church at 3 p. m., the ring ceremony being used, with Reverend J. B, Huntley officiating. Attending the bride were her mother, Mrs. Stella Keen of this city and Mrs. Hugh Mur ray, of Freewater, an aunt of the groom. Her father, Henry Keen, was also present. The bride has spent her entire life in Athena, graduating from high - " STUDENTS OUSTEQ FROM UNIVERSITY "Tonic" Drinkinjr Bout Is Given As the Cause of i Expulsion. This ia George Knap, who has been called the most extraordinary man In the world. He Is an official In the French reconstruction ministry and has eight trades, being an expert In every one of them. Among other thltigs he is a consulting engineer, electrician, , architect, botanist, phy. slcian, astronomer, and a successful opera composer. stinn1 btiH nftprwnrH frnm Whitman College, and also taking a course inj from .February 17 to" February 22 in- Athena Boy Scout Troop Arranging Program for 22nd This is national Scout Anniversary Week and all scouts are called upon to rededicate their lives to scouting, renew their scout oath and fidelity to acout law.. All. over the country scout activities are at their height this week. Interest of the Athena Scout Troop is at present centered in the coming "Parent's Night" program, which will be given at the Standard Theatre on , 1 B 117 l,. '.. hll-h. tne evening 01 numuKwus "" dav anniversary. Wednesday, Febru ary 22. The use of the Standard Theatre for that evening has been donated to the scouts free of charge Arrangements for the program are well under way. Features of the pro gram will comprise motion pictures, and scout demonstrations. A three reel scout picture and two reels of comedy are included in the screen presentation. Tickets will be on sale ' Eugene. Three students of the University of Oregon have been ex pelled and an ex-student barred from entering the university again as re sult of participation in a party last Saturday afternoon at which intoxi cating liquor was served, it is an nounced by university officials., Two of the students expelled were women and the other was a man. The ex-student barred from entering the university, Adrian Marks, Santa Ana, Cal., again was a student last term but failed to make high enough grades to return this term. George Chase, Portland, was expelled. Three other students have been placed in charge of the deans of men and wo men as a result of the affair, al though these did not actually partici pate in any drinking, it is stated. The' affair took place in the apartment of two of the boys on Sat urday afternoon. The boys had on hand a stock of alleged "tonic," which they purchased at a drugstore Those present partook of this, one of the girls becoming ill and a univer sity physician was called. This ill ness led to the investigation by university authorities and the sub sequent action. The girls had stopped at the apartment on their way back to the campus from downtown to re quest the young men to take them the rest of the way to the campus in an automobile. Before. they started the drinking took place. . The university has a strict rule against drinking, the penalty for which is immediate expulsion. The three students placed under charge of the deans had visited the apart ment but proved that they did not take any of the "tonic." No action was taken in their cases other than that they were to be under the guid ance of the deans for a time. A GRAPHIC POSTER DEICTS PROGRESS the Cornish School of Expression in Seattle. She is a member of Phi Mu Epsilon and Mu Phi sororities, and was an active member of the Dramatic Club at Whitman. Mrs. Steen is a thorough musician and has been identified with the Etude club, the Athena Study club and various other social and church activities, where she will be greatly missed. The groom is a scion of a well known pioneer family of this county, being the son of Claude Steen, now residing at Asotin, Washington. He is a farmer, and after a short honey moon trip, the happy young couple will reside on a farm near Milton. . elusive Local men have lined un behind the scout movement here and .all scouts . . ... . 1 1-1 can take tneir tests wnenever me are ready, and any boy desiring to pass his tenderfoot test, can arrange with E. C. Rogers to do so most any evening. Tomorrow morning Athena scouts will go to Pendleton where they will attend a session of the circuit court, where they will witness the method of court procedure. FLOODED THREE TIMES LUMBER YARD DAMAGED For the third time this winter the lower end of Main Street was covered with flood waters from up the flat, Monday afternoon and evening. The warm sunshine melted the snow in the stubble fields north of Athena. Previous high water had resulted in damage at the Tum-a-Lum Lumber company yard, and more damage was sustained Monday. The board walk in front of the property has almost completely caved In, necessitating the construction of a new foundation. The foundation of the front portion of the office bujlding has been weak ened to some extent, and ditches were washed through a portion of the yard, Jackson-Kidder Elva C. Kidder became the bride of Mr, Clayburn R. Jackson Sunday, January 29, reports the Weston Lead. er. The marriage, service was .read by Rev. Damon of the Free Metho dist church of Walla Walla. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parns. and Mr. and Mrs, F. J, Jackson, Master Kenneth Jack son. Mr. Harold Jackson and Mrs. E, C. Damon. Retains Position ' It was reported that C. M. Eager had resismed as agent at the O.-W, R. & N. station. Mr. Eager wishes to state he has not resigned and is onlv on a lay off for a few weeks to help Mrs. Eager get started in the Cash Grocery she has recently pur chased. Mr. Eager will resume his duties at the depot in a fewweeks. "Step On It Stan" At the High School Auditorium Feb. 15 GIBSON RIDES HORSE BOUGHT FROM DUDLEY Dean Dudley went to Pendleton the other evening to see Hoot Gibson in "The Rawhide Kid." While Dean liked the picture as a whole, he was ntensely interested in the perform ance of "Pal," Gibson's horse, in the photoplay. Dean sold "Pal" to Gibson three years ago, wnen universal was in this section, filming "The Saddle hawk" at Hilgard. . The horse was but a two-year-old when Gibson bought him. Dean Bays he was a smart colt, and that Gibson has developed him into a wonderful show horse. "Step On It Stan," a comedy-drama in three acts will be produced by the Stanfield School Faculty on the Athena High School stage, Wednes day evening, February 15, under the auspices of the Athena Student Association. This popular playlet which requires a full evening is filled with mirth and merriment from start to finish. The scene of the drama is in a newly constructed library building which is about to be opened to . the public. Hazel Wilton, the librarian, has some unexpected visitors which as the play progresses, become more or less mix ed up in the affairs of the hour. The climax of the play is reached during the winning of an automobile race by the leading man, Stan Grey, assisted by his prospective bride, Peggy Brooks. Between acts there will be two live ly little specialties the one by Dona Shake, who -does aesthetic dancing, and the second by Miss Mildred Bush in quaint song and costume. The play is a school benefit and general patronage is respectfully solicited. SCOUTS MAP PROGRAM ' FOR "PARENT'S NIGHT" Athena Troop of Boy Scouts are mapping out the program for their "parent's night" entertainment, to be given at the Standard ineatre. Wednesday evening. February 22. In connection with the presentation of a Boy Scout film on the screen, a Dremier showing of which will be made before scout officers on the evening of February 11, boy scout work will be given in detail on the night of the entertainment. Addresses wilt be made pertaining to scout activities and other enter taining features will be on the pro gram. ' . School Bus Held Up South, middle and north Cold Spring canyons were raging torrents last week and the school bus held up on account of washouts. The entire sixth and eighth grades of the Holdman school were absent on account of road conditions. , American Legion Ideals In Peace as .Well .as .. War Time. On one of the Foster-Kleiser 24- sheet bill boards, near the Miller furn iture store is a graphic' poster, depict ing the "progress of The American Legion during the first decade of its life and which will appear for the whole month of February, it was an nounced today by C. L. McFadden, commander of the local post of the legion. Arrangements have been made for the use of bill board space here during the month in order that the ideals and aim of the legion may be placed before the people of the city, according to the commander. : The posters will depict in a vmo way the real spirit of ;the legion, commander McFadden said, iney will be symbolical of the legion ideal of service to country in peace as in war, which the legion is carrying out in its community service, American ism, nnlitical education, child wel fare and similar activities. The poster has been made up from a sketch drawn especially for the legion by Chester A. Bratten, a well known artist of Chicago. It has a decorative background in which the main figure is the Goddess of Liberty standing with arms uplifted in consecration of the sacrifices made by the fighting men of America in the world war. In the foreground is a panoramic scene de picting the city, agriculture and in dustry. At the top is the name "The American Legion" and at the bottom the slogan, "In peace, as in war we serve." Similar posters will be displayed in almost every city and town in America during February to give national emphasis to the service which the legion i3 now rendering to community, state and nation, com mander McFadden stated. More than 17,000 of the posters are being sent out from national headquarters oi the legion at Indianapolis to be post ed throughout the country. ine Athena-Weston post will begin an in tensive membership campaign which will reach its climax during the month the posters are on the boards, com mander McFadden' announced. At a special meeting of the post members Monday evening it was an nounced that Athena-Weston Post will furnish the flags and standards for the use of the Athena Boy Scout Troop. A committee on entertainment lor the district conference of delegate? from American Legion Posts, which will be held at Athena, February 20, was appointed. Penn Harris, Allen Bell and Glenn Dudley are members of this committee. FATI DU FONT A; Beautiful Pati Du Pont, screen ac tress of Hollywood, Calif., who is re ported to be engaged to Sylvanua Stokes, . Jr., well-known member of Washington and Newport society and divorced husband of Margaret Fan nestock Stokes. Umatilla Projects Rapped By Heads of Two Departments iSS CIGARETS Athena Teams Drop Behind Two Games MYSTERY CLUB GIRLS WILL HAVE BANQUET The Mystery club or G. E. C. met at the home of Betty Eager, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock.- The initials of the club were changed from G. E. C. to S. D. Much important business was transacted during the business meeting. ' A banquet was planned for the mothers of the girls to be given the latter part of February. Refreshments .were served after which the girls adjourned to meet with Marguerite Moore on February 28. Athena High School basketball teams have dropped two sets of games during the past week to other schools. Both boys and girls' teams lost to the T,.rlt and the Helix schools. The 1 J nnnnnanf'a games were piayeu uu vwviw floors. , . The Athena boys lost to loucnei by the score of 31 to jsu, ana tne girls were defeated overwhelmingly, 40 to 19. , At Helix, Tuesday afternoon, 14 noints were scored against the locals before they made a point. From then on they found themselves, but lost Dy 8 points, 28 to .20. Athena girls "Fighting Six," lost to the Helix girls, 31-11. Athena plays Mac-Hi in the Milton gym, tonight, the first game of the season between these teams. Washington. The interior depart ment has disapproved a . request of owners of the Umatilla irrigation pro ject near Pendleton, Oregon, for an appropriation of approximately $100 000 for construction work on the western extension. Dr. Elwood Mead, reclamation com missioner, said that it had been the established policy of the government not to further government construc tion work to irrigation projects after hnA hppn turned over to the water users, who.with the purchase, assumed full responsibility for ope eration. He said that including the Umatillai project, sixteen completed pro jests were in the same status. In the case of the Umatilla pro ject it was explained that the board of directors last fall had , asked for money for .aaitionau , construe"" work to help drain about 300 acres of water logged land ust outside or the western extension. The Umatilla Rapids project is in conflict with the financial program of President Coolidge. The administra tion vipwnnint of this great develop ment, conveyed to Senator Phippa by Sprretarv Work of the interior oe partment, is a flat turndown with no words wasted. The verdict is not binding upon nnnrrraaa hllT. An BflVfirSe rCOUU Ul this character makes it extremely dif ficult to advance legislation condemn ed by the president's financial spokes man. ; Whether any good would come from asking the irrigation committee to report the bill is a matter lor future consideration,' Secretary Work, in that part of his own, also slaps the project, saying that the irrigation of the lands proposed to be watered by pumping from tne Colum bia does not appear feasible at this time. He makes no comment upon the project. Mayor Also Takes Action To Enforce Dog Tax Collection. At the meeting of the city council Monday evening, Mayor Stephens took a firm stand in support of the state la ws prohibiting the sale of cigarettes or tobacco to minors, and tne smoKina by minors in public places. The mayor's attitude against the sale to and the smoking of cigarettes by minors includes girls as well as boys, and a vigorous effort is to be made by the municipal officers to en force law compliance in Athena. The Oregon statutes provide penal ty for both $ie seller of cigarettes to minors, and the minor who purchases cigarettes or tobacco to make them and who smokes in public places, which would include smoking on the streets. To further knowledge of the state law in this respect, B. B. Rich ards has been asked to address the pupils of the Athena schools regard ing the matter. The Mayor also brought before the council the matter of collecting dog tax. The city marshal was instruct ed to collect taxes on dogs owned in Athena as soon as tags could be pro vided. In cases where tax is not paid, the dog will be impounded and held for a legal period to be redeem ed by the owner, and when not so re deemed and tax paid, the dog will be destroyed. Athena dog tax is $1.25 for males and $2.50 for females. . The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: Street improvement $169.27 Rogers & Goodman .....oi) P. S. Co. Light & Power 89.00 Lumber Co..T. 8.90 Bell & Venable drayage ...2.00 Athena Press printing 26.00 B. B. Richards mise'ly ..8.00 B. D. Taylor salary 125.00 B. B. Richards salary..... ::...50.00 Watts & Prestbye salary.. 35.00 F. Kershaw salary 20.00 Newly Weds Visit Mr. and Mrs. McNutt (nee Mrs. Hutt) who wexejnarried at Walla Walla last week, were in Athena this week, guests at the home of Mrs. Lee Johnson, sister of Mrs. McNutt. Mr. and Mrs. McNutt will reside at Lone Rock, Oregon, where Mr. McNutt is engaged in stockraising. Association Dinner The Athena Commercial Association has resumed its membership dinners. and Wednesday evening met at Kil gore's Cafe at 6:30 where a splendid dinner was served. Matters of im portance were discussed, after dinner. Next Tuesday evening the members will participate in another get-together dinner. Mrs. Sheard Home Mrs. Sheard has . returned home from a visit to the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. C. - McDowell, at Kamela. Mrs. Swift, former teacher at LaMar school is teaching in the Kamela school, and Mr. Swift is in the employ of the O.-W. R. & Co., at that point. New equipment has re cently been purchased for the Kamela school, reports Mrs. Sheard, a basket social was given to provide funds. Pendleton Won Debate Pendleton High School won both the affirmative and negative sides of the debate with the Heppner and Hermiston teams. Thursday night of last week. Prof Meyer and Miss Bateman of Athena High School, and E. F. Bloom, principal of Adams High School, were the judges for the Pend leton-Heppner debate. Aged Man Suicide The body of an unknown aged man, FOUR THOUSAND CHICKS EXPECTED FEBRUARY 20 On February 20. Mrs. D. T. Stone ovnects the arrival of a little flock of 4000 White Leghorne chicks, which wil be the nucleus for commercial egg production at the Stone farm west ot Athena, next winter. Mrs. Stone has made much of a success in marketing eggs in quantity during the past two years, especially during the fall and winter months. She is assisted in this department of the farm by Shannon O'Shea, an ex perienced poultryman. Income Tax Reports Beginning February 1, and continu ing until Thursday, March 15, the last day for filing federal income tax re- tiimB. deputies from the omce oi who had committed suicide by slash-1 Clyde G. Huntley, collector of inter ing his throat with a razor was iouna on the railroad right of way east of Pendleton, last Friday afternoon. The body was seen by a fireman on a passing freight train, who notified county officials. Investigation de veloped that the man was between 70 and 80 years old, and tnat ne applied to sheepowners of the Pilot Rock district for work. Further than that nothing is known of him. nal revenue, will visit the principal cities and towns of the state for the Durnose of assisting taxpayers pre pare their returns and compute their taxes. For convenience of Umatilla county, deputies will be at Pendle ton, February 1-14 inclusive, and March 1-15 inclusive. Total ........$364.40 Their Golden Wedding Anniversary at Weston The lodge hall at Weston, was the scene of an interesting social event Saturday, February 4 when Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ross of Walla Walla were guests at a banquet given in their honor, celebrating their Ooluen weddinf anniversary. At one o ciock a sumptuous dinner was served to about thirty guests. u A wedding cake decorated in white, with fifty pink candles centered the bountiful laden table. Vases oi pmK carnations carried out the pink and white color scheme. In the afternoon a number of old friends called. Among these Mr. G. O. Richardson of Adams. friend of ' the family for over JO . . . -1 .1 years, gave an interesting auure honoring the bride and groom. Mr. Ross was born in Aberdeen shire, Scotland, September 22, 1851. At the aee of four years he came wiui his parents to Ontario Canada, where he grew to young manhood. Mary McArthur was born m Egremont, Canada, September JO, 1855. On February 1, 1878 tne were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Ross came to the United States in 1891, locating near Walla Walla where they lived till 1902, when they came to Oregon locating on a farm south of Weston. They moved to Walla Walla Valley about ten years ago later to Walla Walla where they now reside. Mr. Ross has living two sisters; Mrs. Sarah Schroedes and Mrs. Mary Horsley of Chesley and one brother; John Ross of Mount Forest. Mrs. Ross has one brother Donald McArthur and two sisters: Mrs. Oliver Snell and Bella McArthur all of Toronto, besides their family, Will of WaBhtucna, James of Athena, Arthur of Weston. Mrs. Roy Cannon of Athena, Mrs. J. M. Bradburn of Portland. Mrs. J. H. McLean of Wash- tucna and thirteen grandchildren. The Burdock Pest In town from the upland the other day, Vernie Marr said that the pesti ferous weed known as burdock is get ting a start on Weston mountain. It grows anywhere, thriving particularly in brush or thicket, and spreads rapid ly. When young, the weed resembles pieplant. When it matures the burrs cluster thickly in the manes and tails of farm horses and stick like the mis chief. Mr. Marr has declared un relenting warfare on burdock on his own holdings. Weston Leader. Helix-Goldendale The Helix Red Devils play the Goldendale Firemen on the Helix floor, Saturday evening, February 18. The Helix team is setting the pace for all Eastern Oregon teams, and the Firemen are among the best in Wash ington. The Helix game promises to be one of the best of the season. An Old Timer Joel Adams, a pioneer resident of Walla Walla, when that city was a mere village, but who now makes his' home at Tonasket, Washington, wa in Athena last week, visiting his brotherinlaw, E. A. Bennett. Assists in Concert As ' a member of the Melodian chorus of 40 voices. Mrs. R. B. Mc- Ewen participated in last Sundays presentation of a municipal concert at the Public Auditorium in Portland. The Melodians were featured in "Sleepy Hollow Tune," Kountz, and "Seraphic Song," Rubinstein. The chorea was costumed in colonial er-fect. Removed to Hospital Jack Moore who last week was seriously ill with double pneumonia, was removed Sunday to a hospital at Walla Walla, where an operation was performed which resulted in tapping one of the lungs. Jack is reported to be some better.